
Chapter 138: The last blog


Encouraged by Sloan, the neatly lined up humanoid rock monsters and iron armors fought fiercely. This is a violent battle between 10,000 humanoid rock demons and three hundred iron armors. Not to mention the capture of a post guarded by dozens of officers and soldiers, even if it is more than enough to sweep a small space fortress.

Several more landing ships were activated, and the queued humanoid rock monsters and the iron armor madly battle began to board the ships one after the other.

Although silicon-based life is very different from carbon-based life, they are similar in some respects. For example, in the space battlefield, the main forces of both sides are battleships, and the battleships are classified according to their combat power. In addition, the purpose of both sides in the war is to seize and control the planet, especially planets that are rich in resources and suitable for survival and reproduction. Therefore, in interstellar wars, the ground is still the main battlefield, and ground forces are indispensable.

Not long after, the five landing ships were launched one after another.

Compared with the warships of the Human Legion, the warships of the Silicon Magic Alliance look simpler, and it is true. Because the temperature suitable for survival is higher, the technology of the Silicon Magic Alliance is not much the same as the Galaxy Alliance. Simply put, the technological strength of the Silicon Magic Alliance is far inferior to the Galaxy Alliance. For thousands of years, the Silicon Magic Alliance has not only been defeated, but also has the initiative, mainly relying on strong personal combat power.

What’s interesting is that on the battlefield, the Simei Legion, which has stronger individual combat power, pays more attention to group operations. In the Galactic Alliance, in addition to the human legion, which pays much attention to collective power, other civilizations, especially the seven top civilizations, often rely on heroic figure. Several brutal Greenwich wars have long proved that the collective power is stronger. For example, in the Fifth Greenwich War, the Galactic Alliance emerged as superpowers like Xiao Wentian, Wanluo Battle Emperor and Heavenly Sage Emperor, but in the end they only forced the Silicon Magic Alliance to sign the Alliance under the City. It is precisely because of its emphasis on group operations that the Human Federation has a military force that the seven top civilizations dare not despise.

When the humanoid rock demon and the iron armor madly boarded the landing ship in turn, several slender enemies brought Sloan's car over.

It's a dragon, a tamed flame dragon!

Strictly speaking, "Yanlong" is not a dragon, but a silicon beast with a body similar to a dragon. Because it spreads its wings, it can breathe fire from its mouth. It is very similar to the legendary dragon in ancient times. The name. Adult Yanlong can reach 20 meters in length, weigh close to ten tons, and emit flames as high as thousands of degrees Celsius, which can melt the strongest alloys. Because the body is covered with a layer of solid rock, coupled with its infinite strength and agility, the Yanlong is almost invincible on the ground battlefield. Fortunately, Yanlong has very high requirements for the living environment, and there are not many in number. After being tamed, it is even rarer to become a warlord's vehicle.

This is an adult Yanlong, but it is small in size, about 15 meters in length, relatively thin, and looks malnourished.

Even so, this flame dragon also has extremely powerful combat power.

To put it bluntly, Sloan is just an ordinary warrior, not worthy of this flame dragon.

Being dragged to Sloan forcibly, Yan Long roared angrily.

In fact, it is not Sloan's car, it was just tamed to be precise, not anyone's car.

Yanlong is a wild silicon beast, living on Purgatory in the hinterland of the Northern Alpha Galaxy. Because it is too close to the main sequence star, the Purgatory star has no crust and the surface of the planet is covered by magma. The temperature on the side facing the main sequence star is as high as 5,000 degrees Celsius, even the side facing the main sequence star is above 3,000 degrees Celsius. In such a harsh environment, let alone carbon-based life, even ordinary silicon-based life can hardly survive. Only the powerful warlord can go to Purgatory Star to capture the flame dragon, and can only capture the juvenile flame dragon for domestication. Because of the changing living environment, the domesticated Yanlong is relatively weak, and even after it grows up to adulthood, it is far from being comparable to the wild Yanlong. To put it simply, adult wild Yanlongs are at least level ten silicon beasts, and can even become silicon beasts above level 11. The domesticated Yanlong is generally level eight silicon beasts, and the better-developed ones can reach level 9. Only very few can become Level 10 Silicon Beasts.

This Yanlong only reached the level of an eighth-level silicon beast.

Probably he has just grown up, he hasn't been ridden by anyone yet, this flame dragon looks very manic.

In fact, this is a "gift" from Kutum to Sloan.

Sloan is just a warlord, and his strength is mediocre. Not to mention capturing the flame dragon, he doesn't even have the qualifications to go to the purgatory star. Only the powerful warlord can survive on the purgatory star, and only the warlord can defeat the adult flame dragon. Take away the juvenile Yanlong under the protection of the adult Yanlong.

Only now, this violent flame dragon is Sloan's vehicle.

In the Silicon Magic Alliance, warlords are not supreme, nor do they have a lofty status. Although in the past Greenwich War, many warriors had vehicles, especially some powerful warriors, but in peacetime, many Zhanjiang did not have vehicles.

Sloan is one of them. If it hadn't been respected by Kutum, if he hadn't taken over this task, he wouldn't have had this flame dragon.

You know, in the space battlefield, there is a world of difference between a warrior with a vehicle and a warrior without a vehicle.

Simply put, warriors without a vehicle can only stay inside the warship, acting as a commander, and directing the battle remotely. A warrior who owns a vehicle can lead a legion to charge into the battlefield, killing the enemy and making contributions on the battlefield. Although the commander has a lofty status according to human standards, in the Silicon Magic Alliance, "commander" is actually a derogatory term. Only by fighting on the front line can you win the respect and love of your soldiers.

Owning a vehicle is equivalent to having the ability to gallop on the battlefield in space, let alone an adult flame dragon.

With this flame dragon, Sloan was full of confidence.

Not arrogant, but taken for granted.

As long as sitting on this flame dragon, even if there is no fleet, without those humanoid rock demons and iron armor fighting wildly, Sloan can lay down the outpost on his own, or at least destroy the outpost. You know, Yanlong can spray out flames of thousands of degrees Celsius, and can easily burn through the alloy steel plates that make up the post.

However, Yanlong is not omnipotent.

In many people’s understanding, tamed silicon beasts have the ability to cross space, or can survive in space, but this is not the case. Only a handful of silicon beasts can survive in space, and they are all powerful silicon beasts above level 10. Most silicon beasts, even adult Yanlong, cannot survive in space. Therefore, to fight in space, silicon beasts like Yanlong must cooperate with the warlords. To put it simply, it needs the energy barrier created by the warlord to protect it. Therefore, only the existence of the warlord can control the silicon beast to fight in space. Because the number of tamed silicon beasts is limited, and the fighters that can control the silicon beasts are also limited, the Galaxy Alliance has a large number of space fighters that can be piloted by ordinary people. Even the Silicon Magic Alliance has developed space fighters, but their performance is poor. It's a big one, so for a long time, the Silicon Magic Alliance has always been at a disadvantage on the space battlefield, and has to put the main battlefield on the ground.

Of course, a warrior who controls adult silicon beasts is absolutely invincible in the space battlefield, at least when facing ordinary opponents. Only the legendary fighters or the warriors who are capable of restraining the warlords on the space battlefield can be compared to the warlord.

Looking at Yanlong, Sloan felt that victory was at his fingertips, but lacked a little self-confidence.

It was not that he could not defeat the human officers and soldiers guarding the post, but whether he could tame this violent flame dragon.

In fact, if Sloan had confidence, he would have taken the Yanlong into battle long ago.

If there is enough time, Sloan will not take a risk. Only now, he has no choice. The deadline set by Kutum to capture the outpost is approaching. If the mission cannot be completed before then, Sloan will lose the value of existence. In the Silicon Magic Alliance, a warrior who has no value is nothing.

Goodbye, it's up to you! Shi Long took a deep breath and walked towards Yanlong.

Although all the remaining forces were used, Sloan didn't have much confidence in those humanoid rock demons and iron armor fighting wildly. If these guys were able to lay down the outpost, this battle would have ended five days ago, it would not be dragged to the present, and it would not make Sloan so worried.

It's time to make the final break.

Thinking of this, Sloan no longer worried about anything. It is just a flame dragon, as long as you ride it and tame it, you can control it to victory.

This is a victory that must not be missed!


When Sloan stretched out his hand and was about to take the rein, the Yanlong roared suddenly and sprayed a hot flame toward Sloan.

what happened!

Sloan was taken aback, and immediately retracted his hand. Although he was a war fighter, protected by an energy barrier, and would not be injured by the flames, the Yanlong suddenly went mad, which was obviously beyond his expectation. This is a domesticated flame dragon, even if it has never been ridden, it shouldn't suddenly go crazy.

The flames swept past and surged behind Sloan.

At this time, Shi Long reacted fiercely.

However, the flames interfered with his vision, so that he could not see the threat of the attack in the first time, let alone notice the attack after he came.

After the flames swept past, Sloan saw that a huge figure fell from the sky and rushed towards Yanlong.

It is an iron armor fighting madly.

No, that's not an armored war.

Although Iron Armor Kuangzhan is known for his simple mind, he is not stupid enough to attack an adult flame dragon, or an adult flame dragon that is going crazy.

You know, compared with Yanlong, Iron Armor Kuangzhan seems too small.

At this moment, the iron-clad violent body disintegrated in the air, a dazzling light appeared, and it delicately smashed into Yanlong's neck.

It was not a light, it was a big sword, a big sword made of original energy.

"Woo- woo-"

Yanlong let out the final roar, and as the big knife fell, Yanlong's head fell off, and he cut off Yanlong's neck with a single blow.

Sloan was dumbfounded and didn't even react.

It wasn't until something caught his neck that he suddenly recovered. It's just that it's too late.