
Chapter 14: The main point


The "Hope" was besieged by dozens of "Fire Bat" fighters as soon as it rushed out of the atmosphere. Even if Yang Yi tried his best, it would not last long.

The "source of life" is controlled by Yang Yi’s consciousness. If the absorption of the original energy is too fast and exceeds Yang Yi’s control, the excess original energy will directly act on Yang Yi’s brain and affect his consciousness. That is the fantasy that appeared in front of Yang Yi.

Anyone who knows a little bit can tell at a glance that Yang Yi's situation at this time is extremely dangerous. As long as his consciousness collapsed and he could lose control, he would explode and die.

Amy came to the cabin and saw Yang Yi's state, her brows suddenly tightened.

He was not even eaten by the original energy!

At this time, Yang Yi has completely lost consciousness and is in a deep coma. Instinctively controls the primal energy that continues to converge in the "source of life" and converts the primal energy into electricity to drive the spacecraft and strong energy to support the shield , He didn't even know how dangerous his situation was.

However, this state will not last long.

Amy dared not hesitate and rushed forward immediately.

Although the "source of life" is now controlled by Yang Yi, this original energy converter originally belonged to Amy, and she knows this original energy converter better than anyone.

"Yang Yi, wake up soon."

At Amy's call, Yang Yi opened his eyes and saw a white world. Amy stood in front of her, wearing a snow-white dress and a flower crown on her head, just like the fairy living in the forest in a fairy tale, too beautiful to describe in words.

"Don't panic, I am in your consciousness. This is conscious communication."

"You got into my head?" Yang Yi was startled, not panicking is the strange thing.

"It's just conscious communication, no one can get into your head." Amy didn't explain much. "Now, listen carefully. Write down everything I said, concentrate on thinking about what I said, grasp its inner meaning, and then do what I say, don't be distracted."

Yang Yi looked at Amy unclearly, not knowing what Amy wanted to do.

Time was running out, Amy did not delay, and said a very awkward formula.


"You say it again, I didn't understand." Yang Yi did not understand, because that phrase was like a tongue twister, not only slurred, but also obscure.

"I'll say it again, whether you can remember, whether you can work through it, depends on your good fortune." Amy said again.

This time, Yang Yi listened very carefully and remembered it. This is indeed a formula, and Yang Yi vaguely feels that it has something to do with the "source of life".

"Now, do as I say."

"Slow down, let me think about it. What you started talking about is not related to the meaning of'immortality and immortality'?"

Amy was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, and said: "It is the final decision of'immortality and immortality'. Now, I will tell you the first four essentials that I have understood. You control the'source of life' according to the method I said. '. As long as we do what I say, we will be able to turn the danger into a breeze."

"That's not great."

"'Immortal Eternal Life' is one of the three sacred combat skills of the Hidden Spirit Race, and it is most suitable for battle on the battlefield. If there is a matrix, that is, a carrier such as aerospace fighters, the power can be improved a lot. You are not a Hidden Spirit. It's not a royal family. It stands to reason that you cannot teach you the essence of'immortality and immortality'. But now the situation is special. If you are finished, we won't be able to live. Now, listen carefully."

What else Yang Yi wanted to say, a paragraph of concise and concise words went straight into his mind.

This is an exchange of consciousness, and Amy's consciousness is much stronger than Yang Yi. You don't need to ask Yang Yi's opinion to instill information into Yang Yi. This feeling is very bad, like being used by Amy's consciousness. But after listening to those words, Yang Yi suddenly understood that since there is no way to resist, then he can only close his eyes and enjoy. Because he has understood the general decision of "immortality and immortality", Yang Yi immediately grasped the essence of the first four levels.

What Yang Yi understood is not only these.

Amy is right, if there is a matrix, the power of "immortality" can be increased several times. The key is that the base body can withstand more primal energy, so it can convert more primal energy when it is launched, without being limited by the original body's ability to withstand it.

"The Creation of All Souls"

On the strong field shield covering the spacecraft, waves of substantial energy gush out from the center of the spacecraft, rippling around at an extremely fast speed. Immediately afterwards, hundreds of sturdy thunderbolts exploded on the spacecraft, launching indiscriminate attacks on nearby objects.

Because he was still in Yang Yi's consciousness, Amy could see Yang Yi's attack.

"The Creation of All Souls" is the first-tier attack tactics of "Immortality and Immortality". It looks unremarkable, but it is most suitable for dealing with a large number of enemies in a group station. If you have a powerful base and you can use it more skillfully, this trick can attack tens of thousands of "Firebat" fighters at the same time. In previous wars, one of Amy's ancestors used this trick to kill thousands of warriors in one fell swoop.

Yang Yi is not skilled enough to use it, and the "Hope" is not the real substrate, but it is more than enough to kill dozens of "Fire Bat" fighters.

In the flash of lightning, the dozens of "Firebat" fighters that besieged the "Hope" were not spared, and they were all struck by lightning.

The sudden occurrence of this scene stunned the big brother Li, A Ling, the monkey, the handsome guy and the fat sister in the cockpit. It was just after discovering that Amy was missing, everyone immediately thought that Amy must have killed those "Fire Bat" fighters. No one thought that this was Yang Yi's contribution. It's no surprise that Amy is a powerful hermit, but Yang Yi is a soldier who has been exiled. If Yang Yi controlled the "source of life" and destroyed dozens of enemy planes with the "creation of all souls", I am afraid no one would believe it. If Yang Yi is so powerful, do they need to flee from the lava star in a hurry, do they need to be afraid of the enemies of the Silicon Charm Alliance

This scene was also noticed by several people in the distance.

The woman driving the "Agni Phoenix" first spotted the "Hope" rushing out of the atmosphere, but she could not protect herself even if she was besieged by ten warriors, let alone go to rescue. Besides, that spaceship has nothing to do with her mission.

The ten warlords who besieged the "Agni Phoenix" did not pay attention to the "Hope". It was just a fast spacecraft pieced together with discarded parts, and dozens of "Fire Bat" fighters were waiting outside the atmosphere. It is impossible for an unarmed spacecraft to escape from the siege of dozens of fighters, and it will definitely be destroyed. Besides, there is still that S-class battleship here, and no one can escape from the lava star.

What happened afterwards was indeed the case. The spacecraft was under siege but did not fight back, only relying on the strong support of the strong field shield.

Until dozens of "Fire Bat" fighters were destroyed by lightning at the same time.

Seeing this situation, the black fighter that first fought against the "Fire Phoenix" left the battle group and rushed towards the "Hope" spacecraft.

That is the trick of "immortality and immortality", could it be said that on that spaceship...

The woman on the "Fire Phoenix" also saw the clues, but for a while, she couldn't get rid of the fighter plane driven by the nine generals.

At this time, the "Hope" is on board.

"Calm down, the battle is not over yet."

Yang Yi was very excited. He killed dozens of "Fire Bat" fighters in one fell swoop, giving him an indescribable pleasure, and his excitement was beyond words.

Fortunately, Amy is calm enough.

"Now, to drive the thrusters with all their strength, we have to get out of here as soon as possible."

"That's too late."

Although separated by thousands of kilometers, in the blink of an eye, the black fighter had already been killed.

"Trouble now," Amy murmured, and her figure began to blur.

"what should we do?"

"Try to persist."

Leaving this sentence aside, Amy left Yang Yi's consciousness space.

The black fighter flew to a place less than a kilometer away from the "Hope" before stopping. Yang Yi had already used all of its energy to strengthen the shield, and the spacecraft stopped.

"Amy, come out and die!"

The consciousness wave penetrated into the brains of everyone in the "Hope" spacecraft indiscriminately, and everyone could hear the creepy sound.

"Amy, why are you in this spaceship, your'Miracle of Life'? Could it be that you are scared, thinking that you will be able to hide from the sky in this dilapidated spaceship? You can kill Ritley and prove you It's stronger than a thousand years ago. It's a pity that your little bugs are useless in front of my Samantuo. If you are interested, surrender. I promise not to kill you. I will treat you as a pet and let you enjoy my pet. "

After speaking, Samanto burst out laughing.

"Are you done talking nonsense?"

The sudden sound frightened Samanto. To be precise, it was not a sound, but a powerful wave of consciousness, and not Amy's wave of consciousness.

"Someone, get out of me."

"Enough nonsense, then die!"

This wave of consciousness comes from Yang Yi. In fact, Yang Yi's wave of consciousness is not strong, but is strengthened by the "source of life".

"Life and Death"

A fierce thunder light burst out and expanded rapidly in the void, like a sharp long sword, piercing the black fighter plane a kilometer away.

Although the momentum is fierce, it has already weakened a lot when it is a kilometer away.

"An overweight idiot, but the second layer of'Immortal Immortality' wants to defeat me, Samanto? Pay the price for your arrogance!"

"Break it for me!"

I saw the huge knife in the hand of the black fighter slashed horizontally, and the lightning long sword that had been pierced in front of him turned into a floating light.

After all, Yang Yi's strength is limited, and he does not completely control the "source of life". In fact, even if this trick is used by Amy, it can't pose a threat to Samanto. Don't forget, Samanto is a top-tier general who is infinitely close to the King of War, and his strength is several levels higher than that of Le Dili.

With just an understatement, Samanto resolved Yang Yi's attack.

"Now, die for me!"

A black knife light split the void and slashed straight to the "Hope". The sword light came fiercely, and even the space showed signs of fragmentation.

The "Hope" has stopped, there is no way to avoid it.

Being stabbed by this knife, the "Hope" will inevitably be broken to pieces, and the personnel on the spacecraft will not be spared.