
Chapter 148: War mobilization


Yang Yi’s speculation was quickly confirmed. When the "Iron Ambition" rushed out of the leaping channel and returned to the home galaxy, the theater command sent a message that the Simei Alliance tore up the armistice agreement and the fleet and the legion entered the Greenwich meteorite. In the northern zone, the forward bases of the first and second theaters were attacked, and several battles took place in the defense zone of the third theater. In view of the severity of the situation, the federal authorities will issue a war mobilization order within 24 hours. In order for the army to complete its pre-war preparations in time, the federal authorities have approved the advancement of internal mobilization in various war zones. Marshal Zhan Ruilin had already signed the mobilization order, so the officers and soldiers in service immediately returned to the original army to report, and the reserve soldiers went to the nearest barracks to report within 12 hours. Before long, the third theater will enter a state of war.

The first to complete the mobilization was the theater headquarters. When Yang Yi and the others came back, it was already overcrowded.

After settling in Jackson and others, Yang Yi and Lin Feng followed Lin Liexun to the chief of staff's office. Lin Xiaoting had been waiting for a long time.

"You immediately return to the headquarters of the Special Investigation Team." Lin Xiaoting's expression was severe. "The defense lines of the first theater and the second theater have been attacked. Although we have not had a large-scale battle for the time being, it is not calm. Judging from the current situation, the enemy is still testing our defense deployment and finding loopholes. Then there will be a large-scale offensive. As expected, you will soon have a mission."

Lin Feng nodded slightly, without saying much.

Yang Yi glanced at Lin Feng and said to Lin Xiaoting: "Why did the enemy attack the defense lines of the first and second theaters in the first place?"


"It is Kutum who is responsible for guarding the Greenwich line, and his previous actions are clearly directed at us and should be mainly directed at us."

"This is exactly what we need to worry about."

Yang Yi frowned and didn't quite understand what Lin Xiaoting meant.

"Your analysis is correct. The enemy will definitely focus on attacking our line of defense. Now that we concentrate our forces on the defense lines of the first and second theaters, it is very likely that it will be a shock to the west, and perhaps there are other purposes. In short, we can't take it lightly. Now This situation is very abnormal."

"What do we need to do?" Lin Feng asked.

"There is no task yet, but I have issued a mobilization order, and the officers and soldiers of the special reconnaissance brigade have received the order." Lin Xiaoting exhaled, and then said, "Lin Shuai feels that the enemy will attack the first and second battle zones first. The zone’s defense line is likely to use this to divide us and let us fight inwardly. Simply put, this war was triggered by us, and it was the first and second theaters that suffered first."

Lin Feng was surprised secretly, his expression suddenly became solemn.

"Lin Shuai has contacted the commanders of the first and second theaters, and is discussing what to do. Our mission is very simple, and we must never let the enemy succeed. It's just that whether it's us, or the first and second theaters. In the war zone, time is most needed at the moment."

"Complete the war mobilization?"

Lin Xiaoting nodded and said: "Although the federal authorities are about to issue a war mobilization order, it will take enough time to complete the war mobilization. In addition, it also takes time to convince other members of the alliance to conduct war mobilization. Obviously, we cannot rely on our own strength. To defeat the Silicon Magic Alliance. For us, what we need most is time. From a tactical level, all we need to do is to hold the line of defense."

"After I go back, I will complete the combat preparation work as quickly as possible, waiting for the command to issue an order."

Lin Xiaoting glanced at Lin Feng, nodded slightly, and then said, "The mobile units of the theater headquarters are being assembled. If a large-scale battle breaks out, I will send mobile units to support and assist the special reconnaissance team. Just, don't hold too much. Hope, you have to be mentally prepared."

Lin Feng nodded and agreed, showing that he understood what Lin Xiaoting meant.

Lin Xiaoting didn't stop talking, and asked Lin Liexun to send Yang Yi and Lin Feng to the space port. The "Shadow" is ready and can set off at any time.

Yang Yi was not idle either. He boarded the "Shadow" and briefly introduced the situation to Jackson and others.

Fortunately, Jackson and others were all mentally prepared and were not surprised. Lin Feng was not vague either. He went through the formalities for Jackson and the others to join the special investigation team on the spot, and gave them corresponding military ranks based on their combat capabilities in actual combat.

Jackson has reached the level of Renkui fighters. Although he has not mastered the corresponding combat skills, he can't compare with the real Renkui fighters, but there is no problem in combat power. It's a pity that the highest rank of the special investigation team is colonel, so Jackson can only get the rank of colonel. Fortunately, Jackson is satisfied with this rank. Besides, Lin Feng is only a colonel, so he can't surpass the captain.

Justin received the AAA grade original energy converter, the combat power reached the tenth level of combat soldiers, and also obtained the rank of colonel. As for Buck and others, Lin Feng awarded the ranks of lieutenant colonel and major according to their combat power. Corresponding to it are the privileges possessed by all ranks.

Regarding the issue of military rank, it was Yang Yi that gave Lin Feng the most headache.

If you strictly follow the special reconnaissance team's rank evaluation standards, Yang Yi can only get the rank of major at most, but Yang Yi's actual combat ability is definitely not below Jackson, and he should be awarded the rank of colonel. Lin Feng originally planned to apply for special approval for Yang Yi, but Yang Yi didn't care much about his rank. Under Yang Yi's gradual progress, Lin Feng had to give up this idea. Besides, the war is about to break out, and there are a lot of trivial matters in the theater command. You can't go to Lin Liexun for personal problems. If it spreads out, it will be criticized behind the scenes. In addition, as long as Yang Yi accumulates enough completion in his actions, his promotion to the military rank in the future will be a matter of course and there is no difficulty at all.

Relatively speaking, military rank is still a trivial matter.

It is No. 1 and No. 11 that really give Yang Yi a headache.

Both the 1st and the 11th are human clones, and in the Human Federation and the Galaxy Alliance, human clones exist illegally, without even basic human rights.

Prior to this, the 1st and the 11th followed Yang Yi around. Not many people knew them, and fewer people had direct contact with them, so the identity of the two was not very prominent. Even if someone asks, they can be fooled by the identity of a member of the special investigation team.

Obviously, this approach will not work.

Lin Feng proposed a method, that is, to use the opportunity of internal mobilization of the army to assign a brand new identity to No. 1 and No. 11 so that they can join the special reconnaissance team in the name of recruits. As long as they become official members of the special investigation team, their new identity will be recognized.

This is an effective method.

If in peacetime, the process of applying for a new identity first needs to be reviewed by the federal authorities, not to mention the third theater, even if the military comes forward, it will not be able to get through. However, after entering the state of wartime, everything is given priority to the military, and even the federal authorities have to make way for the military.

In the name of recruiting new recruits, it is not difficult to apply for new identities on the 1st and 11th.

You know, as long as they enter a state of wartime, all members of the Human Federation, whether they are citizens, civilians, mercenaries, or pirates, as long as they are humans, must fight for the Federation unconditionally. According to relevant laws, anyone who refuses to fight for the Federation during the war can be considered a traitor. This brings about a problem, that is, many illegal people in peacetime need to change their identities before joining the federal army. In order to recruit enough soldiers, the military can only compromise with reality, that is, provide new identities for those in need when going through the procedures for recruiting new soldiers. Because the military dominates federal affairs during the war, the new identity provided by the military has legitimacy.

In fact, this is also one of the ways to attract personnel to serve in the army during the war.

To put it harshly, some illegal people use this opportunity to obtain legal status and become legal residents of the Human Federation.

It's just that a new identity needs a new name, and it's a decent name.

Obviously, "One" and "Eleven" are not names.

Yang Yi didn't overstep me, but asked for the opinions of No.1 and No.11. In fact, the two had no idea, and hoped that Yang Yi would make the decision for them.

Because time is limited, Yang Yi didn't think much.

The genes of No. 1 come from Yan Zhanlong. Strictly speaking, Yan Zhanlong is the "father" of No. 1. Yang Yi suggested that No. 1 use "Yan" as the surname. One adopted Yang Yi's suggestion and gave herself the name "Jilong". Yang Yi did not object, and felt that the name was also good.

With the experience of number one, it is easier to name the number eleven.

The gene for the 11th comes from Gong Baixu, so Yang Yi suggested that the 11th should be named "Gong", and the 11th should give himself the name "Xiaoxu".

After the two had chosen their names, Lin Feng used the authority of the captain of the special investigation brigade to register the two for the record.

Like Jackson and others, "Yan Jilong" and "Gong Xiaoxu" also assessed military ranks based on the height of combat power in accordance with the standards of the special reconnaissance brigade. Yan Jilong is a seventh-level soldier with the corresponding rank of captain. Gong Xiaoxu is a fifth-level soldier, and the corresponding rank is lieutenant. Although the level is a bit lower, neither of them cares. For them, it is more important to have a formal and legal status and to get everyone's approval.

After Yang Yi and Lin Feng arranged the personnel relations of the people, the "Shadow" also returned to the headquarters of the special investigation brigade.

In fact, this is Yang Yi's second time here. Yang Yi has never returned since he joined the special investigation team and became Lin Feng's subordinate, and followed Lin Feng to search for the "Ice Tiger". To him, the headquarters of the Special Investigation Team is still a strange and mysterious place.

Lin Feng is the captain, and there are many things waiting for her to deal with. After getting off the "Shadow", Lin Feng left Yang Yi and the others and left in a hurry. As for whether Yang Yi and the others will go hungry, Lin Feng is not very worried, at least Yang Yi knows that he can use his merits to order the restaurant to pay the bill. Besides, Yang Yi has accumulated a lot of merit points from finding the "Frost and Snow Tiger" to destroying the Luo family's conspiracy.