Star-Crossed Lovers: The Ex-Convict and the White Rabbit

Chapter 40


Lu Qiang knew that this was a lead wire, and Qian Yuan wanted to fix him for a long time, but he just happened to encounter this, so he definitely wouldn't let it go easily. He put on his sweater, squinted his eyes, tugged at the waist of his trousers, and then stooped to put on his shoes.

He took the time to turn his head: "You put on your clothes and stay here."

Lu Yin was still staring at the door with dull eyes, and it took a long time before she remembered to look at Lu Qiang.

With half of the cigarette left, he pinched it with his hand and exhaled the last puff of thick smoke.

Lu Yin stretched out her arms from under the quilt, with her clothes beside her: "Don't go there, let me go and have a look first."

He held her head in both hands, her eyes were moist and her face was pale. Lu Qiang took a serious look and rubbed the corner of her lips with his thumb: "Be good."

Lu Yin asked, "What will Auntie do to you?"

"Finally seized the opportunity," Lu Qiang said, "She used to love to do things."

Lu Yin took a breath: "Then what should we do?"

"Let her vent, I'm sorry for her."

Lu Yin straightened her body: "Then I'll go with you too, with outsiders around, maybe she won't make things difficult for you."

Lu Qiang chuckled, half-truth and half-hypothesis: "Don't, save me some face."

Lu Yin didn't think about this aspect, she sat on the kang wrapped in blankets, saw that he was fully dressed, finally she gritted her teeth: "I still have to go."

Lu Qiang looked at Lu Yin, pressed the top of her head, and said silently: "What were you doing in the room just now? Are you not afraid of embarrassment?"

Lu Yin frowned, and many restricted images popped into her mind. Her body froze, and her face turned red instantly.

Lu Qiang's eyes were deep, he gave her some weight, and pressed down hard with his hands, "I'm hurting you."

"...No." Her face was still red.

Lu Qiang kissed her lips and lingered for a moment: "Sleep obediently."

He didn't wear a coat, so he opened the door and went out.

The main house was brightly lit, and the door was not closed tightly. Qian Yuanqing put a chair beside her, and Lu Qiang bought a cane in her hand.

Lu Qiang raised the curtain with his waist down, "Mom."

Qian Yuanqing remained indifferent, folded her hands on the crutches, and knocked on the ground.

Lu Qiang didn't move, and hooked his forehead with his fingers a few times.

She said, "Don't understand?"

Lu Qiang looked at the cabinet on the opposite side. The newly exchanged tributes on it were a few oranges the day he came, but now they were replaced with apples. He glanced at Qian Yuanqing again, paused for a moment, took a step back with his right leg, knocked his knee on the ground, followed by his left leg, moving slowly but loudly.

He hadn't knelt down yet, Qian Yuanqing had already raised his crutch from the corner of his eye, and knocked him on the back without hesitation.

The wooden stick collided with the bone, and there was a muffled sound.

Lu Qiang shuddered, clenched his teeth, straightened his back, and didn't even block it.

Followed by another stick. She exerted her strength, and her breath was slightly uneven.

Lu Qiang stared at the front, looking at the face of the man in the frame. The corners of his lips were raised, his teeth were sparse, and there was an irregular word 'Chuan' on his stretched brows.

Wrinkled, dark complexion, the face of a standard working people.

He looked at it, hooked the corner of his lips, and smiled slightly.

Qian Yuanqing's eyes widened in surprise, her chest heaved, "You're so lucky to laugh." After speaking, he was rewarded with a stick.

Lu Qiang turned his head: "Mom, you are willing to talk to me."

She was a little dazed, but she didn't look at him, and sat back on the stool just now, her voice was much calmer: "You are such a bastard outside, I don't recognize you. Although you brought that girl, I don't care what she does. .But now in my house, everyone has a father and a mother, and she is a serious girl. I can't let you mess around."

Lu Qiang said, "I'm not fooling around, I'm serious."

"You also know how to be serious?" Qian Yuanqing sneered, looked at the photo on the cabinet, and said after a long time: "'The son is not the fault of the father', when he closed his eyes, he regretted not teaching you well, saying that he should not have let you go. You get out. He doesn't hate you, I hate you, if it weren't for you, he would have lived a few more years," Qian Yuanqing blinked at this point: "You go in for a month, Xiaozhi asked someone to take it, I know you He didn’t catch up with that beast, and suffered a stroke on the spot... The village doctor saw it, and hurried to the hospital in the town. It’s impossible to imagine... "

Lu Qiang clenched his fists. He will never forget that month.

"Where I thought about it, I died halfway."

There was no sound in the room, except for the crackling of firewood in the stove, which was very subtle but clearly audible.

Qian Yuanqing's eyes became clearer, and she stood up on tiptoe, with a stick in her hand: "It's not wrong to say that you are wrong."

He gritted his teeth and endured: "Which one do you ask?"

"Add a piece."

Lu Qiang said: "Yinyin is your future daughter-in-law, this can't change, I'm right." The muscles in his cheeks moved, and he looked straight ahead: "Before... I regret going the wrong way, I'm sorry my dad is sorry You, it’s too late to make amends now, if there is another life left, I’m not worthy to be your son, so I’ll make amends as a cow instead of a horse.”

He looked at the ground and said in a calm voice, "You didn't read the letter I wrote last time. I want to get married. I met Yin Yin and I want to change my life. I don't deserve to be forgiven. I just hope you can see her. She is a good girl. "

These words came from the bottom of his heart. In the past, when doing things, the boundary between right and wrong was very blurred. He didn't bow his head easily. He had only apologized to two women in his life, one was Qian Yuanqing and the other was Lu Yin.

There was a brief silence.

Qian Yuanqing clenched the crutch in her hand, remembering what Lu Yin said, years of speculation and suspicion were finally pointed out that night, her son should be upright and upright, that kind of dirty work, what he did not come out.

But no matter right or wrong, it was a fact that he was mad at Lao Lu. Because the hatred buried in his heart was too deep, he ignored him, refused to listen to the explanation and refused to let him come back, so he was regarded as dead.

But she forgot one thing, mother and child are connected by heart, blood relationship cannot be changed in this life, she is a mother, no matter how hard-hearted she is, he is also her weakness.

Lu Qiang owed her an explanation. Qian Yuanqing's eyes blurred: "Is there anything you want to say?"

Lu Qiang knelt down and didn't speak.

"Why take the blame for others?"

He paused, and said everything. Qian Yuanqing remained silent, and did not raise the crutch in her hand again.


A strong wind blew in the middle of the night, rolling up snow particles and unfolding curtains of light gauze.

Lu Qiang was driven back to Genzi's house by Qian Yuanqing. The west room was completely dark. He stood at the door for a moment without disturbing him, and went out of the courtyard directly.

At this moment, Lu Yin was not asleep, but kept his eyes open in the dark. The main house and the west house are far away, and the wind is howling outside, so you can't hear a sound. She tossed and turned for half the night, her head kept spinning, guessing what was going on over there.

When it was near midnight, her spirit was stretched to the limit and her body was weak, so she fell asleep in a daze.

This sleep was not stable, she woke up occasionally, and picked up her phone to check that it was only four o'clock in the morning. She lay down again and ordered herself to sleep more. In the dimness, there were intermittent voices in her ears, both familiar and far away, and then the strong smell of food rushed into her nose, she sucked her nose, and suddenly opened her eyes.

The sky was bright, a beam of sunlight shone from above her head, her hands outside the quilt were white and bright, her eyes were dull, she opened her palms to look at her eyes, then looked up at the window, the ice flowers on the glass were gorgeous, dazzlingly bright.

She finally woke up, sat up suddenly, and looked at the time, it was almost nine o'clock.

Talking intermittently outside the house, she held her breath and listened attentively, unexpectedly it was Lu Qiang and Qian Yuanqing. She opened her mouth in surprise, and sat there, forgetting what to do next.

The voice was not clear, basically Lu Qiang said three words, and she barely responded.

Lu Qiang asked: "How long will it take for the pot to come out?"

"Fifteen points."

After a while of silence, she said, "Wake that girl up, what time is it?"

Lu Yin tensed up, subconsciously slipped back into the quilt.

Then I heard Lu Qiang say: "Let her sleep more."

With a cold snort: "She is arguing about eating steamed buns, but she can't afford to make them. It won't taste good when it gets cold later, so call them." The words were harsh, not intentionally sarcastic, but felt that these two people were too troublesome.

She didn't hear Lu Qiang's reply. After a while, there was a soft knock at the door, and Lu Yin quickly covered her head.

The sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer. For some reason, the sun came through the gap, and there was a trace of unreality between the bright and dark. I suppressed excitement and faint anxiety in my heart.

Her footsteps stopped above her head, and before she could move, she suddenly lifted the quilt.

Lu Qiang was leaning on top of her, and quickly withdrew his head: "Fuck, you are so short-sighted."

Lu Yin took a few breaths, she turned her head towards the center of the room, seeing that he was standing on his head: "You guys... Auntie forgive you?"

Lu Qiang lowered his head and thought for a while: "That's right."

Lu Yin's eyes would glow and her teeth would show: "That's really great."

Her teeth are like bright white broken jade, each full, warm and attractive. Lu Qiang's heart skipped a beat, he couldn't help leaning forward, and kissed her in a pose. When Hu stubble touched her nose, it wasn't very comfortable, but it was more beautiful than anyone else.

At a quarter past nine, Lu Yin dawdled out, and Qian Yuanqing had already gone to the main house. Steamed buns, stewed meat, and two vegetables were placed on the dining table, and the whole family was waiting for her to cook.

Qian Yuanqing glanced at her indifferently at first, and ignored her as usual, focusing on eating her own food.

Lu Yin's nerves finally relaxed, and the last trace of scruples in her heart was let go. She didn't criticize or deliberately point out what happened last night. The casual and harmonious atmosphere made people feel very comfortable.

The moment she was in a trance, Qian Yuanqing swept her: "Why are you smirking? Eat it quickly, the steamed buns will harden when they cool down."

Lu Yin hurriedly groaned, picked up a steamed bun with chopsticks, held it in her hand, it was soft and soft, with a smooth skin, and a flower burst out in the middle. She looked up at Lu Qiang, his expression was still very calm, and he had already eaten most of it.

Qian Yuanqing added: "Stew meat is too boring, you eat vegetables."

Lu Yin smiled: "Thank you, Auntie."

In the next few days, Lu Qiang lived back in the West Room, and Lu Yin was still sleeping with Qian Yuanqing. Her feet were seven or eight points better, and it was rare to see a smile on her face.

On the morning of the fourteenth day of the first lunar month, Lu Yin and Lu Qiang were going back to the city, but Qian Yuanqing didn't see them off, and didn't ask when they would come back. Before leaving, he gave Lu Qiang a square file bag, which was carefully wrapped in plastic paper. She only told Lu Yin to wear more clothes so she wouldn't starve, she turned around and went back to the house without looking at Lu Qiang.

They stood in the snow and watched her back disappear. That back limped cautiously, a little lonely, a little lonely, which made people feel sour...

Genzi was going to stay at home for a while, so he sent the two of them to Huaizhou Airport.

The plane landed on time at 2:40, the temperature in Zhangzhou had already warmed up, the thin snow had melted, the road was slippery, and the wind was no longer cold. Lu Yin took a deep breath, in just half a month, it felt like he had been away for a long time.

She went to the bathroom from the airport, it was on the left hand side of the stairs. In the middle of the journey, I heard noise outside. The housekeeper stopped someone from smoking inside. The other party apologized in a soft voice. When Lu Yin came out, she collided with someone who was half a head smaller than her, weak and pale.

Lu Yin quickly supported her: "I'm sorry, are you okay?"

The other party cut his hair short, stabilized his body, tried his best to smile and said, "It's okay."

Lu Yin could see her face clearly, her eyebrows were delicate, she was very pretty, her eyes were only in a trance, avoiding staring at others, she looked abnormal.

Lu Yin smiled and nodded, the other party entered the cubicle, and she left by mistake.

Lu Yin turned the corner of the elevator, lowered her head and patted the wrinkles on her body, and when she looked up to search for Lu Qiang, her footsteps stopped.

Not far away, Lu Qiang was talking to someone, and the two stood quietly with a distance of not too far, neither could hear anything, and did not have much body language. Lu Yin stepped forward to interrupt unintentionally, and stood patiently waiting.

She casually glanced at the man on the other side. He was tall and well-proportioned, and his appearance was surprisingly similar to Lu Qiang. Her fingers hanging by her side twitched, her heart clenched, and she instantly recognized that person, vaguely remembering that his name was Qiu Zhen—the rapist from back then.

Lu Qiang squatted in his place for six years.

She felt a little uneasy in her heart, and she subconsciously didn't want Lu Qiang to have anything to do with him. When she wanted to move forward, Lu Qiang happened to look in this direction.

Lu Yin stopped again.

He looked away calmly, said something to the other party, and slid his suitcase towards her.

Lu Yin couldn't help looking at Qiu Zhen again, he stood sideways, still waiting in place.