Star Chart’s Edge

Chapter 68: recorded in history?


The two armed aircraft groups in the stratosphere immediately flew out of the stratosphere and headed downwards, intending to evacuate the F quadrant area.

"The group of soul-eating beasts from behind are coming towards Quadrant F. Their target should be the armed aircraft carrier group in the stratosphere," the prosecutor said in panic.

"Well done! Order the two combat regiments of the second brigade to move directly from Quadrant K to Quadrant F to counteract the group of soul-devouring beasts that will follow."

"A group of soul-devouring beasts are attacking the area on my right," the communications officer reported.

"Aren't those 100 drones going to clean up?" Ouyang Muyi shouted loudly. The security of the right area determines the safety of the camp's airspace. Once the right area is lost, half of the camp's airspace will be exposed to the spirit-devouring beasts. in front of the group.

"There are too many soul-eating beasts, and the drone formation has been overwhelmed."

"Regroup after being scattered. Do you still need me to teach you?" Ouyang Muyi glanced away with murderous eyes. The communications officer in charge of the right area had a red face and was about to cry.

"Let the two combat groups of the second brigade pay attention to their speed and don't rush into the formation of the two armed aircraft carrier groups!" Ouyang Muyi said angrily.

"Squadrons 30 to 50, you are chasing them too fast. Pull back and rush to the right area." The staff officer saw that these 20 squadrons were chasing the soul-devouring beasts from the D quadrant to the F quadrant. He had no choice but to kill them. Deployed to the right area for support.

"The division commander said to annihilate them as soon as possible," the communications officer on the side explained.

"I told you to withdraw now and rush to support the right area." Seeing that the defense line in the right area was about to collapse, the staff officer roared at the communications officer.

Their first task is to withdraw the personnel of the special service brigade. There are still two people left. They can only protect the camp first, and based on the camp, they can launch further investigations into the SDS mineral deposits on Tokta. For Tiangong, After losing a Nanmen ship, the weapons, equipment, and instruments in the camp were all precious materials.

They cannot give up such a tentative camp unless they have to. Moreover, if living things can be born on this planet, there must be a large amount of water resources. Tiangong also needs a camp to collect water resources.

"The general's voice message," Ouyang Muyi's adjutant reported to him.

Ouyang Muyi hesitated and looked at the command room behind him. Seeing Bai Yunfei looking at him solemnly, he pressed "General" on the communicator next to his ear.

"All the people from the special service team have been received," Bai Yunfei's cold voice sounded in the headset.

"Okay, I will end the battle here as soon as possible."

"Use anaerobic bombs," Bai Yunfei said coldly.

"But General..."

"Every fighter plane and every pilot is our precious asset. Do you still want to see battle losses continue to rise?"

"But… "

"Your drone has been completely lost!" Bai Yunfei's tone was unmistakable.

"Understood, General." After interrupting the communication, Ouyang Muyi sighed and said to the people around him, "The general means to use anaerobic bombs, prepare now."

After saying that, Ouyang Muyi slumped down on his seat and watched everyone hurriedly arranging the retreat of each combat unit.

Tokta Star Camp

"Team 2, stay behind with the armed aircraft." The black lieutenant led the air force Marines to jump off the armed aircraft and immediately observed the surroundings of the camp. "Team 1, establish defensive lines on the left and right sides, quick!"

The black lieutenant looked at the six people walking towards him and immediately greeted them.

"Are you Captain Fang Mobei?" the black lieutenant asked when he saw the leader wearing a black humanoid mecha.

"I am Fang Mobei, who are you?" Fang Mobei stepped forward and asked.

An hour ago, Fang Mobei and Gu Yiyi knew that the Tiangong had arrived when they saw a large number of drones flying in. They were overjoyed and immediately asked Mina and others in the camp to establish contact with it, and they were asked to return as soon as possible. After receiving the order from the camp, the two quickly withdrew from the group of soul-devouring beasts.

"Captain Donald, Marine Corps Captain of the First Division of the Air Service Corps" said, Donald gave Fang Mobei a military salute and said, "We are here to take you home."

Fang Mobei saw twenty or thirty mechanical engineers carrying weapons, equipment and other materials from their cabins to the armed carrier aircraft. He looked at the black lieutenant in front of him in confusion, "You want to abandon this place?"

"Yes, I received the message 10 minutes ago and asked us to take you to evacuate quickly," the black lieutenant said truthfully.

"Why evacuate?" Fang Mobei looked at the fighter planes in the sky that were evacuating one after another, then stared at the black lieutenant and said, "These soul-devouring beasts must be annihilated!"

"Sorry Captain, this is the order I got," the black lieutenant said helplessly.

"I want to speak to the military!" The angry Fang Mobei pushed aside the black lieutenant and led everyone straight to the armed aircraft ahead.

After Fang Mobei's six people boarded the plane, the armed aircraft immediately took off and climbed high to leave the ground.

"Captain, Chief of Staff Tian's voice communication" Sai Hu's voice rang in Fang Mobei's ears.

"Bring it in"

"Captain Fang Mobei, report your location." After the voice communication was connected, Tian Xiaoyun's magnetic voice came.

"Chief of Staff Tian, we have boarded the plane." After replying, Fang Mobei took a deep breath and said, "Why do we need to evacuate the camp? This planet is rich in mineral resources. If we want to exploit it, we must eliminate the soul-devouring beasts here."

"Captain, the Air Service Corps has decided to use anaerobic bombs and will launch them in 20 minutes." Tian Xiaoyun said in a deep voice, "Your task now is to return to Tiangong immediately."

"No! Those Behemoths are the indigenous people here and have already reached a cooperative relationship with me. We can't do this!" Fang Mobei stood up in shock after hearing the anaerobic bomb. Following his reaction, Gu Yiyi and others also They all stood up.

Fang Mobei watched Gu Yiyi slowly shake his head at him, barely restrained his emotions and explained, "Chief of Staff, if we do that, we will be massacring the races here!"

"This is the decision of the air force. We can't interfere. We will discuss everything after you come back." After saying that, Tian Xiaoyun hung up the phone.

When Fang Mobei saw the confused faces around him, he explained to them the Air Service Corps' plan to drop anaerobic bombs. Except for Gu Yiyi, the others did not react much, but showed their concern for the anaerobic bombs. The fear of power.

Anaerobic bombs, also known as thermobaric bombs, have the characteristics of high explosives and fuel-air explosives. To be precise, they are a type of high explosives rich in fuel. Its explosion speed is generally 3~4 kilometers/second, which is much lower than the explosion speed of high explosives (typical value is 8 kilometers/second); at the same time, a large amount of oxygen is absorbed from the surrounding air during the explosion process, causing hypoxia. environment. The most important point is that powders of aluminum, boron, silicon, titanium, magnesium, zirconium and other substances are added to thermobaric explosives. These powder bundles ignite under heating and release a large amount of energy, which greatly enhances the effectiveness of thermobaric explosives. Thermal and pressure effects.

Originally, this kind of thermobaric bomb was suitable for killing enemies in limited spaces (caves and caves). After detonating in caves and caves, the oxygen was quickly depleted. The high pressure and shock wave caused by the explosion swept through the cave, completely killing the personnel and Destroy key equipment and electronic facilities without destroying caves and caves, keeping the entrances intact.

But the anaerobic bombs dropped here can also achieve the purpose of completely killing all living creatures within the range without causing damage to the surrounding terrain.

Fang Mobei couldn't suppress his inner struggle. He knew very well that once the anaerobic bomb was released, not only would all the soul-devouring beasts be killed, but the Behemoth beast would also be killed.

He has accidentally killed many behemoths with anti-matter bombs. If these hundreds of remaining behemoths

If the Mongolian beast is also killed, then he will really become an executioner who genocides.

"No." Fang Mobei held onto the cabin wall with trembling hands, "We must not let this happen."

Just when Fang Mobei was about to take action, a sudden impact made his head feel dizzy, and then another impact hit him. His eyes darkened and he fell to the ground.

"This..." Blake and others on the side saw Fang Mobei fall to the ground. They were surprised and ran over to help him lie down on the seat.

"It should be fine. Let him rest for a while," Gu Yiyi said after sitting down on the chair with difficulty.

"You..." Mina saw the big beads of sweat on Gu Yiyi's forehead and thought of Fang Mobei's sudden fainting.

"This is the only way to control him." Gu Yiyi smiled miserably, "I didn't expect that after I was promoted to B-level mental power, it would be so difficult to deal with a C-level mental power."

"Fang Fang is not only a C-level mentalist, he is also a B-level physical practitioner," Mina said angrily, "We mortals don't understand the game between you B-levels."

Tiangong head command room

"The anaerobic bomb has been launched, now it's time to talk about the mining of mineral deposits," Maxim said, shaking the red wine glass in his hand.

"According to the intelligence from the special service team, the caves in this area are rich in many unknown crystalline ores. I suspect that there are also some rare metals in the caves." Yeager looked at the information in his hand and said, "The specifics will depend on our exploration." This can only be determined after personnel exploration.”

"Without further delay, let's arrange the exploration and collection of mineral deposits as soon as possible," Du Xinmin said in a deep voice.

"Let Ivanov's Ground Service Corps perform security duties," Maxim said lazily. "If this planet wasn't suitable for human habitation, I think we could all consider setting up a colony here."

"No, there are still many unknowns about this planet. We cannot make rash decisions," Yeager said seriously. "My guess about this planet needs to be understood clearly from the personnel who have returned from the special service team before I can confirm it."

"Then you will understand slowly," Maxim said, turned and left the command room.

Yeager ignored Maxim's sarcasm, and then turned to Tian Xiaoyun and asked, "Are the members of the special service team who came back okay? I want to know something from them."

"Don't worry, let them fix it first," Tian Xiaoyun replied.

After Tian Xiaoyun got all the members of the special service team back intact, she was overjoyed. She also knew that it was not easy for them to deal with those monsters alone on the alien planet. After finally coming back, she also wanted to do her best for them. They should try to get more rest time, at least take a hot bath and have a good sleep.

Unsurprisingly, the exploration and collection plan for Tokta Star fell on the Academy of Sciences led by Yeager and the Ground Service Corps Commander Ivanov. The two held detailed discussions on the implementation of evolution.

After the entire meeting took 8 hours to end, Tian Xiaoyun arrived at the conference room of the Special Service Brigade immediately. She knew that Fang Mobei Team, who had rested, was already waiting for her here.

"Mobei" After Tian Xiaoyun got out of the elevator, she saw Fang Mobei standing alone in front of the porthole looking at the dark brown Tokta star outside the window. Gu Yiyi and others also stood aside and saluted Tian Xiaoyun from a distance.

"Thank you for your hard work." Tian Xiaoyun looked at each of them appreciatively, and then walked to Fang Mobei's side.

"You are really great, you are worthy of pride and pride." Tian Xiaoyun looked at Fang Mobei's chiseled profile and praised, "Your victory will be recorded in the history of mankind."

"recorded in history?"