
Chapter 135: Take over the post


In less than five minutes, all the enemies who had entered the hangar were wiped out.

"Don't let go of any of them, and don't take prisoners." Yang Yi instructed Jackson before calling Shang Lin Feng, No. 1 and No. 11 to walk towards Zheng Xiaolong.

At this time, Zheng Xiaolong was staring at Yang Yi and others in amazement.

They are indeed soldiers, especially the speed and strength, far above ordinary soldiers. But what made Zheng Xiaolong found it unbelievable was that in the battle with the enemy, apart from close combat, they turned out to be like ordinary soldiers, using weapons such as firearms that were not used by soldiers.

Do soldiers need to use electromagnetic guns!

Although not a war soldier, Zheng Xiaolong heard other people mention that war soldiers are extremely powerful, and they don't need to use ordinary weapons at all. Even if the soldiers also need weapons, they are also the legendary "War God Arms", that is, weapons and equipment specially developed for the soldiers and used to enhance the combat power of the soldiers.

Are they war soldiers

Looking at Yang Yi and others who came by, Zheng Xiaolong felt that they were all messed up.

These people not only carried a firearm similar to an electromagnetic gun on their chests, but also wore uniform combat uniforms, and on their backs were a kind of individual equipment similar to a marching backpack.

Their outfits are no different from ordinary soldiers in the Marine Corps.

"Who is the commander here?"

Zheng Xiaolong glanced at Yang Yi, who was asking questions, and his eyes turned to Lin Feng who was following Yang Yi.

It was Lin Feng who started to rescue Zheng Xiaolong, and Lin Feng was a colonel officer, and Yang Yi's shoulder was just a captain's epaulette.

"I want to see your highest commander." Yang Yi said again.

Zheng Xiaolong glanced at him, then stood at attention and saluted Lin Feng. Anyway, Lin Feng is a colonel, and Zheng Xiaolong is just a major.

Now, Yang Yi understood, and Lin Feng understood.

"Major, I am Colonel Lin Feng of the Special Investigation Team, and this is Captain Yang Yi." Lin Feng stepped forward and said with a smile, "He is the commander of this operation."

Zheng Xiaolong was taken aback for a moment, looked at Lin Feng, and then looked at Yang Yi.

What surprised him was not just what Lin Feng said, that is, it was a captain who was in charge of the action, but Lin Feng's current outfit was not like a special reconnaissance team. In the third theater, no one didn't know Lin Feng. Although he had never seen Lin Feng, Zheng Xiaolong had heard of it. Like other officers and soldiers, in his understanding, Lin Feng is the kind of unattainable existence, which has nothing to do with his current appearance.

Is this woman in front of you the legendary "Fire Phoenix Talented Girl"

"Major, I know you have a lot of questions, but now is not the time. I want to see the highest commander here."

Although the dress is weird, he is indeed a colonel officer, and he is very beautiful, exactly the same as the rumors. Zheng Xiaolong swallowed his saliva, and then said to Yang Yi: "I am the highest commander here, Major Zheng Xiaolong of the Service Unit of the No. 7777828 Surveillance Post."

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Zheng Xiaolong in disbelief.

"Major, where is Colonel Qin Qiuming?" Lin Feng asked.

"Dead." Zheng Xiaolong sighed and said, "Four days ago, on the second day of the enemy's attack, the colonel led the Marines to launch a counterattack. The fighting was fierce, but there was not a single one. There was also Zhan Yufeizhong. The school, Lieutenant Colonel Jiang Jingming and Lieutenant Colonel Zhou Buyan were all killed. Now, I am the highest commander here. If you are a few minutes late, I’m afraid it’s not me who you see."

Lin Feng sighed secretly and looked at Yang Yi.

"Let's go to the command center and let your people stay and clean the battlefield. From now on, the outpost will be taken over by us. Is there a problem?"

Zheng Xiaolong shook his head. Although Yang Yi is only a captain, his authority is above him.

Let No. 1 and No. 11 stay to assist Jackson and others, Yang Yi and Lin Fengcai followed Zheng Xiaolong out of the hangar.

The post is very large, and the command center is in the front. Along the way, Yang Yi noticed that the damage inside the outpost was not serious, indicating that the enemy did not invade the outpost.

Soon, the three came to the command center.

Said it is the command center, it is actually the commander bridge of this S-class warship. Only at this time, there was no one inside. Before Yang Yi and the others arrived, Zheng Xiaolong mobilized all the officers and soldiers who could fight. If the hangar is lost, the command center cannot be held either.

Not long after, Yang Yi figured out the situation.

Before the enemy launched the attack, there were 1,238 officers and men in the outpost, 18 officers and men from six teams went out, and 1,220 officers and men remained at the outpost. After five days of fierce fighting, there are only a hundred and twenty-two officers and soldiers who can still fight, and it is the number before Yang Yi and the others arrived. After the start of the battle, there are probably fewer than fifty people still able to fight. More than 800 officers and soldiers were killed, and only a few were lucky enough to be rescued, but all were seriously injured and lost combat capability. Because the wounded are mainly disabled, even if Yang Yi and the others have enough genetic medicine, they will not be able to play much.

"According to what you said, the enemy did not directly destroy the outpost, but continued to attack, with the goal of occupying the outpost?"

"Other than that, there is no other explanation." Zheng Xiaolong narrowed his mouth and said, "On the first day, the enemy destroyed the main defensive firepower of the post, and then launched an offensive. In order to defend the hangar, Colonel Qin Qiuming led the Marines to launch an attack. Counterattack. Although the enemy's offensive troops were repelled, hundreds of Marines including Colonel Qin Qiuming were killed in action. Since then, the enemy has launched several attacks every day, but has never used destructive forces or attacked the rest of the post. Location. If the enemy’s goal was not to capture the post, the battle would have ended long ago. Without defensive firepower, and without a strong enough energy barrier, a single bombardment can destroy the post."

Yang Yi nodded slightly and looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng frowned and looked very confused.

It is undeniable that the high strategic value of No. 828 is only for the Human Federation. From the standpoint of the Silicon Magic Alliance, the only value of Outpost 828 is to be destroyed. It's very simple. Post 828 is located south of the Greenwich meteorite belt. If the Silicon Charm Alliance launches an offensive and crosses the Greenwich Meteorite Belt, it needs to seize the forward base, and a small base like Post 828 is meaningless.

From a military perspective, the Silicon Magic Alliance should directly destroy post 828.

Instead of destroying Post No. 828, they sent heavy troops to attack Post No. 828 with the intention of occupying Post No. 828. There must be other reasons.

"Major, was there anything unusual before this?"

"Abnormal?" Zheng Xiaolong looked at Lin Feng without understanding.

"Obviously, if the Silicon Magic Alliance launches a war, there is no reason to capture the outpost. It should be destroyed directly. It is even more unlikely that so many troops will be invested in this outpost." Lin Feng paused for a while, then said, "The enemy repeats The offensive is obviously not for occupying the outpost, which is of little value to the enemy, but for other things, such as what the enemy wants in the outpost."

"This… "

"Think about it, before that, was it..."

"Wait..." Zheng Xiaolong pressed his hand and said, "I remember, it is true."

Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment, and Yang Yi frowned.

"A week ago, one of our field teams found a large celestial body invaded by a silicon beast during their daily inspections, and then called for reinforcements."


Zheng Xiaolong nodded and said, "Although according to regulations, if the celestial body is invaded by silicon beasts and becomes a beast den, it should be destroyed directly for safety reasons, but after receiving the news, Colonel Qin Qiuming sent the Marines over. I did not have it. Participating in that operation, I only heard that the Marine Corps eliminated the wild silicon beasts that had invaded the celestial bodies and recovered the celestial bodies. Soon after that, about two days later, the outpost was attacked."

"Just recovered the celestial bodies?"

"The Marine Corps is not a garrison force, and Colonel Qin Qiuming only gave orders to the Marine Corps." Zheng Xiaolong sighed. "In addition to reporting on combat operations, the Marine Corps is not responsible to Colonel Qin Qiuming. Apart from anything else, the Marine Corps has a separate stationing area here."

"Take us over and see."

"This… "

"Major, do you think the attack on the post was a coincidence?"

Zheng Xiaolong gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, come with me."

It is not strange that the celestial bodies in the Greenwich Meteor Belt were invaded by wild silicon beasts, but it is very strange that the celestial bodies invaded by the wild silicon beasts were attacked by the Silicon Charm Alliance. Obviously, the Marine Corps not only recovered the celestial bodies, but also made other discoveries, and brought this discovery back. For this reason, the Silicon Charm Alliance launched an offensive and also intended to capture the outpost instead of directly destroying the outpost.

The Marine Corps is the main force, and it is under the dual leadership of the military headquarters and the theater command, and its status is above the garrison. Although only a hundred-man squadron is stationed at post 828, the area allocated to the Marines occupies a quarter of the post and is completely independent. In Zheng Xiaolong's words, officers and soldiers of the garrison have no right to enter the Marine Corps area, and even he has to apply for approval first.

"We have never been here, even in these few days, we have not been."

"Where is the warehouse where the Marine Corps stores its supplies?"

"Before, I'll take you there." Zheng Xiaolong is an officer in charge of logistics and knows the outpost well. Although he has never been to the Marine Corps stationed area, he is also very clear about the situation here. In fact, Zheng Xiaolong is one of the few officers who come here frequently. Quite simply, the logistical support of the Marine Corps is also provided by the security forces, so Zheng Xiaolong often comes here to hand over supplies to the Marine Corps.

Not long after walking out, Yang Yi suddenly stopped.

"what happened?"

"Do you feel it?"

Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment, then nodded.

"Just ahead, I... you..."

"Don't make a noise." Lin Feng glared at Zheng Xiaolong.

Noting the expressions of Lin Feng and Yang Yi, Zheng Xiaolong's heart became tense, and he immediately increased his vigilance. They are soldiers, and their ability to perceive danger is far higher than that of ordinary soldiers, and their expressions indicate that danger is nearby.