Star Chart’s Edge

Chapter 84: haven't seen you for a long time


Are people with abilities always so imprudent in doing things? Maybe they should report it to the director, otherwise uncontrollable factors may easily arise.

Youji led Fang Mobei towards her residence, thinking about how to break this situation. Fang Mobei's exposure directly disrupted her plan, and all previous designs had to be overturned.

"You will live here during this period. This will also be our temporary office when necessary."

Fang Mobei looked at this room carefully. Compared with his residence in the Special Service Brigade, this place could already be described as crazy and gorgeous.

The LOFT covers an area of 200 square meters. The first floor is the living room and the second floor is the bedroom. The circular wall can be replaced with any scenery.

"Your AI can take over the system of this room. I don't need to introduce the rest." You Ji doesn't like Fang Mobei very much, because Fang Mobei has a strong energy in him. I don't know if it's a soldier's unique temperament or a fighting spirit. With his own outstanding strength.

"Is it for your office or for me to live in?" Fang Mobei doesn't like outsiders coming to his home. After all, he also has his own privacy. "Your security department doesn't have a lot of funds."

"You are here to perform a mission, just to cooperate with my work, understand?" How could You Ji not hear the sarcasm in Fang Mobei's words? She felt it was necessary to let Fang Mobei know who was in charge here, otherwise Later tasks will be affected.

"I understand," Fang Mobei said with a reluctant grin. He was a grown man who didn't bother to argue with a woman. He won 400,000 anyway, so he could eat whatever he wanted.

Youji could tell that Fang Mobei intended to end the collision between the two. As the saying goes, don't hit the smiling person, even though his face was very much in need of a slap.

She clicked twice on the screen on the table, and the information about Pierre was projected in front of their eyes.

"Mike Joseph, the instigator of the war with us on Triton in the first year of Interstellar, and one of the twelve senators of the Skull and Bones Society on Earth. His traces were found in Area A3 of the Tiangong living area in the fourth year of Interstellar. By that time, he had already My pseudonym is Mike Peel," You Ji explained to Fang Mobei with her hands folded.

"How did he board the Tiangong?" Fang Mobei asked the question he had always wanted to know.

"We suspect that the Skull and Bones Society has planted chess pieces in the military. This is how Joseph was picked up," Youji thought.

"Any suspects?"

"It's hard to say, there is no evidence." You Ji shook her head and continued to explain, "Joseph changed his name to Pierre and continued to work for the Skull and Bones Society on the Tiangong. The black faction used Joseph's power to kill many of the white faction's candidates."

"The fight between black and white? Infighting?"

"Skull and Bones is a mysterious organization. The highest leader is called 'His Royal Highness', and then is the Black and White Deacon. The two of them control twelve senators respectively. In order to expand their sphere of influence, both of them try their best to win over each other. Senators, those who disobey will be removed and then their own people will be elected.”

"Joseph is one of the twelve senators. If we catch him, wouldn't it be possible to dig out the deacon? Then follow the clues..." Fang Mobei thought.

You Ji rolled her eyes at Fang Mobei. If it was as simple as Fang Mobei said, the Security Agency would have wiped out the Skull and Bones Society.

"Joseph is one of the Twelve Senators on Earth, but according to what we know, the Skull and Bones Society has a new system on the Tiangong," You Ji said truthfully.

"New system?"

"Yes, because of Joseph's failure on Triton, the Earth's Skull and Bones Society may have put Joseph into the cold palace, and the senators on the Tiangong will not accept a loser directly into their circle."

"So a certain senator from the black faction plans to take B-level physical practitioners like Joseph into his own hands and use them to deal with people from the white faction." Fang Mobei followed You Ji's words.

Made a bold guess.

"We also speculated like this, but we don't know the details," You Ji said helplessly. They have been on the line with Joseph for two years, and they only have this information now. She is not very satisfied with this progress.

"How do you need me to cooperate with you?" Fang Mobei had already guessed in his mind why Mi Shaotian sent him here. "Joseph is a B-level physical artist. To restrain him, you must use a B-level physical artist?"

Youji picked up the coffee on the table and took a sip, then looked at Fang Mobei with a half-smile and said, "The director wants you to go undercover into the Bai faction and become a knife used by the Bai faction to deal with Joseph."

"Can you be more careful with what you say?" Fang Mobei was not very satisfied with You Ji's tone. The reason why he agreed to Mi Shaotian's coming was entirely because he could take revenge on Joseph. He was not interested in being an undercover agent, and he didn't want to be someone's. tool.

"Then what are your plans?" You Ji didn't want to have too much communication with Fang Mobei, otherwise she would be furious.

"What plan can I have? I don't know the white sect or black sect you are talking about," Fang Mobei said with a shrug.

"Do you know these two?" Youji said, opening two photos, one of Heilong and the other of Hughes.

"Black dragon? I have seen this short white man before," Fang Mobei said, touching his chin.

"This white man's name is Hughes, Secretary-General of the Executive Yuan of District A5. We suspect that he is one of the twelve senators and belongs to the White Faction." Then, Youji pointed at the Black Dragon and said, "Black Dragon, the leader of the Dragon Association, C-level taijutsu." He is currently the only candidate among the White faction for the Twelve Senators."

"Are there no other candidates?" Fang Mobei asked curiously.

"Killed by Joseph"

Fang Mobei: ( ̄ー ̄)

Fang Mobei looked at the black dragon in the photo and said, "It seems that the black dragon is quite lucky. Joseph has killed so many people, but he was the only one who didn't kill him."

Yuji: (?_?)

Fang Mobei suddenly felt an awkward and quiet atmosphere in the whole room. Youji didn't speak but just looked at him quietly, as if waiting for his sudden realization.

It is definitely not a coincidence that the black dragon is still alive. Fang Mobei saw Joseph in area A7, and the black dragon happened to be here, which means that Joseph came to area A7 to kill the black dragon.

Fang Mobei nodded awkwardly but politely.

"So your appearance can just save the black dragon, make Hughes optimistic about your strength, and then draw you into the White faction's camp." You Ji said, this is her identity and mission tailor-made for Fang Mobei.

Fang Mobei: (ーー;)

"Your purpose is to break into the Skull and Bones Society and understand the purpose of the Skull and Bones Society on the Tiangong." Youji looked at Fang Mobei with gleaming eyes. Her design can be said to be perfect. Only Fang can take on this task. Mobei.

Fang Mobei: (-_-;)

"You have included me in your plan from the beginning. How can you be sure that I will agree?" Fang Mobei suddenly felt like he was being calculated, and this feeling made him extremely disgusted.

"Because Joseph destroyed your team, you were a C-level taijutsu user before and there was nothing you could do. Now that you have the strength to take revenge, you will not let this blood feud go unavenged," Youji said confidently.

"Hmph." Fang Mobei sneered twice and then lay down on the sofa. "I'm a little tired. Please don't disturb me before I agree to your plan." After saying that, Fang Mobei closed his eyes.

Youji was a little surprised by the change in Fang Mobei's attitude. She felt the freezing temperature in Fang Mobei's words, as if he was a different person.

My instinct told me that if I didn't leave the house quickly, I might be in danger.


After Ji left, Fang Mobei was left alone and slumped on the sofa. He opened his eyes and looked at the hollow ceiling, which had a painting of "The Creation of Adam" carved on it.

When Michelangelo created the huge ceiling painting "Genesis" for the Sistine Chapel in Rome, "The Creation of Adam" was the most touching scene in the entire ceiling painting. This scene did not directly depict God shaping Adam, but instead painted The divine spark was about to touch Adam at this moment: God flying from the sky stretched out his finger to Adam, about to transfer his soul to Adam like a power source.

People see that God created Adam, but how do they know whether Adam is willing to accept everything God has arranged

The moment he came back from Triton, he fell into the shackles of everything being arranged. Missions and actions one after another, which one was not a narrow escape, and which one was really necessary.

The Tiangong embarked on a migration journey of thousands of years, carrying the hope of humankind's continuation. However, it encountered an unprovoked battle triggered by personal ambition on Triton. In that battle, all of his mecha team Killed in action.

One by one, his comrades fell, but he was unable to save them. Their bodies remained there forever, and their souls were floating in the vast universe. Maybe they would never return to their warm blue hometown.

Every time at this time, he would think of Wang Mumu and even the superior soldier Ant, whom he had met once on Tokta, and they would all look at him with reverence.

How high is considered high, and when is it finished

A trace of tiredness came over him, his heavy eyelids slowly closed, and the light in the room gradually dimmed under Sai Hu's adjustment.

Area A7, Tiangong Hao living area

Fang Mobei walked alone among the bustling crowd. Black Dragon's Longyu Bar was on Enluo Street. Based on his memory, he came to the door of Longyu Bar.

There were a lot of bodyguards at the door, and gathering together would affect the business.

Fang Mobei looked at the bodyguard, and the bodyguard also looked at Fang Mobei. "Sir, you are a bit unfamiliar."

"I am Fang Mobei, the black dragon is waiting for me," Fang Mobei said.

The bodyguards looked at each other and then moved out of the way, and Fang Mobei walked straight into the door.

Because it was afternoon, there were only two or three waiters cleaning the bar. Fang Mobei looked around, found a booth and sat down.

After a while, a man wearing a large gold chain walked through a secret door surrounded by bodyguards.

"Brother, someone is sitting down," Fang Mobei said politely after seeing the big gold chain sitting next to him.

"Am I not a human being?" Big Gold Chain shouted at Fang Mobei, "Do you think I am a human being?"

Fang Mobei frowned, "What are you doing, you loud sir?"

"Do you know whose place this belongs to?" Dajin Lianzi arrogantly picked up the soda water on Fang Mobei's table and took a sip. "What you drink here is different from what I drink here."

Fang Mobei didn't speak, just listened to the big gold chain talking quietly.

"You have to pay me to drink, but I don't have to pay to drink." As he said that, Dajin Lianzi glanced at Fang Mobei, "Are you rich?"

"You are sick!" Fang Mobei couldn't help but said as he looked at the greasy face of the big gold chain.

Just when the big gold chain was about to be stolen, another person walked through the secret door.

"What are you doing here?" The visitor looked at Fang Mobei and asked.

Fang Mobei turned his head to look at the person who came, and the two of them just looked at each other until the corners of their mouths gradually raised.

"Long time no see, Black Dragon"