Star-Crossed Lovers: The Ex-Convict and the White Rabbit

Chapter 46


When Lao Xing entered the interrogation room, two police officers stood up, and one of them asked, "Captain Xing, have you found it?"

Lao Xing put the thermos cup on the corner of the table, took off his coat and put it on the back of the chair. He nodded, "I'll be back at two o'clock. You guys pack up and leave. Tan Wei and I are left."

The police officer looked disappointed, it seems that the case still needs to be investigated. They picked up the materials on the table, and it happened that Tan Wei knocked on the door, greeted her, and left.

Tan Wei closed the door, put her hands back into her trouser pockets, stood beside her for a moment, and glanced at the man in front of her. He tilted his head and was looking in her direction, but he was not looking at her, his eyes were fixed on the closed security door, his eyes were dark.

Tan Wei took a step sideways to block his view.

Lu Qiang's eyes shook, he glanced at her, straightened his head, and returned to the original state.

Lao Xing handed over a glass of water, but he didn't take it, raising his eyelids: "Are you done asking? When can I leave?"

After holding the paper cup in front of him for a while, Lao Xing withdrew his hand, went to sit behind the table, and Tan Wei also went to take notes.

Lao Xing was silent: "Between 2:00 am and 5:00 am on May 10th, in room 1202 of Fortune Hotel, a Chinese woman was suspected of being murdered. She is 26 years old and works in Urui Technology."

Lu Qiang looked at him.

Lao Xing said: "You know this person. She is Wu Qiong."

Lu Qiang's expression remained unchanged, looking at Lao Xing. Tan Wei tapped the desktop, "Lu Qiang, did you hear me talking to you?"

Lao Xing patted her on the arm, told her not to be impatient, and leaned back in the chair without urging her.

After a while, Lu Qiang looked away.

Lao Xing passed him a cigarette in the past, Lu Qiang looked at it, and accepted it this time.

He lit the fire with Lao Xing's hand and took a deep breath. Lao Xing also lit one himself, leaning on the table and smoking slowly.

For a while, the airtight interrogation room was filled with smoke.

Lu Qiang smoked this cigarette very quickly, and Lao Xing asked, "Can I have another one for you?"

Lu Qiang: "No need."

Lao Xing was straightforward: "We checked the surveillance video of your community, and it showed that you went out at 1:03 am on the 10th, and you took a taxi back at 2 am that day, and you went out again at 10 am." He pinched Liaoyan: "The time of death of the victim, Wu Qiong, was probably around three o'clock in the morning on the 10th. The time does not match, and you can basically remove the suspicion."

"I didn't pass the test. I will tell you everything I found. I hope there is a minimum trust between us, and you can cooperate with our investigation."

Lu Qiang crossed his arms and glanced at him.

Lao Xing said: "We found the lighter and umbrella with your fingerprints on them in room 1202, can you explain?"

After a while, Lu Qiang said, "I met Wu Qiong before."

Lao Xing frowned, and exchanged a look with Tan Wei: "You mean, when you went out between one and two in the morning, did you go to see Wu Qiong?"


"You gave it to her?"

Lu Qiang said: "It was raining at the time, and she didn't have an umbrella, so I gave her my own. She also borrowed cigarettes and lighters, and I didn't take them."

Lao Xing pondered for a moment, "That is to say, it is very possible that you were the last to see Wu Qiong before her death, except for the criminal suspect?"

Lu Qiang was silent and did not answer.

Lao Xing asked, "Where did you meet?"

"The door of the corner clothing store."

He raised his chin towards Tan Wei and asked her to record it carefully.

"What did you say?"


Lao Xing looked at him, turned on the thermos cup and took a sip of tea, then laughed: "We met in the middle of the night and didn't say anything?"

Lu Qiang said: "She had something to say to me before, but when I saw it later, she was speechless again."

Lao Xing stared at him with sharp eyes, while Lu Qiang looked calm.

After a while, he asked, "Wu Qiong didn't say where she's going?"

Lu Qiang was silent for a moment: "No."

"How is she feeling?"

"It was too dark, I didn't pay attention."

"Then what did you do?"

"Smoked a cigarette and stayed for less than ten minutes."

This conversation did not ask anything, his answer was too simple, I don't know whether it is true or not.

Tan Wei couldn't help snorting coldly: "I don't believe you didn't say anything, just to meet in the middle of the night? What's the relationship between you?"

Lu Qiang lowered his head and ignored her.

Tan Wei was ignored and threw the pen in her hand: "What's your attitude? If you don't cooperate with the police investigation, do you know that we have the right to detain you!"

"Tan Wei!" Old Xing stopped Cisheng, "Let's go here today. You sort out the records and check the surveillance cameras on the street corner."

He turned to Lu Qiang and said, "Lu Qiang, you can go now, thank you for your cooperation. But before the case is clarified, you'd better not leave Zhangzhou, we need to invite you back for questioning at any time."

Lu Qiang stood up and nodded at him.

He didn't want to wait any longer, so he opened the door impatiently and went out.


It was past early morning, the police station was almost gone, the headlights were turned off, leaving only a few wall lamps. The corridor was dim and silent, and the end was pitch black, with no light coming in from the windows.

Lu Qiang saw the people sitting on the bench at a glance. She wrapped one arm around her chest, rested her other elbow on her wrist, covered her forehead with her palm, and lowered her head, as if she was asleep.

She is small in stature, nestled quietly in the cold hard seat, her coat is also thin, and her thin ankles are exposed under her trousers, she does not move at all.

Lu Qiang looked away for a moment, licked his lower lip, clenched his fists, and stood for two seconds before moving towards her.

Lu Yin was only sleeping lightly, and faintly felt a warm breath approaching, someone touched her lips with fingers, she trembled, opened her eyes immediately, and was about to stand up immediately.

Pressing his hands on his shoulders, Lu Qiang squatted in front of her and asked softly, "Are you asleep?"

Lu Yin recognized him in a panic, her eyes lit up: "Are you okay?"

Lu Qiang didn't answer, he gritted his teeth and pretended to be ruthless, scratched her nose, and scolded in a warm voice: "Fucking disobedient again, who made you come here at night."

The two were very close. Lu Qiang was on his toes, his heels hanging slightly, squatting in front of her, a little taller than her.

She stared at him, unable to speak a word.

Lu Qiang leaned over and kissed her forehead, "Stupid?" He teased her, took off his coat, wrapped Lu Yin completely, and stood up with his arms holding her tightly.

"The car is outside?"

Lu Yin huddled in his arms, humming in a low voice. The tense nerves suddenly relaxed, and his feet seemed to be unable to walk.

The temperature at night is much lower than that during the day, and the cunning cold wind penetrates straight into the trouser legs.

After opening the car door, Lu Qiang sent her into the driver's seat, walked around quickly, and sat in the co-pilot.

Lu Yin turned on the ignition twice, she held the steering wheel and drove in the direction of home.

The lights in the carriage were not turned on, so Lu Qiang glanced sideways at her, turned on the air conditioner, and put his palms against the air outlets. After a while, warm and warm air continued to blow out.

Lu emphasized to turn around: "Is it still cold?"

Lu Yin stared at the front.

When he looked over, her face was flickered by the street lamps, and Lu Qiang put his palm on the back of her neck: "Did you have dinner tonight?"

Lu Yin pursed her lips tightly, still not squinting.

Lu Qiang glanced ahead, then turned his gaze back: "I made you worry, Yinyin."

It was fine if he didn't say that, but he forced out the emotions that had been controlled all the way, full of grievances and worries that urgently needed to be vented, she felt useless, her nose was sore, and she couldn't hold back her tears.

Blinking her eyes lightly, there were more tears than more tears. She tried her best to restrain herself, but Lu Qiang was still watching.

Just passing through the downtown business district, the car window was brightly lit, and the dim light shone into her eyes. Lu Qiang's heart skipped a beat, and she couldn't help but clenched the palms on the back of her neck.

Lu Yin sniffed, her vision became more and more blurred, like a rain curtain blocking a car window.

Lu Qiang coaxed softly: "Don't cry."

She couldn't see the road clearly, she tilted her hand, and the car slid an arc on the road.

Lu Qiang looked down: "Yinyin, pull over and stop first."

After hearing what he said, Lu Yin dodged to the right and pulled the handbrake on the side of the secluded road.

Lu Qiang turned on the headlights and pulled her shoulders. Tears covered her small face. She bit her lower lip tightly, trying not to make a sound.

His chest was tightly grasped, and he felt as if he was about to suffocate in the carriage. He held her under the armpit, carried Lu Yin out of the driver's seat, and put her across his lap.

Arms tightened, she nestled into his chest.

Lu Qiang pressed his lips to her forehead: "Are you scared?"

Lu Yin sobbed softly.

Lu Qiang sighed, and said slowly: "I haven't done anything, what are you afraid of?"

Her tears and snot rubbed against his chest, Lu Qiang pinched her chin, covered her lips, and kissed her tears inch by inch.

The carriage was very quiet. Occasionally, a car swished past from behind. Lu Qiang turned off the overhead lights, and his vision suddenly became dark. He gently raised the hand holding her chin, brought her lips to his lips, took her in one mouthful, and kissed her tenderly.

Lu Yin struggled a little, but he grabbed the back of her head and swallowed her more deeply and earnestly. His kiss was full of imperceptible flattery, carefully pleasing her, not like the usual ferocious drive straight in, but a shallow kiss with her lips.

Her mind was in a mess, she forgot to cry, and even forgot why the two kissed together.

Breathing slightly, Lu Qiang moved away a few inches, and put her hand on his cheek: "Touch and see, I'm here, are you still afraid?"

Her finger was cold, Lu Qiang pulled it to his lips and kissed, "I'm sorry." These three words contained a helpless sigh and an apology for her helplessness.

Lu Yin's heart softened, she regretted her gaffe, she quickly wiped the corners of her eyes, sat upright on him, shook her head and said, "Don't be afraid anymore."

She took the initiative to kiss him: "Did you have dinner tonight?"

"No." He also asked, "What about you?"


"Then go home and make it for you to eat?"

She leaned back on his chest again: "Let me do it."

The two stayed by the side of the road for a while, feeling stable, and Lu Yin suddenly remembered to ask something serious: "What's the matter with the murder they're talking about?"

Lu Qiang leaned his head against the back of the chair and half closed his eyes. After a while, she heard his voice: "Wu Qiong is dead."


The matter came to an end, and Lu Qiang lived a stable life for half a month.

Lao Xing called at noon that day, and instead of going to the interrogation room, he made an appointment in a tea room to meet Lu Qiang outside.

Lu Qiang didn't want to go at first, but he couldn't bear to invite him in person.

Lao Xing loved to drink tea, and he preferred oolong with strong color and flavor. He ordered a pot of Shangda Dahongpao, and the steaming heat filled the room with the fragrance of tea.

He poured Lu Qiang half a cup and pushed it over with his index finger.

Lu Qiang glanced down and didn't move: "If you have something to say, I don't have time to waste here."

Lao Xing smiled, took a sip from his teacup, and said, "We checked the video on the street corner, and it proved that you are not lying." He glanced at Lu Qiang, "It clearly recorded that you gave Wu Qiong a lighter and an umbrella. Twenty-three seconds later, Wu Qiong left alone. You stood there for a minute before taking a taxi in the opposite direction. Twenty-four minutes later, the taxi appeared at the gate of your community, and you got out of the car until ten o'clock in the morning. Go out with a woman."

Lu Qiang didn't know what he wanted to express, so he didn't disagree.

Lao Xing said: "The other day I saw someone bring Wu Qiong into the hotel. You and I know who killed her, don't you?"

Knowing that he would not answer, Lao Xing lowered his head and slowly drank the strong tea in his cup. The kettle next to it was bubbling and bubbling, and white smoke came out of the spout.

After a moment of silence, Lao Xing said: "We received a report at 12 noon the next day. She didn't check out when the time came, so the waiter went up to check and found Wu Qiong's body."

"According to the person in charge, at ten o'clock in the morning, there was a small fault in the hotel, the wires in the computer room were damaged, and the power went out for ten minutes. After that, the hotel's surveillance records for three consecutive days disappeared. The room was obviously tampered with, and there were no suspicious fingerprints. , the murder weapon disappeared, and not a single hair was found." Lao Xing turned the teacup: "The registration at the front desk is Qiu Zhen's ID number, which is almost the only clue, but our people asked him to come back for questioning. Guess what he said?"

Lu Qiang raised his eyebrows.

"Qiu Zhen said that he had lost his ID card for a month, and he didn't open the room for Fortune House."

After listening with lowered eyes, Lu Qiang tapped his finger on the table, "This is an internal secret of the police, can it be made public now?"

Lao Xing smiled: "It doesn't matter if you say I'm impatient or not capable enough, as a last resort, I won't open my mouth."

"I'm afraid you have the wrong person."

Lao Xing said: "It's the same as the rape case six years ago. Everyone knows that you took the blame for someone else, but because there is no evidence, you let him go and stay abroad for six years. I don't know the grievances between you, but Have you ever thought that this is not fair to a little girl?"

"This is a human life. If he is let go this time, it is very likely that he will leave Zhangzhou immediately and never come back. This case cannot be solved, and Wu Qiong will never rest in peace."

Lu Qiang lit a cigarette and exhaled slowly: "What do you want?"

Lao Xing was silent for a while, then raised his head: "Clarify what happened six years ago, hold him back for a year and a half, I don't believe that no evidence can be found."


On the other side, in the Qiu family villa.

Chen Sheng leaned heavily against the sofa and glanced up at Old Qiu.

Qiu Shizu put his legs on the corner of the table and held a cigar in his hand. He hadn't smoked for a long time, "Have the police been following Xiao Zhen recently?"

Chen Sheng said: "Still following."

"How much evidence do they have?"

"Basically no."

Qiu Shizu nodded in satisfaction, and his eyes fell on the restaurant in the distance: "Xiao Zhen said, that girl met Lu Qiang that night?"

Chen Sheng nodded: "Yes."

He leaned back in his chair, looked at the ceiling, and after a few seconds, he ordered, "Go and find out what's going on."