
Chapter 112: Seed life


Even if you are dreaming, have a lucid dream, instead of waking up and being confused and not figuring out anything.

Thinking about it, Yang Yi took a deep breath.

"Think clearly?" Yang Feng smiled faintly and said, "Don't be surprised. Although this is your consciousness space, there is no secret to your thoughts when you communicate with consciousness. In fact, you can make it so quickly. The decision surprised me a bit."

"Is it weird?"

"No, it's not surprising. You are my grandson, you are exactly the same as your father. At the beginning, he made a decision in only half a minute."

"Is that what you want to tell me?"

"You are also impatient."

Yang Yi was completely speechless, but he clearly felt that the old man in front of him was very kind, the kind of kindness that only relatives would have.

"Okay, let's talk about business." Yang Feng exhaled and said, "First of all, we have to start with the first era ten thousand years ago."

Yang Yi didn't say a word, nor was he surprised.

"After coming to this era, I learned that in the eyes of humans in the third era, the first era 10,000 years ago was a dark and chaotic era, and human civilization was extremely backward, let alone interstellar voyages, even the solar system. Neither stepped out. Although it's correct in general, it's far from the truth."

"Then what is the fact?"

"The human civilization of the First Era is indeed backward, but it is not as you know, especially in the later period, a major discovery completely changed human civilization."


Yang Feng nodded and said: "In the late First Era, the development of mankind in the known realm has reached its limit. Although the human civilization at that time was extremely prosperous, it not only solved the environmental dilemma of the parent planet, but also left its footprints. On every planet in the solar system, but limited by basic theory, the development of human civilization has reached its limit. Compared with the long distance between star systems calculated in light years, the speed that humans can achieve is too slow. Simply put, even the fastest spacecraft at the time would take hundreds of years to fly to the neighboring galaxy, and the normal life span of human beings is more than a hundred years. Besides, after reaching the neighboring galaxy, there is no way to slow down."

"In other words, humans are trapped in the solar system."

"Exactly." Yang Yi sighed and said, "Although human civilization is prosperous on the surface, the contradiction between population and resources has already emerged. In my time, that is, around the third millennium of the First Era, the Earth authorities let go. The control of space exploration and resource exploitation. In addition to technological advances, making space travel no longer difficult, the more important thing is the demand for resources, especially energy. Although after mastering controllable nuclear fusion, the energy dilemma Greatly alleviated, but the explosive population growth and the infinite pursuit of improving the quality of life have made energy consumption even greater. In order to protect the earth’s ecological environment, we can only go to other planets to obtain energy. The first development is Jupiter, then Saturn and Neptune and later asteroids at the edge of the solar system."

Yang Yi frowned and looked at Yang Feng without understanding.

"Although there are enough hydrogen elements on Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune to theoretically consume human civilization for hundreds of millions of years, mining is extremely difficult and the cost is high. There are many ice comets in the solar system. It's much smaller."

"You mean..."

"After the earth authorities lifted the restrictions, going to the edge of the solar system to find ice comets, and bringing ice comets back to earth became the most popular occupation at that time."

"So you just..."

"Yes, I was the first batch of interstellar explorers. At that time, there were many people like me. After obtaining the interstellar exploration qualification certificate issued by the Earth authorities, they signed a sponsorship agreement with a large energy company, and then took a small spacecraft to the edge of the solar system. Find an ice comet in the area. If you are lucky, even if it takes decades, you can get rich overnight if you find an ice comet. It’s just that the lucky ones are rare, and most interstellar explorers never go back. ."

"And you?"

"Me?" Yang Feng smiled faintly and said, "I am the lucky one among the lucky ones. At that time, I was sponsored by a large energy company to board a ship equipped with an ecosystem with my future wife, your grandmother. The small spacecraft left the earth. After five years of long voyage, we came to the Kuiper belt outside the solar system, which is the edge area where asteroids and comets gather. Although the initial luck was not very good, we wasted nearly ten years Time, but an accidental discovery changed our destiny and the future of human civilization. In addition, this discovery also brought me a surprise, an unexpected but extremely precious surprise."

Yang Feng suddenly showed a happy smile, while Yang Yi was confused.

"We found a comet with a huge volume. Although it is not the ice comet we were looking for, this discovery can still make us rich overnight, because the comet contains the rare metals necessary for the construction of a controlled fusion nuclear reactor, and The reserves are extremely amazing. However, this is not the biggest gain."

"what is that?"

Yang Feng smiled and said, "It's your father, my son."


"After discovering this comet, in order to figure out the internal structure of the comet, especially the rare metal reserves, I and your grandmother landed twice. Not long after, your grandmother became pregnant."

Yang Yi looked at Yang Feng dumbfounded. This is also a gain!

"Interestingly, before that, I didn't have sex with your grandmother."

When Yang Feng said this, Yang Yi's eyes suddenly widened.

"Don't be crooked, there are only two of us on the spacecraft, and there is no third person. At that time, your grandmother and I were very puzzled. If it were not for the conclusive results of the genetic test, I could not believe that your grandmother was pregnant with my child. The question is, how did she get pregnant with this child?"

"Could it be..."

"I've said it, don't think about it. There is a complete ecosystem on the spacecraft, but there is no equipment for cultivating IVF, and your grandmother and I have no plans to have children. It's not that we don't want children, but that we are exploring space. , Pregnant with a child is a very troublesome thing. You know, there are only two of us on the spacecraft. If your grandmother is pregnant, I will have to control the spacecraft alone, and there is no delivery equipment on the spacecraft."

"That is how the matter?"

"Why, haven't thought of it yet?"

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly understood. "You mean it has something to do with that comet?"

Yang Feng nodded and said, "After ruling out all other possibilities, even if we don’t think we can believe it, we have to doubt the comet. After that, we did a full scan of the comet and found that the detected rare metals were mainly concentrated. In the core of the comet. Before that, we discovered that there is a powerful interference source inside the comet, which makes the nuclear magnetic resonance detection equipment unable to work normally. However, we all believe that it is likely to be the interference caused by the accumulation of rare metals. Yes. Out of suspicion, we did a few blasting resonances and mapped the internal structure of the comet by collecting seismic waves. It was also true that we discovered the secret of this comet."

"What's the secret?"

Yang Feng exhaled, and after a while, he said, "This is not a comet that formed naturally, and it does not originate from the solar system."

"You mean..."

"This is a spaceship that has been wandering in the universe for millions of years!"

Although he was mentally prepared, Yang Yi was still shocked when Yang Feng said it.

"The rare metal we detected is actually the hull of this spacecraft, and what's covering the outside is just the cosmic dust absorbed by the spacecraft when it drifts in the universe."

"This… "

"With this discovery, we blew up the outer rock formations."

"and then?"

"Although the rare metals that make up this spacecraft can make us rich overnight, my grandmother and I believe that the spacecraft itself is more valuable. The point is that this spacecraft does not belong to human beings. Due to technological limitations, we can’t control the spacecraft. The time of existence can be accurately judged, but the identification of the bottom rock layer is enough to confirm that the spacecraft has been drifting in the universe for five million years. Besides, the rare metals that construct the spacecraft are extremely rare, and the reserves of the entire solar system are not enough. Thousands of tons, and the mass of this spacecraft is more than 10,000 tons. There is no doubt that this spacecraft comes from a very developed civilization, and this civilization has already suffered an extinction."

"that's it?"

Yang Feng smiled faintly and said, "Don't irritate me, it's useless."

Yang Yi was speechless, but didn't say much.

"Actually, this is an unmanned spacecraft. After making a judgment, I made a very bold decision with your grandmother."

"Enter the spacecraft to investigate?"

Yang Feng nodded and said: "That's why we found that there were no living things on the spacecraft, and no signs of intelligent life, so we concluded that it is an unmanned spacecraft. Of course, this is not the key. On this spacecraft, we discovered the reason why your grandmother was pregnant."


"Simply put, this is a spacecraft used to sow seeds."

"Plant!?" Yang Yi stared at Yang Feng in disbelief.

"Sow the seeds of life in the universe."

"This... is it possible?"

"Why is it impossible?" Yang Feng grinned reluctantly, and said, "It's not just your father, all of us are from this spaceship."

"You mean, human beings were created by this spaceship?"

"It's not creation, but propagation. In other words, this spacecraft came to the solar system several million years ago and sowed the seeds of life on the planet that is most suitable for life to multiply, which is the earth. After several million years, After the evolution of, human civilization has been born. Don’t forget that the first great apes, the distant ancestors of mankind, appeared three million years ago, and Homo sapiens appeared 200,000 years ago.”

At this time, Yang Yi was shocked in addition to shock.