Star-Crossed Lovers: The Ex-Convict and the White Rabbit

Chapter 51


Lu Qiang and Lu Yin explained a few words and drove all the way to the train station.

Qian Yuanqing didn't dare to walk around after making the phone call, and waited at the newsstand across the road. It was almost noon, and the sun was burning. She was sitting in the shade of a tree next to her, holding a newspaper in her hand, folded it a few times, and used it as a fan.

She was wearing a blue and white silk short sleeve, blue cloth trousers, and black cloth shoes she had bought herself. Two old travel bags were stuffed beside her, and a hand-woven basket was placed on the other side.

Lu Qiang got out of the car, and was already sweating a few steps away. He quickly crossed the road, and saw people sitting under the shade of the tree.

Lu Qiang's feet seemed to be filled with lead, he stopped, and it was difficult to take the next step.

"You're tired." Without looking at her, he bowed and picked up two travel bags. Although he is strong and strong, and his subordinates have worked hard, the journey is far away, so I don't know how she brought it here.

Qian Yuanqing didn't notice him at all, and silently looked at the strange city. Glancing at him, I didn't see much surprise: "It's here?"

Lu Qiang murmured, and switched the two luggage bags to one hand, going to carry the basket.

She quickly stabilized her hand: "I'll take it myself, don't break it all for me."

Lu Qiang let go of his hand, glanced at it, and found a basket of firewood eggs inside. He blurted out, "Lu Yin can only eat liquid food now."

Qian Yuanqing glanced at him: "Others won't eat?"

Lu Qiang choked, touched his forehead with his fingers, stopped talking nonsense, and just said: "The car is parked in front."

Qian Yuanqing followed him, and Lu Qiang had nothing to say: "I said on the phone that I'm fine, but you don't need to come here in person." Later, she called again, and Lu Yin was already awake at that time, and the wound was healing well , Lu Qiang told her not to come.

Qian Yuanqing said: "After the farm work is done, idleness is idleness."

"What about the field?"

"Let Dad Xiaozhi show it for a few days."

The two talked and got to the side of the car. Lu Qiang opened the passenger door for her and put the luggage bag in the trunk.

It took a few minutes to start the car before the temperature dropped.

Qian Yuanqing put the basket under her feet and brushed her hair with her hands. Her hair is mixed with a lot of white, and her temples are clipped behind her ears. Her hairstyle is neat and neat.

Lu Qiang drove steadily and turned to look at her.

Qian Yuanqing looked out the window, it was the first time she came to a big city, and it was somewhat novel.

He nodded the steering wheel, hesitated to speak, and after a while, he turned his head: "Mom."

Qian Yuanqing looked away.

Lu Qiang said: "You can go with us, after all the formalities are completed, it's up to you."

"I dont go."

"I didn't deal with the previous things well. Now that I'm gone, I'm afraid they will go back to your hometown and make trouble for you."

Qian Yuanqing snorted coldly: "It's just an old woman, who can do anything to me."

Lu Qiang tried to persuade: "The environment over there is good, there is a yard in front of the house, and you can grow vegetables and flowers at that time. It is no different from that in China. Some old people go to take care of them in their later years." He paused for a moment, "Besides, Lu Yin is a talented person. Okay, I need your care."

"Then what do you eat?"

Lu Qiang clenched his hands, the line of his lips stretched involuntarily, he felt irritable, and wanted to smoke a cigarette.

At the red light ahead, Lu Qiang stopped the car slowly.

He opened the window and took out a cigarette to smoke. The back of the head rests slightly on the back of the chair, and the red number in front of it decreases every second, and finally turns green.

Lu Qiang stepped on the accelerator and started driving again.

After smoking a cigarette, he said, "Mom, actually go out..."

Before she could say anything, Qian Yuanqing frowned and clicked her tongue, "Fuck you, why are you dragging me, don't go."

I was in a hurry to say anything, Lu Qiang's words were stuck in his throat, and he swallowed hard.

No one spoke in the second half, and Lu Qiang drove the car back to the hospital.

The high window in the stairwell of the hospital was facing the road, Lu Qiang left after saying a word, Lu Yin was a little excited after being surprised. She couldn't sit still in the ward, and swayed to the stairwell. The window was a bit high, she stood on tiptoe, and looked out.

Below is the bustling traffic, slowing down at the entrance of the hospital. I live on the fifth floor and can't see anything at all.

Lu Yin was a little dizzy, and a golden star appeared in front of her eyes. She got off her feet, slowed down, and returned to the corridor.

Within ten minutes, two people came out of the elevator. Lu Qiang was carrying luggage in front, and Qian Yuanqing was one step behind with a basket in his hand.

Lu Yin's eyes lit up, she lowered her hat unnaturally, and took two steps towards her: "Auntie, you're here!"

"Yeah." Qian Yuanqing looked at her from top to bottom: "You're so skinny, a gust of wind can blow you away."

She smiled, "It's not that exaggerated. Auntie, are you tired on the road?"

Lu Qiang frowned at the side, and nodded the back of her head: "Salutation."

Lu Yin took a while to react, her cheeks were flushed, she opened her mouth, but suddenly wanted to change her mouth and didn't cry out.

Qian Yuanqing waved her hand, "What's the difference? Stop standing here, which one?"

She was busy, and led her into the ward.

Qian Yuanqing looked it over, the ward was very high-end, there was a reception area outside, and the ward was further inside. The room is neat and clean, without much smell of potion, the curtains are pleasant light green, there is a bathroom, on the small back-shaped sink, there is an induction cooker and simple kitchen utensils, next to it is a small refrigerator with a height of half a person.

She opened the refrigerator, looked at it, waved to Lu Qiang, and asked him to take the travel bag.

Lu Yin looked up curiously.

She took out the things one by one, Lu Yin was slightly startled.

One package contained two processed native chickens and stick bones. Fearing that they would be damaged by the heat, they wrapped them in ice cubes and packed them in a sealed foam box, with red dates and soybeans stuffed on the side; the other contained three crucian carp, each They all weigh two or three catties, and they are packed in the same way. When they are taken apart, the fish gills are bright red and the scales are neat, fresher than freshly slaughtered ones in the market.

In these two travel bags, ice cubes take up half the weight. Lu Qiang's throat was astringent: "Bring these from all the way, they are sold in Zhangzhou."

Qian Yuanqing took the pig liver and pig heart from it again, without raising her head: "I raised the chicken myself, and the crucian carp was caught by Xiao Zhi's father when he heard that I was coming."

Things were put into the refrigerator one after another, she looked up at Lu Yin, "What soup do you want to drink tonight?"

Lu Yin covered the corners of her eyes with her fingers, but she didn't have time to take them off. Catching her gaze, he hurriedly sniffed and smiled: "I want to drink chicken soup."

Facing the sun, her pale face was filled with a lively look.

Qian Yuanqing couldn't help smiling: "That's fine."

After consulting the doctor, Lu Yin drank two small bowls of chicken soup and half a bowl of millet porridge with an egg yolk in it at night.

Lu Qiang ate half of the chicken himself, and Qian Yuanqing peeled two more eggs, which he swallowed in a few mouthfuls.

The room was air-conditioned, but he was still sweating profusely. The three of them huddled around the table, and the short time was comfortable and warm.

When it was dark, Lu Yin was allowed to take a walk in the garden for half an hour. Qian Yuanqing had nothing to do, so she went with her.

Lu Qiang walked slowly behind, looking at the backs of the two women, his heart was full. He hooked the corners of his lips, stopped where he was, and lit a cigarette with his hands clasped together.

The two sat down on a bench by the lawn.

At a distance of about ten meters, Lu Qiang stood on the side of the lawn. He stretched his palms in to touch his belly. It was a little harder than the previous few days, and it was densely covered with sticky sweat. Lift up the hem of the clothes, fold them up twice, revealing half of the navel, a bunch of dense black hair runs through the middle, gradually thins out, and extends to the chest. A small section of the dragon's body is exposed on the upper edge, lying around the right rib, and the muscle direction is the most resolute and compact texture.

Lu Qiang patted his stomach twice with his palm, brought the cigarette to his mouth, and took two puffs with his head raised.

When he finished half a cigarette, the phone in his pocket vibrated.

When he took it out and looked at it, Lu Qiang paused.

After a few more shocks, he picked it up.

Leaving aside the pleasantries, Lao Xing asked bluntly, "How long will it be with you?"

Lu Qiang looked into the distance, and his eyes fell on the thin figure: "Half a month."

The other party was silent for a while, "Can it be earlier? If the review time limit is exceeded, the police have no right to let him stay in the country to cooperate with the investigation."

Lu Qiang said, "Let's find a way to delay it."

"Can't it be earlier?"


He hung up the phone, took out his cigarette again, looked at the sky, and saw that there were stars faintly visible, and the temperature had dropped, bringing a cool breeze from time to time.

Lu Qiang walked over, it was rare that Lu Yin was in a good mood today.

Qian Yuanqing stood up from the chair, and the work and rest in the village were regular. At this time, the lights had basically been turned off and she was going to sleep.

She put her hands on her waist: "The weather is fine, you can sit for a while if you like, I will go to sleep first."

Lu Qiang asked, "Do you remember which one?"

"I know." Putting down two words, he walked to the inpatient department alone.

Lu Yin watched her leave, her eyes were always smiling.

Lu Qiang stood in front of her and pinched her cheek condescendingly: "Is that so happy?"

Lu Yin said, "I'm full, can you be unhappy?"

Lu Qiang scolded with a smile: "Are you usually hungry?"

She slapped his hands off, put his clothes down, and complained: "Your cooking skills are really not flattering, it's far behind your auntie."

"I'm used to it." Lu Qiang nodded at her, and sat on the lawn not far away: "You are the first one who can eat the food I cook, so be content."

Lu Yin snorted, got up and went to his side, and also wanted to sit down.

"Wait a while." Lu Qiang stopped, took off the thin blanket she was wearing, folded it into a square, and put it next to him: "Sit down."

Lu Yin supported the wound, and with the strength of his arm, slowly sat on the grass.

Lu Qiang leaned back, lay down with his arms propped up, big thorn propped up one leg, and shook twice.

The night was getting darker and darker. There were pillars of cold white light beside the path, and the building opposite was brightly lit, and there were a few patients walking beside it.

The breeze blew up his clothes, revealing a small section of skin.

Lu Yin turned her head suddenly: "What do you keep watching me do?"

Lu Qiang's eyes flickered, moved away, and then fell back on her: "Afraid to see?"

"No." Lu Yin asked, "Do you have something to tell me?"

After a while, "No." He turned his gaze to the sky again.

Lu Yin followed suit. The starry sky is vast, like glittering pieces of gold falling all over the sky, so far away and untouchable. The fine wind blows the leaves rustling, and the grass sticks moistly to the calves, making the night look extraordinarily clear.

Lu Yin was full of emotions: "I don't know if the stars over there are so bright!"

Lu Qiang said, "It's all the same."

"I can't believe it, we're leaving."

Lu Qiang switched legs and gave a low hum.

"I haven't resigned yet."

"Discharge from the hospital."

"I have to meet Ye Fan before I leave."

Lu Qiang turned to look at her: "Let her come tomorrow?"

Lu Yin thought for a while: "Forget it, she has to worry about her temper again, and she will be discharged from the hospital soon anyway."

Lu Qiang: "Yes."

Lu Yin pursed her lips: "And..."


"My uncle," she looked back at him, "Can I go back to Qianyuan?"

After a pause, Lu Qiang sat up from the ground with a solemn expression: "Yinyin, the ticket has already been booked." Lu Qiang said: "It's not that we will never come back, this time it's more urgent, can you..."

"I understand." She whispered.

The night buried her figure very small, Lu Qiang looked at it, his chest was full. He took out a cigarette from his pocket, thought of something, but didn't light it.

With a cigarette in his mouth, "You lived by yourself after high school?"

The topic changed too quickly, she nodded in doubt.

"Can you take care of yourself?"

Lu Yin said, "Of course, otherwise how would I grow up so healthy and healthy?"

Lu Qiang teased her with a smile: "If you want to throw yourself abroad, you must be crying in fear."

Lu Yin looked at him and raised her eyebrows dissatisfied: "Don't underestimate me, I am very adaptable," she said proudly, "The more difficult the environment is, the stronger I will be."



Lu Qiang bit his cigarette and looked at her, the light in his eyes was covered by the darkness, and his emotions were unpredictable.

For a moment, her hand was held by him.