
Chapter 145: The channel is reversed


Lin Liexun explained clearly, and Lin Feng also calmed down.

After receiving news that it was suspected that the blue blood wolf's egg was found unintentionally in post 828, Lin Xiaoting immediately reported the matter to Zhan Ruilin, and Zhan Ruilin also immediately made arrangements. Although dispatching the fleet is more direct, it will cause things to get out of control.

To put it simply, as long as the third theater of war rages, Kutum will realize that the human federation already knows the existence of the blue blood wolf egg, so it will personally take action to capture post 828 and take the egg before the fleet arrives. Even more extreme methods will be adopted, such as a full-scale war, which makes the third theater exhausted and it is difficult to project enough troops to post 828 in a short period of time. With the full outbreak of war, even if Kutum fails to succeed, the human federation will be destroyed, and the other civilizations of the Galactic Alliance may not help. Obviously, it was definitely not in Zhan Ruilin's consideration to cause the human federation to suffer annihilation for a beast egg.

It is another matter for Yang Yi and Lin Feng to bring a small team of people to get to the 828 post on the grounds of obtaining evidence of the Silicon Magic Alliance invasion. At least, the arrival of Yang Yi and others will not cause the situation to lose control immediately, and Kutum will not immediately start a full-scale war because of this.

The fact is true, Kutum only appeared after his men were defeated.

In fact, this arrangement also shows that Zhan Ruilin highly trusts Yang Yi.

Although the final result was unexpected, it was impossible for Zhan Ruilin to expect such a result when making this arrangement.

"Lin Shuai has already learned about this and made arrangements. Yang Yi must be alive with the protection of the Frost and Snow Tiger. No matter how much effort and time it takes, we will not give up. Sooner or later we will find him." Lin Liexun Sighed and said, "Just now, we have to return to our home galaxy."

Lin Feng nodded slightly, and did not object.

She wants to stay, but what's the use of staying

Yang Yi and the "Ice Tiger" fell into the space debris, and after Kutum left, the space debris produced by it was out of control and may appear in any corner of the universe. Even if Yang Yi is alive, it is difficult to get out. It may take hundreds of years to appear after the original energy that forms space debris is naturally dissipated. Obviously, even if Lin Feng is patient, it is impossible to wait here for hundreds of years.

Lin Liexun knew Lin Feng's mood at this time, and didn't say much, nodded to the staff officer who had been waiting at the door.

Although the war hadn't broken out yet, after the federal authorities issued the order to enter a wartime state, all soldiers from Zhan Ruilin to ordinary soldiers had to report back to their units immediately.

The "Steel Ambition" was launched and turned first.

Looking at Lin Feng, who was facing away from him, Lin Liexun resisted the urge to speak.

As someone who came by, Lin Liexun believed that all Lin Feng needed was some time.

Not long after, the "Steel Ambition" arrived on the route into the space jump channel. Because it is an SS-class battleship, a lot of preparations need to be made before the space jump. Only in combat conditions can the "Steel Ambition" make a space jump in an emergency manner.

At this time, a red light was lit in the commander's bridge.

At the same time, the space jump system was shut down in an emergency.

"what happened!?"

"Report, unidentified spatial fluctuation detected."


"The space near the channel singularity is disturbed and has been distorted and deformed. The safety lock device was activated in an emergency, terminating the jumping procedure."

"What interference?"

"Finding the source of interference."

"Send the image near the channel singularity."

When Lin Liexun said these words, Lin Feng came over.

Soon, the three-dimensional projected image appeared in front of the two of them.

The space jump channel is actually a semi-open space debris, so the entrance of the jump channel itself is a controlled dissipative primordial energy singularity. Simply put, this singularity can be controlled artificially, and it will naturally dissipate if it is not controlled.

Because the safety locking device was activated in an emergency, the passage was not deployed, so what appeared was just a point where the original energy was converged.

On the projection screen, this spot emits a bright light.

Not quite right!

Lin Feng frowned and looked at Lin Liexun who was standing next to him.



"The energy fluctuates abnormally, exceeding 100% of the maximum normal value, and it is still increasing."


"The energy fluctuation of the singularity is abnormal, and it has exceeded the energy input when opening the space jump channel, indicating that there is another energy source."

Lin Liexun was taken aback for a moment, and immediately called up the relevant data.


After the safety lock system is activated, the "Steel Ambition" no longer inputs the original energy for the channel singularity, but the original energy of the singularity is still increasing.

More importantly, the singularity is not dissipated due to loss of control.

This means that not only does another energy source provide energy for the singularity, it also controls the singularity.

The channel singularity has been reversed!

At this moment, a dazzling light came. Not from the projection screen, but from outside the porthole, precisely from the channel singularity.

The "Iron Ambition" is an SS-class battleship with a huge size. In order to ensure that all the battleships can pass through, the channel singularity is generally opened tens of kilometers away. Across this distance, the light emitted when the singularity dissipates is so dazzling, which proves the data collected by the detector.

However, the light flashed by, and then disappeared.

"What happened?"

"Report, the singularity has dissipated and disappeared."


"The instrument works normally, and the channel singularity has disappeared."

Lin Liexun was shocked, while Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment before rushing out of the commander's bridge. Lin Liexun reacted and rushed out.

"Don't go too far, I'll arrange for someone to respond."

"Be prepared for first aid."

Lin Liexun agreed and watched Lin Feng leave.

Not long after, the "Fire Phoenix" flew out of the "Iron Ambition" hangar. Although it was damaged in the previous battle with Kutum, the "Fire Phoenix" can still be used, but it cannot enter a full combat form and does not prevent flying in space.

Besides, Lin Feng is a tenth-level soldier, able to protect himself with a barrier of primordial energy.

What began to happen indicated that the channel singularity created by the "Steel Ambition" was controlled by others. Because the jumping channel has not been opened, that is, the exit has not yet formed, and there are no other warships nearby, the only thing that can control the channel singularity is from the inside of the channel, that is, space debris.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng immediately thought of Yang Yi.

If the space debris where Yang Yi is located is nearby, and it happens to overlap with the space debris created when the "Steel Ambition" opened the jumping channel, it is possible to control the channel singularity from the inside and turn the channel over to take advantage of this strangeness. Click to leave the space debris.

Although in theory, the possibility of this situation is very slim, especially if two space debris overlap, it is almost impossible to happen. You must know that space debris is actually parallel space, which cannot be measured by the size of the three-dimensional universe, and can be superimposed infinitely on the same point. But it's not impossible, especially the existence of that beast egg, magnifying this tiny probability by countless times.

Don't forget, the natural beast emperor itself has superpowers to control space, especially the blue blood wolf.

Rumor has it that an adult blue blood wolf, even if it is not the Beast King, can tear open space by roaring. Blue blood wolves that have reached level twelve are able to create space channels to other planets and galaxies by tearing apart space, so that they can travel to other planets to thrive.

In fact, the blue blood wolf did not become extinct like the Wanjiaolong, relying on this superpower.

In the historical records of the Silicon Charm Alliance, the blue blood wolves have been encircled and suppressed several times. As a result, the adult blue blood wolves have the super ability to tear space and let a few blue blood wolves escape. Although the birthplace of blue blood wolves has been destroyed, there are still a few blue blood wolves living on remote planets in the Northern Alpha Galaxy.

If it was a blue blood wolf, and it was a born Beast Emperor, then nothing is impossible!

However, Lin Feng was not happy at all.

The beast emperor is the beast emperor, even a natural born beast emperor that has just hatched has extremely strong combat power and is highly aggressive. The blue blood wolf can tear open space and tear Yang Yi into pieces. It may not be Yang Yi who came out of the channel singularity, but a blue blood wolf!

In fact, this is why Lin Xiaoting is so nervous.

The domesticated beast emperor will also listen to the war emperor's call, while a wild beast emperor is driven by instinct, is not controlled at all, and has more destructive power.

If you let this beast emperor run away, you will suffer endlessly.

After Lin Feng flew out with the "Fire Phoenix", Lin Liexun immediately issued a battle order. The officers and soldiers on the "Iron Ambition" immediately entered combat positions, and other warships in the fleet also received orders, ready to appear nearby at any time. The Beast Emperor opened fire.

The born beast king who grew up was extremely powerful, at least level fifteen, and his combat power was even higher than that of Heavenly Territory Warriors. In the past five thousand years, no warrior of the Galactic Alliance has defeated the Beast Emperor. Even Xiao Wentian at the time was killed by the Beast Emperor in the final battle of the Beacon Star offensive and defensive battle. Fortunately, the natural beast emperor is not born to be very strong, and the newborn beast emperor is also very weak. Although there is no evidence, according to the information spied by the Hidden Spirit Race, the growth of the natural beast emperor is extremely slow, and some require thousands of years to grow up to adulthood. Even some with excellent talents take hundreds of years to reach adulthood. The born beast king before adulthood is not tough.

With the "Iron Ambition", dealing with a newly born beast king should be fine.

Inside the commander's bridge, the officials all stared nervously at the screen in front of them. The detection systems on the "Iron Ambition" have all been turned on, closely monitoring the surroundings of the warship. The atmosphere was very tense, not to mention ordinary staff officers, even Lin Liexun, at this moment, was sweating in his hands.