
Chapter 134: Reinforcements arrive


In a blink of an eye, gunfire rang.

Although the enemy and ourselves are very different, no one flinches. This is the last line of defense of the post. Zheng Xiaolong led the last group of officers and soldiers who were still able to fight. They have no room to retreat, only hundreds of wounded who have lost their combat effectiveness. If the hangar is taken by the enemy, the outpost will fall. Fighting against the enemies of the Silicon Magic Alliance, the outcome of defeat and surrender is the same, and no one can expect preferential treatment.

However, the weapons in the hands of the defending officers and soldiers seemed too weak in the face of the iron armored violent battle.

"Hold on, hold on to the front, don't back off!"

"Da da da… "

The comrades around him fell one by one, and the armor-piercing bullets hitting the iron armor frantically only splashed with sparks. Facing the approaching enemy, Zheng Xiaolong forgot his fear and forgot everything, and he fought completely by instinct. The surrounding officers and soldiers are the same. In addition to continuing to fire at the enemy, even if the armor-piercing projectile fired by the electromagnetic gun cannot pose a threat to the enemy, they have no other choice. All they can do at this time is to resist bravely.

It is a pity that in the face of a powerful enemy, the brave resistance of the defending officers and soldiers is meaningless.

"Sir, I have no bullets."

"I still have a magazine."

"I have two more."

Zheng Xiaolong glanced around and put the last magazine on the electromagnetic gun.

There are fewer than fifty officers and soldiers still fighting, divided into four teams, guarding the four corners of the hangar. The enemy has completely controlled the take-off and landing platform outside the hangar gate, and the iron armor mad fighting in front has penetrated into the hangar, and the humanoid rock demons are gathering near the gate. As long as the humanoid rock demon initiates a charge, it can kill all the defenders in the hangar, and the battle that has lasted for five days will end.


"Brothers, our battle is about to end." Zheng Xiaolong exhaled and said, "We are soldiers, and we must die on the road to charge."



"Pick up the weapon and follow me if you have the courage. Even if this is the final charge, even if there is only one breath left, the enemy will pay the price." Zheng Xiaolong paused for a while and said loudly, "We are the Union soldiers defending our homeland. , We are the Great Wall of Steel that guards the Federation. Brothers, come with me!"

After saying this, Zheng Xiaolong rushed out first.

Behind him, dozens of other soldiers followed one after another, entrenched at the door of the hangar one after another, and the enemy who was preparing for the attack rushed forward.

If death is inevitable, then death is not terrible.

Thousands of years ago, Marshal Xiao Wentian said this to thousands of soldiers before leading the army to the Beacon Star, and thus wrote a miraculous history.

"Da da da… "

"Da da da… "

"Da da da… "

Zheng Xiaolong rushed to the forefront. Although the bullets fired by the electromagnetic gun did not pose any threat to the iron armor, it could interfere with the enemy, making it impossible for the enemy to accurately determine the battlefield situation. Besides, he will die soon, so he can't leave the bullets to the enemy.


After shooting the last bullet, Zheng Xiaolong dropped the electromagnetic gun and drew the fighting saber.




Behind him, other officers and soldiers also successively dropped the electromagnetic guns that shot bullets and drew out fighting sabers.

Although the combat power of human soldiers is not strong, let alone compared with the enemies of the Silicon Charm Alliance, even compared with the soldiers of other civilizations of the Galaxy Alliance, they are far behind. In the past five Greenwich Wars, the human legion was able to defeat enemies that were much stronger than itself, relying on group operations. In order to deal with enemies with stronger personal combat power, humans have developed many weapons and equipment to enhance combat power, such as heavy tanks specifically used for ground operations. But on the battlefield, it is almost impossible to avoid close combat with the enemy. In the Fifth Greenwich War, the Human Corps suffered heavy losses due to low close-range combat power.

After the end of the Fifth Greenwich War, in order to enhance the close combat capabilities of officers and soldiers, the military invested heavily in the development of this type of combat saber specially used for close combat, and quickly equipped various troops. Although the officers and soldiers of the human legion did not become stronger due to the emergence of the fighting saber, at least they have the ability to fight head-on with enemies such as humanoid rock monsters.

The fighting saber is actually a multifunctional tool that can be controlled by the user to change its shape. The blade of the fighting saber is made of a current-sensing memory alloy. The user can change its shape by changing the input current intensity to make it into the desired style, such as a large knife that is easy to chop, a long sword that is easy to stab, and use Flexible daggers, even ropes used to bind enemies.

In the hands of an excellent fighter, the fighting saber can exert amazing power.

Although Zheng Xiaolong is a logistics officer, to become a major officer, he must have a strong strength, and what he lacks is only actual combat experience.

"Go to hell!"

As he rushed closer, Zheng Xiaolong leaped high, the fighting saber clenched in both hands turned into a big sword, and slashed at the iron armor over five meters tall in front of him.

With this knife, Zheng Xiaolong used all his strength.

It's just that he doesn't hold the slightest hope.

In the Silicon Magic Alliance, the "giants" to which Iron Armor Kuangzhan belongs are veritable ethnic minorities, with a population size of only one-tenth of that of other ethnic groups, or even less. It's just that no one dares to underestimate the combat power of Iron Armor. The height of an adult Iron Armor is more than five meters, and some strong ones can even reach ten meters and weigh more than 20 tons. On the ground battlefield, Iron Armored Fight is a veritable human-type tank. The Human Federation has spent huge sums of money on the development of heavy tanks, which are mainly used to deal with mad wars in iron armor. In the past few Greenwich Wars, only heavy tanks were able to contend with the iron armor on the ground battlefield. If it is only infantry, the only option is to retreat in the face of hordes of iron armor.

Only now, Zheng Xiaolong and the others have nowhere to go.

The Iron Armor Kuangzhan is not only burly, but also covered with a layer of hard rock. In a combat state, the Iron Armor Kuangzhan can even increase the thickness of the rock by reducing the body surface temperature, thereby obtaining a stronger defense. Not to mention bullets, even small-caliber cannons may not be able to penetrate the rock armor on the surface of the Iron Armor Crazy Fighter. Only the main guns of heavy tanks are the only ones that can really pose a threat to mad fighting in iron armor.

Obviously, using a fighting saber to split an iron armor and fight wildly is nothing short of a dream.


Zheng Xiaolong's eyes opened angrily as he slashed the knife. He is ready. Death is not terrible. As a soldier, he should die in honor.


With a muffled noise, a huge force struck head-on and bounced Zheng Xiaolong away.

That's it

My chest hurts, and I must have broken a few ribs.

No, it's not right!

Zheng Xiaolong opened his eyes fiercely. After death, he did not feel the pain. He could feel the pain, indicating that he was still alive and still had a breath.

how is this possible!

The Iron Armored Fight is not only thick and thick, but also powerful. The knife that Zheng Xiaolong slashed was meaningless at all. The iron armor violently smashed Zheng Xiaolong to pieces by just swinging his arm like a pillar. Besides, the surface temperature of the armored warrior is close to 1,000 degrees Celsius, while Zheng Xiaolong's combat uniform can only withstand a high temperature of 500 degrees Celsius. Even if he was not crushed to death, he would be burned to death.

After opening his eyes, Zheng Xiaolong was immediately stunned.

More than ten meters away, the iron armor was split in half, and a large amount of flaming magma, that is, the blood of silicon-based life, was flowing from the corpse.

This... how is this possible!

He raised the fighting saber he was holding and took a look, Zheng Xiaolong couldn't believe what he had seen.

Although he is a major officer, he is not a soldier, but an ordinary soldier. With his combat power, it is impossible to use a fighting saber to split an iron armor and fight wildly.

If ordinary soldiers can kill a mad war with iron armor, this battle will be over long ago.

Before Zheng Xiaolong could figure out what was going on, he was caught by the collar and flew out. At this time, he saw clearly that it was a person or a woman who threw him tens of meters, a woman wearing a federal uniform, who was as fast as lightning.

"you… "

"If you don't want to die, just stay here honestly. If you want to do something, go and treat the wounded officers and soldiers."

A thing flew over and fell on Zheng Xiaolong. It is a box for placing genetic medicine, which contains dozens of high-level genetic medicine.

Zheng Xiaolong was surprised secretly, but the woman had already turned back and killed him.

Who is she

Zheng Xiaolong was very surprised, just the box of genetic medicine in his hand was too precious.

You know, before the battle broke out, the medical room of the 828 post only stocked ten genetic medicines, and all of them were the more common H-grade genetic medicines, and the woman gave him fifty E-grade genetic medicines. Being able to take out so many genetic medicines at once is not simple in itself.

She is a soldier!

Surprised to astonishment, Zheng Xiaolong had already seen that not only she came to the rescue, but also a dozen others, and all of them were as fast as lightning. Every time they attacked, they could kill an enemy. It was still a powerful armored war. These people are all soldiers, they are reinforcements sent by the theater headquarters.

The reinforcements finally arrived!

Zheng Xiaolong got up, and several nearby officers and soldiers ran towards him.


"Hurry up and treat the injured brother." Zheng Xiaolong distributed the genetic medicine.

"The battle is not over, there are so many enemies, we..."

"The reinforcements have arrived. Didn't you see? They are all soldiers, and their combat power is far above us. We don't need our intervention at all."

When Zheng Xiaolong said so, several officers and soldiers showed expressions of surprise.

However, they all know that Zheng Xiaolong is right. Not to mention a dozen or so soldiers, even one soldier can kill all the enemies that attacked the hangar. For ordinary soldiers, war soldiers are like gods of war. Even the most powerful iron armored mad warfare is definitely not an opponent of war soldiers.

There is no suspense in this battle.