Star Martial God Technique

Chapter 118: The mystery of Xingwu Shenjue


Upon hearing Deputy Dean Xu's inquiry, Ye Xinghe scratched his head and said, "Master, I am still practicing the Star Martial God Art."

"Xingwu Shenjue? It doesn't make sense. With your current cultivation level, you can definitely practice Zhenwu Tianxingjue!" Vice President Xu asked a little doubtfully.

"That's it. I have been practicing the Star Martial Arts before. After reading through it, I just feel that the Star Martial Arts is mysterious. The more I examine it carefully, the more endless aftertaste I have. After practicing, I progress very quickly. I always feel that the Star Martial Arts is mysterious. One-tenth of the Martial God Technique has not been completed." Ye Xinghe paused, "Looking at the Zhenwu Tianxing Jue again, I just feel that the Zhenwu Tianxing Jue's technique is extremely crude, even the first sentence of the Xingwu God Technique cannot be compared. superior."

Vice President Xu opened his eyes wide and stared at Ye Xinghe.

In everyone's opinion, although the Star Warrior Divine Technique was passed down from ancient times, it is the most basic technique for Star Warriors. Anyone can practice it. It is also the simplest. It is only suitable for Star Warriors within the third heaven to practice. The Zhenwu Tianxing Jue is relatively advanced.

However, Ye Xinghe actually saw the mystery in the Star Martial God Technique that others could not see. In Ye Xinghe's mind, the Zhenwu Tianxing Jue was completely incomparable with the Star Martial God Technique.

Vice President Xu was silent for a long time. What else could he say? Think about when I was young, my qualifications were dull, and I almost listened to what the master said, and never thought about it myself.

"This Star Martial God Technique was passed down from ancient times. There may be some mysteries and essences that ordinary people cannot see. Since you think the Star Martial God Technique is better than the Zhenwu Tianxing Jue, then continue to practice the Star Martial God Technique." Vice President Xu Chang said, "The Star Martial God Technique that has been passed down is just a fragment, only the first two chapters. It is said that the next seven chapters have been lost. If you have finished practicing the first two chapters, then change to another technique."

"Master, I have only reached the sixth sentence of the first chapter. This Star Martial God Technique is vast and infinite. Just these two chapters will probably make me spend my whole life practicing and exploring. It is unimaginable. There are actually nine articles? What will the remaining seven be?" Ye Xinghe opened his eyes and asked a little incredulously.

Vice President Xu opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say. This student Ye Xinghe is really difficult to teach. Why do he always ask questions that even he doesn't know? Ye Xinghe has cultivated to the sixth level, but he has only cultivated to the sixth sentence of the first chapter

Vice President Xu couldn't bear it any longer and took out an article on the Xingwu Shenjue's exercises. After reading it, he felt that this exercise was not much more advanced than ordinary exercises. After thinking about it for a while, I looked at it carefully, studied the words inside, and thought about it for more than ten minutes.

"Master, how is it? Am I right?" Ye Xinghe couldn't help asking when he saw Vice President Xu looking thoughtfully at the Xingwu Shenjue's exercises.

Ahem, Vice President Xu was extremely embarrassed. He stared at it for so long, but still couldn't see anything.

"Since Xinghe can see the mystery of this Star Martial God Technique, let's continue to understand this technique!" Vice President Xu said with a slight smile.

"Yeah." Ye Xinghe nodded.

Seeing Vice President Xu's embarrassed look, Ye Xinghe wondered in his heart, could it be that even Vice President Xu couldn't see the mystery of the Star Martial God Technique

Ye Xinghe's heart was full of doubts. The Star Martial God Technique was indeed a very mysterious thing. The more Ye Xinghe practiced, the more he felt that the Star Martial God Technique was infinitely mysterious. How could such a technique be just an ordinary technique

Although he has reached the so-called state of returning to his original nature, Ye Xinghe still does not dare to slack off in his own cultivation. The fate of the entire family hangs on his shoulders.

"Xinghe, if the matter here is settled, can you go to Kyoto to participate in the Battle of the God Tower?" Vice President Xu couldn't help but look at Ye Xinghe and asked.

"Master, I will definitely go." Ye Xinghe said firmly, "But I want to ensure the safety of my people."

"Yes." Vice President Xu nodded.

"Master, what exactly is this battle of the divine tower?"

"Around the world, there are twelve Tongtian Divine Towers. These Tongtian Divine Towers tower into the clouds, and no one has ever been able to reach the top of the towers. There is also one in the Great Zhou Empire. Regarding the reason for the Battle of the Divine Towers, I'll tell you then!" Vice President Xu hesitated to speak.

Ye Xinghe couldn't help but look at Vice President Xu. He didn't understand why Vice President Xu was so obsessed with the battle of the God Tower. But since this is Vice President Xu’s wish, if he has the ability, Ye Xinghe will definitely help him complete it.

After coming out of the Dark Moon Family, Ye Xinghe's eyes searched everywhere for traces of An Xueyun, but An Xueyun seemed to have left.

Seeing Ye Xinghe's appearance, Xia Yuning couldn't help pouting and said, "Are you looking for Xueyun?"

Ye Xinghe couldn't help but look slightly embarrassed. It was true that An Xueyun brought people here, which made Ye Xinghe feel moved. However, just a moment after his conversation with Liang Xiang and others, when he looked for An Xueyun again, An Xue The cloud is no longer there.

"Xueyun really cares about you. I have never seen her like this before. This time she brings people from the Tianheng family here, I'm afraid she will cause a lot of trouble. Because this kind of behavior is equivalent to talking to the Dark Moon family Let's start a war." Xia Yuning said, she stared into the distance, she knew that Ye Xinghe liked An Xueyun. She could not replace An Xueyun's position in Ye Xinghe's heart.

Even so, she couldn't speak ill of An Xueyun in front of Ye Xinghe. An Xueyun was her best friend.

Hearing Xia Yuning's words, Ye Xinghe frowned, full of worry, worried about An Xueyun.

"Then what should we do?" Ye Xinghe asked anxiously.

"What else can we do? Ye Xinghe, you are already at war with the Dark Moon Family. Do you still want to start a war with the Tianheng Family?" Xia Yuning looked up at Ye Xinghe, "If you intervene, it will only make Xueyun's situation worse. difficult!"

Hearing Xia Yuning's words, Ye Xinghe couldn't help clenching his fists. An Xueyun had done so many things for him, but he couldn't do anything!

Ye Xinghe hated his own incompetence. Although he had tried his best to improve his cultivation, it was still far from enough. Facing these huge aristocratic families, Ye Xinghe was still too weak.

So weak that he is completely unable to decide his own destiny.

"Let's go!" Ye Xinghe glanced deeply in the direction of the Tianheng Family, and he secretly swore that from now on, he would never let such a thing happen again.