
Chapter 139: Sit and wait to die


It was Jackson that attacked Yanlong. Although his original ability was not as good as Yang Yi, as a warrior, his attack power far surpassed Yang Yi. Yanlong's combat power is far higher than that of the general. If you can't kill Yanlong in one fell swoop, there will definitely be big trouble. It was Yang Yi who came out to draw Yanlong's attention, and Lin Feng was the one who attacked the general. The two cooperated very well and didn't give the warlord a chance.

"Don't let go of any of them, make a quick battle and make a final decision."

According to the previous arrangement, after subduing the generals, Lin Feng took the lead to withdraw and return to the post, while Yang Yi and the others stayed to deal with the remaining enemies.

At this time, Jackson had already opened Yanlong's body, but he was very disappointed in the end.

This is just an eighth-level silicon beast, with no life crystals in it. Even the Yanlong must reach level ten before it can condense life crystals in the body.


The explosion happened suddenly, and it was Justin who attacked a landing ship.

Although there is no handy weapon, it is not difficult to destroy a landing ship in a moored state with the powerful combat power of tenth-level soldiers.

Yang Yi and Jackson did not delay and joined the battle group.

All of a sudden, the ghosts and wolves howled in the area where the landing ship was parked. In front of Yang Yi, Jackson and Justin, not to mention the weak humanoid rock monsters, even the burly armored wars have no power. You know, Justin, the weakest in Lien, is a tenth-level soldier.

This is not a fight, but a unilateral slaughter.

In less than five minutes, 10,000 humanoid rock demons and 300 iron armors were slaughtered in a frantic battle.

"Blow up this battleship, don't delay time."

Jackson nodded, expressing that he understood Yang Yi's arrangement, and then headed towards the stern of the ship.

Yang Yi didn't delay much, and left the battleship with Justin.

Although the attack was successful, Yang Yi did not dare to entrust him. Unless the "Ice Tiger" and the "Fire Phoenix" are used, they will not be able to annihilate the enemy's entire fleet, and the use of two legendary fighters will inevitably expose their whereabouts and let the enemy know their existence. For this reason, Yang Yi believes that it is enough to blow up the enemy's flagship and force the enemy to retreat instead of destroying the enemy's fleet.

Not long after, Yang Yi and Justin returned to the post.

With the violent explosion, the huge S-class battleship was wiped out.

Obviously, Jackson detonated the original energy converter on the battleship. Like the Galaxy Alliance, the Silicon Magic Alliance also uses the original energy converter as its main driving force.

The explosion scene was extremely spectacular, but there was no sound, just a gorgeous fireball.

The flagship was blown up, and the remaining warships retreated. With the group of dragons without a leader, even if the remaining enemies have intentions, there is no way to organize them.

When Jackson returned to the outpost, the remaining warships had been evacuated.

"My person is in charge of peripheral security, and you are mainly responsible for treating the wounded. In addition, repair the communication equipment as soon as possible and get in touch with the theater command."

Zheng Xiaolong didn't dare to be wordy, and immediately agreed.

Even if he still has doubts about Yang Yi, but seeing Yang Yi and others destroy the enemy's flagship and drive away the enemy's fleet, Zheng Xiaolong has to admit that this only eighteen-year-old captain is indeed a talent, no wonder a strong soldier like Buck Will work for him.

Yang Yi didn't talk with Zheng Xiaolong, there were more important things waiting for him to deal with.

When he and Jackson arrived, Lin Feng was already interrogating the captured soldiers.

Interrogating prisoners is not unusual.

Although in the previous Greenwich Wars, both sides of the war did not have provisions for receiving prisoners of war, it is common to capture prisoners and obtain intelligence through interrogation.

It's not difficult to interrogate the prisoners of the Silicon Magic Alliance. Just control the temperature and prepare the translator.

"It's called Sloan, it's a subordinate of Warlord Kutum. It's obviously a cartilage." Lin Feng narrowed his mouth and said, "Its combat power is equivalent to an eighth-level soldier, and it can only be regarded as a middle-lower among generals Level. The attack on the post is arranged by Kutum, it is only the executor."

"Who is Kutum?" Yang Yi asked.

Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and shook his head.

Jackson also smiled bitterly, but he didn't think it was weird.

"Kutum is an existing one, one of the eight warlords who participated in the Fifth Greenwich War. They are collectively referred to as the'eight kings'. They are the most powerful warlords in the Silicon Magic Alliance and our mortal enemy." Lin Feng knew that Yang Yi was seriously lacking in these basic knowledge. "Simply put, these eight warlords, including Kutum, are second only to warlords in the Silicon Charm Alliance. Because warlords rarely appear, and they never even ask mundane things, so the'eight kings' The actual rulers of the Silicon Magic Alliance, the "Eight Kings League" formed by them are the cornerstone of the Silicon Magic Alliance to maintain a stable situation. In addition, the "Eight Kings" also possess the most powerful combat power of the Silicon Magic Alliance today."

"They are equivalent to the Heavenly Sage Emperor?"

"Not as good as the Heavenly Emperor, but far above other warlords and generals."

"Wait..." Yang Yi pressed his hand down and said, "Could it be that there are only eight warlords in the Silicon Charm Alliance?"

"Of course not, but only eight of them participated in the Fifth Greenwich War."

"Actually, it's very simple." Jackson walked over and said, "After the Fifth Greenwich War, the'Yam Luo Huang' who came forward to sign the armistice agreement with us was very angry. To be precise, his opponent was extremely dissatisfied. The result was, After the armistice agreement came into effect, the Emperor Yama executed all the warlords who had not done their best in the war or had different intentions, and came to a great purge. Only Kutum and other warlords were lucky because they performed well in the battle. Survived. It’s just that, in order to maintain the stability of the alliance and to cope with threats from our side, Emperor Yama has since trained a group of warlords to help the Silicon Magic Alliance regain its vitality."

Yang Yi nodded slightly, and understood.

"In short, Kutum is one of the most powerful warlords today, perhaps the strongest."


Jackson exasperated and said: "After purging the interior, the Yama Emperor let the Eight Kings guard the Quartet, and Kutum is guarding the Greenwich meteorite belt. Because he is directly facing us, Kutum must have the most powerful battle. Otherwise, it’s not enough to take on such a heavy task."

"So, can we regard this as an invasion by the Silicon Magic Alliance?"

"It's not that simple." Lin Feng answered the question raised by Yang Yi. "Although Kutum has a transcendent status, it can be said to be under one person and above ten thousand people, but it cannot represent the entire Silicon Magic Alliance. Strictly speaking, only the Emperor of War can represent the entire Silicon Magic Alliance. In other words, only War An attack ordered by the emperor can be regarded as an act of war of the Silicon Magic Alliance, and under the emperor, it is only a personal act.

"This… "

"In the armistice agreement signed at the time, it is clearly stipulated that if it is only a personal act, we can only issue a protest to the Silicon Magic Alliance through the Galaxy Alliance, and let the Silicon Magic Alliance punish the perpetrators and compensate us for the losses, but we cannot use this as a justification. Start the war."

Yang Yi was speechless, there was such a rule.

"That said, we have been busy for nothing."

"Neither." Lin Feng gritted his teeth and said, "The warlord named Sloan is a cartilage, and he has said all that he knows. Although he doesn't know much, Kutum sent him here, not to capture it. The outpost instead took the beast eggs that fell on our hands."

"That beast egg?"

Lin Feng nodded and said: "It doesn't know which end rock beast's egg it is, but Kutum's arrangement shows that the beast egg is very important."

"The issue is… "

"We can take advantage of this."

"How to use it?"

"It has already confessed Kutum. We can use this to put pressure on the Silicon Charm Alliance to punish the murderer. Because Kutum is one of the'eight kings', the Silicon Charm Alliance may not be able to subdue it. We have Reasons for war mobilization. If we can figure out the origin of that beast egg, Kutum might take the risk. In short, we have to return as soon as possible, stay here and do nothing."

Yang Yi looked at Jackson and asked for his opinion.

"Yes, we have to return to the theater headquarters as soon as possible." Jackson exhaled and said, "Kutum sent Sloan to attack our outpost. It is already a desperate move. If it knows that Sloan is defeated, it will definitely take action and we will stay. This is just sitting there and waiting to die."

"Is Kutum very good?"

Jackson was taken aback for a moment, and Lin Feng also showed a look of surprise, because they all heard Yang Yi's implication.

"An influential warlord cannot pass the war resolutions of the federal authorities. It is not the same as a warlord or a prestigious warlord."

"But… "

Yang Yi pressed his hand, stopped Jackson, and said: "We only destroyed the enemy's flagship, and those warships that escaped will soon send the news to Kutum. If that beast egg is invaluable, even if it will cause The Sixth Greenwich War has to be taken back, and Kutum will not give up and will definitely go out in person. Obviously, even if we can leave in time, what about the defenders and wounded soldiers here?"

"Kutum is the strongest King of War, and is infinitely close to the King of War. Our strength..."

"There is no need to defeat it, let alone capture it alive, as long as it is proved that it launched the attack and attacked the post, it is enough."

Jackson was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood what Yang Yi meant.

"Even so, it's too dangerous."

"Then, you have to be prepared."

Lin Feng gritted his teeth and said, "I believe your judgment, just let so many people take risks..."

"Send all the defenders to the'Shadow' and the beast egg. It would be great if we could get evidence of Kutum's invasion. Even if we didn't succeed, we wouldn't suffer a greater loss. Just us A few, it shouldn’t be a big problem to try to escape at that time."

Lin Feng sighed secretly, and said nothing more. Yang Yi has already made a decision, saying nothing is useless, and Yang Yi's decision is correct.