Star Chart’s Edge

Chapter 75: New tasks


Tiangong Hao Safety Information and Statistics Bureau

Fang Mobei followed the paralyzed communications officer into this mysterious door. The passage was not wide and was surrounded by bright and clear glass.

He could see the busy staff coming and going in the glass room, until in an empty office, he saw a tall, muscular Latino man, more than two meters tall. Holding the coffee, he sat sideways on the table and looked at himself.

The two were far apart, with several glass partitions in between, and their eyes were intertwined.

From the other person's eyes, he saw amusement and curiosity.

Just when Fang Mobei saw the big man turning around and no longer looking at him, he felt a gaze coming from another direction. He turned his head and looked in the direction that was staring at him.

A red-haired woman was standing in front of the glass partition and staring at him. At this time, the two of them happened to be less than two meters apart. When Fang Mobei was about to slow down and take a closer look at the red-haired woman, the red-haired woman Then he opened the shield, and the crystal clear glass was instantly blurred.

Fang Mobei frowned. With his senses, he could sense that the tall man and the red-haired woman had unusual identities in the security agency.

But why are they all staring at me with a strange look, curious and a little scrutinizing.

Fang Mobei asked himself that he had never seen them before. Perhaps all these questions could only be answered after meeting the Secretary-General.

Soon, the communications officer led Fang Mobei to a door.

"Secretary-General, Lieutenant Colonel Fang Mobei is here," the communications officer said to the door guard, with a hint of respect in his emotionless tone.

After the door opened from the middle to both sides, the communications officer made a gesture of invitation to Fang Mobei and left without looking back.

Fang Mobei, who was slightly dazed, took a deep breath and stepped in.

After the door closed automatically, Fang Mobei looked up at the furnishings in the room. The sofas, tables and chairs were all ordinary white, and behind the table was a middle-aged man.

The person in front of him was Major General Mi Shaotian, the secretary-general who awarded him the Knight Medal at the medal ceremony that day.

"General" Fang Mobei stood in front of the table with his legs together and saluted Mi Shaotian behind the table.

"Fang Mobei" Mi Shaotian looked at the sturdy young man in front of him and nodded with satisfaction, "I haven't seen you for four months, but my face has a little more color."

After returning to the Tiangong, these four months of cultivation had indeed made Fang Mobei's complexion much better.

Fang Mobei smiled and said nothing. Seeing Mi Shaotian's cheerful expression, his tense heart relaxed.

"Do you know the significance of the Knight's Medal on the Tiangong?" Mi Shaotian stood up and looked at the busy people in other rooms through the glass partition. Obviously, the staff outside may not be able to see the situation here.

"I'm very worried about the trust of the military." Fang Mobei said with a slight chin in his mouth.

"The military is very aware of your family background. The Fang family has paid a lot for the country, and your mother has sacrificed a lot for the country.

Your talents and abilities have also been recognized by the military." Mi Shaotian turned around and stared at Fang Mobei in front of him and continued.

"I won't say much else. How much do you know about Skull and Bones?"

"Uh..." Fang Mobei did have contact with the Skull and Bones Society when he was in the living area. He knew that Black Dragon and Hughes were both members of the Skull and Bones Society.

Before leaving the living area, Hughes had made a vague hint to himself, and his answer at the time was also ambiguous. He was not sure why Mi Shaotian mentioned Skull and Bones to him.

"Know a thing or two," Fang Mobei replied.

After returning to the military zone, Fang Mobei also used Saihu's channels to learn about information about the Skull and Bones Society, which was suspected to be related to the 'Eden Project' a long time ago.

"According to the information I received, the Skull and Bones Society's power in the Tiangong's living area is gradually expanding, and there is a vague threat to the Tiangong.

Hughes from the Skull and Bones Society and its affiliated Dragon Society have also had contact with you before and have also extended an olive branch to you."

As he spoke, Mi Shaotian stared at Fang Mobei, observing the young officer in front of him every word.

"The Security Bureau is really pervasive." Fang Mobei smiled and continued, "As you just said, because some things are indeed in contact."

Fang Mobei responded to Mi Shaotian calmly on the surface, but in his heart there was a big shock. Has the Security Department's control over the living area reached this level

"Don't have any mental burden. Since I am discussing this matter with you now, it means that the military department trusts you.

According to information obtained by the Security Bureau

Report, the Skull and Bones Society intends to extend its tentacles to the military headquarters."

Mi Shaotian sighed and said in a deep voice, "The Tiangong is the crystallization of the wisdom and hope of all countries on earth, and it is also the hard work of China for hundreds of years.

We are determined not to allow the Tiangong to be destroyed in the hands of these gangsters."

"The Skull and Bones Society wants to..." Fang Mobei did not know that the operation of the Skull and Bones Society had seriously threatened the stability of the Tiangong. When he heard Mi Shaotian's words, Fang Mobei was so horrified that he did not dare to speculate further.

"Currently, the Security Agency is not clear about the purpose of the Skull and Bones Society, but the Tiangong will not let the Skull and Bones Society develop like this.

Therefore, I decided to let you break into the Skull and Bones Society and thoroughly find out what this Skull and Bones Society is going to do! Mi Shaotian said in a deep voice.

Fang Mobei felt that his head was a little hard to turn around. Did he let himself break into the Skull and Bones Society? Did he want to take advantage of the olive branch thrown by the Skull and Bones Society to him and intentionally extend his tentacles into the military zone

"Infernal Affairs?" This was a word that suddenly popped up in Fang Mobei's mind. He had watched the one-step film from the last century and liked the drama in it.

"Only I, the captain, and Chief of Staff Tian know about this matter. For future related matters, you and I will have a separate line of contact." Mi Shaotian looked at Fang Mobei who looked hesitant and smiled and said, "What? Are you afraid?"

"No, I don't think I'm suitable for... such an arduous and glorious task," Fang Mobei said with difficulty, scratching his head.

Are you kidding? I am just a soldier, not an agent. How could the military let me, a novice, do intelligence tasks

Ten thousand alpacas were galloping in Fang Mobei's heart.

Obviously Mi Shaotian didn't know what Fang Mobei was thinking in his heart. He just felt that Fang Mobei's words at the moment were just modesty. After all, Fang Mobei was able to perform so well on Triton. The excellent completion of the task proved Fang Mobei's talent and ability.

"If you have any requests, just ask." Mi Shaotian looked at the young officer in front of him seriously.

"General, there are many talented people in the Security Agency. I believe there are many people who are qualified for this task." Fang Mobei took a deep breath and said, "But I really have no experience in this area, and I have worked on Triton and Tocta." I stood out in such a high-profile manner during these two missions, and was even awarded the first Knight Medal since the Tiangong set sail, allowing me to lurk, which is equivalent to a fixed target."

"What you said makes sense," Mi Shaotian shrugged.

Fang Mobei thought Mi Shaotian had finally changed his mind, but Mi Shaotian's next words knocked him to the bottom.

"It is precisely because you are so outstanding and have a bright future that the Skull and Bones Society values you and needs you more," Mi Shaotian said with a smile.

Fang Mobei couldn't remember how he returned to his dormitory. Gu Yiyi hadn't come back yet. She was probably at the training ground with Blake and the others preparing for the next fighting match.

Along the way, he kept thinking about the name of a person mentioned by Mi Shaotian.

Joseph, alias Pierre, is operating in Area A3.

According to Mi Shaotian, Joseph is now a member of the Skull and Bones Black Faction and was able to escape to the Tiangong in the Hogg base. This shows that there must be someone behind Joseph helping him.

And it is very likely that it was done by the Skull and Bones Society. This shows that the power of the Skull and Bones Society on the Tiangong can no longer be described as terrifying.

This is why Fang Mobei nodded and agreed to carry out this task.

Joseph was responsible for the lives of many of his comrades. He was originally thought to have died in the explosion at Hog Base, but he did not expect that he is still alive and well on the Tiangong.

Fang Mobei panted rapidly. As soon as he heard Joseph's name and knew that he was still alive on the Tiangong, his heartbeat accelerated involuntarily.

He must kill this enemy whose hands are full of blood. He is even a little lucky that he can have the opportunity to personally avenge his comrades in the mecha team.

His current physical skills have reached level B, and he has this qualification.

After the fighting competition is over, he will apply for leave from the military department to return to Area A7 to visit relatives, taking this opportunity to have deeper contact with the Skull and Bones Society.

Fang Mobei took off his clothes and walked into the shower room.

After feeling refreshed, Fang Mobei shaved off the stubble on his face in front of the mirror. Looking at himself in the mirror, he knew that he would have to make preparations for his subsequent tasks in the next period of time.

With the support of the Security Agency, Fang Mobei's identity weight has been further improved. All the information about the Skull and Bones Society in the Security Agency's database will be passed to Saihu through secret channels, and Saihu will classify and organize it.

On the surface, preparations are in full swing for the upcoming

The special service team arrived for the fighting competition, but secretly carefully studied all the information about the Skull and Bones Society.

There are 7 days until the fighting competition

Fang Mobei looked at the subtitles on the training ground and walked towards Gu Yiyi and others.

"Form" Mina first saw Fang Mobei's arrival. Blake and others stood up and greeted Fang Mobei.

Gu Yiyi gently held Fang Mobei's hand. The moment she held it, Gu Yiyi felt a strange fluctuation in Fang Mobei's emotions.

This feeling was fleeting, and if it weren't for Gu Yiyi's concern for Mo Bei, she wouldn't have felt anything unusual.

Gu Yiyi secretly glanced at Fang Mobei beside her without asking. She knew that there should be a certain amount of space between the two people.

"How are you all preparing?" Fang Mobei looked at everyone with a smile.

Facing the captain's inquiry, Mina and the others lowered their heads. Obviously, judging from the past few days of training, the situation was not optimistic.

"This fighting competition is divided into two rounds. The first round is a team battle, and the second round is an arena battle." Gu Yiyi narrated for Fang Mobei. "The first round of group battle is a group battle with the team as a unit, and the opponent Everyone will fall to the ground for ten seconds to determine the winner. The second round of the ring battle will be a beating to see which side stands last."

"It's so unfair," Black said helplessly, "Our second team only has 6 people, and the first team has 7. In both rounds, the first team has a numerical advantage."

Fang Mobei frowned. For a physical practitioner, one more person will have an absolute advantage. Although his physical skills have reached B level, the opponent's captain Sheila is also B level, and she is also a veteran B level. In the ring battle, they were missing a C-level physical practitioner, and their disadvantage was obvious.

"Have you thought of any battle plan?" Fang Mobei looked at Gu Yiyi and asked.

"The space for us to play is in the first round of group battles. We have rich experience in actual combat cooperation. From Triton to Tocta, we have all been on the verge of life and death, so our advantage is group actual combat experience." Gu Yiyi said righteously.

"Although the first team has one more C-level team than us, we still have a chance to compete with them. At least we can tie. If we are lucky, it is not impossible to win the first round," Mina nodded.

"Who made these rules?" Fang Mobei rubbed his chin and thought. Obviously, the person who made the rules had a grudge against his second team.

"It was formulated by the chief of staff," Gu Yiyi stuck out her tongue and said, "I raised an objection, but was blocked."

"I think the members of the first team are jealous of the award we received for the mission to Tocta and want to regain some respect here." Blake sighed. "To put it bluntly, they just want the first team to beat us up to vent their anger."

"This bowl of water is really flat," Qi Jingyu said sarcastically from the side.

"We have both received awards and promotions, so what's wrong with letting people from the same team vent their anger?" Fang Mobei said with a playful smile, "However, not everyone can squeeze us. If anyone wants to take a bite, then You have to be prepared to chip out a few teeth first.”

Everyone looked at the captain with a playful look on his face, and suddenly they couldn't figure out what the captain wanted to do.

"The team's operations focus on defense, and I will be a free agent." Fang Mobei thought, "I may not appear often these days, so your formation is trained according to the configuration of 5 people."

"Fang team, we have only a few people," Mina said hesitantly.

"At the beginning, Sheila stared at me firmly, and the remaining 6 C-levels besieged you 5 C-levels. Under the interference of Yiyi's B-level mental power, they may not be able to eat you.

The most important confrontation is the battle between Sheila and I. If we decide the winner, the whole battle will also be decided," Fang Mobei said in a deep voice.

"Indeed, it looks like a team fight, but in fact the winning point lies with them. Whether it is a team fight or an arena fight, the winning point is in the hands of the two of them." Gu Yiyi naturally became enlightened after getting Fang Mobei's thoughts. .

"Souga" Miyazaki River.

Blake looked at Fang Mobei and then at Gu Yiyi, "What if we fail to defend the siege of the first team?"

"The gap between C-level taijutsu practitioners is not big, unless there is someone in the team like our square team who can beat the three of us at C-level," Mina looked at Blake and sighed.

In the previous confrontation with Fang Mobei, she, Black, and Miyazaki Kawa all lost to Fang Mobei, who was also in the C-level. All the previous events left a deep impression on her.

"Not everyone is either a physical or mental practitioner like Team Fang and Team Gu." Qi Jingyu looked at Black who looked hesitant and said, "You taste it, you taste it carefully."