
Chapter 115: Prosperity must decline


"Because I am not a person who has personally witnessed it, I also learned about the subsequent encounters of human civilization after I came here and inquired from all sides."

"and many more!"

"Why, is there a problem?"

Yang Yi looked at Yang Feng suspiciously. After a while, he said, "Don't you think there is a problem? Two years after the exploration of the spacecraft, the "Quest" was launched into the sky, and the "Hope" was launched. It was five years before that. If the Pursuit was also flying at the speed of light, why could it be here more than ten years earlier?"

"Have I said that the Chase flies at the speed of light?"

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized that Yang Feng did not say such a thing.

"Because the Discovery is advanced from the space curvature engine to the speed of light, there is only one way to release the time constraint, to reverse the space curvature engine. Combined with the space jump technology, time and space balance can be reconstructed and time can return to normal." Yang Feng said faintly. With a smile, he said, "If the "Chasing" has also flown at the speed of light, not only will it not be able to catch up with the "Exploration", it will also fall into a time prison.

"You mean..."

"Space jump."

Yang Yi was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly.

For modern humans, space jumping is the main means of interstellar travel, and it is also the only way to eliminate space and speed constraints.

"It's just that, at the time, we didn't have a thorough understanding of space jumping technology, let alone skilled use. The most important thing is that space treaties need to open space channels, and the only thing we can rely on is the original energy. Because we did not fully grasp the principles of collection and utilization. Therefore, even if the existence of the original energy is known, it will take a lot of time to obtain the original energy required to open the treaty channel. As a result, the "Chasing" mainly flies at the speed of light, and only after obtaining enough original energy, it will jump in space. In this second, the flight time has been reduced by about one-tenth. Simply put, we came here more than a thousand years ago, before the outbreak of the Fifth Greenwich War."

"Why am I only eighteen years old?"

"Strictly speaking, you are the second oldest birthday star today."

"you… "

Yang Feng smiled and said, "Of course, your actual age is indeed 18. In the speed of light, time has no effect on us. Because you are too young, and when you came here, I was very concerned about the world. Knowing nothing, wandering around with a five-year-old child is obviously a burden. Don’t blame me for saying that, when you have children, you will understand how troublesome it is to take care of them. So I have no other way but to let The Discovery continued to fly at the speed of light until I got to know the world, until I was able to take care of you and let you grow up healthily. Although the conditions are not ideal, at least it did not make you stunted by hunger."

At this time, Yang Yi was completely speechless.

"Besides, I am not your first guardian. If you have any complaints, see Yang Guang and Xiang Yuting, you can complain to them."

"Old guy, are you too irresponsible?"

"It seems that you have accepted this fact."

"you… "

"Okay, complaining can't solve the problem." Yang Feng smiled and shook his head. Yang Yi's starting address not only didn't make him angry, but also made him feel very comfortable. "What happened to human civilization since then, in fact, I have already told you, but you have always thought it was a story I made up."

"You mean..."

"After we left on the "Chasing", the business empire I personally created did not disintegrate, but continued to operate under the management of the board of directors. This is also to blame for me, because when I left, I did not tell others the truth. It’s just that I’m going to vacation with you on other planets, and no one knows the truth about the “Chasing”. At the time, everyone thought it was just a big toy piled up with money by the super-rich. In order to reduce the trouble, I put it on before I set off. Related matters were handed over to the board of directors, and all the directors believed that I was just going out and playing and I would be back soon.” Yang Feng sighed and said, “Paper packs can’t keep the fire out for months, years, or even decades. It’s nothing, but after a hundred years, no one will believe that I will return to Earth. Besides, this business empire is too large, almost equivalent to a semi-human civilization, if it crashes because of the sudden disappearance of the founder Falling down will inevitably lead to an unprecedented disaster. As a result, the board of directors concealed the truth and claimed that we had encountered a stellar storm during interstellar travel. Soon after, the board of directors took over the entire business empire and mastered the secrets that only I knew before, including the advance Technology."

"And use it?"

Yang Feng nodded and said, "It's just that these guys still have a conscience. Of course, it also has a lot to do with my strong appeal."

"This… "

"The board did not let me out. Instead, it used my influence to build me into a super scientist who would benefit the entire mankind." Yang Feng smiled indifferently and said, "The irony is that I am not a scientist at all, at best I can be regarded as a super scientist. A professional explorer who fought for lofty ideals when he was young. Strictly speaking, your father is the real scientist, and those advanced technologies are his discoveries."

"It's just that he always stands behind the stage, unknown to the outside world."

Yang Feng did not refute, but said: "At that time, when human civilization achieved a leap, what was lacking was advanced technology, and the space jumping technology used on the "Chasing" was the most important. In addition, human creativity and enterprising spirit It must not be underestimated. After being inspired, it took less than a hundred years for human scientists to fully grasp the end of the space jump, and they have also carried out a wide range of applications."

"So flying out of the solar system?"

"It's just that this is not necessarily a good thing." Yang Feng paused for a while before saying, "The second era of human civilization is not only a pioneering era piled up with so many heroic stories, but also a road to no return. The moment we leave the solar system, the future of human civilization is nailed to death."

"What's the meaning?"

"A civilization that was once defeated, even if it comes back from the dead, cannot lay a foundation sufficient to rebuild its glory in such a short period of time."

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, waiting for Yang Feng to continue.

"Of course, the second era is the era of human civilization. It is an era in which humans write history. Within about five thousand years, humans not only rushed out of the solar system, but also conquered the entire galaxy. At that time, including the current seven. Including these top civilizations, all the intelligent civilizations in the galaxy are defeated by mankind. Unfortunately, the diversity of mankind has caused those rulers who have been dazzled by victory and believe that human civilization will last forever. Extremely low-level, and stupidly fundamentally wrong."

"What is wrong?"

"Tolerated, tolerated and recognized all the civilizations that were defeated, and gave these civilizations a chance to breathe, laying the roots for the disasters that followed."

"The bane?"

"The second era ended with the explosion and annihilation of the central black hole in the Milky Way, which was called the'disaster of the world'. Including human civilization, all civilizations in the galaxy lost their homes. It is also the case that the Galactic Alliance came here. , Occupying the Southern Alpha Galaxy."

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and said, "You mean, the'disaster of the world' is not a natural disaster, but..."

"Yes, the'disaster of the world' is what other civilizations do, and the leaders are the seven top civilizations, which are wars against human domination."

"But… "

"It's just that, who knows that the root of this disaster is also our father and son."

"Old man, don't take all the responsibility on yourself."

"Do you think I'm blaming myself?" Yang Feng glanced at Yang Yi and said, "I only found out after the fact that the'Hope' is not just an unmanned spacecraft used to test the space curvature thruster. It's building.' While pursuing the'Hope', I discovered that your father had already made preparations and put all the core technologies we acquired on the spacecraft on the'Hope'. Although it is different from the story I told, his purpose is not the same. It’s not about preserving the core technology that allows mankind to rebuild its glory, but just preparing for his own future. Simply put, he is not very sure about the expedition to the Alpha Galaxy. This is the arrangement just to be on the safe side."

"You mean, he prepared the modified equipment on the'Hope' for himself?"

Yang Feng nodded and said, "It's just that his research at the time was very incomplete and he didn't find the greatest treasure. When I say that, it's actually fifty steps and a hundred steps, because when I set off on the "Chasing" ship, I No treasure hidden on that spaceship was found."

"What treasure?"

"A thing that makes people become gods."


"A piece of primordial energy that contains all the essence of the predecessor of mankind, that is, the super civilization. Because the understanding of primordial energy is not thorough enough, so your father and I think that the crystal is only the energy used to drive the spacecraft. Apart from danger, There is not much value."

"This… "

"Of course, human scientists have not made the same mistake. It can be said that human beings can conquer the entire galaxy in less than five thousand years, and knock down all other civilizations, relying on that crystal, to be precise. The original energy converter developed from this."


"The sacred vessel is only part of the crystallization."

At this time, Yang Yi was stunned.

"Including the'source of life' in your body is part of that crystallization. At the beginning, the alien races headed by the seven top civilizations dared to rebel because they knew this secret. Although the rebellion was not completely successful, the galaxy is still in the central black hole. It was completely finished in the big bang, but humanity also suffered a great decline. At that time, the seven civilizations that had been able to crystallize in the rebellion soared into the sky."

"Why didn't they wipe out humans?"

"Are you surprised?" Yang Feng said with a faint smile, "It's very simple. They are the indigenous civilizations of the galaxy. They can only use the primal energy crystals, and cannot fully grasp and control the primal energy crystals, otherwise they will not divide the original energy crystals into seven. Chunk. Only humans can master and control the primal energy crystals, and they have not completely wiped out the human beings. They just want to use humans to obtain a way to master and control the primal energy crystals through human hands."

Yang Yi was silent, even if his thoughts were wild, he couldn't think it would be such a thing.