
Chapter 1281: Actively cooperate


Although he did not think he had been persuaded by Yang Yi, after Yang Yi made a request, the emperor did not refuse. It's not that he believed what Yang Yi said, but in his opinion, even if the method proposed by Yang Yi was wrong, it would not produce worse results.

Of course, the Emperor of God already knew at this time that what Yang Yi needed was the information that constituted his consciousness.

Just like Yang Yi said, he is just a puppet's work, not a puppet, no matter how powerful he is, no matter how thoroughly he undergoes transformation, he will not be a puppet, because the information that constitutes his consciousness comes from humans, from three-dimensional. The universe, and the information that constitutes the consciousness of the emperor comes from the central black hole, from the original existence. To put it simply, no matter how many times the three-dimensional universe has gone through, there will always be some information preserved, and this information is on the puppet, to be precise, in the puppet’s consciousness. Only with this information can Yang Yi have the ability to see the true face of the six-dimensional universe, and it is also possible to change the future of the three-dimensional universe.

This is only Yang Yi's guess, as for what it is, Yang Yi doesn't know.

That's why Yang Yi spent so much effort persuading the emperor to make the emperor actively cooperate, at least not to continue to work against him.

In fact, Yang Yi had already obtained some information about the emperor, but he had never obtained the core information in the consciousness of the emperor.

When the emperor came in, Yang Yi got the information he brought in, but it was mainly the memory of the emperor, that is, the information obtained from another energy module. Although through this information, Yang Yi has a deeper understanding of the energy module, but the lack of the most critical core information keeps Yang Yi still unable to grasp all the information in the energy module, and he has never been able to obtain the most critical discoveries.

It is also the existence of core information, so the emperor regained his consciousness in the energy module.

You know, if there is no core information, then the emperor will be washed away because of the massive amount that already exists when entering the energy module. Because the core information exists, the information that has been scattered, that is, the information that constitutes the consciousness of the emperor, is combined again. Although this is an extremely long process, it fully proves the value of core information and the particularity of core information.

Of course, Yang Yi did not tell the emperor of these and his experience after entering the energy module.

Because there was no such core information, Yang Yi was immediately dissipated by the massive amount of information after entering the energy module. If it were not for the particularity of the six-dimensional space singularity, I am afraid that Yang Yi would not be able to return to normal before the Emperor of God came in. Although he entered the energy module only a little earlier than the god emperor, in this world where there is no causal relationship, this means countless hours. Simply put, no matter how long it takes Yang Yi to get his consciousness back to normal, as long as he is back to normal, he will be able to return to the present from the future and become the most powerful being. Although his influence is limited to the inside of the energy module, that is, in the six-dimensional space singularity, it is enough to cope with the imperial emperor who arrives one step later, and it is enough to become stronger than the emperor.

In addition, Yang Yi gained a lot of time in the six-dimensional space singularity.

Because he can shuttle between the future and the past without any restrictions, Yang Yi has a lot of information and processed it. In other words, when the emperor came in, he already had a comprehensive and thorough understanding of the past and the future, and he also knew what to do. In fact, as long as Yang Yi is able to make countless attempts in the six-dimensional space singularity, even if he fails repeatedly and only succeeds once, he can dominate the six-dimensional space singularity and become the most powerful existence among them.

Obviously, this is also one of the characteristics of the singularity in six-dimensional space.

Simply put, whoever enters first can completely control the six-dimensional space singularity and gain much stronger strength than the latecomers.

This is so, persuading the emperor is an inevitable result.

In fact, Yang Yi made many attempts, but all the previous attempts ended in failure, that is, no matter what he said, the emperor did not believe it and refused to cooperate. It wasn't until this time that Yang Yi persuaded the emperor and allowed the emperor to actively cooperate. In fact, even if he did not persuade the emperor this time, Yang Yi would continue to try. No matter how many times you try, there will eventually be one time to convince the emperor.

Of course, convincing the emperor is only the first step.

With the cooperation of the emperor, Yang Yi successfully obtained the core information in the puppet's consciousness.

At the beginning, Yang Yi did not discover the uniqueness of this information. In fact, it was just some very ordinary information, which seemed to be used to control other information, that is, to link all the information that constitutes the consciousness of the puppet, so as to make this information. Be able to become a consciousness with independent thinking as a whole, and the ability to discern. Simply put, the core information is more like a link and a bridge, connecting messy, scattered, and disorderly information, so as to make the information meaningful, and the core information itself has no other meaning, unlike a piece of memory. Or other information with practical meaning, just like a piece of white paper.

Of course, this is only Yang Yi's initial understanding.

When merging with this information, Yang Yi was surprised to find that the core information of the puppet was the same as his guess, and it could be said that it was all of the puppet.

Simply put, the core information of the emperor is like a master key, which can be used not only in the consciousness of the emperor, but also in other places. For example, the reprocessing of the information in the energy module makes the information that Yang Yi looks very complicated and meaningless becomes valuable. Of course, the core information of the emperor can also be regarded as an encoder whose value is to process other information.

Obviously, this is exactly the power and root of the puppet.

You know, the puppet is attached to space and comes from the central black hole, so all of the puppet's strength comes from space and is also related to the central black hole. Although the central black hole of the Alpha galaxy has been destroyed, the energy modules originally stored in the central black hole have been preserved. In other words, the core information of the puppet is related to the energy module, and thus has unparalleled strength.

In fact, Yang Yi has never been able to compete with God Emperor in strength, and the problem lies here.

Yang Guang transformed him, giving him a lot of strength that only puppets had originally, but Yang Guang could not enrich his core information, so Yang Yi had nothing to do with the energy module, so he could not get the ability to follow the puppet through the energy module. Comparable strength.

Of course, this also proves that the puppet is basically an energy module.

Obviously, the radicals did find the right way at the beginning. What they provided was their core information, even if only a small part of it, and thus produced a core control component specifically used on the energy module. Ensure that no puppet can use the energy module without the consent of all other puppets, so that all puppets have equal opportunities.

It can be said that this is a very clever and effective method.

Although Yang Guang found a way to crack it and created Yang Yi, he was unable to give Yang Yi the core information, and he was unable to allow Yang Yi to obtain the information in the energy module. In fact, unless Yang Guang voluntarily makes sacrifices, that is, after creating Yang Yi, he sends his core information to Yang Yi, otherwise Yang Yi will never be able to make a breakthrough. You know, after Yang Yi entered the energy module, he didn't get much useful information.

Of course, the arrival of the Emperor God solved this problem.

Because there is too much information in the energy module, even if he masters the core information of the emperor, Yang Yi needs enough time.

Fortunately, in the energy module, time is not an issue.

As the information was rewritten one by one, Yang Yi also gradually realized that what he had to face might be a completely unfamiliar world, or a whole new world.

However, this is only Yang Yi's knowledge, or guesswork.

Of course, the understanding of energy modules, or the singularities of six-dimensional space, is definitely becoming clearer.

After part of the information was rewritten, Yang Yi saw the singularity of six-dimensional space for the first time, or intuitively felt the existence of this singularity.

Even in the three-dimensional universe, the singularity of six-dimensional space is still infinitely small.

Of course, this can also be understood, that is, the three spatial dimensions of the six-dimensional space singularity are all zero, which is naturally infinitely small, and there is no external dimension that can be measured.

However, it is infinite in the six-dimensional space singularity.

Although the three time dimensions of the six-dimensional space singularity are also infinitely small, this is not the case in the singularity, especially in the spatial dimension.

In fact, this is exactly the same as Yang Yi's previous judgment, that is, in the three-dimensional universe, the six-dimensional singularity itself is a contradiction.

Next, Yang Yi has a new understanding of energy modules.

Simply put, the energy module is just a container, a container used to store and constrain the singularity of the six-dimensional space, that is, to prevent the singularity of the six-dimensional space from expanding in the three-dimensional universe, release the massive amount of internal information, and destroy the three-dimensional universe. Just like this, the main function of this container is actually to control the information released from the six-dimensional space singularity and return this information to the six-dimensional space singularity.

Obviously, even the energy module cannot prevent the six-dimensional space singularity from releasing information to the outside world, but it does not allow this information to enter the three-dimensional universe.

This discovery strengthened Yang Yi's judgment.

The point is, where does that information come from

If it is only a six-dimensional singularity, then even in the three-dimensional universe, the six-dimensional singularity is infinite, then in the six-dimensional universe, this is just an infinitely small existence. More importantly, if the information released from the six-dimensional space singularity comes directly from the six-dimensional universe, then with an infinitely small existence such as a spatial singularity, it is impossible to continuously release information at all.

Obviously, this six-dimensional space singularity is only one side of the coin, and there is another side, and the other side exists in the six-dimensional universe.

This is also the case, Yang Yi believes that as long as he can enter this six-dimensional space singularity, he can also reach the other side.