Star Chart’s Edge

Chapter 69: Return to Tokta (Part 1)


"Put it in the annals of history? How we wiped out a civilization and massacred a race should be recorded in the annals of history!" Fang Mobei turned around and looked at Tian Xiaoyun who was very close at hand, smiling with tears in his eyes.

"Kid, we won." Tian Xiaoyun frowned and held down Fang Mobei's shaking shoulders, trying to calm his excitement.

"What does 'we win' mean?" Fang Mobei looked seriously at Tian Xiaoyun in front of him. "We are just going to investigate the truth about the Zeus. This is just an intelligence mission. We can communicate with the civilization here."

"They are just a group of uncivilized beasts. Either they die or we die, there is no other choice," Tian Xiaoyun explained.

"We won, we won all the resources here. We need resources so much. You won the resources for the survival of the more than 100,000 humans in Tiangong."

Fang Mobei looked at Gu Yiyi and others beside him, and saw confusion and helplessness in their eyes. Obviously these problems were not something they should think about, but he felt sick and felt that his hands were covered in blood.

"The military officers are waiting to celebrate your honors. Each of you is a hero, a hero of mankind." Tian Xiaoyun looked at her most outstanding subordinates with admiration. She felt proud of them.

Fang Mobei didn't want to accept these so-called high-sounding words. He couldn't suppress the struggle and suffering in his heart. He could only turn around and leave and escape from here.

After Gu Yiyi saw Fang Mobei turn and leave, she glanced at Tian Xiaoyun. Seeing Tian Xiaoyun nodded to her, she chased after Fang Mobei in the direction he left, leaving only Mina and others looking at each other.

Looking at Fang Mobei lying on the floor-to-ceiling porthole in the distance, Gu Yiyi walked over gently, "Mobei"

"Stay away from me!" Fang Mobei turned around and shouted at Gu Yiyi. His tears couldn't stop flowing down. The scene of cooperation with the Behemoth seemed to be right in front of him, and now because of him , these special friends and comrades-in-arms all died.

"They were not killed by the soul-devouring beasts, they were killed by me! They were killed by me!" Fang Mobei said in pain, leaning his head against the porthole and squatting down slowly.

Gu Yiyi looked at Fang Mobei in front of her worriedly, and her eyes were red. "There are some things we can't do anything about."

"No! We can stop it! We can obviously stop this tragic massacre!" Fang Mobei said painfully.

"We have exterminated a race, a race that is about to give birth to civilization!" Fang Mobei looked at Gu Yiyi and asked, "You saw the murals in the cave, you saw it, it was the germ of a civilization, we deprived them of their survival and the right to create”

"We claim to be God, we refuse to communicate and understand, just because of the ambition in our hearts, we set up an enemy that cannot exist at all."

"They attacked the Zeus," Gu Yiyi explained.

"No, they are waiting. They tried to communicate, but the Zeus did not give them a chance. The Zeus invaded their territory. They were just resisting the invaders."

"But it has happened!" Gu Yiyi said helplessly, "More than 100,000 people died on the Zeus."

"Their death is their own fault. They are overthrown invaders," Fang Mobei shouted loudly.

"They also want to survive! The difficulties that the Zeus faced at that time are also the ones that the Tiangong faces now!" Gu Yiyi said calmly, "Every race has the right to survive and continue. The reason why we have the Ark, Zeus, Isn’t the purpose of Tiangonghao to continue human civilization?”

"In order to protect a rabbit, you starve a wolf to death. The weak eat the strong. This is the law of nature, and it also applies to the universe! The law of the dark forest, in Star

We all studied it in college! "

"Calm down, you look terrible now!" Gu Yiyi looked at Fang Mobeidao with concern.

"If I knew the final outcome would be like this, I should have..."

"It's irreversible." Gu Yiyi knelt down, hugged Fang Mobei's shoulders and comforted her, "Just look away."

"No..." Fang Mobei seemed to have thought of something.


"This planet is thoughtful. After he controlled Titan and destroyed the Zeus, he knew that the next Zeus would come, so he chose to escape."

"But how do you explain the wreckage of the Zeus?" Gu Yiyi asked doubtfully.

"Because of its gravitational pull, the wreckage of the Zeus cannot escape its gravitational pull," Fang Mobei thought. "The arrival of the Nanmen Ship made it unable to choose to go to war with us. Later, after establishing contact with us, we knew the whole story. "

"You mean it asked us to help it destroy the soul-devouring beast?" Gu Yiyi frowned.

"No, it was used. It used us to help it destroy the alien species, the Soul-Eating Beast." Fang Mobei said in a deep voice, "It helped my physical skills break through to B level."

"What?" Gu Yiyi looked at Fang Mobei in surprise, "You mean..."

Fang Mobei nodded and said, "I need to return to Tokta Planet again."

"Why?" Gu Yiyi asked in surprise.

"There should be Behemoth cubs in Behemoth's lair. I have to take them to a safe place. This is the only way I can make up for it," Fang Mobei said, looking at Gu Yiyi seriously.

Gu Yiyi looked at Fang Mobei with a determined look on his face. She touched his cheek and said softly, "I'll go with you."

Fang Mobei nodded excitedly. He had to leave some fire for the Behemoth beasts. These cubs could not be discovered by humans.

He could not evaluate whether the thoughts of Tokta Star were good or bad. It could be said that it was because of survival, but because of his fault, it led to the extinction of the Behemoth Beast. This was a hurdle in his heart that he could never get over.

"Saihu, find Wang Mumu, we need the tractor in his hands!"

With the arrival of the Tiangong, the Soul-Eating Beast and Behemoth Beast on Tokta suffered a devastating blow, and the war ended with the victory of mankind.

Perhaps too many people are paying attention to the Tiangong's first contact with extraterrestrial civilization, or perhaps it is the intensifying workers' strikes and demonstrations in the Tiangong living area to resist the government's laws and regulations that favor the privileged class. The Tiangong is in urgent need of a victory to divert attention. The attention of the people brings the cohesion of the people back to a stable state.

Tiangong has always had the Military Department as its main head, which controls Tiangong's military, economic, and civil affairs. With the promotion of relevant departments, the news of victory received overwhelming public opinion as soon as it was announced.

The resource exploration team led by the Tiangong Academy of Sciences immediately reported back even more exciting news. The exploration team discovered a large amount of rare metals and unknown elements in the Tokta cave. Currently, the Academy of Sciences has dispatched a research team to investigate many unknown elements. Research and identify elements.

At the same time, the Tiangong Energy Department began collecting rare metals and mineral deposits in Tokta.

"Didn't you say you have water resources before?" Maxim closed the report and stared at Yeager, the dean of the Academy of Sciences. "Tiangong has been sailing in the universe for more than five years, and many resources have been consumed. It greatly exceeded our expectations.”

"Vice Captain, I understand everything you said." Yeager paused and continued, "Before

The statement is just a guess. To verify the guesses and theories, we can only know after the exploration team conducts on-site exploration."

"We have no way of knowing whether there are other unknown creatures in the caves of Tokta. I can't let the exploration team take this risk."

Maxim said solemnly, "According to the plan, Tiangong can only stay on Tokta for 20 days. By then, Tiangong will use the slingshot effect of this planet to leave here. The price Tiangong will pay for missing this time will be huge"

"I know very well. After all, I participated in the formulation of the entire plan." Yeager said calmly. "I hope the deputy captain can provide support in mobilizing equipment. This is also the purpose of why I came to you today."

"The transportation of equipment requires a process," Maxim stretched and said lazily, "I know that your Academy of Sciences has a batch of gold reserves..."

Yeager raised his eyebrows and said, "Yes, gold is the most mysterious and research-worthy metal discovered so far."

"You probably won't use that much for research, right?" Maxim glanced at Yeager's expression and said, "If the professor can give it to our logistics department evenly, I think the equipment deployment problem can be solved as soon as possible. "

"It turns out that the vice-captain was paying attention to the gold." Yeager smiled. "I'm sorry, General Maxim. The Academy of Sciences cannot spare even one gram of gold for you."

As he spoke, Yeager ignored the livid Maxim and turned around and walked towards the door. When he reached the door, he stopped and said, "If the general uses this to restrict the deployment of equipment, then I will definitely do it in the next military campaign." Protested to Captain Du Xinmin during the ministry meeting.”

Maxim looked at Yeager who was leaving evilly, and slammed the table hard in anger.

"Captain, in the evening the military department will conduct a medal ceremony for the members of the special service team who will conduct the reconnaissance mission on Tokta Planet." Sai Hu's voice rang in Fang Mobei's ears.



Looking at each other, Fang Mobei and Gu Yiyi put down their tools. They had already contacted Wang Mumu and were leaving the Tiangong tonight with the help of Wang Mumu's tractor to transport supplies.

"So fast?" Fang Mobei frowned and said, "Both of us are not here, it will definitely arouse suspicion."

"What should we do? The transport period of the tractor is fixed, unless we can get back within 2 hours," Gu Yiyi thought.

"Two hours is absolutely impossible." Fang Mobei thought about it and hesitated, "I can only go, and you stay on the Tiangong to cover for me and delay as much time as possible."

"This..." Gu Yiyi felt a little hesitant when she thought that she could not accompany Fang Mobei.

"Don't hesitate, this is the only way." Fang Mobei looked at the time on his wrist and said, "I'm going to find Wang Mumu now, it's up to you here."

After saying that, Fang Mobei and Gu Yiyi hugged each other tightly as a farewell.

Fang Mobei kept looking at the time. He needed to get to the material loading area in a short time, where Wang Mumu was waiting for him.

"Saihu, help me erase the records at these checkpoints along the way." Fang Mobei knew that combatants leaving the designated area without authorization would be monitored and warned by the Tiangong security system. Currently, Saihu could only erase relevant data.

"Captain, you are violating the law. According to the safety regulations of the Tiangong Military Management Zone, Category C 500..."

"Come on, this isn't the first time you've done this." Fang Mobei rolled his eyes, "I didn't bother you about Panjin last time, so hurry up!"

"Okay Captain"