
Chapter 120: stir up trouble


Because they had to rush back to attend the banquet, Yang Yi and Lin Feng left after lunch.

On the way back to the capital of Bone Star, Yang Yi only mentioned the grandfather and Zhan Ruilin, that is, the two had known each other a long time ago, and the relationship was good. Yang Yi didn't believe in Lin Feng, but felt that telling Lin Feng too much would only harm her. Besides, in the future, Zhan Ruilin will be an enemy or a friend, Yang Yi still doesn't know clearly. As for going to the Yinling Star in a year later, Lin Feng did not ask, and Yang Yi did not say, after all, this matter will affect the relationship between the Human Federation and the Yinling Race, and whether to make good relations with the Yinling Race and whether to use the Yinling Race. Yang Yi hasn't thought about fighting the powerful Silicon Magic Alliance. Yang Yi didn't say a word about Xiao Wentian. Even if he did, Lin Feng might not believe it.

It's just that Yang Yi's preoccupied look can't hide Lin Feng at all.

Fortunately, Yang Yi refused to say, and Lin Feng did not ask. Lin Feng believes that Yang Yi did not deliberately deceive, but not in time. At the right time, Yang Yi will naturally tell her.

When the two returned to the capital, it was already evening.

The banquet was arranged at the hotel where he was staying. Although it was organized by the Burial Star authorities, the guests invited were mainly military personnel, and most of them were senior military officers in the garrison.

The garrisons on the colony planet are all garrison forces, and the level is not high. In Buried Bone Star, the commander of the garrison is only a brigadier general. Relatively speaking, Lin Feng's rank as a colonel is already very high. You know, among the 100,000 officers and soldiers stationed at Burial Star, there are fewer than a hundred colonels, and there are only three colonels. Although Yang Yi has the rank of captain, he is the guest of honor at the banquet, and his status is naturally extraordinary.

The specifications of the banquet were very high. Except for the senior officers in the garrison, the other guests were either high-ranking officials or big-faced figures on the bone-buried star. Although Burial Star has long since fallen, as a colonial planet with a long history, there are many powerful families.

Yang Yi is familiar with these families.

For example, the Li family entrenched in the capital of Burial Star and ran the "Hengtong Trading Company".

The history of this family can be traced back to the time when humans entered Bone Bone Star. The founders Li Guangheng and Li Guangtong were the first pioneers of Bone Bone Star and one of the founders of the capital of Bone Bone Star. After getting the first gold, the two brothers established the "Hengtong Trading Company". After thousands of years of development, the Li family is now one of the best commercial families on Bone Star. "Hengtong Trading Company" is not only the largest commercial group on Bone Star, but also well-known in the entire human federation. Of course, it is not a good reputation, because after the resources of Burial Star dries up, the homepage of "Hengtong Trading Co." has become smuggling and smuggling, and it has close contacts with some notorious pirates. If it hadn't found a big backer, the Li family would have been eradicated by the federal authorities. This backing of the Li family is precisely Yang Yi's rival.

In fact, it is not uncommon for large families like the Li Family to be in a gray area on Burial Star.

In the past, Yang Yi could only look up to these big figures.

Only now, Yang Yi feels that it is so bearish.

Stepping into the venue, Yang Yi saw Li Xiaoxian, the contemporary patriarch of the Li family, a middle-aged man with a big belly, but that was the result of long-term use of genetic drugs. Because more than ten years ago, when Yang Yi was a child, Li Xiaoxian was like this.

In addition to Li Xiaoxian, there are many big people Yang Yi knows, such as Zhang Yang, who is in charge of the No. 1 gangster of Burial Star.

This guy is a cruel person. Yang Yi worshipped him very much when he was young, and regarded him as an idol, because he was not born with a golden spoon, but came from a slum. He gained his current status through struggle and hard work, so to speak. It is an example of all grassroots.

Of course, his hands were stained with blood.

In addition, his success is not as spread by the outside world.

To put it bluntly, Zhang Yang and Li Xiaoxian are of the same kind, but Li Xiaoxian inherited a huge legacy, while Zhang Yang worked hard on his own.

In just a few decades, Zhang Yang was able to sweep the underground world of half of the Burial Star, including Moriqiu City, and build a gang that dominates Burial Star. It’s not that he hates it. He has always been on Burial Star. There is no shortage of cruel and strong men, but he knows how to advance and retreat, and he knows his status. In other words, Zhang Yang's success is actually the result of the garrison's connivance, and the Luo family is behind the garrison.

Using Zhang Yang to control the underground world of the Burial Star and achieve the goal of controlling the Burial Star is obviously much easier than directly confronting the horrible gangs.

These people all gathered around a senior officer, talking and laughing, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

"Who is that guy?" Yang Yi asked in a low voice. He knew Li Xiaoxian and Zhang Yang, as well as other big men of all stripes, but did not know the officer. Yang Yi just felt familiar and familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it for a while.

"Don't recognize it?"

Yang Yi shook his head. If he recognizes it, do he need to ask

Lin Feng smiled faintly, and said, "Do you think it's familiar? He is Luo Zhankong's elder brother, Luo Zhankun's younger brother, Luo Zhanhai, the second young master of the Luo family."

"What!?" Yang Yi's eyes almost fell off.

"Why, surprised?"

Yang Yi quickly glanced at the officer, he was really surprised, but when Lin Feng said that, Yang Yi also noticed that the guy did have a few similarities to Luo Zhankong.

"Of the three brothers of the Luo family, Luo Zhanhai is the most low-key and the most down-to-earth, which can be regarded as an alternative."

"What's the meaning?"

"I didn't see it?" Lin Feng smiled and shook his head, and said, "He joined the army at the age of sixteen and passed the officer assessment six months later. As Luo Zhenyu's grandson, he could have served as a staff officer at the headquarters of the garrison. , The future is bright, and it is not impossible to be promoted to a general before the age of 30. However, instead of taking this broad road, he went to the grassroots army and became a grassroots officer. Although at the beginning, Luo Zhenyu hated iron. Gang felt that this grandson was embarrassing him, but two years later, Luo Zhanhai proved with actions that he was not only an ineffective rebellious son, but also a pillar of the Luo family. Since then, Luo Zhenyu has changed his attitude towards him."

"What action?"

"In a counterinsurgency operation, Luo Zhanhai led the small team to arrive first, and put down the rebellion before the garrison army arrived."

"What does this mean?"

"Counting the rebellion is really nothing, but Luo Zhanhai put down the rebellion without a single shot, and made the mob who launched the rebellion grateful. Besides, he was only eighteen years old."

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and had to admit that Luo Zhanhai was not easy.

“It’s not uncommon to see generals who can lead the war, but there are very few soldiers who have political minds and can solve problems by means other than war.” Lin Feng sighed and turned to say, “Since then, Luo Zhanhai has served in various places. The vanguard of the Luo family."

"So, is he here for us?"

"It's possible."

Yang Yi looked at Lin Feng and didn't quite understand what Lin Feng meant.

"The last time I saw him was in the homeland galaxy. If I remember correctly, he was transferred back to the garrison headquarters six months ago, but now he is here. He must be temporarily dispatched. The garrison belongs to the garrison force, and the headquarters temporarily dispatched staff officers. Coming here is a normal personnel transfer, and there is no need to report to the theater headquarters." Lin Feng seemed to see Yang Yi's mind and said, "The big deal, we can just avoid him."

"Why hide?"


"We are here in a fair manner. Even if we want to hide, it should be him."

"A Yi, Luo Zhanhai is not easy, it's not like Luo Zhankong's kind of uselessness. Besides, our purpose is not to deal with the Luo family. If things go wrong..."

"Our task tonight is to make something happen."

"you… "

At this time, Luo Zhanhai also noticed Yang Yi and Lin Feng, and walked over with a smile.

Lin Feng knew that Yang Yi would not avoid it, so he didn't say much.

At the same time, Jackson and Justin in formal suits also walked towards Yang Yi and Lin Feng.

"Brother, you don't say hello, it makes me easy to find."

Yang Yi greeted him with a smile on his face, but brushed past Luo Zhanhai. He was greeting Jackson and didn't seem to see Luo Zhanhai close at hand.

In addition, Yang Yi's voice was so loud that he attracted the attention of all the people around him.

Seeing this situation, Lin Feng could only smile secretly.

Yang Yi is definitely a good hand when it comes to making trouble.

Yang Yi kept Luo Zhanhai cool behind him, but was so enthusiastic about one of his subordinates. The surrounding personnel immediately saw that the captain officer of unknown origin did not take the Second Young Master Luo, the colonel officer of the security force seriously. This is simply slap in the face, and it is slapped in the face of Luo's family.

It's just that no one dared to stand up for Luo Zhanhai.

It's very simple. Lin Feng followed Yang Yi, acting obediently. It's not surprising that you don't know Yang Yi, but none of the people present doesn't know Lin Feng. Although he is also a colonel, Lin Feng's status is definitely higher than that of Luo Zhanhai, because Lin Feng is the captain of the special investigation brigade and a powerful colonel, while Luo Zhanhai is a staff officer of the garrison headquarters and belongs to a colonel without official duties.

Even Lin Feng just followed, this captain must have a background.

"Brother, I haven't asked you for a theory yet. You and the captain went out to have a happy life, and didn't say when to come back. We were bored, so we came down early."

As the saying goes, one slap doesn't sound.

Yang Yi is the master of trouble, and Jackson is not a good kind. When he said that, those eyes staring at Yang Yi were not just surprise and suspicion, but also anger and hatred.

What is "Happy and Happy"

You know, Lin Feng has long been famous, not only for his talent and talent, but also for his beauty. In the third war zone, Lin Feng is recognized as one of the four beauties.

There is no doubt that she is also the dream lover of many officers and soldiers.

Although Lin Feng has long vowed that the non-"Hard Ice Snow Tiger" driver will not marry in this life, there will never be too few people who secretly love her and admire her.

What is the virtue and ability of this shameless wild boy, who is the first to make it!

The soldiers present were mainly soldiers, and there were many fans of Lin Feng, who had already cursed in their hearts at this time, and they could not wait to take Yang Yisheng alive.