Star Chart’s Edge

Chapter 94: Declare war on those with abilities


Area A7, Tiangong Hao living area

It is already 2 o'clock in the middle of the night, and Longyu Bar has been closed for half a month. The entire bar street is brightly lit, but only the Longyu Bar seems a bit dim.

Heilong paced back and forth in the office, looking a little anxious. He looked at his bracelet from time to time as if he was waiting for someone's call.

In the office was a dilapidated medical bed that I didn't know where to find. Lying on the bed was the person involved in the violent incident that caused a stir in Area A7 half a month ago.

Fang Mobei has been unconscious here for half a month. If the medical bed hadn't detected that he still had weak vital signs, Black Dragon would have almost disposed of him as a corpse.

Since the "Superhuman Restriction Order" was promulgated on the Tiangong, several incidents of resistance by ability users have occurred in the seven living areas of the Tiangong. Although the resistance was easily suppressed by the special service team, its impact was like yeast fermentation. The entire Tiangonghao.

At this time, the Langtaosha Club in Area A7 was still bustling with people, but the few people in a dark room were not relaxed.

"Mikel, is there no news about Tulip yet?" Youji asked, leaning on the sofa and holding her forehead.

Tulip is Fang Mobei's code name in the Security Agency. After all, only You Ji and her two confidants know Fang Mobei's true identity.

"Boss, you know that since the big boss's accident, the entire security agency has been in a semi-paralysis state. It is difficult to cover the entire A7 area's surveillance system under our conditions," Mi Keer said helplessly.

"I originally wanted to use the security Skynet system to find the whereabouts of Tulip, but..." The Zhongfen guy standing next to Mi Keer sighed.

If Fang Mobei were here, he would definitely be able to recognize this middle-centred guy, because this guy was exactly the young man who was following the police officer with the Chinese character face at Zailongyu Bar. He nodded and winked at Fang Mobei before leaving. .

"Tulip has been missing for half a month. Now the military has launched a search for the ability users in the living area. We must ensure the safety of Tulip, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous," Youji said solemnly, looking at the two people in front of her.

"Boss, let's talk behind closed doors. This bullshit "Superhuman Restriction Order" issued by the military is definitely shooting ourselves in the foot." Mi Keer sighed. Obviously, for people like them, they don't agree. decision of the military.

"The situation of the Skull and Bones Society has not yet been fully investigated, and now there is a bullshit restriction order. What on earth do those people in the military want to do?" Brother Zhongfen said angrily.

"Let Chief Tian have a headache for this. You and I are just little people," You Ji sighed.

Tiangong's deputy captain's room

"Why did you agree to Maxim's "Superhuman Restraining Order"?" Tian Xiaoyun stood opposite Fan Zhuoxin and said angrily.

Tian Xiaoyun has always been committed to allowing people with abilities to coexist peacefully with ordinary people. She firmly believes that people with abilities are the pioneers of human evolution, and people with abilities should be treated kindly by all parties.

The establishment of the special service brigade was also Tian Xiaoyun's suggestion. She hoped to prove to everyone through an excellent report card that capable people can build a harmonious society together with ordinary people.

"Tian Xiaoyun, do you think that the public's attitude towards people with abilities is colorless?" Fan Zhuoxin said solemnly.

"Implementing superhuman restraint orders, do you know how much harm such a restraint order will bring to those with abilities?" Tian Xiao

Yun said sadly.

The "Superhuman Restraint Order" has truly pushed these people with abilities to the edge of the cliff. Once the restraint order is fully implemented, people with abilities will be ostracized by the entire society, which will be a disaster for them.

She has devoted her whole life to protecting people with abilities and allowing people with abilities to coexist peacefully with ordinary people. Faced with this restraining order, her hands and feet were really cold to the extreme.

"Hurt? Sure enough, your heart is still devoted to people with abilities. You have not considered the feelings of ordinary people at all." Fan Zhuoxin's voice was a little cold.

"Everyone with out-of-control abilities will cause harm to others. They are like children holding time bombs. They don't know how to control the bomb in their hands. Once they lose control, they will cause huge harm to the people around them. ".

Fan Zhuoxin couldn't bear to see Tian Xiaoyun's almost pleading eyes. He slowly turned around and looked at the vast universe outside the window and continued, "They are an unstable factor in society. They should be controlled, not under the protection of parents like you." , enjoying special privileges without being punished by the law.”

"They should be exposed to the public and accept public supervision and unified control." Fan Zhuoxin turned around and looked at Tian Xiaoyun and said angrily.

"You claim that you are working for the peaceful coexistence of ordinary people and people with abilities, but in fact, you are basically considering issues from the perspective of people with abilities. You have always only cared about people with abilities, and selectively forgotten ordinary people. public!"

Fan Zhuoxin's voice was impassioned, "People with abilities hurt other people when they lost control. Have you ever seen a mother crying because her son was killed by a flying car?"

"Have you ever seen a father who cried bitterly because his daughter was crushed into a pulp by a collapsed building?"

"Have you ever seen the sadness of a person with white hair sending a person with black hair? Have you ever seen a child crying tears of blood after losing his parents?"

At this time, Tian Xiaoyun was already bursting into tears. Facing Fan Zhuoxin's questioning, she was unable to refute, let alone refute.

But Fan Zhuoxin still said word for word, "You saw it, but you chose to protect, protect the children in your eyes who don't know how to control their own strength and mental power. Yes, they are children, but they are also murderers!"

"Do you think the hatred of ordinary people towards people with abilities comes from envy and jealousy of their superhuman abilities?"

"You actually know it in your heart, but you can't change it, so you choose to escape."

"Because when you were on Earth, you established a spiritual youth training camp." Fan Zhuoxin sneered and continued.

"You teach them day after day, teach them how to control their abilities, so that they can use their abilities more skillfully to harm innocent people. You... are an accomplice!"

"The sins carried on them can never be washed away," Fan Zhuoxin shouted almost hysterically.

"The sins accumulated one by one will become people's unforgettable hatred for people with abilities!"

"This hatred is the real culprit for people's rejection of people with abilities!"

Tian Xiaoyun felt an unprecedented sense of fatigue and powerlessness in Fan Zhuoxin's words, as if she had lost all her strength.

She understood that what Fan Zhuoxin said was true. These problems were all problems faced by ability users. If they were not solved, even if all ability users were controlled and restrained, their sins would not be washed away.

She knows that capable people have

The destructive power of ordinary people far exceeded Fan Zhuoxin's understanding. She had personally seen the mental shock wave released by a girl who had just turned ten years old after being stimulated.

With the girl as the center, people within a hundred meters radius were mentally shocked, and dozens of people became vegetative forever.

This is why she set up a mental youth training camp against all objections.

"You know I'm just exposing some of the things that we know and there are many more victims that we don't know about but are afraid to speak out."

"The reason why restraining orders can be passed smoothly is because of the silent accusations of people who have been harmed by people with abilities."

"But this restraining order..." Tian Xiaoyun seemed to have seen the desperate wailing of the capable person.

Before Tian Xiaoyun finished speaking, Fan Zhuoxin interrupted her, "The superhuman restriction order is to centrally manage all non-educated ability users. Maybe this will make them suffer temporary grievances, but this is the case for most ordinary people." People's choice, they have the right to choose their own life in a safe environment."

"Secretary-general Tian, please don't impose your own wishful thinking on ordinary people. In addition to being an ability user, you are also a senior general of the Tiangong Military Department."

"Are you considering the hundreds of thousands of ordinary people on board the Tiangong or are you considering the very few capable people? You need to understand your position clearly."

Indeed, as Fan Zhuoxin said, stance determines action. Tian Xiaoyun stood from the standpoint of ability users and tried hard to turn ability users into guardians of ordinary people, but she forgot whether ordinary people would recognize these so-called guardians.

For ordinary people, ability users are the source of turmoil and the beginning of disaster. While they destroy order, they also come as saviors.

This so-called protection is as ridiculous as it sounds.

Especially Tian Xiaoyun, she believed that by giving people with abilities some heroic halo, people would forget the pain that people with abilities had caused them. This was simply impossible.

The reason why hatred is unforgettable is because the hatred has not yet been vented. When people have nowhere to vent their hatred for people with abilities, the power of this hatred will silently accumulate and eventually form a catastrophic explosion. At that time, it will be people and When people with abilities break up.

"Am I thinking about the general public or the people with abilities?" Tian Xiaoyun couldn't help but murmured. She recalled her life and the instructions she gave to every child when she established the youth training camp.

Whether it is teaching by words and deeds or by being kind and gentle, we are all considering the capable people to prevent them from being harmed.

Every time a capable person caused something, no matter how serious the damage was, she would say, 'We take over this place.'

She ignored the innocent people who were harmed, and the murderer she took away did not bear any legal responsibility. This is called connivance.

"Have you thought clearly?" Fan Zhuoxin looked at Tian Xiaoyun with a sneer.

"Both you and the special service team are ability users. Ordinary people like us will never leave ability users alone. We must restrict the freedom of ability users. They should atone for what they have done!"

"Are you going to start a war with all people with abilities on the Tiangong?" After Tian Xiaoyun straightened her face, she regained her composure.

"We have declared war, haven't we?"