
Chapter 132: Reconnaissance mission


All this happened too suddenly. Although Yang Yi immediately poured a tube of genetic medicine into Luo Changsheng's mouth, he still failed to save him. Because the consciousness lock was triggered, Luo Changsheng's brain was dead, so even if he was rescued by Yang Yi, he would be nothing more than a vegetable.

"What did he say before he died?"

Yang Yi shook his head, looking very depressed.

Lin Liexun sighed and said, "It has happened, and it is useless to blame yourself. Besides, you have done nothing wrong and you should not be held responsible."

Yang Yi smiled reluctantly, but Lin Liexun didn't pursue it, so he didn't explain much.

"Lin Shuai has returned to the theater headquarters, and the other eight theater commanders have awakened and will hold a meeting in the near future. As long as there is sufficient evidence, the Federation will pass a war resolution and submit an application to the Galactic Alliance Council. Although we are not eligible. Make war resolutions for the Galaxy Alliance, but as long as the Federation passes the war resolutions, full-scale war mobilization will be carried out." Lin Liexun came over and patted Yang Yi on the shoulder. "I will give you an explanation about the Luo family's affairs. You have to set off quickly and return in time. This mission can only succeed and not fail. If we fail to enter the state of war in time, the tragedy of a thousand years ago will be staged again. You guys."

Yang Yi knew that Lin Liexun did not joking with him.

Although the prosperity of peace is still going on, everyone knows that war is approaching. In the Fifth Greenwich War a thousand years ago, no matter what the reason, the disastrous defeat of the Human Federation and even the Galactic Alliance at the beginning of the war had a lot to do with not being prepared for the war in time. At that time, there were other civilizations near the Greenwich meteorite belt, and the struggle and resistance of these civilizations won time for the human confederation to complete the war mobilization. At present, the star systems near the Greenwich Meteorite Belt are all under the jurisdiction of the Human Federation, and there is no buffer zone between the Human Federation and the Silicon Charm Alliance. If this tragedy happens again, the Human Federation will not be so lucky.

When Lin Liexun returned to the "Iron Ambition", the "Shadow" left the fleet.

The destination is the 7777828 surveillance post south of the Greenwich Meteorite Belt, about a hundred light-years away from the Burial Star, located in the center of the defense line of the third theater.

Unlike the No. 7777914 outpost that Yang Yi served before, the No. 828 outpost was built in the Greenwich meteorite belt. It is the first and largest of the ten nearby outposts. It belongs to the "outpost" and is responsible for monitoring thousands of nearby outposts. A large celestial body. Even in peacetime, there are thousands of officers and soldiers in post 828. Because it has been harassed by silicon beasts from the Northern Alpha Galaxy for a long time, and has to deal with the haunting interstellar pirates, and wipe the ass of the interstellar mercenaries who are in trouble, the security level of Outpost 828 is very high. According to the information provided by Lin Liexun, there is also a squadron of Marines in the post, that is, one hundred Marines.

Of course, post 828 is not that simple.

Although peace and prosperity have lasted for thousands of years, among the trillions of citizens and civilians of the human confederation, few have seen and experienced the Fifth Greenwich War. Most people have relaxed their vigilance, and some believe that the war will never break out and peace will It will last forever, but the military has never let down its vigilance. The existence of the special reconnaissance team is the best proof. Post No. 828 is actually an advance base. Although it is called a "monitoring post", after the outbreak of war, it will become a springboard for the human legion to enter the Greenwich meteorite belt. On the Greenwich Line, there are many similar outposts, and No. 828 is just one of them.

To the officers and soldiers of the special reconnaissance brigade, post 828 is no stranger.

In peacetime, the special reconnaissance team often uses this as a springboard to go deep into the Greenwich Meteorite Belt, and even go to the Northern Alpha Galaxy to perform secret missions. A few months ago, Lin Feng was on standby at post 828. After receiving the news, he went to Lava Star and met Yang Yi there.

This post is composed of an S-class warship that was destroyed in the Fifth Greenwich War and later abandoned, and can hold up to 100,000 people. If you prepare well in advance, it can expand into a medium-sized battlestar in a very short period of time, providing living space for 200,000 officers and soldiers. Starting from post 828, it can quickly control thousands of large celestial bodies within a light-year radius and push the line of defense to the central area of the Greenwich meteorite belt.

According to the information provided by Lin Liexun, post 828 was one of the first to be attacked, and distress signals have been sent back from time to time so far, indicating that the officers and soldiers in the post are still fighting, but it is also possible that the light brain that controls the post is scheduled according to the instructions. Send a distress signal.

Yang Yi's mission is very simple. Go to post 828 and find evidence of the invasion of the Silicon Magic Alliance.

In Lin Liexun’s words, as long as it can be proved that the Silicon Charm Alliance launched the invasion and not the disaster caused by the natural migration of wild silicon beasts, Zhan Ruilin can persuade the majority of parliamentarians to pass a war resolution in the Federal Parliament, thus allowing the human federation to enter the war. state.

The human confederation entered a state of war one day earlier, and the hope of victory would increase.

After briefly explaining the task, Yang Yi asked Jackson and others to make preparations.

Lin Liexun is very generous and brought Yang Yi and the others the latest weapon, the "Warrior R" individual soldier system. Although Yang Yi and others are all war soldiers, in Lin Liexun's words, war soldiers are not omnipotent, and they still have to rely on advanced weapons and equipment in certain specific situations. In addition, Lin Liexun's move has another purpose, allowing Yang Yi and the others to conduct actual combat tests on this type of individual soldier system that has not yet been mass-produced.

The "Warrior R" individual soldier system is invested and developed by the military, and is mainly used to strike and destroy silicon-based life.

Although the Silicon Charm Alliance is the life and death enemy of the Human Federation and even the entire Galactic Alliance, it is not the only enemy of the Human Federation. In the nearly five thousand years of history of the Third Age, the Human Federation not only fought against the Silicon Magic Alliance, but also frequently fought against other civilizations in the Galactic Alliance. In order to deal with various enemies more effectively, the Human Federation has developed many highly targeted weapons and equipment.

The "Warrior" system is mainly aimed at silicon-based life.

Compared with the individual soldier system equipped in peacetime, the most prominent feature of the "Warrior" system is that the weapon system is directly driven by the original energy. In addition, the protection system is also mainly strengthened against the common attack methods of the Silicon Magic Alliance, such as a protective cover that is driven by a primary energy storage and can withstand high temperatures. Although the "warrior" system cannot make soldiers as powerful as combat soldiers, it can allow soldiers to acquire some unique abilities that combat soldiers have, and greatly increase their combat effectiveness. A soldier using the "Warrior" system is definitely not an opponent of a warrior, but one hundred, one thousand, or even 10,000 soldiers using the "Warrior" system is a powerful force.

Taking the legion as a unit, giving full play to the strength of the collective, and winning by number is the strength of the human legion.

In the previous Greenwich Wars, the Human Federation mobilized the most forces. For example, in the Fifth Greenwich War, the Human Federation mobilized 15 billion officers and soldiers, accounting for 75% of the total force of the Galactic Alliance. Although any human soldier, even a tenth-level combat soldier, is not considered powerful, thousands of human soldiers standing together can form an unbreakable line of defense.

The "Warrior R" system was born for this.

However, this individual soldier system invested and developed by the military has not yet been formally finalized, and will be mass-produced only after a comprehensive test.

After completing the space jump, the "Shadow" came to the vicinity of post 828.

Through the porthole, Yang Yi and others were shocked to see the 828 post in the distance.

The outpost, to be precise, was the abandoned S-class battleship wrapped in fire, surrounded by thousands of space fighters from the Silicon Magic Alliance, as well as several battleships. Although they are only medium-sized and small warships, they have powerful firepower enough to suppress the guards of the post.

Fortunately, the "Shadow" is a scout ship, and the "magic cloak" system was activated before rushing out of the jumping channel.

"A'Panshi'-class battleship, four smaller ones are the'Scorpion' battleships, and about... 3,000 space fighters." Lin Feng glanced at Yang Yi and said, "Not powerful, but Enough to destroy the outpost. It seems that the enemy wants to take the outpost."

Yang Yi nodded slightly without saying a word.

"What should I do now?" Jackson asked.


"The enemy has interfered with communication, but it can't interfere with the quantum communication channel." Allen paused for a while, "With the combat power of the Ice Snow Tiger and the Agni Phoenix, defeating the enemy is not difficult, it is just the Shadow. The detection system has been severely disturbed, and perhaps there are large enemy warships nearby."

"We should contact the theater command." Justin said.

The "Ice Tiger" and the "Fire Phoenix" are not invincible. If they encounter the S-class battleships of the Silicon Charm Alliance, even if they have the strength, they may not be able to win.

"Retreat first, and wait for the fleet to arrive..."

"We have come, now we are withdrawing?" Lin Feng glanced at Justin and said, "The battle is not over yet, and the guards at the outpost are still fighting. They have not given up and are waiting for support."

"But… "

"Be prepared for battle." Yang Yi said at this time, "Alan, is there any way to send us there?"

"With the camouflage ability of the'Shadow', it can send you to a place about 5,000 kilometers away from the outpost, and you will be discovered by the enemy if you get closer.

"Enough." Yang Yi glanced at Lin Feng and said, "Ready for the'Warrior R'system. After getting close to the outpost, we will fly over. Anyway, let's go to the outpost and find the commander of the defending army first. What happens, then decide what to do next."

Lin Feng has no objection, this is also her idea.

Yang Yi glanced at Jackson, Justin and others, and said: "We are soldiers, our comrades are fighting the enemy bloody battles, and we must not be saved. Even if we contact the theater command, the fleet will not be able to arrive immediately. Let's go! , We have to figure out if this is a trap set by the enemy."

Jackson didn't say much, and ordered Justin and others to prepare.