
Chapter 100: Mysterious fighter


Suddenly, the woman had no time to take action. The "Fire Phoenix" was unstoppable and broke through the artificial light source hanging on the top of the cave in one fell swoop.

Because the original energy converter in the artificial light source would explode after being destroyed, and its power was amazing, Lin Feng did not dare to delay any time, and frantically urged the "Agni Phoenix". The same was true for Yang Yi, who had already bulged out the whole body to speed up the "Frosty Snow Tiger".

However, above the cave is a rock layer several hundred meters thick, and there is a layer of ice that has not melted for thousands of years.

Although "Fire Phoenix Burning Sun" is unrivaled, Lin Feng's mastery and application of "Feng Wu Nine Heavens" is only a beginner, far from reaching the level of proficiency. Besides, Lin Feng is only a tenth-level combat soldier, and what drives the "Fire Phoenix" is only an AAA-level original energy converter.

As a result, when it was flying upwards, it was blocked by rock formations, and the speed of the "Fire Phoenix" slowed down.

At this time, it turned out that the "Hanbingxuehu" was faster.

Lin Feng focused his attack on one point to increase the efficiency of breaking through the rock formations. The passage is just that big, just enough to allow a fighter plane to pass through. Yang Yi did not slow down the "Hard Ice and Snow Tiger", but pushed it up and propelled the "Fire Phoenix" to fly, thereby reducing Lin Feng's pressure.

At this time, the explosion occurred.

In fact, it takes less than a second.

"Jackson, what are you doing?"

"Leave me alone, continue to accelerate!"

Jackson propped up the energy barrier to resist the explosive shock wave from below. Although this move is simply death, but let Yang Yi distracted to deal with the explosion shock wave will slow down, the result is still a dead end. The only way to survive is to rush out as soon as possible.

However, facing the huge energy released when the original energy converter exploded, the original energy barrier supported by Jackson was as fragile as a paper lantern.

In a blink of an eye, the energy barrier was torn apart by the shock wave.

Yang Yi didn't notice Jackson's situation, and he couldn't be distracted.

Fortunately, with the "Hanbingxuehu" pushing behind, Lin Feng will use all the original energy for the "Fire Phoenix Burning Sun", and the rock formation is hundreds of meters long.

In almost a blink of an eye, the plasma energy beam penetrated the rock formation and the ice covering the rock formation.

Immediately afterwards, the "Fire Phoenix" and "Hanbingxuehu" rushed out.

The two fighters did not stop, but rushed to an altitude of 10,000 meters until they got rid of the blast wave.


Hearing Justin's screams, Yang Yi stopped immediately and opened the cockpit.

Jackson was badly injured, his whole body was scorched, and his eyes were confined, and he looked dead. It's just that he is not dead yet.

"Justin, he's still alive!"

"What?" Justin was distraught and was about to go to Huangquan with Jackson.

How dare Yang Yi hesitate, he immediately took out a genetic medicine and poured it into Jackson's mouth. The genetic medicines Lin Liexun prepared for Yang Yi and the others were all high-quality products. Even if the wounded were left with only one breath, taking one could save their lives. In addition, Jackson is a warrior with strong vitality. Even if the whole body is scorched, as long as the heart is still beating, with the help of genetic medicine, he can recover quickly.

"He He… "

"He is still alive, but it will take some time."

When Yang Yi said this, Jackson's chest began to rise and fall. Although his breathing was weak, it was enough to show that he was still alive.

Justin burst into laughter, and was even more grateful to Yang Yi.

At this time, the "Fire Phoenix" approached. Because the "Hanbingxuehu" blocked the shock wave, the No. 1 and No. 11 that climbed on the "Fire Phoenix" did not cause a serious problem.

"How is Jackson?" Lin Feng opened the cockpit, but did not come out.

"Seriously injured, but it has been stabilized, and it can be cured after a period of rest."

Lin Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and nodded to Justin. As long as you live, not to mention genetic medicine, even a panacea can't bring people back to life.

Without Yang Yi's orders, No. 1 and No. 11 rushed over to help Justin take care of Jackson.

"She was bombed to death?" Lin Feng asked.

Looking at the ice sheet tens of thousands of meters below, the entire ice field that had collapsed because of the big explosion, Yang Yi didn't say a word, because he didn't know whether the woman was dead or not.

The explosion was very violent, equivalent to a magnitude twelve earthquake.

Although it has passed for a while, the earthquake did not subside, and the cracks in the ice layer spread from the center of the explosion to the surroundings like spider webs. Near the explosion site, the ground within a radius of tens of kilometers has collapsed, forming a huge deep crater similar to a crater.

the only

Yang Yi was very puzzled, and he was playing drums in his heart.

When entering the cave, Yang Yi discovered that the artificial light source contained an A-level primary energy converter, and it was working at full power. According to Yang Yi's understanding, the energy released by the Class A Prime Energy Converter when it explodes out of control is similar to the explosion of an asteroid. Simple hands, if the explosion occurs inside an asteroid with a diameter of a thousand kilometers, it is enough to blow it into powder.

Obviously, the explosion that started did not release so much energy.

Although Shennong is a standard planet with a diameter of nearly 20,000 kilometers, the area of the southern continent alone exceeds the surface area of an asteroid, and it will not be blown up by the A-class prime energy converter. However, the energy released after the explosion of the A-class primordial energy converter is enough to crush the southern continent. To be precise, it will cause the basic structure of the crust to be destroyed, and the southern continent will sink slowly as a result, and eventually be submerged by sea water.

Below, there is no lower floor on the ground.

Lin Feng also saw it, his expression extremely worried.

The energy released by the explosion is not as much as expected. There is only one possibility, that is, part of the energy is absorbed and does not act on the earth's crust.

Only that woman can absorb energy!

"Let's go, it's not good to stay here for a long time." Yang Yi exclaimed, he had a very bad premonition.

Lin Feng nodded and closed the canopy of the "Agni Phoenix".

"Want to go?"

Both Yang Yi and Lin Feng were taken aback, then looked up.

A few hundred meters above, there is a fighter plane floating!

Yes, it's a fighter plane, and it's a fighter plane whose performance is absolutely below that of the "Ice Tiger" and the "Fire Phoenix". It's still in a fully deployed state.

A legendary fighter plane that has never appeared before!

"Unexpectedly, an unknown soldier, not only able to control the Frost and Snow Tiger, but also so cunning that he almost made me capsize in the gutter." It was the woman who was driving the unknown fighter plane, and she was full of breath, unlike the injured one. Look like. "Don't say I bully the younger generation, you two go together, and I also want to know whether the joint battle between the Frost and Fire Phoenix is as powerful as the legend."

When the woman said these words, Yang Yi had already got into the cockpit of the "Hard Ice Snow Tiger".

At the same time, Lin Feng also asked Justin to take Jackson, who was unconscious, and the weaker No. 1 and No. 11, to leave the "Fire Phoenix".

"Who are you?" Yang Yi asked.

"Why, don't even know me? But, it's nothing strange. Your name is Yang Yi. You are eighteen years old this year. Before you were born, I left the Human Federation. It's just that you shouldn't know who I am. At least, Lin Feng, who is with you, should know me."

"Luo Changying?"

"Little girl, you should call me auntie. Although I did not marry your seventh uncle, your grandfather personally made the marriage contract that year. According to tradition, I can be regarded as your seventh aunt."

"You shameless, Uncle Seven..."

"Shut up! Are the Lin family members so uneducated?"

Lin Feng's expression was distorted with anger, but there was nothing to say. You know, in large families, the marriage contract is very sacred, even if Luo Changying did not marry into the Lin family, as long as the marriage contract with Lin Liexun is still there, she is Lin Liexun's fiancee. At first, Lin Liexun ran away from home to escape the marriage, and Luo Changying also left the Luo family. Probably to protect the face of the two families, Lin Xiaoting and Luo Zhenyu did not officially terminate the marriage contract.

"It's no wonder you would make such a vow, but you are very similar to your seventh uncle."

"Don't follow me, I don't know you."

"Haha..." Luo Changying was not angry, but laughed.

Yang Yi sighed secretly and said, "Auntie, are you going to chat with us to reminisce about the past, or do you want to have a good fight with us?"

"What's the hurry? If you want to die in a hurry, I will fulfill you later."

"Auntie, you are too arrogant. To be honest, although I don't know anything about you and Senior Lin Liexun, I am afraid that a man like you will hide."

"you… "

"Of course, maybe it wasn't like this at the beginning, I can understand. Women, there are a few days a month uncomfortable, and long-term alone, the secretion of physiological hormones is imbalanced, resulting in..."

"You are looking for death!"

Luo Changying suddenly shot, and a beam of original energy fired at the "Ice Tiger". However, Yang Yi was prepared long ago, and Luo Changying just wanted Yang Yi to shut up, and didn't make a ruthless move. I saw the "Hanbingxuehu" spinning around in place, avoiding the primordial beam very dexterously.

Of course, Yang Yi also shut his mouth.

"It seems that Lin Xiaoting really didn't look away. Little girl, you have a good vision."

"What does it matter to you?" Lin Feng felt so angry and funny, and really didn't understand what Luo Changying was thinking.

"Yang Yi, at your young age, you are not only a top combat soldier with sacred artifacts, but also successfully matched with the Hanbingxuehu. If I read it right, your match with the Hanbingxuehu is far in the forest. Feng and the "Fire Phoenix" are on board. I am very surprised that you are not a natural combat body, how did you do it?" Luo Changying paused for a while before saying, "Of course, I met you. Talents with the best talents. If you are willing to submit, I will not only spare you not to die, but also give you more opportunities, and annul the marriage contract between Lin Feng and Luo Zhankun and let you be with Lin Feng. To be honest, like you Talents need more opportunities and better treatment."

"Auntie, are you finished?"

"you… "

"They say women talk a lot. I didn't believe it before, but I believe it now, and I know that the old maiden talks the most nonsense."

When Yang Yi said this, there was not much to say.