
Chapter 137: make a prompt decision


After the decision, Yang Yi found Zheng Xiaolong and explained his arrangements.

Although it is not clear why Yang Yi took the risk to the enemy's flagship, Zheng Xiaolong knew that the fleet of the theater command might not be able to arrive in time. The only way to survive is to defeat the enemy, and when the troops are not enough, the enemy's commander can only be killed.

In fact, this is also Yang Yi's idea.

It is important to understand the origin of the beast egg, and it is also important to keep the guard post 828 and the hundreds of officers and soldiers in the post. Although Zheng Xiaolong and the others are all officers and soldiers of the guards, in the upcoming Sixth Greenwich War, the enemy will not care so much at all. Besides, after the Luo family is destroyed, Zhan Ruilin will definitely rectify the guards, and then everyone will still have to fight together.

Four hours later, the enemy launched another attack.

The attack location is still the hangar, and the main force is still the humanoid rock demon, but the iron armor madness fighting at the front station is obviously much more than the previous time.

According to Yang Yi's arrangement, Buck and others put on the defenders' combat uniforms and fought side by side with the defenders.

Although it is not a problem for Buck and others to repel the enemy's offensive and even eliminate the enemy who landed on the post, it will expose their strength and let the enemy know that there are powerful soldiers in the post. It would be great if the enemy's commander was attracted, that is, a warrior who could contend with the soldiers. The problem is that if the enemy retreats and destroys the outpost before retreating, at least the soldiers guarding the outpost will die without a place to bury them.

The battle lasted more than ten minutes, and after paying a heavy price, the enemy retreated.

The fighting was fierce and there were many casualties among the defenders. Fortunately, Yang Yi and the others brought enough genetic medicine, as long as they didn't die on the spot, no matter how serious the injuries they suffered, they could save them. In addition, repelling the enemy's offensive once again greatly boosted the fighting spirit of the defending officers and soldiers.

"anything else?"

Looking at the ration Zheng Xiaolong handed over, Buck smiled and shook his head. In fact, he is not hungry, but it is not easy to refuse Zheng Xiaolong's hospitality.

Of course, military rations mainly provide calories and do not pay much attention to taste.

"Are you all from the Special Investigation Team?"

"That's it."

Zheng Xiaolong was a little confused and didn't quite understand what Buck meant.

"Captain Lin Feng has already recruited us, but we haven't gone through the relevant procedures." Buck smiled faintly and said, "It doesn't matter. When a war breaks out, everyone has to fight for the Federation unconditionally. Even if they are not officers and soldiers of the Special Investigation Team, We are also Union soldiers."

"Do you believe them?"


"Captain Yang Yi, is he very young?"

Buck laughed, Zheng Xiaolong made such a big bend, in fact, he was inquiring about Yang Yi's details.

Zheng Xiaolong also smiled reluctantly, looking a little embarrassed.

"He is indeed very young, only eighteen years old, but I believe him." Buck exhaled and said, "It's not just me, all of us owe him our life. If it weren't for him, we would be over. As soldiers. , You should know that age is not a key factor in determining ability."

Zheng Xiaolong nodded slightly, thinking about Buck's words seriously.

"Don't worry, we will be fine with him." Buck patted Zheng Xiaolong on the shoulder.

Zheng Xiaolong didn't say much, and didn't know what to say.

At this time, on the S-class battleship about one hundred thousand kilometers away from the outpost.

Behind the porthole of the commander's bridge, a silicon charm warlord who was more than three meters tall and skinny like a flagpole stood with his hands holding his hands, looking at the landing ship returning to the ship with no expression.

His name is Sloan, the commander of this attack, and one of Kutum's henchmen.

Although only a warrior, Sloan can be said to be well-known in the Silicon Magic Alliance. Of course, his reputation mainly comes from Kutum.

In the Silicon Magic Alliance, the status of the warlord is similar to that of the warriors of the Human Federation. Although some powerful generals have more than tenth-level combat forces, most of the generals' combat power is below tenth-level combatants. Sloan is not a minority, his combat power is similar to that of an eighth-level soldier. It's just that he follows the most powerful of the Silicon Charm Alliance, who is also famous in the Galactic Alliance, but is a bad name Warlord Kutum.

In addition, Kutum is one of only eight remaining warlords who participated in the Fifth Greenwich War.

In the Silicon Magic Alliance, the king of war has a transcendent status, among which the "eight kings" are the most. To put it simply, as long as the legendary King of War does not come back, the "Eight Kings" is the strongest existence in the Silicon Charm Alliance, and Kutum is the strongest of the "Eight Kings".

Although Sloan's combat power is not outstanding, he is trusted and reused by Kutum.

The reason is simple. Sloan is a rare fighter in the Silicon Magic Alliance and is known for his shrewd minds.

The sneak attack on post 828 was planned by Sloan.

The action went smoothly, at least until then, all of Sloan's plan became a reality. However, what Sloan didn't expect was that the defenders of post 828 persisted for five days. According to his plan, this battle is over, at least after the Iron Armor madness is dispatched.

The two offensives led by Iron Armor Kuangzhan were all repelled by the defenders!

Although the information fed back from the front line indicated that the defenders had used heavy weapons specially designed to deal with the iron-clad madness, Sloan did not think so. Quite simply, none of the officers who reported to him took part in the battle, and none of the officers who commanded the battle at the front came back alive.

If the defender had a heavy weapon that could kill a whole team of iron-clad fierce battles and annihilate thousands of humanoid rock demons, what would the battle be like

There must be a problem, there must be something wrong!

Sloan was a little worried, but couldn't tell why he was worried. Of course, he can't express his concern, because two consecutive offenses have been knocked back, which has already had an impact on morale. Although he is in command, the simple-minded soldiers below will not suspect him, but the huge casualties and the long-term unattainable situation have already threatened his prestige and made some officers suspect.

Suspicion is a seed, which will take root when it is planted.

Sloan knew very well that if he showed concern at this time, some military officer would definitely stand up to challenge him and then replace him.

In the Silicon Magic Alliance, everything depends on strength. Without strength, there is nothing.

More importantly, Sloan did not dare to disappoint Kutum.

Kutum asked him to lead a legion to attack post 828, not to occupy the post, but to recapture the egg that fell to the Greenwich Meteor Belt, but was first found by the army of the Human Federation, and brought it back intact. As for why the beast egg is worth fighting, Kutum didn't say, nor did Sloan ask. He didn't want to know, but knew what to ask and what not to ask. Kutum's command is very clear, either successfully complete the task, or never go back, because if the task is not completed, there will be no good results back. Sloan knows very well that there is no loser under Kutum, and the loser should not even try to serve Kutum.

The battle that was originally planned to be completed in two days has now been fought for five days.

Two consecutive offenses failed, draining Sloan's last patience.

It's time to end it!

At this time, a burly iron armor madly came over. Although compared to him, Sloan was short and thin, but he looked servile in front of Sloan. This is the impact of the power gap and the foundation of the social order of the Silicon Magic Alliance.

"Call everyone and prepare to attack."

"General, the offensive has just ended, now..."

"I will direct it myself."

Iron Armor Kuangzhan didn't say much, turned around and walked away.

Outside, the landing ship has approached.

Like the previous attack, the result of this attack was still very bad. The iron armor and the humanoid rock monsters who landed at the post were all killed in battle, and none of them returned to the landing ship alive. In addition to the officers and soldiers on the landing ship, there were only a few humanoid rock demons who had not had time to board the post.

Sloan didn't want to take risks, but he had no choice.

The planned time to capture post 828 was two days, but Kutum gave him five days. If you can't win the 828 post in the next attack, even if you continue to fight and occupy the 828 post, you will not be able to explain to Kutum, at least it will let Kutum disappoint him.

Without Kutum's trust and reuse, Sloan will lose everything.

With his combat power, without Kutum's support, his status would plummet.

Obviously, this was a result that Sloan could not accept.

Just like that, Sloan lost his sanity. Although he knew that the battle situation was different from what he knew, there must be very important reasons why the officers and soldiers of post 828 were able to repel the two attacks led by Iron Armor Mad Fight, but Sloan didn't think much, and he didn't have time to think too much. The reinforcements of the Human Federation may arrive at any time and can no longer be delayed, otherwise he will face more than Kutum's anger.

This is only an attack ordered by Kutum, not a full-scale war against the Galactic Alliance.

If this leads to an all-out war with the Galactic Alliance, let alone the small warlord Sloan, even Kutum can't afford it.

You know, only the legendary King of War is qualified to lead the Silicon Magic Alliance to launch a war. The king of war, who usually stands above him, does not have the power to start a war at all.

A quick battle must be made, and outpost 828 must be taken down immediately, find the damn beast egg, and then withdraw.

Soon, the ten humanoid rock monsters of the phalanx and the iron armor madness of the three phalanxes were ready to go.

Because of the different types of arms, the size of the phalanx is also different. The humanoid rock monsters have one team for every 100 people, ten teams for one formation, and a square formation has a thousand people. Twenty people in the Iron Armor squad fought as a team, and five match-ups, so there were only one hundred in a square. Of course, it is not the number of people that determines the combat power. On the ground battlefield, a thousand humanoid rock monsters can't fight a hundred iron armor madness. In large-scale battles, iron armor madness is more valuable.

When the landing ship approached the flagship, Sloan came to the take-off and landing deck.