
Chapter 110: Follow the local customs


It was early morning when Yang Yi brought Lin Feng back to the ancestors.

According to Grandpa, the Yang family was one of the first pioneers to come to Burial Star. At that time, Burial Star not only had abundant natural resources, the ecological environment was also very good, and there were few colonists. In order to encourage foreign development, the federal authorities promoted a "first come, first served" tenure, so thousands of years ago, when Moriqiu was a small town with a population of less than 1,000, the Yang family was a well-known big landlord. It was just that in the following thousands of years, the Yang family gradually declined due to the decline of the population, and by the generation of Yang Yi it was reduced to civilians. The only thing passed to him was the ancestral house which was located in the outskirts of the country and was so dilapidated that it could not be easily seen.

Strictly speaking, this ancestor is not a legacy at all, but a negative equity.

In Bone Star, as long as the house is inhabited, the property tax must be paid every year according to the value assessed by the government, which is a considerable burden for many families.

The ancestral house is very large, a villa with a front yard and a back garden.

In Grandpa’s words, this is where the Yang family’s foothold in Burial Bone Star, dozens of generations were born here, and they are obliged to pass on the Yang family’s incense.

However, Yang Yi doesn't think so.

Although by his generation, the Yang family has been passed down for a hundred generations, the so-called former residence is nothing more than a house without life and emotions. If it weren't for Grandpa's insistence, and Yang's family still had the final say, Yang Yi would probably dispose of the villa before joining the army. Not to mention, as long as you apply for abolition, you can save tens of thousands of dollars in property tax every year. This money is enough to rent an apartment in the city center for your grandparents.

The door was not locked and the villa was empty.

Although it hasn't changed much, after entering, Yang Yi saw it at a glance. In the past six months, grandpa's life has not been very good. Among other things, the empty wine bottles piled up in the corner of the hall are the best proof. Although drinking is grandpa's only hobby in his life, when Yang Yi was there, he was restrained because he was always nagging. After Yang Yi joined the army, no one was chattering in his ears, and he lost control.

Smelling the smell of wine in the air, Yang Yi sighed secretly.

Lin Feng was a little embarrassed and felt that buying wine for Yang Yi's grandfather was a wrong decision.

"I'll go up and take a look, don't walk around, the house is a little messy..."

"Who dared to break into a home without permission?"

Before Yang Yi left, there was a scolding sound from the upper floor, but the words were vague, as if he was not awake or drunk.

Then, a person staggered down from the corridor.

Seeing this situation, Yang Yi got even bigger.

This person is about 1.9 meters tall, half a head taller than Yang Yi, except for a white hair, nothing looks like an elderly person of several hundred years old. The figure is not burly, nor thin. If there is any characteristic, it is similar to Yang Yi, and you can see the relationship with Yang Yi at a glance.

It is Yang Chengzhi, Yang Yi's grandfather.

"Old guy, it's rare to wake up so early, and drank too much last night?"

"Little thing, it turned out to be you, I mean it's a thief."

The grandfather and grandson had nothing to say when they met. Lin Feng was stunned for a while, wondering if they were grandfathers and grandchildren, maybe they were enemies in the previous life.

At this time, Yang Chengzhi's gaze fell on Lin Feng, with a stern look.

"Old man, what are you looking at?"

"This little beauty..."

"Your future granddaughter-in-law."

Yang Chengzhi was taken aback again, then burst into laughter.

Lin Feng was even more embarrassed. Although Yang Chengzhi's gaze made her feel very uncomfortable, she could feel that Yang Chengzhi was not malicious.

"Little things, I didn't learn anything else, you learned a lot about your grandfather's ability to pick up girls when he was young."

Yang Yi rolled his eyes, and Lin Feng buried his head. Now, she finally understood where Yang Yi learned the nonsense kung fu that Yang Yi opened her mouth.

"Old guy, just stand like this and don't say hello?"

"This is not your home? I haven't woken up yet. Go up and sleep for a while. There is food in the kitchen. You can take care of it. Don't bother me if it's okay."

Before Yang Yi could answer, Yang Chengzhi turned around.

"Don't be surprised, he has this virtue." Yang Yi was very embarrassed. Anyway, it was the first time Lin Feng came to his house.

"It's okay, grandpa has true temperament."

"Don't say that, let him know, his butt will be up to the sky." Yang Yi couldn't help but smiled bitterly. "I'm not afraid you don't believe it. Sometimes I wonder if he is my real grandfather. If he doesn't look like this, I really doubt it is the wild child he picked back."

That said, Yang Yi didn't cool Lin Feng, and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Although the Yang family has long since fallen, the lean camel is bigger than the horse. As far as Yang Yi knows, before he joined the army, his grandfather had been relying on changing the seller's life.

The breakfast is not good, but it is not terrible.

After the meal, Yang Yi took Lin Feng around in a circle.

The villa is very large, the front yard covers an area of hundreds of square meters, and the back garden is twice that of the front yard. It's a pity that the planted flowers and plants have withered long ago because no one is taking care of them. Along the way, Lin Feng was also secretly surprised. The flowers and plants will wither, but the paths paved with precious stones, the exquisitely carved guardrails, and pavilions are preserved intact. It can be seen that the Yang family in its heyday was not only rich, but also very tasteful.

It's just that flowers don't have a hundred days to be red, and people don't have a hundred days to be good.

Not to mention, in the five thousand years of the Third Era, there were countless large families in decline and decline. Even the few big families that are now in full swing can be traced back to the Fifth Greenwich War a thousand years ago, and families that have flourished for thousands of years are simply rare.

In fact, after thousands of years of evolution, everyone in the Human Federation is the offspring of a once-brilliant family. Take Lin Feng as an example. Although the Lin family was built by its grandfather Lin Xiaoting, going back, the ancestors of the Lin family were the forerunners of the human confederation, that is, the humans who escaped the galaxy from the "destroying catastrophe" and came to the Southern Alpha Galaxy One of the survivors.

As for the reasons for the decline of the Yang family, Lin Feng was not interested.

There is no need to figure out that no one can change the law of prosperity. Any big family will go downhill after its heyday. The difference is that some big families can rejuvenate, some big families can barely maintain the coefficient of generation, and some big families will soon die out.

In any case, the Yang family did not die, and the appearance of Yang Yi brought ZTE's hope even more.

When the two returned to the villa, Yang Chengzhi had already woke up and was eating breakfast in the dining room.

"Old guy, I know how to enjoy it."

The breakfast was made by Yang Yi, but Yang Chengzhi cared about the bottles of wine bought by Lin Feng. Drinking two cups early in the morning was regarded by Yang Chengzhi as a joy in life.

"Small things, not bad, and a little bit filial." As he said, Yang Chengzhi poured a cup for Yang Yi.

"This is how Xiaofeng honored your old man."

"Really?" Yang Chengzhi smiled and nodded towards Lin Feng. Compared with before, his attitude is much more kind, and he looks like an elder.

Lin Feng was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

"Let's go, what's the matter when you come back?" Yang Chengzhi didn't go around the corners, he was also the kind of straight-forward character.

Yang Yi sighed secretly and said: "It's nothing, just come back and take a look. Although your old man's tenacious vitality is comparable to cockroaches, but no one is with you, you will be lonely and lonely. To be honest, you should find a wife to live with. It's good that someone is controlling you."

"Yes, it's not your turn to worry about my business."

"Don't let me worry, just drink less." With that, Yang Yi snatched the glass from Yang Chengzhi's hand.

"Little thing, you are bold enough to snatch my wine."

"Old guy, don't care about you for half a year, even I am not afraid?"

The grandfather and grandson began to speak, not fighting, but grabbing bottles and glasses. Because he had already known each other before, Lin Feng was not surprised. However, Lin Feng saw that Yang Chengzhi's movements were not slow. Although Yang Yi didn't make any effort, as a soldier, Yang Yi's reaction was much faster than ordinary people. After a fight, Yang Yi barely gained the upper hand and didn't let Yang Chengzhi take the bottle.

Could it be that Yang Chengzhi is also a soldier

Lin Feng was surprised secretly and was also watching carefully. Although I can't see through Yang Chengzhi, one thing is certain, Yang Chengzhi does not have a power converter.

If he was not a soldier, how could he react so quickly

"Okay, your brat is hard, and he treats your grandfather so disrespectfully."

"Old man, this is for your good."

Yang Chengzhi rolled his eyes and said, "Okay, I know it myself. Forget it, I'm old and can't compare to you young people."

Yang Yi smiled bitterly and shook his head, and put the wine bottle on the table.

"Let's talk about it, how many days do I have to stay here this time? Don't say I can't leave. I have worked hard for eighteen years, and finally pulled you into an adult. I haven't had enough easy days."

"Let's go later."

Yang Chengzhi was taken aback for a moment, and said, "I won't stay for a few more days, in a hurry?"

Yang Yi nodded and said, "Actually, I came back this time for several things."

Seeing Yang Yi's expression serious, Yang Chengzhi's brows jumped a few times, and then he said to Lin Feng: "This is..."

"Lin Feng, our captain, is now my girlfriend." Yang Yi introduced Lin Feng.

"Yes, your kid has vision." Yang Chengzhi laughed and said, "Little girl, the Yang family's appearance makes you wronged."

"Grandpa is humble." Lin Feng really didn't know how to deal with it.

"Of course, follow the customs in the countryside. Since you are here, you have to abide by the customs here."

Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what Yang Chengzhi meant.

"According to the custom, after you marry into the Yang family, you have to cook a dinner for the elders, indicating that you have become a member of the family. Although you have not married Yang Yi yet, since you are here, you have to do it according to the custom. Besides, I'm afraid no one can tell when you will get married."

Yang Chengzhi said it seriously, but Lin Feng felt that he said it to distract himself.

It's just that Lin Feng didn't understand the custom of Burial Star, and Yang Chengzhi had no malice in taking her away. He just wanted to talk to Yang Yi alone.