Star Chart’s Edge

Chapter 99: Revolutionary Army


"The Red Dust War Princess?" Fang Weiss looked at the beautiful woman in front of him with confusion. He swore that he had never seen such a beautiful woman in his life, not even the Machina in Brother Chicken's place. So beautiful.

"This is not the place to talk. Let's talk after we enter area A1." Hongchen Zhanji came to the window and looked out.

"Is there something wrong with my work card?" Fang Weiss looked at the work card in his hand doubtfully. He didn't understand why the man in front of him wanted to hide here with him.

"Have you seen those bounty hunters?" Hongchen Zhanji said in a cold voice.

"You mean those men in black just now?" Fang Weiss also came to the window and looked out sideways.

"These bounty hunters are minions of the Administration Department. They have been targeting you for a long time. The little girl you brought back is their target. You are just the target of their silence."

"Zino?" Fang Weiss frowned. If what the woman in front of him said is true, then everything is correct.

Zino's disappearance is related to these bounty hunters, and he is the target of their silence. I wonder how Zino is doing now and whether he is in danger.

"That girl's identity is extraordinary, and you can't get involved with it." As she said this, the Red Dust Warrior took out a collar from her body, "Put it on her neck. This can help you get past the eyes of the bounty hunter." .

After Fang Weiss took the collar and put it on her neck, the Red Dust Warrior stepped forward and turned on the switch on the collar. Fang Weiss's face and hairstyle instantly changed into that of another person.

Fang Weiss saw his unfamiliar appearance reflected on the window glass and was shocked, "Is this a holographic invisible projection?"

"So to speak, let's get past those bounty hunters first." After saying that, the Red Dust Warrior pushed them away and walked towards the crowd with Fang Weiss.

The Red Dust Warrior covered her mouth and nose with a scarf, took out a pair of worn-out glasses from her cloak and put them on her face. With her appearance in a civilian area, she was destined to become the focus of people's attention. She needed a little hidden.

The two of them moved forward in line with the crowd. There were twice as many mechanical policemen on one side as before, and bounty hunters began to investigate their side.

Fang Weiss looked at the bounty hunter getting closer and closer, feeling uneasy and his palms were already sweating.

"Control your emotions, don't be nervous, take a deep breath," Hongchen Zhanji reminded from the side.

Fang Weisi glanced sideways at the Hongchen War Princess who was as steady as a mountain. She was still calm in the face of the situation in front of her. This woman was definitely not an ordinary person.

"how did you do it?"


"I can't feel any emotion from you, it's like there's no heartbeat," Fang Weiss joked, perhaps only through chatting can he suppress his inner anxiety.

Fang Weiss was not a hero, so he had no problem trying to be a hero in front of a group of hungry ghosts. He had been living in a civilian area since he was a child, so his fists would naturally not be soft.

But for him to face these bounty hunters, he is naturally powerless and will inevitably feel a little nervous.

"Heartbeat..." Hongchen Zhanji was stunned for a moment after hearing this word, "I really want to know what the heartbeat feels like."

'This guy pretends to be flawless,' Fang Weiss thought to himself.

The bounty hunter walked up to Fang Weiss, looked at him and the Red Dust Warrior beside him, and walked behind them after not noticing anything strange.

"Huh!" Fang Weiss let out a big breath. It was obvious that he didn't dare to breathe out just now.

Soon, they arrived at the security checkpoint. Hongchen Zhanji stretched out her hand and pulled off the necklace Fang Weiss was wearing around her neck.

Fang Weisi's appearance returned to its original appearance. "Can you give me this necklace?"


Women want something? The Fang family is really worse than the last generation," Hongchen Zhanji said indifferently, shaking her head.

"Eh? What do you mean?" Fang Weiss took two steps forward and walked to Hongchen Zhanji's side and asked.

Hongchen Zhanji took out her work card and scratched it at the security gate before walking into the security gate. The image and appearance of Hongchen Zhanji were displayed on the security table next to the security gate. After the robot police checked her identity, she was released. left.

Fang Weisi followed suit, swiping his card like the Concubine of the Red Dust and walked into the security gate.

As expected, his own interests were involved, and what Brother Ji did was quite reliable. Fang Weiss successfully passed the security gate and then boarded the public train with Hongchen Zhanji.

Fang Weis followed Hongchen Zhanji to find two empty seats and sat down, then looked around. He was a little excited. After all, this was his first time leaving area A7.

"What are you looking at?" Fang Weiss asked, watching the Red Dust Warrior staring out the window.

"These bounty hunters will not give up until they find you. They will soon find out your information through the Entry and Exit Management Center," Hongchen Zhanji said solemnly.

"Not only are you beautiful, but you are also very cautious. What do you do?" Fang Weiss looked at the woman next to him named Hongchen Zhanji again.

"Please pay attention to your wording. Your father has to use the honorific title when he sees me. The Fang family is really... unique to your generation," Hongchen Zhanji said.

"Actually, you don't have to hide it, I can understand what you mean." Fang Weiss lowered his head with a dark look on his face. This kind of hard euphemism made people feel very... sad.

"Do you know my father?" Fang Weiss frowned. He hadn't heard anything about his father for a long time. He only remembered that his father left when he was very young, leaving only his mother by his side. He knew that he was very When he was six years old, his mother died of illness.


Fang Weiss looked at the Red Dust War Princess next to him, and a strange thought flashed in his mind, "You are not my father's illegitimate daughter, are you? It is illegal to have illegitimate children on the Tiangong No. 1...".

"I'm worried that one day I won't be able to help but kill you!" With that said, Hong Chen Zhan Ji broke off the right armrest and threw it to Fang Weiss.

Fangvis: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

After the train started, Hong Chen Zhan Ji retracted her gaze from the window, glanced at Fang Weiss with a bitter look on his face and shook his head.

"Your father is a good man, but not a qualified leader. I have protected your Fang family for more than three hundred years, and you are the tenth generation."

"What?" Fang Weiss was not stupid enough to take this seemingly joking remark as a joke. During this short period of getting along, he felt an unprecedented sense of stability and security from the Hongchen Warrior.

"You are..." His intuition told him that the Red Dust War Princess might really be who she said she was.

"I am Ex Machina, entrusted by an old friend to protect his relatives." As he said this, Fang Mobei's appearance appeared in the memory storage chip of the Red Dust Warrior.

"Who do you want to protect?" Fang Weiss asked curiously.

"The sister who protects him is your ancestor's grandmother, and you are her tenth generation descendant," Hongchen Zhanji explained.

"This amount of information is indeed a bit large." Fang Weisian's brain was working rapidly to digest the information he heard from the Red Dust War Princess.

"He asked me to protect his relatives. You and he are somewhat related by blood, so I will protect you too."

"Actually, your friend just wants you to protect his sister, my ancestor...grandma." Fang Weiss knew that the robot's cognitive outlook was relatively straightforward. Unless his lineage was cut off, he believed that the Red Dust War Princess would definitely Will continue to protect it.

The promise of hundreds of years may only happen to robots. While he sighed, he felt helpless for the persistence of the Red Dust War Princess.

"I know what you said. After your grandma passed away, I had nowhere to go and didn't know what to do, so I had no choice but to continue to protect her family."

"You found me... does that mean my father is no longer alive?" Fang Wei asked calmly. Perhaps he had not had much contact with his father since he was a child, so his father's death did not make him feel much.

"Your father passed away a long time ago. You were still young at that time, and your mother took good care of you. It was not until some time ago that I returned to Area A7," Hongchen Zhanji said.

"What kind of person is my father?" Fang Weiss was a little curious, after all, that was his father.

"Your father is a very kind man, but he is not a good leader."

"What leader?" Fang Weiss frowned. In this dark era, leader is generally not a good pronoun. He would not be so naive as to think that the leader mentioned by the Red Dust War Princess could see the light.

"Your father is the leader of the revolutionary army"

"Rebel...rebel?" Fang Weiss said in shock. He could never imagine that his father was the terrorist and leader of the rebels that the Administrative Office had been promoting day and night.

"Those bastards in the Administrative Department call them terrorists and rebels, but they are the greatest group of people in this era. They call what they do revolution." At this point, Hongchen Zhanji raised the corner of her mouth. "What a beautiful word - revolution."

"Oh my god, if you are caught by the security guards, you will be hanged." Fang Weiss felt his heart pounding.

Although he will also do some prohibited things, such as stealing parts of shared mechanical items without permission, or making some prohibited items to sell on the black market.

But he never imagined that his father was actually the leader of the rebels.

"They are a group of people with ideals and beliefs. They sacrificed their lives for the hundreds of thousands of civilians on the Tiangong," Hongchen Zhanji said.

"What's the meaning?"

"Although the Tiangong Hao classified citizens more than three hundred years ago, everyone lived together and had a common goal to contribute to the migration and continuation of mankind. Under the leadership of the military, citizens They lead an orderly and stable life.”

"Until the rise of the Skull and Bones on the Tiangong, it was like a storm that broke the tranquility of the night. Within decades, they seized control of the 'Mastermind'"

"And the military headquarters was evacuated and the entire military zone was blocked. The development of the Tiangong was deflected under the influence of the Skull and Bones Society."

"A deflection occurred?" Fang Weiss asked doubtfully.

"The scientific and technological field of Tiangong no longer focuses on military research, but instead focuses on civilian medical care, energy, and resources. Of course, this may be a good thing for the current Tiangong."

"Then the rebels are..." Fang Weiss asked.

"Since the Skull and Bones Society implemented the Eden Project, some soldiers and people began to rise up to resist, but were defeated by more armies and mechanical soldiers controlled by the Skull and Bones Society."

"The remaining people hid and gathered strength, Xu Tu resisted"

"But the news two years ago said that the rebels had been wiped out." Fang Weiss asked with some confusion.

"Your father led the last revolutionary army. During a revolution two years ago, your father misbelieved the intelligence, which led to the entire command being exposed, and your father died as a result."

"But your father left me an important piece of information at the last moment and said that this was the last chance for the Tiangong."

"What is it?" Fang Weiss looked at the Red Dust War Princess. The information his father gave at the last moment of his sacrifice must be quite important.

"Your father's information mentioned Saihu..." As she spoke, the corners of Hongchen Zhanji's lips raised, as if she was lost in memories like a human being.