
Chapter 1: Red alert


Time: 4994 Years of the Third Age of the Ephemeris.

Location: South Alpha Galaxy, Greenwich Meteorite Belt, celestial body number 7777914.

Task: conventional star detection.

The celestial body number 7777914 is an olive-shaped large meteorite with a long diameter of about 100 kilometers and a short diameter of about 20 kilometers. Celestial bodies of this level are countless in the Greenwich meteorite belt that is hundreds of light-years long. Not to mention the official naming, if it were not for surveillance and reconnaissance equipment such as space probes installed on the meteorite, the bureaucrats of the Federal Army would not even bother to assign a number to it.

Maintaining these surveillance and reconnaissance equipment is the task of this team.

A shuttle-shaped spacecraft hovered over the sharper end of the meteorite. In the cockpit, a young woman with white skin and elegant appearance was sitting in the position of the captain. She was wearing a silver-white military uniform with long chestnut hair. Just a figure from the back also appeared exceptionally capable.

In front of her, there are three constantly changing three-dimensional projection screens. The left screen lists an unfinished celestial structure diagram, the right screen refreshes the real-time data of two complete life support systems, and the middle screen It is a real picture taken by a high-magnification camera.

Several well-made mechanical devices are repairing and inspecting an iron tower at least several hundred meters high under the command of two ground personnel.

"Lili, your oxygen content has been reduced to 19%, and the air pressure is five percentage points lower than normal."

"Sister Lin Jia, I'm fine, it must be a fault in the self-check system."

"Be careful. If you feel uncomfortable, report it immediately." The woman on the spacecraft smiled bitterly and shook her head. "What's going on with that kid?"

"Rookie?" On the middle screen, the man standing on the ground looked up. "I can't see clearly, maybe I'm not dead yet."

"Sister Lili, if you want to say bad things about someone, don't say it in the public channel. Don't you be afraid I will hear it? In addition, Sister Lin Jia, the temperature sensor has been repaired and can be restarted at any time." The person who protruded from the middle of the tower stood up. Said with a thumb.

Yang Yi, 18 years old, enlisted in the army for one month and seven days. After a short basic technical training, he was assigned to the surveillance station No. 7777 as a recruit.

"Received, it is currently taking one hour and forty-two minutes, Xiao Yang, your technology is making rapid progress. Come down, I am going to restart the sensor.


After that, Yang Yi jumped directly from the tower. Because the celestial body is small, the gravity field is also very weak. Even if he jumps from hundreds of meters, he will not clean up, in Yang Yi's words.

"Much more interesting than bungee jumping!"

When Yang Yi jumped down, the one on the ground had already prepared the individual aircraft.

"Cut, rookie, you dare to interrupt my very sister Lin Jia's conversation, don't you know that interrupting the ladies' conversation is extremely ungentleman behavior?"

Her name is Zhong Lili. She is nineteen years old. She is a beautiful woman. She came to post 7777 a year earlier than Yang Yi, but she has always regarded herself as a veteran and often bullied Yang Yi verbally. So happy to pretend to amuse the beauties.

"Don't be kidding, if I don't interrupt you, Sister Lili, you have to complain to Sister Lin Jia for at least half an hour, then your oxygen will be gone!"

"You kid dare to hurt me, wait to return to the base, see if I don't think I can teach you a good lesson." In the words, Zhong Lili stretched out her hand and gave Yang Yi a thump, but fortunately she was protected by a helmet.

Just when the two were arguing on the ground, Lin Jia in the shuttle ship subconsciously opened his eyes.

"Eh, what's going on."

"Sister Lin Jia, what's the matter?" Zhong Lili asked immediately after hearing the exclamation.

Just turning around, Yang Yi, who wanted to run away, also stopped and raised his ears.

"The sensor did not malfunction. Lili, did you bring a'probe'?"

"Brought it."

"The data shows that the temperature inside the celestial body has changed abnormally, which exceeds the normal fluctuation range by 1.5 times. I need a diagram of the internal structure of the celestial body to figure out the reason for the abnormal temperature fluctuation. You have to have a "probe" to use it. Individuals go to the other end of the celestial body."

"It's really unlucky, let me go." Zhong Lili cursed secretly and took out a tube-shaped device, which was the "probe".

"Sister Lili, let me go. Your oxygen content is already lower than 19%, and I have plenty of oxygen, and how can this kind of drudgery bother beautiful women."

"Then you go. Run faster."

Zhong Lili narrowed her mouth and threw the "probe" in her hand to Yang Yi.

"Okay, Xiao Yang goes to point B, Lili is responsible for installing the'probe' at point A, and wait to listen to my orders."

After the order was communicated, the two people on the ground immediately drove the aircraft to the designated locations to place probes, and the shuttle ship also released dozens of miniature detectors.

The celestial body No. 7777914 is an "iron meteorite" with only a layer of rock less than a hundred meters thick on its surface. The core is almost entirely iron and has a honeycomb shape. The strong magnetic field of the celestial body shields all bands of electromagnetic waves. If you want to detect the internal situation of the celestial body, you can only rely on other means, such as earthquakes. A "probe" is an explosive device that generates earthquake-like phenomena through explosions, and can accurately analyze the internal structure of celestial bodies by intercepting and analyzing the transmission, reflection, and refraction of seismic waves in celestial bodies. Because the original internal structure map of the celestial body is stored on the spacecraft, comparisons can be used to find out the changes that have occurred inside the celestial body.

"Sister Lin Jia, the A point probe is installed."

"Sister Lin Jia, I have done it here too."

Lin Jia manipulated it on the virtual keyboard, and the central screen was divided into two, showing Yang Yi and Zhong Lili who were on the two ends of the celestial body.

"The detection device has been deployed, and you immediately exit the danger zone. A ten-second countdown, ten, nine..."

Dozens of detectors released before have already landed on the celestial body, and the returned data is displayed on the right screen. On the middle screen, Yang Yi and Zhong Lili each stepped back several hundred meters and left the explosion area. When the number on the screen changed to "0", Lin Jia started the analysis program.

Sound cannot be transmitted in a vacuum. After the explosion, the most intuitive feeling is that the celestial body vibrates violently.

Almost at the same time, the structure diagram on the left screen changed. Relying on the data obtained by the detector, the optical brain on the spacecraft quickly depicted the internal structure of the celestial body. Lin Jia was not idle, and entered the command to compare with the original internal structure diagram.

In less than ten seconds, the comparison result was displayed.

Seeing the image on the screen, Lin Jia's eyes widened in surprise, as if she felt that she had made a mistake. Random sirens sounded in the entire shuttle.

"A worm nest is found! Alert, if a worm nest is found, evacuate the dangerous area immediately!"

"The celestial body has been invaded and has become a beast den. Hurry back to the spacecraft, we have to leave here immediately." When saying this, Lin Jia had already sent out the celestial structure diagram and comparative analysis report he had just obtained, and also sent it out at the same time. A red attack alert was raised.

"Beast Den!?" Yang Yi obviously did not react. After all, he was a recruit and had never encountered such a thing.

"Damn, I knew it would be fine to be with this rookie." Zhong Lili carried the personal aircraft on her back with the fastest speed. "Sister Lin Jia, I'll pick him up."

"No. You will be back soon, the speed of the spacecraft will be faster."


"Xiao Yang, fly away from the celestial body immediately. After receiving Lili, I will come to pick you up. From now on, don't make direct contact with the celestial body."

"Sister Lin Jia, what happened?"

"We are in trouble, big trouble."

"Oops, damn it!" Yang Yi suddenly cursed.

"What's the matter?" Lin Jia chuckled in her heart.

"The single-soldier aircraft is broken, no, it’s out of power. Damn it, sister Lili, you killed me." The single-soldier aircraft is a key equipment for outer space operations. Zhong Lili has been responsible for inspection and maintenance. It is Zhong Lili's responsibility to get Yang Yi, a recruit who is not fully charged.

"Rookie, sister didn't mean it. You want to have a long life, and sister will pay you." Zhong Lili was very embarrassed, and her words softened.

Yang Yi's heart warmed, and the words of complaining and reproaching couldn't be said.

"Xiao Yang, don't panic. Use the help system of the combat uniform to jump off the ground with all your strength. The gravity field of the celestial body is very weak and you can stay in the air for a while. We will be fine, trust me!"


At point A of the celestial body, Zhong Lili had already risen into the air and flew towards the spacecraft above her head. On the other end of the celestial body, Yang Yi also soared into the sky, but he could not get rid of the gravitational field of the celestial body, and could not hang in the air forever. Under the action of the gravity field, he will slowly fall to the celestial body.

Seeing the celestial bodies below, Yang Yi felt an inexplicable fear in his heart.

Although I don't understand what happened, the nervous tone of Lin Jia and Zhong Lili gave Yang Yi a very uneasy feeling. In the past month, Yang Yi went out with Lin Jia and Zhong Lili five times. During this period, he also encountered danger. One time was very dangerous. Lin Jia was not as nervous as he is now. Zhong Lili even talked and laughed. I didn't take it seriously, let alone swearing loudly.

With a full leap, Yang Yi jumped a kilometer high.

When reaching the apex, Yang Yi was suspended in the air. This is only temporary, he has already begun to fall, but the speed is slow and hard to detect.

At this moment, the surface under Yang Yi suddenly exploded.

Just at the tipping point of the "probe", it was as if hundreds of tons of explosives were detonated at once, and huge rocks as large as hills were thrown into the air like dust.

what is that!

A huge object rushed out from under the exploded surface, like a long snake, more like a giant earthworm, and the whole body was red.

Although he hadn't encountered it, Yang Yi could think of how high the temperature of the object was.

A giant silicon beast!

Although Yang Yi was a little pitiful compared to the flying rocks, the giant silicon beast spotted him and rushed directly at him.

The Silicon Beast has no eyes, but has a big mouth that is more than 100 meters in diameter and almost the same as the body.

Still a big mouth with flames!

This is over! Yang Yi only felt that his scalp was numb, and his head buzzed as if it was about to explode.

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