Star-Crossed Lovers: The Ex-Convict and the White Rabbit

Chapter 33


There were still a few hours before dawn, and Lu Yin stayed outside for half the night. After listening to his narration, her physical and mental strains were stretched to the limit, she had enough trouble, and fell asleep with her clothes on.

Lu Qiang carried her into the bedroom, took off the cotton coat and jeans, and pulled off the quilt to cover it tightly.

I found the mobile phone from the living room, and there were two missed calls in it, which were from the root cause. He casually touched a cigarette, walked to the terrace, went back to him, and told him he was safe.

It was still dry and cold outside, the street lights were off, and the sky against the white snow was not so dark. When I lowered my eyes, the handprints on the external unit of the air conditioner were still there, and they were printed by him before.

Lu Qiang finished smoking the cigarette in his hand and turned back.

He breathed into his palms, gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, pulled his neckline and sniffed, and quickly stripped naked and walked to the bathroom.

Hot water drenched his body, and a sharp pain came from his shoulder. Lu Qiang opened his eyes suddenly, and turned his head. The wound on his left shoulder was soaked in water, and there was a faint red rippling around. It is clear.

Lu Qiang went to the sink and wiped off a layer of mist with his hands. His solid chest was clearly reflected in the mirror, and he touched the wound on his shoulder. How sad is it to exert such force? He rubbed it for a while, scooped his face with cold water, and shook his head. Fine droplets of water fell on the mirror, and the mist spread again, completely blurring his vision.

Lu Qiang propped up his arms, half bowed, Lu Yin's words distracted him for a moment.

After taking a shower, he wiped it scribbled, and jumped directly into bed. Lu Yin was already sound asleep, with one hand under her ear, lying on her side, her posture was a bit awkward. The temperature in the bedroom was high, she had been frozen and warmed up again, her whole face was flushed. Lu Qiang looked at it for a while, and helped her pull out the hair that had been eaten into the corner of her mouth, and pressed it against her forehead, staying on her lips for a long time before leaving. Turning off the light, they also lay down together.

This sleep was relatively peaceful, but at some point, he was woken up by the itchy forehead.

Lu Qiang half-closed her eyes, her eyebrows met her pupils, her lips were slightly pursed, her eyes were clear, and she was looking at him carefully.

Lu Yin woke up earlier than him. The sun was shining outside the window, the snow made the sky and the earth silvery, and the shadows of dry trees swayed back and forth on the wall, which seemed a bit unreal.

Lu Qiang held the hand on his forehead, brought it to his lips and kissed, "Are you awake?" The voice was very soft, he smoked too much yesterday, and when he opened his mouth, his voice was so hoarse that he couldn't make a sound.

Lu Yin didn't answer, her eyes moved up and landed on his forehead again. There is a long and thin scar on the right temple, and the necrotic epidermis is elsewhere, reflecting very faint light.

"How did you get that scar?"

Lu Qiang hesitated: "Didn't you ask?"

She repeated: "How did you stay?"

"It was cut with a knife."

The last time she asked him, Lu Qiang also gave the same answer. She thought it was just a joke before, and didn't think about it at all. He mentioned a sentence yesterday, and she probably guessed the front and back.

Lu Yin said: "Because the acting needs to be complete, he has a head injury, so you scratched the same one?"

"Yes." Lu Qiang said, "Even if the incision doesn't match, if it's on the bright side, you have to show it."

"It's really worth it."

"It doesn't hurt much." Lu Qiang said.

Lu Yin smiled indifferently, her nose was sore, she didn't know whether she should feel sorry for him, or call him stupid.

She turned her eyes away and raised her arms to get up, but she couldn't move an inch.

Lu Yin asked, "Aren't you thirsty?"

Lu Qiang looked into her eyes and didn't intend to let go.

After a long while, she sighed and lay down quietly: "Yesterday I ran away in the middle of the night because I didn't want to understand it for a while. You explained it, and I can accept this result. Those are your past. It cannot be changed," she paused at this point, her eyes fixed on the roof, where tiny spots of light kept changing. She continued: "If you give me another chance, I will definitely hide from you. If you haven't started, you don't have to force yourself to accept it."

"I'm a rather shy person, and I would be hesitant at first, but once I decide, I don't want to play casually, and I've thought about things in the future for a long time," she said slowly, ", I don't intend to separate from you, But, in the future, you won't let me down, right?"

Her expression was very calm, the corners of her lips curled up in a faint arc, her eyes were calm, and she stubbornly waited for his answer.

Lu Qiang looked at her for a long time.

Lu Yin repeated: "Let's live a good life, shall we?"

Lu Qiang rolled his throat, finally closed his eyes, and said yes in a low voice.

Lu Yin leaned over and touched his lips: "Drink water?"


Later in the day, Lu Qiang and Genzi met and went to the Public Security Bureau. Dalong squatted in the interrogation room all night, bearded, his eyes were red from boiling, and his whole body was shattered. Seeing Lu Qiang almost cried, when he beat someone His arrogance was gone, like a defeated rooster.

Liang Yarong never let go and asked the police to intervene. Dalong was temporarily put in the detention center.

It was still early to come out from the Public Security Bureau, so Tan Wei ran out, called Lu Qiang, and stopped two meters away.

Lu Qiang turned his head and glanced at her coldly.

Tan Wei was a little uneasy, put her hands in her pockets, and straightened her back: "Well, she... is it okay?"

Lu Qiang raised his leg to leave.

In a hurry, she followed two steps and grabbed the fabric on his elbow: "I just want to say... I'm sorry."

Lu Qiang didn't appreciate it, and suddenly lowered his eyes, as if she had been electrocuted, her arms immediately retracted.

After Tan Wei finished speaking, she regretted it. She couldn't hold back her face for a while, and tried to calm down: "I care about you because of my kindness, and I have been thinking about it all night. What's your attitude?"

Lu Qiang said: "I'm a food protector, and I hate people touching my things the most, even if I have a bad idea. Just keep your mouth shut and say nonsense, don't blame me for tearing it up for you."

After finishing speaking, step forward. No matter what, I don't want to have the same knowledge as a woman.

Tan Wei was very angry, and roared: "Lu Qiang," she bit her lip, "Don't forget that I saved you, kittens and puppies know how to repay you, so I'll just say a few more words, Killing is nothing but nodding, what do you think of me?"

"I want you to stay away from me," Lu Qiang said, "If you want you to take off this police uniform, I, Lu Qiang, will be grateful for that shot in prison. Don't take responsibility seriously."

Tan Wei froze on the spot.

Lu Qiang glanced at her: "You have to be worthy of the clothes you are wearing." He looked at the roots: "Let's go."

Genzi came in his broken bread car, and when the two got into the car, he couldn't help asking: "Brother Qiang, did you scold me a little bit? After all, she is a little girl, so pitiful."

Lu Qiang snorted, "Why didn't you see pity when you broke your mouth?"

While driving, Genzi dared to tease him when he saw that his mood had changed: "It's changed! Brother Qiang, sister-in-law made you change your ways!"

Lu Qiang: "Don't be so fucking weird."

Genzi smirked and rubbed the back of his head: "Where shall we go next?"

Lu Qiang paused: "Did you not be asked for the address of the hospital just now?"

"Go to the hospital?"

Lu Qiang responded, "The big dragon is still inside, you have to go and see."

Genzi nodded, stepped on the accelerator to increase the speed, missed the morning rush hour for work, and the journey was exceptionally smooth.

Lu Qiang walked into the hall first, and waited for Genzi to park the car. In the morning, the hospital was overcrowded and bustling with family members queuing up to pay the fees. Lu Qiang took two steps to the side, took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it, before it was full, a little nurse came from a distance and frowned at him, "Smoking is not allowed in the hospital."

With half a puff of cigarette in his mouth, Lu Qiang raised his hand at her, turned and walked out.

The snow on the road was shoveled to both sides, exposing the original gray ground, and the steps were still a little slippery, and people who came up were cautiously bumping their steps. He gave way to the base of the wall, exhaling the smoke from his mouth.

The parking lot is far away, the cigarette in his mouth has been smoked, and the root has not come back. He lowered his head and wanted to find another one. Before he could lower his eyes, a person flashed out of the door, wearing a black windbreaker and slacks, striding out.

He bumped into a passer-by at the door, and he swore away and brushed him away. The moment he turned sideways, Lu Qiang saw clearly that he was in a mess, with water marks on the front of his shirt and trousers. He stood in front of the steps for a while, looked back, and then shook his hands leave.

Gen Zi didn't know when he came over, and waved his hand in front of his eyes: "Brother Qiang, what are you looking at?"

Lu Qiang looked again, then raised his leg and said, "It's nothing."

Liang Yajun lived in a high-end ward, which Liang Yarong saw Lu Qiang change on purpose last night. It was on the top floor of the hospital.

The corridor was silent, the windows were bright and clean, and the environment was very quiet.

There is a small lounge outside the ward. Lu Qiang put his hands on the door, paused, and then knocked twice to push it open. Before one leg could step in, out of the corner of his eye, he saw an object flying out of it. As soon as he retracted his arm, the heavy object hit the door panel with a muffled bang.

After a few seconds, he pushed the door again.

Sitting on the sofa, Wu Qiong turned her head suddenly: "I tell you to get out, don't appear in front of me disgusting people..."

At that moment, her expression was a little ferocious. She grabbed the cushion and was about to throw it away, but the person who saw the door was stunned, at a loss for a moment, she opened her mouth, but didn't say a word.

It wasn't Lu Qiang's fault back then, but it was unavoidable that he unintentionally made it happen. He was punished for Qiu Zhen. At first, she hated her so much that she was going crazy. In the month of lying in the hospital, she had nothing to love and was in a negative mood. The hospital issued several critical illness notices, and after a long period of torture, she managed to come back to life after brushing shoulders with death. Afterwards, he received a long period of psychological counseling, and his mood gradually stabilized, and he took away the little affection he had for him.

In the past few years, she had no desires or desires, and she never lost control of her emotions until she met Qiu Zhen a few days ago.

The nightmare still came.

Wu Qiong held her trembling hand and pretended to be calm: "You guys go, my mother is going to buy food and will be back soon."

Lu Qiang stood at the door without moving: "What kind of injury is he?"

Wu Qiong looked at him for two seconds, then turned away: "Multiple traumas, mild concussion on the head, broken nasal bone, and comminuted fracture of the tibia of the left leg."

"Are you awake?"

"No," Wu Qiong said, "I've been given anesthesia, and I'm lethargic."

"The fee is given by Dalong, so let people try their best."

Wu Qiong lowered his head and said nothing.

Lu Qiang paused: "The man is still squatting in the detention center. For the fight, he should pay as much as he should. Let him come over and confess his mistakes face to face... There are some things he doesn't know, so he is innocent. It doesn't make any sense to let go."

Only then did Wu Qiong slow down a little, and she put down her hands: "I don't care what I say about this matter."

Lu Qiang said, "I hope you can think clearly."

He didn't stay for long, and when he came out of the ward, Genzi ran downstairs to pay the fee. He took a slow step behind and took the next elevator. The moment the door closed, someone pressed it from the outside.

Wu Qiong chased him out, a little out of breath: "I still have a few words."

After a few seconds, Lu Qiang straightened up from the wall and followed, and the two found a quiet place to talk.

There is a smoking room at the corner, and the window is facing the hospital lawn. There is no green in winter, and it is covered with snow.

There was a meter between the two of them, and Lu Qiang happened to be smoking a cigarette. The space was not big, and the smoke was lingering after a while.

Lu Qiang put one hand in his pocket: "What do you want to say?"

Wu Di said: "I can persuade my mother not to pursue your friend's matter."

Lu Qiang took a sip of his cigarette and narrowed his eyes: "And then?"

She lowered her head and rubbed her hands in front of her body a few times: "He," Wu Qiong took a breath, tried to stabilize his emotions, and said, "Qiu Zhen... I met me suddenly on the road a while ago, and after that time, it was the same as before. Always lingering, appearing from time to time, saying some inexplicable things... I was terrified, and I couldn't hide even if I wanted to. My mother is not in good health, and I dare not tell her... "

Lu Qiang glanced at her, then lowered his gaze and landed on her hand. She trembled a little, desperately trying to control it, her knuckles turning white.

After a while, Wu Qiong looked at his side face: "Let's let the past be the past, I appoint. He used to listen to you the most, can you... tell him not to harass me?"

Lu Qiang didn't answer her. He squinted his eyes and looked out the window. The cigarette he was biting on his mouth hadn't moved. If it wasn't for the wisps of smoke, the world seemed to freeze.

The dazzling white outside the window, looking down from a height, the crowd is like ants, slowly crawling on their own tracks.

When the smoke was about to burn to the end, the ash could no longer hold up, and a large part fell on the window sill.

Lu Qiang took it off and threw it directly into the trash can: "I can't take care of his affairs now."


After that, Lu Qiang didn't show up again, and asked Genzi to send money twice. Except for the injury on his leg, Liang Yajun basically recovered. After being discharged from the hospital, he went to the rehabilitation center. He struggled for a month before returning.

Not long after, Dalong was also released, and Wu Qiong finally got through with Liang Yarong, otherwise it would be inevitable for Dalong to squat for a year or so if she wanted to investigate the matter based on the injury report.

He was dismissed by the logistics company, and Lu Qiang paid all the money for the hospital. After he came out, he asked a few people out to have a good drink. That's good.

Lu Qiang scolded him with a smile, and turned to the window, where fine snowflakes fluttered.

The winter of this year seems to be particularly cold, with heavy snow and light snow, and the whole city seems to be covered in white, cold and desolate.

One week before the Spring Festival, Uncle Lu Yin called again and set a time to go home with her. She had originally planned to stay in Zhangzhou with Lu Qiang this year, but thinking about it, she only went back once since she graduated, even if she didn't want to, uncle was relative after all.

After discussing with Lu Qiang, he was only silent for a moment, then smiled and asked her to go back.

Lu Yin said: "It will only take five or six days, and I will be able to return to Zhangzhou on the fourth day of the lunar new year."

"I will pick you up."

She packed up a few changes of clothes: "Then where are you going for the New Year?"

"If you have roots, the few of us can make a mahjong table."

After all, Lu Yin felt apologetic and kissed him on the cheek: "Wait for me to come back. I will spend next year with you."

Thinking of next year, Lu Qiang smiled. Promises can always make people fall into a beautiful vision, but there are still differences from reality.

He leaned forward and kissed, "Okay."

Lu Qiang sent her off at night on the day she left. Her uncle's house is further south, and she lives in a small county town. The train is more convenient than the plane. The journey takes more than ten hours, and it will pass quickly after sleeping.

Lu Yin was carrying a small suitcase, and he stuffed it with snacks to eat on the way.

At the height of the Spring Festival travel season, people from all walks of life in the waiting room were lying everywhere. Lu Qiang glanced at him and couldn't help frowning. Finally, he got a platform ticket and sent her to the train.

He bought the bottom bunk, put his luggage away, and folded down.

The corner of the clothes was pulled down, Lu Qiang turned his head, she sat on the bed and looked up at him.

Lu Qiang bowed and smiled: "Can't bear to part with me?"

Lu Yin pursed her lips and asked softly, "Will you miss me?"

Surrounded by crowded crowds, Lu Qiang pinched her chin, "I don't want to. Can you come back and vent my anger when I feel uncomfortable?"

Lu Yin only heard the first two words, her throat felt uncomfortable, she bit her lower lip lightly, and the shadow above her head was also somewhat blurred.

Lu Qiang hesitated, "I don't know how to tease."

Lu Yin blinked quickly, and smiled covertly: "Let's go, we're going to drive."

Lu Qiang buried his head lower and looked at her for a long time: "I'll pick you up on the fourth day of the lunar new year."

The conductor at the gate blew his whistle, and Lu Qiang kissed her, "I'm leaving."

Lu Yin sniffed, thinking of something, quickly opened the curtains, the platform was dim, and there were only two or three figures left. Within a few seconds, Lu Qiang appeared at the window, with his hands in his pockets, and an unburned gun between his teeth. Smoke, hooking the corners of his lips at her.

The two are separated by a thin glass, but they are drifting away. Five or six days is not a long time, but Lu Yin is afraid of separation.

Outside the car window, Lu Qiang took out his mobile phone, pressed on it, and raised it towards Lu Yin, motioning her to read the text message.

He didn't wait for the train to leave, leaving her with a back view, with a tall and big body, with his head bowed and his back arched, walking in a leisurely manner, as if going home was not so urgent.

Lu Yin put down the curtains, rubbed her eyes, and then remembered to check her phone from her pocket.

She only glanced at it before throwing it out angrily, feeling that it was a waste of emotion just now.

Four words on the screen: I want you to masturbate yourself.

After a while, Lu Yin picked it up and glanced at it again, her cheeks couldn't help but feel hot.