Star-Crossed Lovers: The Ex-Convict and the White Rabbit

Chapter 7


Gossip is like a virus, spreading wildly in the invisible hidden world.

Lu Yin was depressed, and when she walked out of the workshop, it was as if she was released from a cage, and the feeling of thorns on her back dissipated a little.

After a few steps, the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer, someone called her.

Lu Yin paused, turned around, and smiled: "Chen Rui."

Chen Rui trotted a few steps to stand side by side with her, and the two of them walked out of the gate of the factory amidst the crowd. He glanced at her, hesitant to speak.

After walking for a while, Lu Yin raised her head and bid farewell to him: "I'll wait for the bus ahead, goodbye."

"Wait a minute." Chen Rui called to stop her.

"What's up?"

He hugged his short hair back and paused for a moment before speaking: "I'm sorry about today's matter."

Lu Yin smiled: "You didn't do anything wrong, you don't need to apologize to me at all."

Seeing her smile, Chen Rui relaxed a little: "Actually, you don't have to care what those people say, they don't have any malicious intentions, they just gossiping and gossiping."

"I know."

"Don't take it too seriously."

Lu Yin perfunctory: "Okay."

After a pause for a few more seconds, he looked down at her face and asked what he wanted to ask: "You and him... are you really not married?"

Lu Yin frowned subconsciously, feeling irritated for no reason, and was very resistant to him asking this. Seeing her expression, Chen Rui hurriedly explained: "I'm not curious about gossip, I'm different from them, it's true..."

Before the words 'caring about you' came out, Lu Yin interrupted: "I don't really want to discuss this topic." She turned her head and glanced to the side: "The car is coming, I'll go first."

Chen Rui said 'ah', and Lu Yin didn't stop for half a step, and got on the oncoming bus.

The factory is half an hour's drive from the residence, and the 655 road goes directly there. It was time to get off work, and there were many people in the car, so Lu Yin walked back and found an empty seat to stand. The air conditioner was not turned on in the car, and the air was hot and dry. I didn't stand for a long time, and sweat dripped from my cheeks to my neck.

She held the upper handrail with one hand, and wiped sweat with the other hand. The car started, and the outside wind poured in, but it didn't relieve much, and it was still hot on the face.

Lu Yin cast her eyes out, and the people and the road outside the window passed by, a little dazzled.

She sighed, and suddenly felt that living was really tiring.

Sometimes, she also hates herself. She is too sensitive and cares too much about other people's eyes. She is always timid, looking forward and backward, and never lives for herself. Even now, in the face of broken love and betrayal, she still cares about what others talk about her behind her back.

Random thoughts along the way.

She thought for a while that she couldn't stay in the factory, so she should seriously consider the way out; for a while, she thought, it might be a good idea to ask Lao Du if there is still a chance to go to Shanghai for VR, and to leave temporarily.

Just as she was thinking, the phone in her pocket vibrated. She freed her hand and took it to see that it was a subscription message from a certain bank.

It shows that a sum of money has been transferred in, the amount is 138,500, not one cent more, not one cent less.

Lu Yin bit her lip, trembling involuntarily. She clenched the phone tightly. After two seconds, it vibrated again. This time it was a phone call. She glanced at it and hung up.

After thinking about it, I replied with three words: "Received."

There was no more calls from there. After a long time, a text message came in: "Okay."

Lu Yin looked at the screen, moved her fingers, and the phone buzzed again: "Yinyin, I'm sorry, you need to be well."

Those words suddenly jumped into her eyes. He used to call her Yinyin affectionately and with a gentle tone, and she agreed over and over again, feeling that dreams were sweet at that time. However, in more than half a month, things changed, and he called her again. In addition to heartache, there was also an uncontrollable hatred and disgust, and all memories became hideous.

Lu Yin's heart twitched suddenly, like an iron spine piercing it, the pain extended to the neck and then to the back of the head. The scene outside the window was blurred and turned into colorful patches that couldn't be focused. She raised her head, her eyes wide open, and she tried her best to restrain herself.

When the car stopped, Lu Yin pushed aside the crowd and went down, blinked, a drop of water fell on the ground, and the world finally became clear again.

The seven-year relationship can pass through the passing of time, but it cannot withstand the erosion of wind and rain. All the past completely disintegrated in the last moment.

He wants a house, she wants money, they parted ways, and there will be no relationship in the future.


As the sky gradually darkened, Lu Yin went back after having dinner outside. She drank a little wine and became inexplicably excited. The alcohol evaporated a lot of her previous bad mood.

She was carrying a backpack, her high heels were twisted, and her steps were a little frivolous.

Walking to the gate of the community, Lao Li called her to stop: "Little Lu, are you back?"

Lu Yin collected herself and turned her head: "Master Li, why didn't you come back?"

"I'll be back now." He wiped the bicycle seat with a rag, and stopped her again when he remembered something: "I have a courier for you, it arrived this morning... okay, the top weight is a bag," he pointed back, "Little Lu, Help me to hold it, it's under the table legs."

Listening to him, Lu Yin tilted her head, only to see that there was another person behind. The man was sitting on a bench outside the sentry box. He seemed to have just come to change shifts. He was not wearing a security uniform, black clothes and black trousers, an old Beijing cloth shoe was pulled on his left foot, and the sole of the other shoe was turned upside down. Have a meal.

When Lu Yin saw the man clearly, her heart skipped a beat, and she was half sober at once.

Lu Qiang said 'um' in his mouth, but didn't move, his eyes kept falling on her.

Lu Yin felt uncomfortable being looked at, and wanted to take it another day.

Lao Li gave a 'tsk' sound, turned around and said, "Xiao Lu, what are you thinking about?"

Lu Qiang shifted his gaze: "Finish this bite."

He stuffed half a steamed bun into his mouth, rubbed his hands on his pants with half a bag of mustard, and looked at Lu Yin before going back to the house to pick up the courier.

Lao Li exchanged pleasantries with her, and Lu Qiang moved out the courier.

He looked at Lao Li: "It's not hers."

Lao Li thought he was dazzled, so he held his hand and frowned, "That's right, gate 11, gate 302, Lu Yin."

Lu Qiang said, "She lives on the second floor."

Lu Yin's face became hot, remembering that day she played cleverly to throw him away.

Lao Li said: "You are new here and don't understand that Xiao Lu lives on the third floor."

Lu Qiang moved the corner of his mouth, glanced at her, and said, "The second floor, she said it herself."

Old Li was puzzled, and muttered: "I have repaired the water pipes before, it can't be wrong!"

Lu Yin smoothed down her temple hair, lowered her eyes, and her gaze was erratic. At this moment, the strength of the wine is arching upwards, the hair is dancing in the breeze, and the cheeks are hot and itchy.

She scratched with her hands, smoothed her hair, and tugged at the hem of the skirt. After a while, she finally raised her head and laughed dryly: "I seemed to have made a mistake that day."

Old Li proudly said, "Look."

Lu Qiang glanced at him, then turned his gaze back, saw her embarrassed expression, and said "Oh" with a half-smile.

Lao Li said: "That's right, I figured it out... Oh, and, you guys haven't introduced it formally, have you?"

The two didn't speak, but Lu Qiang still followed her with lowered eyes.

Old Li didn't see the subtle changes in it, not saying a word was equivalent to acquiescing, and said to Lu Yin, "This is the new security guard in our community, named Lu Qiang, an outsider... look at this guy," he patted Lu Qiang on the shoulder, He said with emotion: "We should recruit a few more young people like this, so that residents can feel safe. I, an old man, should also consider retiring!"

Lu Yin said, "You managed the law and order very well."

Lao Li laughed at himself and waved his hands: "It's far away. In the future, I will find Xiao Lu if I have something to do. He is a nice guy, honest and honest. He doesn't complain about everything he does, so he doesn't like to talk."

Lu Yin pursed her lips and glanced at him quickly. Black hair has grown on the top of his originally bald head, sticking to the scalp, with a very short layer, which looks hard and prickly; the tail of the scar is hidden in the temple hair, which is not so obvious at first glance, and has restrained a lot of sharpness; half of the sleeves on his body are a bit wide , very thin, the wind blows, can still present a strong silhouette.

But preconceived, even if he is not heinous, Lu Yin can't feel that he is honest and honest just by standing there. With good intentions.

Lu Yin withdrew her thoughts: "OK...Master Li, then I'll go back first."

Lao Li said: "This package is too heavy, let Xiao Lu deliver it to you." He turned to Lu Qiang: "I will watch for you for a while."

Lu Yin was startled, "Don't bother, I can do it." She stepped forward to take the box from him.

Lu Qiang didn't move.

She held the bottom of the box and pulled it into her arms.

Lu Qiang said, "Heavy."

Lu Yin didn't say a word, and tried a little harder.

Stubborn temper, do not listen to advice. Lu Qiang hooked the corner of his lower lip, and after a while, let go of his hand.

The weight of the box was far beyond imagination, and she was caught off guard. She fell down with force, her high heels tilted, and Lu Yin was half lying on the box.

A laugh came from above his head, low, hoarse, and it sounded like he was in a happy mood.

Lao Li stepped forward to help people, not forgetting to criticize: "It's really not exaggerated. This is frizzy."

Lu Qiang didn't refute, and he didn't see anyone else in his eyes. Seeing the little woman's clumsy tossing, her cheeks were flushed, her lips were pursed, she was obviously very angry but she didn't dare to look into his eyes, she rolled her eyes slightly at his feet, with a look of shame. Kind of cute.

He bent down to pick up the box and carried it on his shoulders without any effort at all.

Lu Yin: "Really..."


He had already moved forward, Lu Yin looked at his back, gritted his teeth, bid farewell to Lao Li, and trotted to follow.

He has long legs and big steps. With one step, Lu Yin has to trot three steps.

The building she lived in was located in the back, and the path was winding and winding, and it took seven or eight minutes to walk.

Lu Yin was struggling, and her breathing became a little messy.

After a few seconds, the figure in front realized something, he turned around, stopped, and did not start walking again until Lu Yin caught up, this time at a much slower pace.

The two stood side by side, but they were embarrassed and said nothing. Compared with the past few minutes, it took a relatively long time.

Lu Qiang felt at ease, carrying a suitcase like a walk. He looked into the distance and saw a group of people dancing ballroom dancing in the park. Men and women were dressed colorfully, twisting their waists and twirling their skirts.

He snorted and looked back.

"Do you leave work at this time every day?"

"... huh?" Lu Yin was distracted at first, but she turned her head after listening to his words, her eyes were a little dazed, she reacted, and then replied: "Oh... no, I'm going to eat."

Lu Qiang looked at her for a while, smiled and muttered: "I'm really dumb."


He smiled without repeating: "What did you buy?"

Lu Yin said, "Crystal lamp."

"Online shopping?"

She nodded.

Lu Qiang said: "This thing is not light."

"Well," she was perfunctory, remembering that Lao Li said that he didn't talk much, but obviously, this evaluation was wrong, thinking about it, she unconsciously added: "Three rooms."

"House renovation?"

Her eyes darkened, and she nodded again.

Lu Qiang didn't continue the topic and asked, "Can you use a computer to buy things?"

She didn't understand: "... don't you know it!"

"I won't."

Lu Yin looked at him.

Lu Qiang said casually, "I've been here for a long time, and it's not popular yet."

Lu Yin: "..."

After entering the corridor, Lu Qiang went up to the third floor in one breath. The lamp above his head was not repaired, and it was so dark that his fingers could not be seen.

Lu Yin said: "I'm sorry to trouble you, just put it here, I'll move in by myself."

Lu Qiang was still carrying it and said, "Open the door."

Lu Yin hesitated, and took the keys out of his pocket dawdly. The last time he was dismissed with an excuse, it was not good to drive him away this time.

She raised her head and glanced at Lu Qiang. It was pitch black in front of her eyes, and he was hiding in the darkness like a huge monster.

Lu Yin opened the door, took a step back, and Lu Qiang went in, but the lights inside were still not on. The door is a corridor, Lu Qiang turned sideways: "Where's the lamp?"

"Behind you."

He touched for a long time, "I can't find it."

Lu Yin took a step forward and reached out to touch it. The switch was blocked by Lu Qiang. The corridor was already narrow and full of debris. He was tall and didn't move when standing. As the two got closer, the heat from his body was blowing towards her, and a masculine smell rushed into her nose, mixed with a little sweat, which was strange and not unpleasant. She raised her eyes, and suddenly met his eyes, a faint light from outside the window shone into his eyes, the eyes were bright and focused.

Her heart trembled, and she instinctively shrank back.

For a while, the small space was surprisingly quiet, and the sound of rubbing the corner of the clothes could be clearly heard.

The two stood in the dark for a while, and Lu Qiang suddenly took a step forward. He had broad arms, was tall, and carried a box on his shoulders, locking her in a corner.

The man suddenly approached, Lu Yin was frightened, shrunk her neck, and closed her eyes tightly.

Lu Qiang didn't continue, his nose was hanging by her ear.

Lu Yin was stiff all over and held her breath.

Lu Qiang paused, his nostrils twitched, and then he lowered his head slightly to smell. A light scent of wine radiated from her body, and he was also slightly drunk.

Lu Qiang said in a hoarse voice, "Have you been drinking?"

She opened her eyes and her heart was pounding: "Huh?"

"How much can you drink?"

"… a little."

Lu Qiang patrolled her for a while, glanced into the room, and smiled: "Is your husband not at home?"