Star Chart’s Edge

Chapter 9: Infiltration team


"Akata!" Ozawa, who was knocked to the ground by a howitzer, roared as he looked at the man whose chest and abdomen were pierced by a werewolf.

"Akata?" Guo Kai and others pushed away the werewolf and looked towards Akata.

"Akata..." Fang Mobei muttered as he turned around and looked blankly at the four to five meter tall mecha in front of him.

Chitian's last voice kept echoing in Fang Mobei's mind, 'Give me your back! '.

Fang Mobei, who has always regarded these comrades as family, finally had to face an ending that he had thought about but did not want to think about at this moment. As a soldier, being shrouded in horse leather is the fate of all soldiers, but he still cannot accept himself The departure of anyone in the team, let alone such a permanent departure.

Perhaps everyone has experienced great joy and great tragedy in their lives, but at this moment, in just a short moment, everyone experienced great joy and great tragedy again. The moment they saw Fang Mobei's mecha explode, all People's hearts sank to the bottom; when they saw that Fang Mobei was unexpectedly alive and killed a werewolf, everyone was excited; and when they saw Chitian's death, everyone felt extremely sad.

Akata couldn't feel any pain anymore, and his whole body was so numb that he couldn't move.

He looked forward hard. His helmet had been shattered in the previous impact, and the fragments scratched his forehead. His cheeks were stained red by donating blood, and his eyes were covered in blood.

In a daze and blur, he saw Fang Mobei using a dagger to cut off the head of the werewolf that pierced his chest and abdomen. Fang Mobei's face was covered with blood stains, and the tears and snot mixed together made him look really ugly. Akata was very happy inside. He wanted to smile, but as soon as he grinned, blood spurted out of his mouth.

He vaguely saw Ozawa, Bella, and Guo Kai flying towards him in the distance. His vision became increasingly red and blurry...

"Captain, leave the task of investigating the enemy's situation to Bella in the future." Akata looked at Fang Mobei seriously and then said, "I'm not suitable." After that, he lowered his head.

Fang Mobei looked at Chi Tian and frowned without saying anything.

"Please ask the captain for approval"

"Okay, now that you have decided, then leave the task of detecting the enemy's situation to Bella." Fang Mobei paused and then said, "Some things have passed, let it pass."

"But..." Chitian raised his head and looked at Fang Mobei.

"If you feel guilty, then take this guilt and work with me to protect everyone!" Fang Mobei interrupted Chitian and smiled brightly at Chitian. As he said this, he threw the blasting robot in his hand to Akata. "You need to come up with this thing." After that, he gave Akata a thumbs up.

Akata looked down at the blasting robot in his hand, his tears gradually getting wet. As if he noticed something strange in his eyes, Akata quickly raised his head and looked up at the sky, watching the sunset, "I will definitely protect everyone!".

In the sky dyed red by the setting sun, a laggard wild goose was flying towards the group of geese ahead.

G16 area ground

Fang Mobei's team walked towards the large carrier aircraft and watched the mechanical engineers landing one after another driving tractors to carry SDS storage boxes back and forth. None of them spoke.

At this time, a group of mecha soldiers came from the front and said kindly to Fang Mobei and others, "You saved our lives." After that, they continued to march forward.

A lieutenant came out of the carrier plane and saw Fang Mobei, held his hand and said, "You are brave, second lieutenant, welcome home." After that, he walked aside.

"Well done! Lieutenant." A captain smiled and walked towards Fang Mobei. "You have saved everyone. Everyone has been notified about your encounter with genetically modified people. We are gathering everyone from the first mecha battalion to go back." Continue fighting to rescue the hostages trapped in Hoge Base." As he said that, he led Fang Mobei and others into the carrier aircraft.

"You should rest first and eat something. There is breakfast on the table." The captain pointed to the sumptuous meal on the table and said, "You deserve this."

Guo Kai and others picked up the water bottle and drank heavily. After drinking, they all looked at Fang Mobei.

Fang Mobei looked at everyone. Everyone looked like they were spending the rest of their lives after the war. Everyone's bodies were already very tired. In addition, Chitian's death also brought untold sorrow to everyone.

In the large carrier aircraft, Fang Mobei and others were sitting in the cabin to rest, with corpses wearing national flags of various countries placed next to them. There were dozens of people in the cabin, all of whom had come out of the underground mine in Area G16. Everyone was silent, and it was obvious that every team had casualties.

Some were sobbing, some were reciting the Bible silently, some were staring at the body in front of them in silence, but no one spoke.

Fang Mobei took out a pack of Marlboro from his backpack, took out a cigarette and lit it.

"Second Lieutenant, you can't smoke in the cabin," an air force soldier came over and reminded.

Fang Mobei glanced at the air force soldier coldly, picked up the thick alloy bracket next to him and twisted it with both hands. The alloy bracket was instantly twisted into a twist...

Seeing the momentum, the airmen left without looking back.

Fang Mobei looked out the window at the assembled mecha soldiers heading towards the G18 area where Hogg Base was located. He looked back at the corpses in the cabin and silently stood up, put on their helmets and walked towards the transport cabin.

After arriving at the transport cabin, Fang Mobei walked towards a fixed mecha and checked the ammunition status without a glance.

At this time, Ozawa and others who followed Fang Mobei to the transport cabin watched Fang Mobei silently hang the alloy battle on the mecha. Everyone understood what Fang Mobei was going to do.

Ozawa walked to another mecha and started checking the mecha, and then Guo Kai also walked to the next mecha.

Fang Mobei looked at Ozawa beside him, then at Guo Kai, Guo Xiaoqing and others, and was stunned when he found that everyone was replenishing ammunition for the mechas in front of them.

"Get some cannon howitzers"


"I have magnetic storm booby traps here, who needs them?"

"There are high-explosive grenades here, Guo Kai, you can use them."


"Bella, I need more magazines," Guo Xiaoqing said.

"Okay, is everyone equipped with equipment?" Fang Mobei asked.

"Yes, Captain" Ozawa and others replied.

At this time, the captain looked at Fang Mobei and others and asked, "What are you doing? Lieutenant?"

Fang Mobei looked back at the captain and said seriously, "We have had breakfast, sir."

The captain looked at Fang Mobei, who had blood stains on his face that he had no time to clean but was extremely determined, and didn't know how to respond.

Seeing that the captain did not respond, Fang Mobei turned around and jumped into the control cabin of the mecha. Ozawa and others also entered the cockpit one after another after seeing Fang Mobei enter the cockpit.

"Mecha regiment!" Fang Mobei raised his right fist and shouted.

"Loyalty!" Ozawa and others also raised their right fists in response.

The captain looked at Fang Mobei and others leaving and nodded with complicated emotions.

Fang Mobei and others started the mecha's propulsion engine and caught up with the team in front.

"This is Syndra's team, who are you?"

"Good morning, Fang Mobei's team is on your left."

"Guo Xiaoqing's team joins the battle"

"It's nice to hear friendly voices."

Hogg base in area g18


"I'm fine"

Bruce asked worriedly as he looked at Clark holding his broken arm on his left shoulder. Just now they had a battle with the genetically modified people at Hog Base.

Eight werewolves and two bearmen cost Bruce's special service team a heavy price. Michelle died, Clark had his left arm bitten off, and the others also had some injuries.

"Qi, when will the support troops arrive?" Bruce asked Qi Jingyu.

"A mecha battalion came to support an hour ago and should be arriving soon."

"Damn, these beasts have been chasing us," Blake spat impatiently, "Why are their noses so sharp!"

"You know they have good noses, but you still spit!" Ten thousand alpacas were racing in Gu Yiyi's heart.

"I..." Blake was stunned when he reacted. "Yes, that's it."

"Blake, what are you doing?" Clark asked in confusion as he watched Blake wipe the ground with his hands.

"I'm wiping the saliva I just spit on," Blake replied seriously.

"Assi," Miyazakikawa looked disgusted.

"Miyazaki, how do you, a person from Yamato, speak Korean?" Qi Jingyu asked curiously.

"Because he has been watching a Korean drama recently." Gu Yiyi rolled her eyes to the sky.

Bruce looked at the monitor and said to everyone, "Stop chatting, Black takes Clark, let's go." After that, he walked towards the passage on the right.

Clark looked at Blake's dirty hands and closed his eyes "for God's sake".

"Bruce, there are many enemies ahead, I'm afraid..." Gu Yiyi reminded as she sensed many enemies gathering in front.

Gu Yiyi was the only psychic in the entire team. When she was seven years old, she was frightened and screamed loudly, causing the surrounding students to fall into varying degrees of coma. She also shattered the glass of the entire teaching building.

After the police suppressed the matter under pressure from relevant departments, Gu Yiyi was transferred to the Huaxia National Spiritual Development Training Camp to receive cultural and spiritual training. When she was 16 years old, her mental power broke through to C level and she officially became a mental power user.

In Bruce's team, Gu Yiyi and Bruce both hold the rank of lieutenant, so Gu Yiyi has become the deputy captain of Bruce's team.

Gu Yiyi used her mental perception to avoid many risks for the entire team. For those who are good at attacking, the enemy does not know where they are defending; for those who are good at defending, the enemy does not know where they are attacking. In Gu Yiyi's world, she is both a good attacker and a good defender. She can always predict the enemy's opportunities.

When the enemy attacks, she can accurately detect the enemy's layout and find loopholes; when the enemy defends, she can also quickly find the enemy's weak points.

But mental power users also have weaknesses, that is, when faced with close enemies, mental power users are no different from ordinary people.

Therefore, Gu Yiyi is also the key protection target of the entire Bruce team. Coupled with Gu Yiyi's tall figure and stunning appearance, all the team members have a feeling that they would rather give up Bruce as the captain, but also swear to protect Gu Yiyi as the deputy captain. The rush.

"This is the last electromagnetic railgun," Bruce lamented. The initial mission of their team was to decapitate Mike Joseph. However, after being discovered by the genetically modified soldiers around Joseph, their team went from assassination to being hunted. .

During the pursuit, Bruce could only activate the second plan, which was to destroy the electromagnetic laser cannon at Hogg Base.

Fortunately, they had destroyed three electromagnetic laser cannons during the previous infiltration, and destroyed two more while being chased.

"No, there are tightly defended enemies in front, and there are genetically modified people who are clinging to the rear. Make a decision quickly," Gu Yiyi said calmly. At this time, there was no time to think about how to break through the enemy's defense line in front.

Bruce hesitated for a moment, and finally made up his mind and told everyone, "Retreat!"

"Where?" Blake asked.

"Go to the place where the hostages are held. I received the order to cooperate with the mecha battalion to rescue the hostages." Bruce said and led everyone to run in the direction of the hostage camp.

Blake looked at Miyazakigawa who looked depressed next to him and asked, "You seem unhappy?"

"I covered my face, how did you see that I was unhappy?" Miyazakigawa replied.

"Eyes" Blake said seriously.

Miyazaki River: (◎_◎;)

"There are cameras in front" Gu Yiyi reminded.

"Qi" Bruce gestured to Qi Jingyu.

Qi Jingyu raised his wrist and shot a transparent magnet the size of a fingernail at the surveillance camera at the corner in front. After the magnet was attached to the camera, Qi Jingyu pressed a button on his wrist and said, "That's it."

The image monitored by the camera was frozen by the magnetic block. Even if Qi Jingyu and others swaggered past the camera at this time, the surveillance image displayed by the camera was still the image when it was frozen by the magnetic block. This is why Joseph was unable to find out the infiltration team through the surveillance system of the entire Hogg base.

Hogg Base Command Room

"Pah!" Mike Joseph punched the metal wall. "Are you all losers?"

The three people standing in front of Joseph lowered their heads silently.

"Joseph, I lost a lot of SDS raw materials and an antimatter bomb in the G16 area." Nick looked at the deep fist marks on the metal wall, adjusted his glasses and said to Joseph.

"Chairman, I know, I have also lost a lot of genetic warriors!" Joseph took a deep breath and said, even so, he couldn't let go of the bad breath in his heart. "Detonate the anti-matter bomb in area G17 and see who is more ruthless." !”


"Joseph, if you do this, the boss will hold you accountable!" Nick was shocked when he heard that Joseph was really going to detonate the anti-matter bomb and destroy the SDS. He understood that this was just a bait.

Joseph turned around and stared hard at Nick beside him and said, "If you keep talking nonsense, I will stuff your head into your butt!".

"Have you found those ability users?" Joseph asked the adjutant beside him.

"The genetic warriors and mechanical soldiers are tracking." The adjutant paused and continued, "Just now they killed an ability user and seriously injured another person."

"They found those hostages, and the Tiangong must have known about it." Joseph thought for a while and then ordered the adjutant, "Kill those hostages. Since they are unwilling to be used by us, let them go to see God!"


Nick quietly exited the command room and walked towards the apron.