
Chapter 114: The initiator


What Yang Feng told about not only made Yang Yi feel incredible, but also made Yang Yi think he was listening to a fabricated legend.

After ten years of silence, Yang Yi's father Yang Guang officially debuted.

At that time, through one thing, he let Yang Feng realize how huge the gap with his son was, and willingly accepted the status of a follower under his son's control and command. That is, Yang Guang cracked the central computer on that spacecraft, which was precisely a photo-brain that was so advanced in that era, and obtained the data stored in the photo-brain. Although most of the information was confirmed because it was too old, Yang Guang successfully restored several documents, including a starry sky map and a starry sky map of another galaxy. It was exactly the same that Yang Feng knew that this spacecraft came from a distant galaxy, and it was also the Alpha galaxy where the Human Federation is located.

However, in this starry sky map, the Alpha galaxy is not divided into two parts by the Greenwich meteorite belt, but a typical twin companion galaxy. In the area where the Greenwich meteorite belt is located is a huge central black hole with two sub-galaxies orbiting the central black hole. The current Greenwich meteorite belt is exactly the product of the central black hole after the explosion and annihilation, while the northern and southern Alpha galaxies were originally child galaxies.

After that, Yang Guang proposed to return to Earth and use the advanced technology obtained from the spacecraft to change human civilization and allow human civilization to achieve great development.

Yang Feng originally refused to agree, but had to admit a reality.

This is that Yang Guang will grow up sooner or later, and he will definitely need a partner at that time. If he stays in the Kuiper Belt, Yang Guang will die alone.

As a father, Yang Feng obviously did not want his son to be a lonely man.

Fortunately, Yang Guang’s IQ is extremely high. After knowing the cause of his mother’s death, he adopted Yang Feng’s suggestion that Yang Feng should go one step ahead. After returning to Earth and laying the foundation with the rare technology he obtained, he and the spaceship Return secretly and use the advanced technology on the spacecraft to make a leap in human civilization.

However, Yang Feng seriously underestimated the ambition of this son.

Initially, the father and son's plan went well. Yang Feng returned to Earth smoothly. After secretly selling a small amount of rare metals, he built a huge business empire in ten years and became the richest, most influential, and most powerful man.

When Yang Guang secretly returned to the earth, the business empire built by Yang Feng had become a behemoth. It not only possessed second-to-none financial resources, but also extremely powerful influence. Even the earth authorities had to be scrupulous, and Yang Feng was even more so. Eye-catching.

In the past ten years, Yang Guang has not been idle, but has thoroughly grasped the advanced technology on the spacecraft.

Until this time, Yang Feng suddenly discovered that his son's purpose was not to promote the progress of human civilization, but to use human civilization.

Simply put, no matter how advanced technology you have, if you don't have enough resources and enough manpower, you can't turn technology into capability. What Yang Guang needs is the resources and labor of human civilization, and the business empire built by Yang Feng has laid a solid foundation for him to achieve his goals.

Yang Guang's purpose is to go to that distant galaxy to explore the birthplace of mankind.

In addition, Yang Feng also discovered that Yang Guang’s idea is not surprising, because after having a clear understanding of himself, Yang Guang did not regard himself as a human being, so he has no sense of identity with humans and does not care about the future of popular categories. , Let alone help mankind achieve a leap.

Unfortunately, when he realized this, Yang Feng was already unable to stop his son's crazy behavior, and there was no reason to oppose it openly.

In fact, Yang Feng also wanted to know where the human race came from.

As a result, in just five years, Yang Guang used advanced technology to create a spacecraft capable of flying at the speed of light.

This is the "Hope".

Because it is the first light-speed spacecraft, even if all the technologies are theoretically supported, but for insurance considerations, the "Hope" is an unmanned spacecraft. According to the plan made by Yang Guang, after the successful launch of the "Hope", the manned spacecraft will be built.

At this time, Yang Feng has realized that if Yang Guang continues to walk, he will lose his only relative forever.

The problem is that five years is enough time for Yang Guang to take over the power, and after the successful launch of the "Hope", no one can change his decision anymore.

Out of helplessness, Yang Feng made a crucial decision, a decision that brought Yang Yi into this world.

Family affection cannot make Yang Guang change his mind, so what about love

Under Yang Feng’s ingenious arrangement, Yang Yi’s mother Xiang Yuting, a woman with both talents and appearance, walked into Yang Guang’s life, and as Yang Feng had expected, after tasted the sweetness of being with a stranger, Yang The temperament of light has changed. Unfortunately, what Yang Feng didn't expect was that not only Sunshine was affected, but Xiang Yuting was also affected. When the two got married, Yang Guang had already persuaded Xiang Yuting and asked Xiang Yuting to support his decision without turning back.

However, this love is not without results.

Although no son was left, Yang Feng got a grandson, Yang Yi.

In addition, Yang Yi's arrival caused Yang Guang to postpone the arrangement of flying to the Alpha Galaxy for three years, and Yang Feng gradually accepted this imminent and unchangeable result.

In the past three years, Yang Guang not only built the "Explorer", but also did a lot of vital things.

The scene Yang Yi first saw was the scene where Yang Guang and Xiang Yuting took off on the Discovery. However, what Yang Guang left behind was not just a white-haired old man and a young child waiting to be fed. The understanding and combination with Xiang Yuting, especially the arrival of Yang Yi, inspired Yang Guang's sense of responsibility. Even if he still does not have a big identity with human beings, the crystallization of his love with Xiang Yuting, his only blood remains on the earth.

Before departure, he passed all the advanced technologies he had obtained from the spacecraft to Yang Feng.

Of course, what Yang Guang left behind was the business empire that had controlled all walks of life in human society, a powerful existence that surpassed the earth's authorities.

At this time, Yang Feng was regretful. If he had known such a result, he would never let Yang Guang come into contact with the advanced technology on that spacecraft.

It's just that regret can't solve the problem.

In the following two years, Yang Feng relied on the business empire to win over the most outstanding scientists of mankind and conduct research on the advanced technology left by Yang Guang. That's why Yang Feng discovered the problem mentioned earlier, that is, after the "Explorer" reached the speed of light, even if it slowed down, the internal time could not be restored to normal. In other words, even if Yang Guang and Xiang Yuting reach their destination, they will be permanently imprisoned in the cage of time.

Fortunately, the three heads are like Zhuge Liang.

Although Yang Guang was extremely clever, there were always omissions, and the thousands of scientists invited by Yang Feng surpassed Yang Guang by their huge numbers.

After in-depth research, these scientists found a way to lift the time imprisonment, that is, a way to save Yang Guang.

Just like this, Yang Feng had the idea of going to the Alpha galaxy, finding the spacecraft "Exploration", and freeing Yang Guang from the prison of time.

This idea then became out of control.

In any case, Yang Feng is Yang Guang's father.

If there is anything in common between the father and the son, there is only one point, that is, after identifying the direction, no matter how difficult it is, they will walk to the dark.

In fact, the same is true for Yang Yi.

In two years, it was enough for Yang Feng to build a spacecraft comparable to the Discovery.

In addition, in the past two years of research, the top scientists invited by Yang Feng discovered many secrets that Yang Guang did not discover, or deliberately ignored. For example, human beings are not intelligent beings created by an advanced civilization, but the advanced civilization itself.

The destination of that spacecraft is the Milky Way, controlled by a program whose primary purpose is to find a planet suitable for the reproduction and evolution of life. When starting from the Alpha Galaxy, the civilization that built this spaceship was on the verge of extinction, to be precise, it was devastated in a war with another civilization. Because of the blockade, this civilization that was once prosperous and powerful enough to be impossible even had a chance to escape. Only then built this unmanned spacecraft to take away the essence of civilization, and hope that one day it can reproduce its glory in other places. The so-called "essence" is precisely the basic form of reproduction of the civilization, that is, the gene. Theoretically speaking, as long as the genes of this civilization continue, it will definitely grow stronger someday in the future, once again becoming the overlord of the vast starry sky.

In other words, mankind itself is this powerful civilization, at least in terms of life forms.

However, this discovery did not change Yang Feng's decision. Instead, Yang Feng decided to bring Yang Yi, instead of letting Yang Yi stay and inherit the business empire. The reason is simple. The powerful civilization that once flourished has suffered a catastrophe. Can mankind be spared

Because Yang Yi was too young, he was only five years old, so Yang Feng used advanced technology obtained from the spacecraft to seal Yang Yi's memory. Although it took tens of thousands of years to fly from the Milky Way to the Alpha Galaxy, when flying at the speed of light, the time inside the spacecraft stopped. Let alone more than 10,000 years, as long as the spacecraft "Pursue" that Yang Feng and Yang Yi are riding on does not stop, even if they have passed 100 million years, they will not be affected. In fact, looking at Yang Feng and Yang Yi, the long performance from the Milky Way to the Alpha Galaxy was just a blink of an eye. After the "Follow" was launched, when the two of them reacted, they had already reached the Alpha Galaxy, and tens of thousands of years had passed.

Of course, this is only for Yang Feng and Yang Yi.

For human civilization, in the past ten thousand years, it can be said to have been vicissitudes of life.

Although Yang Feng and Yang Yi are not witnesses, the drastic changes that human civilization subsequently experienced are actually the result of the causes that Yang Feng planted back then, and Yang Guang played a key role. It is no exaggeration to say that Yang Feng and Yang Guang's father and son changed the destiny of human civilization and were the initiators of all time for the subsequent tens of thousands of years. But at that time, neither Yang Feng nor Yang Guang knew enough.