
Chapter 116: Unprecedented


"More than a thousand years ago, when I came here, the human federation was still very weak, and the ruled galaxy was only about one-third of the current galaxy. Although it is in the northern part of the Southern Alpha Galaxy, which is near the long and narrow belt of the Greenwich Meteorite Belt. Zone, the human federation is the most powerful civilization. It not only has the most galaxies, but also has the strongest military power. However, compared with the Silicon Charm Alliance on the opposite side of the Greenwich Meteorite Belt, and the top civilization of the Galactic Alliance, the Human Federation has Very weak and small. Even now, the human confederation is not strong, it is just a sixth-class civilization. To be comparable to the top civilization, the human confederation is too far behind."

Yang Yi sighed secretly, this is a fact that cannot be refuted.

Although under all basic policies that put the military first, the human federation has created miracles and created a powerful military force no less than advanced civilization, but without the corresponding comprehensive strength support, the military power of the human federation is like nothing. Roots of duckweed. In addition, after the Fifth Greenwich War, the Human Federation fully took over the Greenwich Line of Defense, and most of its forces were confined to this line of defense, and there were very few mobile forces available. The result of this is that in the past thousand years, the human federation has a huge military power, but it is unable to expand outwards and cannot capture more galaxies. In addition, if the war with the Silicon Magic Alliance breaks out again, the Human Federation will bear the brunt. At that time, if there is no timely support from other civilizations, especially the top civilization, the human federation will be unsustainable. If the tragedies at the beginning of the Fifth Greenwich War are repeated, the human confederation will surely be destroyed.

From this it can be seen that the powerful military power of the human federation is just appearance. Limited by its own strength, the Human Federation is just a small and insignificant role in the Galactic Alliance. It can even be said that the survival of the human confederation rests in the hands of seven top civilizations, including the Lei Ling tribe and the hidden spirit tribe. To put it harder to say, in the Galactic Alliance dominated by the seven top civilizations, the Human Federation is the watchdog guarding the Greenwich Line of Defense.

"In fact, the human confederation is in a much better situation today than it was a thousand years ago."


Yang Feng sighed and said: "Because in the first four Greenwich Wars, the Human Federation was not the protagonist, and the role it played was not very prominent. Therefore, before the outbreak of the Fifth Greenwich War, the situation of the Human Federation was very delicate. Not to mention, not only the Human Federation was guarding the Greenwich Line of Defense, but dozens of civilizations, and most of them were stronger than the Human Federation. Because there are too many civilizations around, the Human Federation wants to grow and develop. It’s almost impossible. From this point of view, the Fifth Greenwich War saved the Human Federation, and at least gave the Human Federation a golden opportunity. Of course, the Human Federation seized this opportunity, or else the war that was already a thousand years ago The human confederation was able to seize this opportunity, and there was one person who made great contributions. It can even be said that he saved the human confederation by himself."


"How is it possible? During the Fifth Greenwich War, I have been hiding here. Of course, I only did what I should do."

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and immediately said, "You mean Xiao Wentian?"

"Yes, it's him."

"You know him?"

"It's not just acquaintance."

"That is… "

Yang Feng smiled faintly, and said, "Xiao Wentian was the first friend I met after I came to the Southern Alpha Galaxy. He was the first trustworthy and deep friend. In addition, he was the first to believe that I came from the Milky Way galaxy ten thousand years ago. People. It’s just that he’s willing to believe me not because I’m good at it, but because I have no choice.

"What's the meaning?"

"Xiao Wentian’s ancestor was Xiao Yinglong, and Xiao Yinglong was one of the board members who took over the business empire. Although the Xiao family has already fallen, but the blood is passed down. More importantly, from the galaxy in the'destroying disaster' When they escaped, the then head of the Xiao family, Xiao Wentian’s twelfth generation ancestor, brought a lot of historical materials. According to Xiao Wentian, the children of the Xiao family had to read these historical materials from childhood and determined to revitalize human civilization. Xiao Wentian’s generation has fallen into the Xiao family, but as a descendant of Xiao Yinglong, Xiao Wentian has aspirations since he was a child. When he met me, he was only 18 years old, but he has been traveling abroad for many years."

"So young?"

"Why, do you think he should be very old?"

Yang Yi was a bit speechless, but Xiao Wentian had already become famous in his previous acquaintances, even if he was not an old man, he would not be a young man who just reached the championship.

"He went out to travel just to find a way to make human civilization develop and grow."

"and then?"

"Of course, it was not accidental that he met me."

"Come here especially?"

"You can say that." Yang Feng smiled and said, "After getting to know each other, Xiao Wentian believed what I said without reservation. Nothing strange, because I also believe those things he told me. More important Yes, many of the historical materials collected by the Xiao family are related to the First Era, and Xiao Yinglong worked for me at the beginning. After I told the story of the First Era, Xiao Wentian no longer doubted my identity."

Yang Yi nodded slightly, expressing his understanding.

Obviously, Yang Feng's understanding of the Second Age is likely to come from the precious historical materials brought by Xiao Wentian, the twelfth generation ancestor of Xiao Wentian.

"Although we have the same understanding in many aspects, we have different opinions on the most critical issues."

"what is the problem?"

"How to make human civilization rebuild its glory." Yang Feng smiled indifferently and said, "Based on my own experience, I believe that as long as there is sufficient strength, human civilization can be revitalized. Don't forget, as early as 10,000 years ago , The business empire I built by my own hands once pushed human civilization to the pinnacle. Human civilization can dominate the galaxy in the second era and let all the native civilizations in the galaxy bow to their heads, relying on strong strength. As long as human civilization is strong enough, sooner or later It can surpass the top civilizations such as the Lei Ling tribe and the hidden spirit tribe and become the master of the Galactic Alliance. Of course, this is a very long process and requires the constant struggle of countless generations."

"He doesn't think so?"

"No, he thinks so too, just more extreme."

"What's the meaning?"

"He believes that human civilization can be revitalized with the power of one person."

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Yang Feng in disbelief.

"He sees it this way, and it has something to do with me, and it has a lot to do with your father, because he thinks that if I could build a business empire ten thousand years ago and push human civilization to the top, he can do it too. It's a pity , He overlooked a problem. Ten thousand years ago, human civilization was built behind closed doors, not affected by external influences, let alone suppressed. In addition, the key to human civilization making a leap at the end of the First Era is not me, nor yours. Father, but the spaceship that sowed life, was the advanced technology on that spaceship. Without such a foundation, there would be no father, no business empire, and humans would not even be able to get out of the solar system."

"and then?"

"We had a dispute about this and then compromised with each other."


Yang Feng nodded and said, "I agreed to his request and reformed him to make him stronger. He also made a promise that if one day in the future, the human federation faces a threat of survival, he will return to humanity. Federation, fighting for the Federation of Mankind without turning back."

"This… "

"On the'Chasing', there is a set of transformation devices. Although it is not comparable to the device built by your father and installed on the'Hope', it is also very advanced." Yang Feng sighed and said, "Because humans It is the continuation of that powerful civilization that has been extinct. Therefore, human beings are born with powerful combat power, which is precisely the basis for controlling the original energy. As long as the potential can be stimulated, everyone can become a powerful existence like a god. In fact, This is exactly where the seven top civilizations fear human beings. Fortunately, in the past thousands of years, the human confederation has gradually fallen into decline. It is not threatening at all and has been forgotten by the seven top civilizations."

"That said, sinking is still a good thing."

Yang Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head, and said, "After signing the Gentleman Agreement, I used the equipment on the "Chasing" to transform Xiao Wentian."

"He became a Celestial Warrior?"

"Not only that."

"That is… "

"Do you think the Celestial Warrior is the most powerful existence?" Before Yang Yi could speak, Yang Feng said again, "Although human civilization was not very powerful when I took you away from the earth, it did not appear through control and control. Soldiers with powerful combat capabilities, but there is a clear record in the historical materials collected by the Xiao family that during the Second Era, soldiers have become popular among mankind. As long as they are normal people, they will become soldiers when they reach adulthood. The first profession of mankind is the soldier, and it is not wrong to say that it is a policeman. It is by virtue of strong combat power that mankind has ruled the galaxy for thousands of years. At that time, mankind was a godlike existence. A strong man can do anything. Destroy a civilization between them. Because the difference in strength is too great, other civilizations have only two paths, either surrender or perish. In fact, it is precisely because human beings are standing at the height of contempt for all living beings that they relax their guards and get thundered. Seven civilizations led by the Ling clan attacked."

Yang Yi didn't say a word, and waited for Yang Feng to continue.

"To put it bluntly, during the Second Era, when human civilization was so powerful that it could not be increased, the Celestial Warriors were just ordinary existences."

"You are bragging."

"Don't you believe it?" Yang Feng smiled and shook his head, "So, do you think the rumors related to Xiao Wentian are false?"

"This… "

"At the beginning, I said. Human beings are originally the continuation of that powerful civilization, and they are born with the foundation to control and control the original energy. As long as the potential is stimulated, anyone can have the powerful combat power like a god. The so-called transformation, It is to stimulate the potential."

"So, how good is Xiao Wentian?"


Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Yang Feng in disbelief.

"As for whether there is no one to come, then it is uncertain."