Star-Crossed Lovers: The Ex-Convict and the White Rabbit

Chapter 58: Extra episode two


Usher in a new life, four years later. They have already returned to live in Zhangzhou.

That year, Lu Qiang only got a three-month visiting visa. He had a criminal record, and immigration was a tricky matter.

Autumn is coming soon in Italy, influenced by the Mediterranean climate, the air is humid, the sun is shining brightly, and the fallen leaves on the ground make the town look golden.

Lu Qiang has nothing to do. He takes Lu Yin to and from work every day. After leaving the tailor shop, he sits by the square of the chapel for a while. After chattering, Lu Qiang didn't understand, so he didn't ask, took it with a blank face, and pressed the shutter a few times perfunctorily at them.

The days are leisurely and comfortable, and more time is spent at home with his little princess. Lu Qiang witnessed the whole process of her turning over, crawling and standing on the bed. This feeling is quite joyful and wonderful. Lu Qiang held her carefully, like a little sugar figure that would melt in the palm of his hand, with soft eyes and honey on the corners of his mouth.

The little guy became more and more intimate with him, he would stare at him intently, reach out his little hand to touch his chin, pick the corner of his mouth with his fingers, and giggle. The little princess likes to sleep on Lu Qiang's belly, one big and one small, nestled on the sofa in the living room. After waking up, the front of the clothes is full of saliva, but he feels that the saliva is full of fragrance.

In the end, she only had a good relationship with Lu Qiang, and the father and daughter stuck together all day long. With him around, she would never look for Lu Yin or Qian Yuanqing. Lu Yin's status in the little guy's heart has plummeted. She is both sweet and sad, and she has worked so hard to conceive for ten months, all for this man.

Qian Yuanqing said indifferently: "Is it not in your heart? Then have another one."

Lu Yin pursed her lips. Since then, she has made a decision in her heart.

The pleasant days were fleeting, three months passed quickly, and when the visa expired, Lu Qiang had to secretly return to Zhangzhou. But I didn't expect Zhangzhou to change drastically.

Since Lu Qiang was released from prison and went abroad safely under the escort of the police, Qiu Shizu became anxious and missed his son. His condition deteriorated again and again, and he barely survived for two months before he died. It was desolate for him to leave without a son, and the people around him tried every means to plunder his money, but none of them were sincere. The Nest Club was in chaos, there was no leader, the business plummeted, and the internal groups gradually disintegrated, and the brothers scattered, trying to find a way out.

It didn't take long before various loopholes in the backstage operation surfaced, and the shady activities of the Nest Club were involved. The higher-ups sent people to conduct a comprehensive review, and within a few days, they were ordered to suspend business.

Overnight, the Nest Society closed down, Qiu Shizu disappeared from Zhangzhou, and the whole incident became a topic of conversation after dinner.

His death was not due to his enemies seeking vengeance, let alone a vigorous gang fight, but because Si'er became ill.

This is God's will. Everything is arranged by God.

Goodness gets good fruit, evil eats evil fruit, all good and evil will get the result in the cycle of karma.

A snowflake fell on his forehead, Lu Qiang raised his eyelids and looked at the sky, the sky was dark.

He stood lazily and turned his gaze back to the tombstone.

The end of the new year is approaching, and Zhangzhou ushered in winter again. The tombstones are surrounded by dead branches and leaves, covered with dust, and the whole cemetery is shrouded in a gloomy atmosphere, desolate and lonely. Lu Qiang didn't bring flowers, and didn't offer fruit and vegetable snacks. He squatted down, shrugged his shoulders, and stared at the words on the monument.

—The tomb of the loving father Deng Qiming.

The signer engraved Deng Qiong. Liang Yarong and Professor Wu personally took care of Lao Deng's death. After learning about the past and the cause of Wu Qiong's death, Professor Wu was deeply saddened. It was his inappropriate behavior that left Wu Qiong under the control of others. He felt so guilty that he secretly took responsibility for the tragedy responsibility. He insisted on engraving the words "son Deng Qiong Jingli".

In Lao Deng's life, only at this moment can he be fulfilled. On the square-inch stone tablet, he and his daughter are reunited, which is no longer a distant distance.

Lu Qiang's eyes moved, he took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit one and stood it in front of the stele, and lit another after wrapping it around his palm. He stared down at the fire, biting his cigarette, and asked vaguely, "Old man Deng, don't you want to see me?"

In the howling wind, no one could answer him. Dead branches scraped against the tombstones, and dust gathered in piles in corners.

The cigarette burning in front of the stele fell down, Lu Qiang stretched out his hand to help it up, but was blown down again later, he didn't help it up again. The entire cemetery was empty and gloomy, and the cold wind hovered above, sending out almost distorted howls. Lu Qiang lost his eyes, rubbed the thumb joint with the cigarette in it twice, his eyes were red.

He was silent, stood up, and said after smoking the cigarette: "I won't come to see you in the future, it's useless, what grievances and grievances do you have to talk about after I die."

He dusted himself off, turned and left.

When Lu Qiang met Lu Yin, he had scruples about every decision, not afraid of being hated by others, only afraid that she would be sad and cry. He is selfish, but this is not heinous. Perhaps Lao Deng will not forgive him, but Lu Qiang thinks that he must understand.

On New Year's Eve of this year, Lu Qiang flew to Italy again to celebrate a reunion year. After the first month of the lunar year, he hurried back to Zhangzhou. Under the lead of Dalong, he built three medium-sized trucks and registered a small company to undertake the logistics business of the front line of Binhai.

Only Dalong has done this business, but he is also half-baked. He has only a half-knowledge of the industry rules and procedures. It is very difficult to operate in the early stage, and every step is extremely difficult. They only used one car, Dalong and Kun Dong ran the route to test the water, and he and Genzi helped with loading and unloading. In the middle of the year, Lu Qiang's driver's license was finally taken back, and the basics were also upgraded to B. After the market was understood, the three trucks started to change. At the end of the year, the medium-sized vehicles were replaced by large-sized ones, and a few more vehicles were built. After renting an office in a nearby factory, and recruiting a group of people, Lu Qiang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In the past few years, he has been running at both ends, sometimes flying over, just to catch a glimpse of them and rush back. After everything was settled here, Lu Yin and Qian Yuanqing returned to Zhangzhou with the little princess. At that time, the little princess was three years old, wearing a pink and tender bow on her head, wearing a tutu skirt, short arms and short legs, and could hug his thigh and call her daddy sweetly.

They lived in the high-rise apartment they bought before leaving. There were three bedrooms and one living room. The living room was spacious. Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows was an open-air balcony with a wide view, facing the artificial lake in Nanshan Park.

After experiencing ups and downs, life finally returned to calm, and after a circle, it finally returned to the original point.

After spending too much time together, there was only one thing left to do after closing the door, Lu Yin's constitution was not easy to conceive, no matter how much she tossed about, there was no movement.

Until the following winter, Lu Yin’s birthday, Lu Qiang threw the child to Qian Yuanqing, and took her out for a chic time. The newly built resort hotel outside Zhangzhou City, among mountains and rivers, private hot springs, flowers and champagne. Thick when wanton indulgence. Since that time, Lu Yin's menstruation has not come, and occasionally she has symptoms of anorexia and nausea. After going to the hospital for an examination, she knew that something good was coming.

This time was different, Lu Yin had an experience once, and with Lu Qiang's company, the early pregnancy symptoms quickly passed. At five or six months, the belly was already showing, and then the temper became irritable and irritable. When I saw Lu Qiang, I was upset, and I hated his touch even more. At night, I always turned my back to him when I slept.

On this day, Lu Qiang had seen the little princess, and came in lightly: "Sleeping?"

With her back turned, Lu Yin hummed lazily.

There was only a dim light on at the bedside, and her long hair was spread out on the pillow, forming a gentle wave. Lu Qiang leaned over and sniffed her hair, and kissed her temple along the way.

Lu Yin was upset, and pushed his head away: "Stay away from me."

After a few seconds of silence, a big hand covered her waist, squeezed, slipped in along the corner of her clothes, and landed on her breasts. I didn't want to do anything at first, I haven't done it since she was pregnant, Qi Nian was suppressed in my heart and gradually got used to it, but the softness in the palm finally awakened the brother under him.

Lu Qiang's chest pressed against her back, his movements were not simple, and his fingers kneaded skillfully: "The doctor said that lying sideways will not affect the fetus."

Lu Yin was itchy and annoyed by him, she grabbed his fingers and pushed back hard: "Are you annoyed?"

Lu Qiang hissed and nudged her shoulder: "Are you fucking stupid, kill yourself?"

Lu Yin didn't turn her head back: "Who told you to touch your hands."

"Is it okay to touch?"

"I'm bothering you."

Lu Qiang gritted his teeth, slapped her buttocks hard, and replied: "It's legal to bother me."

This hurt her, Lu Yin got angry out of nowhere, stood up suddenly, and the soft pillow greeted his face, "Lu Qiang, you are so annoying." She hit and pinched, emotionally, and squeezed Shed a few tears.

Lu Qiang was stunned, his reaction was a bit slow, and he leaned over to hug her, and his cheeks were firmly hit a few times.

He put his tongue against the flesh of his lips and turned his head: "Wrong, wrong, don't move around."

Lu Yin twisted the flesh on his chest: "Go down."

"Where do you want me to go?"

"Don't stay in bed."

Lu Qiang's buttocks were only resting on the edge of the bed, and he couldn't sit still. Lu Yin kicked him, and when he slid down, he put his arms on the ground and jumped up deftly. The clothes were messed up by her, turned up to reveal her belly, her trouser legs were half rolled up, and her feet were bare, making her look funny and embarrassing.

Lu Yin looked at him, wiped his face, and laughed.

Lu Qiang's complexion was not good: "Lu Yin, if you see a good son, you will accept it."

She is not afraid of him at all now, pointing to the door: "Go to sleep in the living room."

He threw the pillow aside: "The living room is cold." He wanted to lie on the bed by force.

Lu Yin pushed him, and felt wronged again: "Are you trying to anger me, I'm pregnant!"

Lu Qiang supported his hip with one hand, and Hu Lu held the back of his head. Lu Yin still stared at him angrily. She was sitting sideways, with her palms supporting the mattress. Her stomach seemed to be covered with a heavy burden. Lu Qiang felt distressed, wanted to hug her but didn't dare, he couldn't afford to offend her, so he took a deep breath, bent over to pick up the quilt and walked out.

Lu Yin said, "Close the door."

He turned around and pointed at her, "But if you're being hypocritical, you can save materials for yourself. After you give birth." Lu Qiang smiled faintly, kissed her on the forehead, gritted his teeth and said, "With you Accept it, baby."

He said harsh words, but he couldn't be as knowledgeable as her. He warmed up a glass of milk and left after watching her drink it up.

Lu Qiang sneaked into the little princess' room and squeezed in for a month. This time, the little girl was spoiled, she couldn't sleep with them normally, but now she pestered Lu Qiang to tell stories every day, with a baby voice, and always had to accompany her to talk nonsense for a few minutes before going to bed. Qian Yuanqing knew it and acted as if she didn't know it, so she devoted herself to making soup to make up for Lu Yin's body. He had no status in the family, so she swallowed her anger and finally made it to her due date.

During the prenatal checkup on this day, the doctor said that her fetus was too large due to overnutrition. She suggested a light diet and more activities and walks in the past few days.

Coming out of the consulting room, I met a woman head-on. She was still wearing high heels with a big belly, beautiful makeup, and a high ponytail. Lu Yin couldn't help but take a few more glances, inexplicably familiar, suddenly remembered a person, many years had passed, but it was always fresh in the memory of seeing him on that occasion. But after thinking about it, she felt wrong. The man next to her had fat lips, big ears, a big belly, and soft famous brands all over his body, but he was already middle-aged and bald. He wasn't that gentle-looking man at all.

Lu Qiang put his arms around her waist: "What did the doctor say?"

She came back to her senses: "Let's go for a walk."

"What are you looking at?" He glanced behind him.

Lu Yin finally withdrew her gaze and pressed against his chest, feeling a sudden sense of happiness. She smiled: "Nothing. Let's go."

Coming out of the hospital, it was drizzling outside. Lu Qiang looked up at the sky, he was in a good mood.

The two looked at each other: "Go there for a walk?"


Lu Qiang took the umbrella from the car and helped her to walk along the street. The rain fell on the umbrella, and for a while, only the regular sound of rain could be heard.

Lu Yin asked: "Do you like rain?"



Lu Qiang said, "It rained the day I was released from prison."

Lu Yin thought for a while, and finally smiled: "It's really worth being happy to be born again."

Lu Qiang didn't explain, but also slanted the corners of his lips.

After walking through several intersections, the rain gradually became heavier. They hid in the corridor of the shopping mall to avoid the rain. The rainwater formed a column of water and flowed down the eaves, dividing the busy street into two worlds.

There were couples with clothes on their heads, hugging each other and running past, laughing briskly.

Lu Yin watched them run away, and asked jokingly, "Why did you like me back then?"

Lu Qiang said, "You are in good shape."

She thumped him, "Why is he not doing right?"

"You have the right way." Lu Qiang looked at her: "Then tell me, when did you fall in love with me?"

Lu Yin said nothing.

"During bungee jumping?"

Lu Yin glared at him: "It's so early."

"You agreed to let me touch it, and you said you didn't like it?"

She blushed for a while, and said coyly: "You are the one who is stalking." She pursed her lower lip: "At that time, I only felt a little affection."

Lu Qiang smiled, and suddenly pressed her ear, "You look quite rigid, but you are actually very open-minded. You are looking for excitement but you are timid. I happened to meet Lao Tzu," he breathed, " If you meet someone who is strong and healthy, just wait for me to love you."

Lu Yin gave a low cry as if her tail had been stepped on, and twisted on his waist.

Lu Qiang ran away quickly, keeping half an arm's distance from her.

Lu Qiang asked: "Then when?"

She turned her head away from him.

He said, "No kidding."

After holding on for a while, Lu Yin finally replied: "It may be the day when the fever occurred, or it may be a little later."

There are so many reasons and rationality for the matter of two people, let alone the speed and slowness of acceptance. When the relationship is the weakest, the other party will step in and give the most needed warmth and protection. Things that have been in love for a long time, slowly, have changed from habit to love.

"How late?" Lu Qiang patted the top of her head, and said angrily, "Before, I was always treated as a cowherd."

Lu Yin laughed.

"Is the service satisfactory?"

It was rare for her to be thick-skinned, and she blinked: "I give you a good review."

He sneered.

Look outside and then at her: "Is it cold?"

Lu Yin said, "A little bit."

"come over."

Lu Qiang wrapped his arms around her, held her under his arms, rubbed her bare skin with his big palms, and waited for her body to warm up slowly.

Through the rain curtain, looking at the bustling street.

There were only the two of them left in the corridor, cuddling each other.

The so-called pampering is nothing more than that.

that is,

When you are cold, I happen to be able to keep you warm.

The author has something to say:

Brother Qiang and Yinyin and the small theater of Brother Qiang and the little princess will be posted on Weibo from time to time. If you think of something interesting, you will write it. Everyone must remember to pay attention to Weibo. For sure, the name of Weibo is (Mr. Crab -)

It’s all over here, and I finally have the energy to prepare the next story. I thank the readers who have supported me all the time. I have received applause and doubts along the way, but I am also grateful. I will listen to the correct suggestions carefully. I hope that in the next article, you can see My progress, I also work hard to write more exciting stories.

Everyone must wait for me, because it won’t be too fast/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~

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