Star-Crossed Lovers: The Ex-Convict and the White Rabbit

Chapter 55


Lu Qiang was not brought into the interrogation room until the next afternoon. Opposite him was Lao Xing, and there were two other people, one old and one young. The old one sits in the middle, and the young one sits on the outermost side.

When he was ready, the little police officer smoothed out a dozen forms, picked up a pen, and prepared to record.

His routine: "Name."

Lu Qiang said, "I'll make a phone call first."

The little police officer raised his eyes: "It's the interrogation period, so you can't make phone calls."

Lu Qiang ignored him and looked at Lao Xing.

The little police officer moved the position of the paper: "Name."

Lu Qiang remained silent.

Lao Xing collected himself and put down the water glass. He leaned over and whispered something to the person next to him. The other person put his fist against his lips, glanced at Lu Qiang, and nodded.

Lao Xing got up and turned off the camcorder, took out the phone from his pocket and handed it to him.

Lu Qiang didn't answer: "I want mine."

Lao Xing glanced at him, then withdrew his hand, "Don't talk too long." He turned to the little policeman, "Zhang Er, it's in the evidence box, bring it here."

Lu Qiang got his mobile phone and pressed the power button. After waiting for a few seconds, there were two shocks.

There were two phone calls from Gen Ge, but he ignored them. Sliding his finger upwards, his eyes moved slightly. The following consecutive calls were all unfamiliar numbers. The numbers were special and not arranged according to the domestic number rules.

He licked his lower lip, waved his thumb in the air, and pressed the callback button.

Lu Qiang glanced at the screen with deep eyes, and asked Lao Xing: "Can you give me a cigarette

Lao Xing stood next to him and handed it out to help him light it.

Lu Qiang took a deep breath, glanced at the phone, and when he was about to hang up naturally, the screen turned on and began to record the time.

He looked at it for a few more seconds before lifting it to his ear.


After a while, over there: "Hello."

Lu Qiang called: "Lu Yin?"

"...It's me. Where are you?" Her voice was slightly anxious, and it came with a trill from an unreachable distance.

Lu Qiang inhaled, and sent the hand that was pinching the cigarette up to his mouth. He rolled his throat, lowered his head, and dropped his hand back to his lap. In the end, he lifted it up and wrapped it in his mouth and took a sip.

Pause for a few seconds: "Interrogation room."

There seemed to be a sigh of relief, and there was no sound.

Lu Qiang asked: "Are you here?"


"Is everything settled?"

Lu Yin said, "Okay."

He tried to relax, and flicked the cigarette ash with his hands on his legs: "What did you do just now? It took so long to answer the phone."

Lu Yin said, "Fall asleep."

"It's morning over there?"


In addition to confirming his safety, she spit out a few simple syllables in total.

Lu Qiang asked: "You don't want to talk to me?"

After he finished asking, the other side stopped talking, and Lu Qiang held his breath. After a while, there were faintly inaudible sobs on the phone. The butt of the cigarette was deformed by Lu Qiang, and the other hand was clenched into a fist. Several pairs of eyes in the room were staring at him. He ignored it and just sat there.

For a moment, the mood on the phone seemed to stabilize: "Lu Qiang, I hate you." Her voice finally gained some strength.

Lu Qiang's heart sank, and he whispered softly: "Why do you hate me?"

Lu Yin said: "I don't know anywhere, and there are not many yellow people here."

Lu Qiang said: "The nurse Genzi found was from China."

"I don't know the neighbors either."

"It's said that close neighbors are worse than distant relatives," Lu Qiang said, "Talk more when you have nothing to do, it's basically an old couple."

"The house is too big, and I'm alone."

Lu Qiang's cheeks moved, and after a long time: "I'm sorry, Yinyin."

"...I want to go home." Hearing his voice, she still couldn't restrain herself, and finally cried out.

These four words made him feel heavier than ever, and Lu Qiang's heart was seized by her, and he wished he could fly over immediately, even if it was just to wipe away her tears.

Lu Qiang's eyes were hot, and he made up his mind: "Take it as a vacation, and I will be able to find you in a short time."

"… real?"

"I promise." Lu Qiang could imagine her wiping tears even with his eyes closed. He leaned forward, propping his elbows on his knees: "Don't cry, Lu Yin."

"Yeah." She exhaled.

Lu Qiang said: "My woman must be strong, I believe you can take care of yourself." He paused: "You should know that I have to stay here, but I have to stay, Wu Qiong's death is inseparable from me. Relationship, I have been wrong for so many years, I don't want to live with you in a muddle."

"This is a debt." Lu Qiang said in a deep voice, "Do you understand?"

Lu Yin sniffed: "I know."

He frowned, "Wait for me over there, okay?"

"how long?"

"I still do not know yet."

Feeling wronged, Lu Yin deliberately said, "I won't wait for a long time."

Lu Qiang's heart sank: "What are you going to do?"

She hummed softly: "Go find another man."

After a moment of silence, Lu Qiang remembered that there was still a cigarette in his hand, and the ash fell all over the floor, leaving only a small half.

He took a deep breath: "You go." Lu Qiang sneered, "Don't let me see, cut off that grandson's second child."

With a puff, Lu Yin laughed and cried on the other end of the phone. Lu Qiang also frowned accordingly, and the corner of his mouth raised a smile.

Lao Xing was pacing back and forth, and the watch was stretched out in front of him and nodded.

Lu Qiang took a look: "Yinyin, I can't talk for too long."


"Call Genzi if you have something to do." He rubbed his forehead: "If... the situation is not good, you can write to me."

"… good."

Lu Qiang squeezed the phone tightly, listening to the sound of electric current inside: "Then I'll hang up."

The phone hesitated for a few seconds, but there was no response. The moment I pressed my finger, two words seemed to come from the receiver.

Lu Yin said, wait for you.


Lao Xing returned to the table, he put the cup in the corner, and the atmosphere suddenly became serious.

"Can we start?" he asked.

Lu Qiang leaned back in his chair: "Yes."


In the days that followed, Lu Qiang spent time in interrogations and interrogations. With Xing Weixin taking care of him, he was not seriously bombarded. It was just that he was suffering from time and lack of sleep.

The police collected information as much as possible and worked day and night for a month.

On the thirty-fourth day, the materials were finally prepared, and Lao Xing sent them to the procuratorate in a tight time. After several working days of waiting, news came from over there, and the answer was that they agreed to formally arrest the suspect, Qiu Zhen, and at the same time submit the materials to the internal public prosecution office to file a lawsuit in the court.

Due to the particularity of the case, the court accepted it quickly and arranged a time for the hearing.

On the day of the court session, it was already mid-October, and the weather turned cold. Zhangzhou city was full of fallen leaves and flowers, and the atmosphere was decadent.

Lu Qiang met Qiu Shizu that day, and he looked at the trial seat with a calm face. They hired the best defense lawyers, but there was no result that day.

The presiding judge made a final speech: "The court hearing is over, and the court is now adjourned. Please ask the bailiff to take the defendant back to the prison for continued detention. The next court date will be notified later."

Qiu Zhen put on handcuffs and was taken away by the judicial police through the side door.

The crowd in the auditorium gradually dispersed, Lu Qiang turned his head, and Qiu Shizu and others had already left first. His eyes flickered, and when he met a hateful gaze, Liang Yarong was supported by her husband and Liang Yajun, and they looked in his direction together. She was bent over, with gray hair, thin skin, and hatred and anger in her eyes. If her eyes were knives, she would have already cut Lu Qiang into pieces.

Lu Qiang's eyes fell, and after a moment, he turned his head. No matter what he did to remedy it now, it could not alleviate Liang Yarong's hatred for him.

The sentencing date was set to be a week later, and the French Open was resumed, which was surprisingly smooth. Qiu Zhen was sentenced to ten years in prison for the crime of rape and escaped legal sanction.

Lu Qiang covered up his crimes so badly that the criminals could not be brought to justice for a long time, and was sentenced to eight years in prison. Since he had served six years in prison before, and made a good report, he actively assisted the police in the investigation of the case, and his sentence was commuted by 15 months and 21 days. As a result of the final verdict, Lu Qiang was imprisoned for eight months and seven days, to be executed immediately.

The moment the presiding judge finished reading, almost distorted howls came from the auditorium. Liang Yarong could not accept the result that his daughter was killed and Qiu Zhen could escape the death penalty. She hit her chest with her fist and cursed the people in the dock with the most vicious words. Her face was full of tears, her hair was disheveled, and her voice was hoarse. The people present poked the corners of their eyes lightly with their fingers, and looked at the mournful mother sympathetically.

She was called out of the court in advance, and this sad atmosphere could not be subsided for a long time.

Lu Qiang turned his head and looked at Qiu Shizu. Qiu Shizu shrugged his collar with his hands, looked at him with his mouth curled up, and turned around without saying a word.

Since then, the dust has settled.

Qiu Zhen was sent to Xiaoshanghe to serve his sentence, and Lu Qiang went to the Linshi prison area where he was placed under special protection.

It took four months from review to sentencing. After Xing Weixin breathed a sigh of relief, he began to investigate Wu Qiong's murder without stopping.


It was the end of January when Lu Qiang received Lu Yin's letter, and there were still twenty days before the New Year.

Under the supervision of the prison guards, he unfolded the letter, a total of three pages, full of her description of life there. She found an easy job in a private tailor shop near her residence. It was not very big, but the boss took good care of her. She is in good health, and the caregiver she hires is an aunt in her fifties. Her children live there. She retires and comes to do some part-time work. Occasionally, on weekends, her aunt's son and daughter-in-law will come to join in the fun, have dinner together, and outing. There is a century park in front of the residence, she often goes for a walk after dinner, there is a row of benches on the lawn, from that direction you can see the fiery sunset, she said, when the red clouds cover half the sky, she misses him very much.

Lu Qiang swallowed his throat and continued to read.

She said that there is a Chinese-owned supermarket further along the park, where there are many fresh ingredients airlifted from China. She is not used to the food here, and usually buys vegetables and cooks with her aunt.

There is no fried dough sticks and soy milk for breakfast, she misses it very much. The bed is too big for her to sleep at night, she can roll from side to side, but sometimes she wakes up from the cold in the middle of the night. Foreigners are very open, they don't hide their emotions, they can kiss affectionately on the noisy street, every time she sees this picture, she misses his embrace very much.

Lu Yin said that the first three months were difficult. She couldn't eat, and she vomited when she smelled the oily smell. She was dizzy, weak, and tossed and turned at night. She couldn't sleep, hugged the quilt and cried, and repeatedly called his number, but there was always a cold busy tone. At this time, she hated him the most...

Lu Qiang's hands trembled a little. He didn't understand this passage, so he read it again carefully.

Turn it over, there is another page.

After he read it, his eyes fell on the last four words, his body paused, and his fingers trembled violently.

The guard next to him felt: "What's wrong with you?"

Lu Qiang was stunned, and quickly handed over the letter paper, "Help me see what the last word is."

The prison guard looked at him in surprise, suspected that he was mentally abnormal, and helped him read it out.

Lu Qiang didn't know what to think for a long time, the paper in his hand was crumpled by him, and he was still staring at those four words.

Prison guard: "Are you all right?"

Lu Qiang reacted: "Officer, I want to reply."

The prison guard gave him two pieces of paper. Lu Qiang hadn't been to school for a few years, and he held the pen in an awkward posture. He thought for a long time before he wrote the first stroke on the paper.

His handwriting was rough and heavy, and he scratched the paper several times. He asked the prison guard if he couldn't write. The prison guard simply moved a stool and sat next to him. He found a pen and paper, and wrote down the words he asked for him to read.

At the end of the question, he was a little impatient.

Finally finished writing, a full page. Lu Qiang took it over and looked at it, pursed his lips, and suddenly crushed it.

Prison guard: "..."

He laughed: "The writing is not good."

The prison guard's nose was almost crooked, he threw the pen away, and stood aside, ignoring him.

Lu Qiang thought about it again, this time he didn't ask him, and only wrote eight large characters on the letter paper: Lu Yin, you are so damn good.

Lu Qiang suffered from insomnia that night and almost did not close his eyes all night.

The next day, he applied to the prison area to see Wang Quanzhi.

When Genzi came, I saw his face was full of spring breeze, and the smile reached his eyes.

Lu Qiang said: "Help me with something, get the old lady out."

Genzi grinned, waved his hands and said, "Brother, don't embarrass me. It's not like you don't know about our old lady's stubborn temper. At the beginning, your persuasion was useless. I can't help it."

Lu Qiang leaned against the back of the chair, hooked his forehead lightly with his index finger, and raised his eyebrows triumphantly.

He snorted twice with confidence: "You said so."

Genzi was stunned: "How to say?"

"You tell her that your daughter-in-law is pregnant, and let her figure it out."

Genzi was taken aback, "Who is pregnant?"

Lu Qiang said, "Your sister-in-law."

He blinked and slapped his thigh: "Really?" Then he laughed and gave him a thumbs up in an unclear way: "Brother, you are so strong."

After Genzi came back from the prison, he immediately rushed back to Huaizhou to do what Lu Qiang ordered.

In a blink of an eye, it was New Year's Eve.

The prison area was decorated with lights and festoons that day, and blessings were written on the small blackboard. In the evening, I ate dumplings and moved a small bench to watch the Spring Festival Gala.

It was rare for the prison to be so lively, and the lights were turned off later than usual.

It was already midnight in bed, and Lu Qiang couldn't fall asleep. He looked at a small piece of sky outside the tall window. This place was far away from the urban area, and there were no firecrackers or fireworks, so it seemed extremely peaceful. He remembered that they didn't spend the Spring Festival together last year. She went to her uncle's house, and he was on the way back home.

This year also separated, he was in prison, but she was in a foreign country more than 8,000 kilometers away.

Fortunately, it will be different in the future, with my wife and his son. Lu Qiang thought of the little guy who didn't take shape, and even turned over a few times, but he didn't feel sleepy.

The upper bunk brother poked his head out and asked in a low voice, "What are you tossing about?"

Lu Qiang said, "I can't sleep."

The brother rested his chin on his elbow, with a smirk on his face: "Missing a woman?"

Lu Qiang glanced at him, turned over, looked at the night with his eyes, and moved his lips: "I miss my wife."

With anticipation, the days passed very quickly.

After the first month, there are five months left in the sentence.

One day, someone went to visit him in the prison area. What he didn't expect was that the person sitting outside was Qiu Shizu.

The two looked at each other for a while, Qiu Shizu picked up the microphone and asked him, "Do you know that Chen Sheng is dead?"

Lu Qiang said, "I know."

He didn't kill him that night, Chen Sheng died of a drug overdose. The police only questioned Lu Qiang on a routine basis. He didn't have any collision injuries. Chen Sheng's death had nothing to do with Lu Qiang.

Qiu Shizu was straightforward: "I want to know the purpose of sending Xiao Zhen to jail in every possible way."

Lu Qiang lowered his eyes, and after a while, he said, "I can't bear my conscience."

Qiu Shizu didn't expect him to answer like this. He looked at him through the lens with his sharp eyes. After a few seconds, he laughed ironically. Tell me your conscience?"

Lu Qiang leaned against the back of the chair, looked at him indifferently, and said nothing.

Like a silent contest, Qiu Shizu smiled, "No matter what your purpose is, Lu Qiang, I will not let Xiao Zhen stay in prison for too long. To tell you the truth, I have dredged up internally and externally in the past few months, and the matter has been taken care of." Almost." After finishing speaking, she looked at him contentedly.

Lu Qiang frowned slightly, then relaxed, and still didn't speak.

Qiu Shizu said: "I also found out later that Chen Sheng provoked the relationship between you and me and harmed your woman. I didn't know it before and after." He looked at him: "I have always trusted you, I know you better, and I believe in you. I won't betray Xiao Zhen, so I didn't put my energy on you from the beginning to the end, I didn't expect... "

He curled his lips and shook his head, "I'm very disappointed."

Lu Qiang said, "I do the same to him."

Looking at each other for a while, Qiu Shizu suddenly moved and straightened his collar: "He should be taught a lesson for his temper," he said, "I won't pursue this matter, and I will pay back the favor I owed you back then."

Qiu Shizu stood up: "Qiangzi, you can take care of yourself in the future, you can't take care of yourself now."

Lu Qiang fixed his eyes and smiled slightly at him.


He learned of Qiu Zhen's death at the beginning of April, very suddenly and surprised, the news was delivered by Xing Weixin.

Xing Weixin said, "Old Deng did it."

A month ago, Liang Yarong went to Xiaoshanghe to meet Lao Deng. At the end of last year, Lao Deng was diagnosed with lung cancer. It was just in the early stage, but he was already emaciated.

The two talked for a full ten minutes, and Lao Deng was unusually silent when he came back.

Some time ago, when he went to work, he secretly nailed a 10-centimeter steel nail to the inner thigh, wrapped it tightly with a cloth, and brought it back to Xiaoshanghe.

He used this steel nail to kill Qiu Zhen.

No one knows how his thin body did it, maybe it was due to his father's instinct, or the power that exploded at the moment when the fish died and the net was broken.

After that, he exhausted everything, leaving only a weak soul.

Xing Weixin said: "It's just a few days."

Lu Qiang asked, "Where is the man?"

"City Hospital."

He moved his hands up and put them on the table, buried his head, and after a long time: "Can you give me a cigarette?"

Xing Weixin handed over one and watched Lu Qiang finish it slowly.

When he got up to leave, he met his red eyes.

Lu Qiang said, "Help find a good place."

Qiu Shizu just woke up at this moment, his only son died, he suffered a stroke and was admitted to the hospital.

In just a few days, I became ten years older.

After waking up, he still couldn't accept the reality, and was in grief, so he rescued him twice in a row.

The first thing he did after he was out of danger was to destroy Lu Qiang's family.

However, a few days later, the news from his subordinates was that his wife, children, and mother had already left and went abroad.