
Chapter 150: Compromise and concession


When Lin Xiaoting came in, the meeting was still going on.

Zhan Ruilin was sitting with his back facing the door. There were eight other theater commanders beside the round conference table, but that was only their three-dimensional projection.

Although in theory, the president is the first citizen of the Confederation, the chief executive of the Confederation in peacetime, and the supreme commander of the Confederation in times of war, in reality, the president is only a symbol, especially in times of war. Is the supreme commander.

The nine people together are the "Marshals Joint Council" of the Federal Army.

As long as the federation enters a state of war, the military department is the highest decision-making and command body of the federation, and even the federal authorities must obey the command of the military department. Any major decision made by the military must first be approved at the marshal’s contact meeting, especially with the support of the three main theater commanders.

Among these nine people, the most powerful is undoubtedly Zhan Ruilin. There are only two people who can compete with Zhan Ruilin, namely, Marshal Sean in the first theater and Marshal Matthews in the second theater. However, affected by the strength of the theater, Sean and Matthews can work together to check and balance Zhan Ruilin. As for the other six theater commanders, neither their influence nor their personal strength can compare to Zhan Ruilin, Shaun and Matthews.

This situation has been formed for thousands of years and has not been broken yet.

Obviously, compared with the nine theater commanders, Lin Xiaoting, the general chief of staff, is nothing.

Closing the door, Lin Xiaoting walked behind Zhan Ruilin and didn't say anything in a hurry.

The atmosphere of the meeting was very tense. Even if Zhan Ruilin was silent, Sean and Matthews closed their lips, Lin Xiaoting could still feel that everyone's eyes were on Zhan Ruilin. The person who is speaking is Marshal Watanabe of the Eighth Theater, he is a subordinate promoted by Zhan Ruilin, and the Eighth Theater is also an ally of the Third Theater. Although Watanabe's attitude is clear, his words don't have much weight.

Lin Xiaoting still knew something about this marshal.

In the war a thousand years ago, Watanabe Kanhiro and Zhan Ruilin were born as soldiers, but he was not as lucky as Zhan Ruilin and was not favored by Xiao Wentian. It wasn't until Xiao Wentian's martyrdom and the offensive and defensive battle of Beacon Star ended that Watanabe Kanhiro got the chance to stand out.

It can be said that Watanabe's Kanhiro can have today, relying on Zhan Ruilin's promotion.

After Xiao Wentian's martyrdom, although the human legion did not have infighting due to the sudden power vacuum, three forces headed by Zhan Ruilin, Xiao En, and Matthews have formed. The point is that among Xiao Wentian's hand-picked generals in the offensive and defensive battle of the Lighthouse Star, only three of them survived. In addition, in the human army at the time, the combat power of Zhan Ruilin and the others was far superior to that of other generals.

Although at this time, the differentiation of wars has begun to take shape, but the sphere of influence has not been formed. In order to consolidate their position and expand their influence, Zhan Ruilin, Sean and Matthews each promoted a group of subordinates, and Watanabe Kanhiro was one of them.

By the end of the Fifth Greenwich War, Watanabe Kanhiro had become a soldier of Renkui, and he was alone.

Before the end of the war, in order to prevent the military from sitting on a large scale, the federal authorities recognized the division of wars and divided the three wars into nine theaters in this way to weaken the influence of Zhan Ruilin, Shaun, and Matthews. In addition, Zhan Ruilin's abnormal performance in the later stages of the war, especially during the Battle of the Dawn of Peace, made top civilizations such as the Hidden Spirits vigilant, thus providing a reason for the federal authorities to dismember the theater.

As a result, Watanabe Kanhiro became the lucky one.

Of course, this did not change the relationship between Watanabe Kanhiro and Zhan Ruilin.

Although he took the position of commander of the eighth theater and was promoted to marshal, Watanabe Kanhiro's influence in the army was very limited. In addition, Watanabe Kanhiro belonged to the Dongying clan, and after the "disaster of the world", the Dongying clan followed the Huaxia clan on the road of escape. After thousands of years of integration, the Dongying tribe has become a part of the "Great Huaxia", and the true Dongying tribe no longer exists.

Of course, the surnames of the Dongying tribe continued.

It can be said that Watanabe's magnanimous influence is far inferior to Zhan Ruilin's not only in the military, but even among the people. Without Zhan Ruilin's support and acquiescence, Watanabe Kanhiro would be nothing. Besides, it was Zhan Ruilin who pushed Watanabe Kanhiro to the throne of the theater commander.

It is not so much that Watanabe Kanhiro is an ally of Zhan Ruilin, it is better to say that he is Zhan Ruilin's subordinate.

This is very clear in the relationship between the two.

For Watanabe Kanhiro, Zhan Ruilin's support is indispensable. To put it mildly, without Zhan Ruilin's support, Watanabe Kanhiro couldn't sit still in the position of commander of the eighth theater for a day. Conversely, even without Watanabe's magnanimity, Zhan Ruilin still has Ruan Mingzhi from the seventh theater and Jin Taizhong from the ninth theater.

With Lin Xiaoting's understanding, Watanabe's magnanimousness at this time is still far behind Zhan Ruilin. Taking personal combat power as an example, even if Watanabe Kanhiro has broken through the realm of Renkui warriors and entered the ranks of Earth Soul warriors, he is only just getting started. Zhan Ruilin is the strongest Earth Soul warrior, and he might have broken through. Become a Celestial Warrior.

Of course, Watanabe is generous and ambitious, but hides it deeply.

Among the three men hand-drawn by Zhan Ruilin, namely Ruan Mingzhi, Watanabe Kanhiro, and Kim Taezhong, Watanabe Kanhiro is the most ambitious one. It's not that Zhan Ruilin didn't know, but he had no choice at the time. This can be seen from Watanabe Kanhiro as the commander of the eighth theater.

The defense zone of the eighth theater is in the southwest direction of the third theater, adjacent to the seventh theater, and the defense zone of the ninth theater is at the rear. According to this deployment, the main task of the eighth theater in wartime is to cover the left wing of the third theater and be responsible for dealing with threats from the defense zone of the first theater. If an offensive is launched, the main task of the eighth theater is to assault from the left and assist the third theater to expand the offensive front. This is similar to the seventh theater, except that the seventh theater is on the right wing of the third theater, and the most critical is the ninth theater. Regardless of the time, the ninth theater is responsible for guarding the rear of the third theater and maintaining the unimpeded logistics supply line.

It can be seen that Zhan Ruilin trusts Jin Taizhong the most.

In fact, Jin Taizhong is also the most loyal.

According to this arrangement, whether it is Watanabe Kanhiro or Ruan Mingzhi, if they want to surpass Zhan Ruilin or replace Zhan Ruilin, they must first join forces and also have to focus on Jin Taizhong. The problem is that Watanabe Kanhiro has always been at odds with Ruan Mingzhi, and it is absolutely impossible to join forces, and it is impossible to hold Jin Taizhong while challenging Zhan Ruilin. As a result, Watanabe Kanhiro and Ruan Mingzhi restrained each other and could not pose a threat to Zhan Ruilin.

Of course, this is only a time of peace.

As for whether Watanabe Kanhiro would continue to follow Zhan Ruilin's dispatch during the war, Lin Xiaoting had no idea, after all, his qualifications were too shallow.

After a long while, Watanabe Kanhiro finished speaking, and became quiet again.

The atmosphere is not only tense, but also a bit embarrassing.

Zhan Ruilin still sat there motionless, looking like he was asleep. Lin Xiaoting wanted to remind Zhan Ruilin, but did not say anything.

Compared with these big bosses who hold real power, Lin Xiaoting, the general chief of staff, is not in style at all.

"Lin Shuai, we believe in your personality, and we believe in your judgment and grasp of the situation. However, no one can deny that the outbreak of this war is more or less directly related to the third theater." It was Sean who broke the silence. His strength ranks third among the nine marshals, second only to Zhan Ruilin and Matthews. "I'm not suspicious of you, nor do I mean it. What I want to say is that no matter how high-sounding it is, it can't compare to actual action. The war has broken out, and what we need is action, not guarantees made here And promises. Although the current situation in each theater is not ideal, we all need enough time to complete the war mobilization, but the enemy’s main force is concentrated on the defense line between the first theater and the second theater. If the first theater and the second theater The defense line of the theater is breached, and the third theater and all other theaters will be affected, and it will not only be the first theater and the second theater that will suffer losses at that time."

"Marshal Xiao En, just tell me if you have any suggestions." Zhan Ruilin finally spoke.

"Lin Shuai is really refreshing." Xiao En smiled reluctantly, and said, "My proposal is very simple. The third theater has not been attacked for the time being, and some troops are scored, and it is the elite force to support the first and second theaters. , To assist the first and second theaters to repel the invading enemy. Of course, the first and second theaters will also provide full assistance. After all, guarding the defense line is the unshirkable responsibility of each theater."

Zhan Ruilin did not answer immediately, but looked at Matthews.

Matthews' expression did not change at all, and he remained silent, that is, acquiescing to Sean's proposal.

Although Matthews has been working with Sean against Zhan Ruilin for thousands of years, the cooperation between the two is limited to this, and there are still many contradictions between the two and the two war zones.

"Everyone, do you have any other suggestions?"

No one said anything, after all, Sean's proposal was already in place.

"Marshal Sean, your proposal is very reasonable, and I will make arrangements immediately. Of course, the first theater and the second theater will also provide necessary assistance."

"no problem."

"If there is nothing else, stop here."

At the end of the meeting, Zhan Ruilin turned off the communication equipment, and the projections of the other eight theater commanders disappeared.

At this time, Lin Xiaoting stepped forward.

"After the first theater and the second theater send the battlefield information, make corresponding arrangements."

"Which troop to send?" Lin Xiaoting didn't talk nonsense.

In fact, he had already seen it, and Zhan Ruilin made a compromise and was forced. If Zhan Ruilin does not compromise, Sean will take the opportunity to attack, and Matthews will also join in. In order to maintain the overall situation, Zhan Ruilin can only compromise, otherwise the human federation will lose itself without fighting.

"Sean made it very clear, and I agreed."


Zhan Ruilin waved his hand and said nothing more. Lin Xiaoting didn't stay anymore and left.

Obviously, Zhan Ruilin meant to send a special reconnaissance team to assist the first and second theaters. This was a helpless but necessary decision.