
Chapter 141: put all one's eggs in one basket


"The pressure on the left has been reduced by 40%."

"The temperature in the cabin is 150 degrees Celsius."

"The propulsion power has exceeded the limit, and the power system is overloaded."

The cabin was filled with smoke, and the red warning light flashed quickly. Although he was mentally prepared for a long time, Yang Yi regretted it just by playing together.

He underestimated the strength of the King of War!

Turning off the warning light, Yang Yi activated the air extraction system to remove the smoke in the cabin.

As soon as Kutum shot, Yang Yi realized that a catastrophe was imminent, and immediately used all his original energy for the strong field generator of the "Ice Snow Tiger" to strengthen the strong field barrier. Although Lin Feng made the shot in time, the Yanlong hesitated a little before the flames spewed out, and bought some time for Yang Yi to control the "Ice Snow Tiger" to avoid the flames, but the result was still very bad.

It is not an ordinary flame, but the "flame of the original energy."

"A Yi, how are you?"

"I'm fine."

"The left side of the'Hanbing Snow Tiger' is completely scorched, so quickly step back."

"Be careful, that's the'flame of the original energy'."


Yang Yi is not hypocritical, and now is not the time for hypocrisy. The "Hanbingxuehu" was severely damaged, and even if it had not completely lost its combat capability, its combat effectiveness had been greatly reduced. If Yang Yi continues to persist, not only will he fail to help Lin Feng, but it will also drag Lin Feng and make Lin Feng unable to concentrate on the challenge.

It was just a blow, and it was the flames ejected from the car that severely damaged the "Ice Tiger", Kutum was too powerful.

Obviously, the strength of the King of War was definitely not blown out.

In the early days of the Fifth Greenwich War, that is, before the seven top civilizations joined the war, the king of the Silicon Magic Alliance was almost invincible. Before attacking the homeland galaxy of the Human Federation, dozens of civilizations south of the Greenwich Meteorite Belt were wiped out by the invading army of the Silicon Charm Alliance. In many cases, just a warlord can exterminate a civilization. Even with Xiao Wentian, the Human Federation paid a very heavy price in the Beacon Star offensive and defensive battle to block the advancement of the Silicon Charm army, and in the final battle, Xiao Wentian died in his country. Obviously, the fighting power of the King of War is stronger than Yang Yi's imagination, and those rumors about the King of War are definitely not groundless.

What's more, Kutum is the strongest king of war today.

In addition, the destructive power of the Yanlong also made Yang Yi frightened.

It can be said that even if Kutum didn't make a move, only the twelfth-level flame dragon could kill Yang Yi and Lin Feng.

Although Yanlong is a silicon beast with a low IQ, it is extremely powerful, and its absolute strength advantage is enough to make up for its intellectual deficiency.

The "flame of the original energy" emitted by the twelfth-level flame dragon is really terrifying.

Rumor has it that Xiao Wentian was burned to death by the "Flame of Primal Energy".

In the final battle of the Beacon Star offensive and defensive war, in order to defeat the Silicon Charm army in one fell swoop, Xiao Wentian led a group of powerful subordinates such as Zhan Ruilin to raid the Silicon Charm army's garrison. As a result, his whereabouts were exposed and the enemy was besieged. In order to get rid of Xiao Wentian, hundreds of warlords joined forces, and one of them was a twelfth-level flame dragon. In this battle, although Xiao Wentian fought hard to kill nearly a hundred warlords, he was besieged while covering Zhan Ruilin and other subordinates retreating. In order to let the elite soldiers and the hope of the Human Federation escape safely, Xiao Wentian fought to exhaustion, and was finally wrapped in the "flame of primordial energy" sprayed by the twelfth-level flame dragon and burned alive. It was also in this battle that Xiao Wentian killed almost all warlords of the Silicon Charm Legion. The Human Legion led by Zhan Ruilin and others defeated the Silicon Charm Legion in the subsequent counterattack and relieved the threat to the homeland galaxy. , And launched a counterattack shortly after.

The horror of "Flame of Primal Energy" is that it creates extremely high temperatures by dissipating the Primal Energy.

At the center of the "primitive flame", the temperature is hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius, which exceeds the center temperature of the star. It can not only melt all known matter, but also break down any energy barrier. Simply put, there is no way to resist the "flame of primordial energy", the only way is to control the dissipated primal energy, and this requires extremely strong control. The twelfth-level flame dragon is equivalent to the earth soul warrior, and the full-strength "flame of the original energy" is equivalent to an attack launched by the earth soul warrior with the original energy of the whole body, not to mention Yang Yi, even the original Xiao Wentian. Difficult to deal with.

Obviously, in the face of the "Flame of Primal Energy", a legendary fighter like the "Ice Snow Tiger" is nothing at all.

If you didn't avoid it at first and were sprayed by the "Flame of Primal Energy", Yang Yi and the "Frost and Snow Tiger" would immediately gasify, leaving nothing behind.

The "Hanbingxuehu" retreated, but Lin Feng did not rush up.

It was not that Lin Feng was scared, but that he rushed forward to die.

Kutum didn't stop there, Yanlong was still spraying the "Primary Flame" and attacking the "Fire Phoenix". Fortunately, the Yanlong is huge, and where there is no technology in space, it is completely supported by the energy barrier of the driver, and its flexibility is far less than on the ground. Relatively speaking, the "Agni Phoenix" is a fighter plane with a powerful propulsion system and is more flexible in space combat.

Can't beat, but can afford to hide.

Relying on this, Lin Feng did not withdraw. He was fighting with Yanlong and was also buying time for Yang Yi.

The question is, how long can Lin Feng last

You know, the enemy is Yanlong, Kutum hasn't done anything yet!

Now, Yang Yi understands why Kutum is so arrogant. There is no doubt that he and Lin Feng are indeed not qualified to fight Kutum.

The combat power gap is really too big.

You know, this is a level twelve flame dragon, and the flame dragon that was domesticated at an early age could not be so powerful, so this is a flame dragon that was domesticated only after adulthood, a wild flame dragon. There is no doubt that before being domesticated, this flame dragon was very powerful, perhaps already at level twelve. Kutum's ability to tame it and control it is enough to prove that Kutum's combat power is far above this flame dragon.

Even if Kutum's combat power has not reached the level of a Celestial Warrior, he can still be comparable to the strongest Earth Soul Warrior.

Obviously, the rumors about Kutum are true. It is indeed the most powerful king of war, and perhaps even Zhan Ruilin is not its opponent.

As long as Kutum shot, let alone Lin Feng, even Ouyang Qian would lose.

what to do

Retiring to the vicinity of the outpost, Yang Yi stopped the "Hanbingxuehu".

Kutum didn't make a move, and Yanlong was just spraying the "Primary Energy Flame". Obviously, Kutum's purpose was to recapture the beast egg, not to kill Yang Yi and the others. If Kutum really regarded Yang Yi as a threat, this meaningless battle would have ended long ago.

The question is, what is it waiting for

Could it be that…

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly thought of a question.

Kutum didn't make a ruthless hand, maybe it was a rat trap. After all, he didn't know where the eggs were hidden, and the guards of the post had the ability to destroy the eggs.

Rabbits are forced to bite people when they are in a hurry, not to mention a group of soldiers fighting for survival.

"Lin Feng."

"Yes, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, hold on for a while. Don't try hard, try to hold Kutum."

"Yes, I will do my best."

"Remember, don't try hard. If it doesn't work, withdraw. I have a way to deal with Kutum, but it will take a while.


In the distance, the "Fire Phoenix" distanced itself from the Yanlong.


"I'm here."

"Go to the Marine Corps warehouse and prepare the blasting equipment."


"Hurry over and wait for me there."

"Understood, I'll go over at once."

Lin Feng, hold on! After another glance at the "Fire Phoenix", Yang Yi lifted the canopy and climbed out of the "Chill Ice Snow Tiger" cockpit.

Kutum's so much trouble can only show that the beast egg is very important.

Not long after, Yang Yi came to the Marine Corps' material warehouse. Jackson has arrived, ready for blasting equipment. According to Yang Yi's instructions, he installed a shaped energy bomb on the beast egg, and also installed a remote control fuze and a timing fuze for the bomb to ensure that it is foolproof.

"Can this scare Koutum away?" Jackson already understood Yang Yi's intentions.

"Of course not, but let it go." Yang Yi smiled coldly and said, "Kutum's combat power is far above me and Lin Feng. Even if there are legendary fighters, we are not its opponents. It did not kill him. , It must be a rat thrower, knowing that there is someone in the post, if I and Lin Feng fight to death, you will destroy the beast egg and make it do no harm. In that case, we will count it."

"You mean..."

"If it wants it, then give it."

Jackson's brows twitched a few times without saying much.

"Lin Feng asked Allen to leave a lifeboat. Wait, I will draw Kutum's attention away. You take the remaining officers and soldiers to leave the post in the lifeboat."

"you… "

"We have a fighter plane, so it's okay to escape." Yang Yi handed the remote control to Jackson. "You have to make sure that no matter what happens, Kutum will never be allowed to leave here with the eggs."

"But… "

"No, but. This beast egg must be extraordinary, otherwise Kutum wouldn't be so aggressive. If the beast egg falls on it, the consequences are unimaginable. We are soldiers, and the battlefield is the best destination. I have. With a bad feeling, this beast egg will change the course of the Sixth Greenwich War."


"Although it's just a hunch, my hunch is always accurate."

Jackson gritted his teeth and said, "I believe your premonition, but I will wait until the last minute."

Yang Yi nodded and said, "If the result is not what we imagined, other people will follow your instructions and take care of No.1 and No.11 for me."

"brother… "

"Brother, this is my only request."

Jackson took a long breath, nodded and agreed.

Yang Yi didn't say much, and men didn't need to say too much. Justin and Buck were originally Jackson's subordinates, so even if Yang Yi didn't say anything, Jackson would take care of them. The only thing that worries Yang Yi is No.1 and No.11, after all, they didn't belong to this world originally.