
Chapter 131: Immortal


A bright flame illuminated the dark starry sky, and then, the fireball began to collapse inward, and the huge gravitational force generated by the distortion of the space was like an invisible big hand, firmly grasping the nearby large and small battleships. As the last ray of light flashed, all the warships in the explosion area disappeared.

This is the result of the explosion of the prime energy converter.

Although the large power converters used to drive the S-class battleships are extremely precious, Yang Yi did not expect the result to be like this before launching the attack. In order to prevent the Luo family's masters from escaping, Yang Yi planned the worst. If he had known it earlier, he wouldn't have arranged this way.

Thinking of this, Yang Yi couldn't help sighing.

It's a pity, it's really a pity.

Not only the S-class warship and more than a dozen A-class and B-class warships, but also the pirates on those warships, they are all on the wanted list of the federal authorities, and each head is a big bounty. Being involved in the miniature black hole produced by the explosion of the original energy converter is unproven, and Yang Yi obviously cannot receive a reward from the federal authorities by verbal words. Besides, who would believe that the twelve of them eliminated the "Blood Moon" pirate army!

"I have received the news." Lin Feng came over and said, "Uncle Qi is bringing the fleet to come, let us wait for him."

"Not angry?"

"Fortunately, Luo Changsheng is alive."

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't quite understand and looked at Lin Feng.

"Let's see for yourself." Lin Feng handed the miniature optical brain he had brought to Yang Yi, which contained the information sent by Lin Liexun.

Taking a closer look, Yang Yi understood. Lin Liexun had previously told them to stand still, in addition to worrying about their danger, it was also related to Luo Changsheng.

These data also explained another question, that is, why Luo Changsheng surrendered without a fight.

In fact, this is also Luo Zhenyu's secret.

Although Luo Zhenyu has handed over the power of the family to Luo Changsheng and other children, and Luo Changsheng is the eldest son and the first successor of the family, for Luo Changsheng, it is almost impossible for Luo Changsheng to inherit the Luo family and become the real master of the Luo family. impossible things.

Quite simply, if Luo Changsheng wants to dominate the Luo family, he must be after Luo Zhenyu's death.

The question is not when Luo Zhenyu will die, but whether he will die.

Although anyone will die, there are some exceptions, including Luo Zhenyu. It is not that Luo Zhenyu surpasses the existence of mortals, but that by using genetic technology, Luo Zhenyu can achieve immortality, at least his life span exceeds the foreseeable future.

It was clearly mentioned in the information provided by Lin Liexun that the Luo family had been conducting research related to cloning in secret. In addition, Lin Liexun also mentioned that there is ample evidence that Luo Zhenyu's body has not aged in the past four hundred years, and his physiological functions are the same as four hundred years ago. The only reasonable explanation is that Luo Zhenyu is using illegal cloning technology to extend his life, and also to keep youth alive.

If Luo Zhenyu does not die, Luo Changsheng will always be the great master, not the real master.

After reading it, Yang Yi smiled bitterly.

Although death is terrible, no one wants to die, but people like Luo Zhenyu are really weird. It is undeniable that with the advancement of science and technology, especially the rapid development of genetic technology, it is everyone's dream to extend life span. Everyone wants to live longer if possible. In the Human Federation, powerful and powerful people are using genetic drugs to delay aging, and thus have a lifespan that far exceeds that of ordinary people. The problem is that drugs can only delay aging, but cannot change the defects of human beings, and it is impossible for people to live forever. Even with the combination of hibernation technology and control of the original energy, the life span of human beings is limited. In theory, the only way to immortalize humans is to clone, and not only clone the body, but also clone the brain, and transfer individual consciousness through technological means.

I didn't expect Luo Zhenyu to be so afraid of death!

With a secret sigh, Yang Yi returned Guang Brain to Lin Feng.

"Jackson is interrogating Luo Changsheng, do you want to go over and take a look?"

Yang Yi nodded, and went to the cabin where Luo Changsheng was imprisoned with Lin Feng.

Luo Changsheng has surrendered, so it is not difficult for him to start a generation. When Yang Yi and Lin Feng arrived, Jackson was asking him.

"I said, as long as you give me a way to survive, I will say everything I know."

"Luo Changsheng, do you think you have the right to bargain?"

"You have tried it. Unless it's my willingness, you won't be able to get any useful information from me, and it's no good for you to force me to death."

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment and called Jackson out.

"what happened?"

"He refused to explain, saying that he would cooperate with us only if there is an amnesty decree signed by Zhan Ruilin."

Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment, and said, "You haven't tried any other methods?"

"Used, but it didn't work."

"What's the meaning?"

Jackson sighed and said: "He was hypnotized, to be precise, he was locked in a consciousness in some way. This is a technology from a high-level civilization designed to protect important information. Simply put, unless it is him. Voluntary, otherwise no matter what methods we use, such as torture and hypnosis, it will trigger a consciousness lock, causing him to lose his memory, and may even cause brain necrosis and become a vegetative person."

"This… "

"In the beginning, I accidentally triggered his consciousness lock. Fortunately, I reacted in time without causing serious consequences."

"That said, unless he agrees to the land request, he can't be allowed to open a new generation?"

Jackson nodded, indicating that it was what he meant.

Lin Feng also sighed, not knowing what to do.

"The Luo family has close contacts with the Lei Ling clan. This technology is likely to come from the Lei Ling clan. It is used to protect secrets that involve the Lei Ling clan and cannot see the light." Yang Yi said, "I'll talk to him." , If it doesn’t work, help him fight for Marshal Zhan Ruilin’s amnesty."

"I'll contact Seventh Uncle."

After Lin Feng left, Yang Yi entered the room where Luo Changsheng was detained.

Seeing Yang Yi coming in, Luo Changsheng was not surprised.

"I have asked Lin Feng to apply for an amnesty for you." Yang Yi sat down opposite Luo Changsheng. "To be honest, I sympathize with you."

Luo Changsheng was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Yang Yi without understanding.

"Nominally, he is the first heir of the family, but he can only be the prince for a lifetime. Even if he lives forever, he cannot sit on the throne of the family. You are very pitiful.

"you… "

"If I were you, I would feel sad because of such an old man."

"Do you know everything?"

Yang Yi smiled faintly and said: "It is obvious that your father is not after generations, but generations. For him, it is not just common people like me, even you, and your brothers and sisters. All his descendants are actually tools that can be sacrificed. Whether you are eligible to exist has nothing to do with blood or family relationship, but is determined by your value."

Luo Changsheng smiled bitterly, which is equivalent to acknowledging what Yang Yi said.

"It's just that you probably didn't want to understand."

"What do you want to understand?"

"What do you think an amnesty decree can change?"

"I said, as long as..."

"I will apply for an amnesty for you." Yang Yi pressed his hand down and said, "Just, don't you think that even if you have an amnesty, you can't change your destiny? Yes, you hate Luo Zhenyu. The problem is , Even if you surrender, you are still Luo Zhenyu's eldest son. Also, don't you think that since I know why you surrendered, Zhan Ruilin did not attack the Luo family. Is there anything wrong with it?"

Luo Changsheng was taken aback for a moment, and then his brows were locked together.

"Before, I didn't think about it. But now I know why."


Yang Yi smiled faintly, and pointed at Luo Changsheng's forehead.

Luo Changsheng looked at Yang Yi very suspiciously, but didn't figure out what Yang Yi meant.

"The secret is hidden in your head."

"You mean..."

"The consciousness lock that prevents you from telling the secret under torture must come from the Lei Ling clan, and the root of Luo Zhenyu’s immortality is probably also related to the Lei Ling clan. If my guess is correct, this is also the case. The main reason why he took refuge in the Lei Ling Clan. Simply put, the Lei Ling Clan provides a vital technology that allows him to obtain immortality through cloning. Zhan Ruilin is very interested in this technology.

"What technology?"

"Transfer personal consciousness."

Luo Changsheng was shocked and immediately understood.

The cloning of body organs, even the brain, has no technical problems. However, it is not easy to transfer one's consciousness to another body. Of course, such a technology does exist, but it is subject to a lot of restrictions and practical application is very difficult. If Luo Zhenyu obtained this technology from the Lei Ling clan, it would definitely arouse the attention of Zhan Ruilin, who also didn't want to die.

If this is the case, Zhan Ruilin could not bear with Luo Zhenyu, it is very likely that it was just to obtain this technology.

Now, the problem came out.

Of course, it was Luo Changsheng's problem.

Simply put, even if Luo Changsheng surrendered, Zhan Ruilin signed the amnesty. In order to obtain this technology, Zhan Ruilin is likely to compromise with Luo Zhenyu. In order to keep the secret, Luo Zhenyu will inevitably demand that this betrayed son be removed. Zhan Ruilin obviously has no reason to refuse.

That's why Yang Yi told Luo Changsheng that the amnesty order could not change his destiny.

Luo Changsheng is not stupid, and he immediately figured out the power of it.

"I... what should I do?"

"Tell everything you know, and I'll let you get out of here."

Luo Changsheng hesitated, or rather did not believe in Yang Yi.

"You have no other choice. You must choose between the amnesty decree signed by Zhan Ruilin and my verbal promise, and a decision must be made as soon as possible. The fleet of the theater command is coming and will arrive soon. If You hesitate, no one will be able to save you at that time." After speaking, Yang Yi stood up and prepared to leave.

"and many more… "

As soon as Yang Yi walked to the door, Luo Changsheng made a choice.

"I don't know much, I only know one place where you can find the answer, that is..."

Luo Changsheng's words suddenly stopped. When Yang Yi turned his head, he was already lying on the table, his eyes rolled white, and his mouth foamed.

Yang Yi immediately rushed forward and pinched Luo Changsheng's group.

He is still alive, but only a breath is left, and it seems that his brain has been severely damaged, even if he can wake up, he is an idiot with a zero IQ.