Star Chart’s Edge

Chapter 63: Call from the Underground (Part 1)


Tokta Star Camp

The return of the four Fang Mobei people undoubtedly brought great comfort to everyone. In a place far away from the outer star realm and without any assistance, every loss of strength will bring a great crisis to them. Perhaps this is also a way to unite. It has a psychological effect on keeping warm.

"Team Fang, Captain Gu, it's so exciting to see you." Blake stepped forward and hugged Fang Mobei tightly, almost crying with excitement.

"Blake, when did you become so passionate?" Qi Jingyu and Mina looked at each other and then looked at Blake.

"You..." From the corner of his eye, Blake seemed to see a strange spark between Qi Jingyu and Mina.

Qi Jingyu did not avoid Blake's gaze, but Mina looked away shyly.

"There's something fishy." Miyazakigawa's voice was cold and emotionless.

"Team Square, Team Gu, there are only six teams in our team, and now there are two teams of lovers." As he spoke, Blake slowly turned his eyes and looked at Miyazakigawa behind him, who looked like a zombie. "Miyazaki, how about us… "


"Okay ( ̄▽ ̄)?"

After returning to the lounge, Mina and Gu Yiyi cleaned the wounds on Qi Jingyu and Fang Mobei respectively. Blake reported to Fang Mobei the call of the Tiangong and the process of setting up the electromagnetic array. Of course, there was something about the wood. Everyone made a tacit agreement not to mention the matter of being knocked unconscious.

"The Tiangong will arrive in the Tokta Star Territory in five or six days. The signals we transmit will surely be received by the Tiangong soon." Fang Mobei thought, "In the meantime, we should wait patiently." At the campground.”

"It can't be said that we found nothing during this exploration of the cave. At least we learned about the relationship between Beamon and the spirit-loving beasts." Gu Yiyi looked at the report in Mina's hand and continued, "There are so many spirit-loving beasts, how are they bred?" Woolen cloth".

"In the cave, I noticed," Mina said, looking at the scene of the spirit-loving beasts she recorded on the screen, "the spirit-loving beasts are hermaphroditic. Judging from the previously dissected corpses of the spirit-loving beasts, they do not have any role in pregnancy. "organs"

"Then the question is, could it be that the spirit-loving beasts jumped out of the stone?" Blake scratched his head and said, "There are so many of them, I don't even believe it when it comes to pregnancy."

"Could it be mass production?" Qi Jingyu guessed.

"Is the workshop assembly line operation?" Blake looked at Qi Jingyu with a greeting.

"I'm just guessing, otherwise there is no reason." Qi Jingyu spread his hands, "Before coming to Tokta Planet, do you believe that Titans exist?"

"There are too many things in this place that are beyond our knowledge. If we can make a reasonable and bold guess, it can be regarded as an explanation." Gu Yiyi shook her head and said.

"I want to go to the cave again," Fang Mobei said after thinking for a long time.

"Huh?" Blake said with a look of disbelief, "The four of you almost couldn't come back."

Fang Mobei ignored Blake's reaction. He looked at Gu Yiyi. He could not forget the call from the underground. He vaguely felt that it had something to do with spiritual power. Among the people present, only Gu Yiyi's spiritual power was stronger than his. Maybe Gu Yiyi will find something in the middle.

"If you think it is necessary, I will accompany you," Gu Yiyi looked at Fang Mobei's firm eyes and said after thinking for a long time.

As for Gu Yiyi, she is willing to follow Fang Mobei to do anything, even without a reason, as long as he is determined to do something, even if there is no return.

On the way back to the camp, Fang Mobei told her about his experience underground and the so-called summons. It was too incredible to talk about, but she still chose to trust him without reservation.

Feeling Fang Mobei's persistent and determined mood, Gu Yiyi was naturally willing to accompany him without hesitation to find out the secrets of Tokta Planet.

"Team Fang, I'll go with you," Qi Jingyu looked at Mina beside him and looked firmly at Fang Mobei and said.

"+1" Miyazakigawa stood up from his chair and said with his hands behind his back.

"You... can't you just wait for the Tiangong?" Blake was about to collapse. "What are you doing!"

"This time Yiyi and I are going to explore the bottom of the cave. Don't go there. Just wait for the Tiangong in the camp." Fang Mobei turned around and said, "Jingyu, help me prepare two mechas and weapons."

After two battles, they originally had 17 mechas in reserve, but only 8 were available, of which only three were GT-2 mechas.

"Do you want to use that heavy armed mecha?" Qi Jingyu asked.

"Captain, I can rewrite the system data of that armed mecha to control it." Sai Hu's voice sounded in Fang Mobei's ears.

Fang Mobei hesitated and said, "Prepare it for me."

After Qi Jingyu and Miyazakigawa turned around and went to the warehouse to assemble equipment for them, Blake sighed and muttered to himself, "It's so difficult for me."

As a comrade in the same trench, Blake would not hesitate to go through fire and water for his brothers, but who is willing to spend his free days fighting danger. Blake is often caught in such a dilemma.

It would be okay if Fang Mobei gave the order, but the problem is that Fang Mobei was very humane and let them choose whether to go or not, which would be a bit of a blow to the head.

"Blake, I understand your embarrassment." Fang Mobei patted Blake's shoulder and said softly, "Each of us has the right to choose, let alone in such an alien planet that is separated from society."

"I don't want to use those so-called orders to control you. You don't need to pay for my personal choices. What's more, besides our status as soldiers, aren't we still good friends and good brothers? Who have you ever seen? Let your good friends and brothers take risks for you? At least we, Mobei, disdain this kind of behavior."

"Form..." Blake was surprised that Fang Mobei could say such words. These words would be suspected of disturbing the morale of the army if said in the army.

"Someone once said that there are many things in this world that you must wait until a certain age to see, and you must have a certain wisdom to see them. For example... those rainy days that are not rain at all, the kind of light that is not sunshine ".

Blake stared hard at Fang Mobei in front of him. He was obviously a few years younger than him, but his understanding of life far exceeded his own.

He knew very well what Fang Mobei had experienced on Triton. In the entire mecha team, he was the only one who came back alive as the captain, and most of his team members died trying to save him.

Perhaps it’s not unusual for a captain who can make his teammates risk their lives to save him to say something like that.

Perhaps at this moment, Blake realized that he didn't understand the captain who was several years younger than him at all.

When Fang Mobei and Gu Yiyi set off, others were sleeping and resting. They did not disturb the others and chose to leave quietly.

Ever since they left the South Gate Ship to go to the wreckage of the Zeus and then landed on the planet Tokta, these people have never closed their eyes for a moment, and they are still Fang Mobei.

They were forced to rest and sleep, and mechanical soldiers were responsible for the vigilance.

"Captain Fang" Li Ziming greeted Fang Mobei and Gu Yiyi after they came out of the cabin wearing GT-1 humanoid mechas.

"Brother Ming?" Fang Mobei was about to drive the armed mecha parked in the middle of the camp when he was stopped by Li Ziming, "Are you awake?"

"I came out to do some activities. After all, it is my first time to stand on another planet. This experience is not something ordinary people can experience," Li Ziming said with a smile.

"Indeed, when we return to the Tiangong, I will definitely treat you to a drink," Fang Mobei said with a smile.

"Planet Tokta is different from other planets," Li Ziming frowned and said, "The existence of spirit-loving beasts on Planet Tokta is not simple."

"Brother Ming, why do you say that?" Fang Mobei turned back to look at Li Ziming and asked, obviously Li Ziming noticed something.

"Everything that exists in the universe must have a meaning for its existence."

"Is this social theory?"

"No, it's natural theory," Li Ziming shook his head.

"Tokta is also a natural environment, a natural ecology different from the earth." Li Ziming looked at the mountains in the distance and said, "The Titans, Behemoths, and spirit-loving beasts we see all exist in Tokta. "The Necessity of Stars"

"Just like carnivores eat herbivores and eat plants, the plants draw nutrients from the soil," Gu Yiyi frowned.

"It can be understood that the existence of spiritual beasts must be the most important part of the nature of Tokta."

"Indeed, the existence of spirit-loving beasts is not just to provide food needs for Behemoth. What role does Titan play?" Fang Mobei frowned.

"The demise of Titan may be due to us disrupting the ecological balance of Tokta. If the ecological balance is broken, a certain species will inevitably reproduce and grow rapidly, and eventually..."

“Eventually nature will be destroyed, only to be recreated countless years later.”

"Then we have destroyed the ecological balance of Tokta, leading to the crazy growth of spiritual beasts. When they don't have enough food, they will attack their natural enemy Behemoth..." Gu Yiyi looked in the direction with a frightened face. Mobei.

"After Behemoth is extinct, the spirit-loving beasts will set their sights on us..." Fang Mobei could already predict that countless spirit-loving beasts would flock to their camp like a tide of beasts, and the entire camp would be overrun by a tide of beasts in an instant. submerged.

The so-called lines of defense and weapons of destruction are nothing more than comforting themselves.

"If it doesn't work, just take a tow truck and fly out of the planet," Gu Yiyi suggested.

"It's impossible. The oxygen supply on the tractor is only enough for two people to breathe for 24 hours. There are eight of us in total. We can't sustain it for even four or five hours, let alone one day."

"Even if we occasionally fly into the atmosphere to replenish oxygen? Our current stock of SDS fuel rods is not enough. Every time we pass through the atmosphere, we will consume a lot of energy." Li Ziming shook his head.

Fang Mobei knew that there was not much time left for them. The only way for them was to learn as much as possible about the secrets of this planet and then find a solution.

"Without further delay, let's set off quickly and find the secret of Tokta as soon as possible and see if there is any room for maneuver, otherwise we will all die." Fang Mobei pulled Gu Yiyi and ran towards the place where the armed mecha was. go.

"Brother Ming, let everyone know, get ready to fight."

"Be careful on the road"