
Chapter 151: living hell


"Captain, the route planning is completed, and it is expected to arrive in fifteen minutes."

"Okay, remind me five minutes in advance."

Allen's image disappeared. Lin Feng turned around and looked at Yang Yi who was behind him. Then he opened the door of the room and entered the conference center of the "Shadow".

Inside, dozens of officers and soldiers who participated in the operation were sitting in danger, waiting for Lin Feng and Yang Yi.

After receiving the order from the theater headquarters, Lin Feng made arrangements and deployment. Because it was going to the first battle zone, in addition to bringing Yang Yi and others, Lin Feng also added a squadron. It's not that Lin Feng has no confidence in Yang Yi and the others, but that he doesn't know the difficulty of this task.

This is not to blame Lin Feng, but the theater command did not explain clearly.

The content of the order is only one sentence: Go to Prometheus and assist the local garrison to resist the invasion until the reinforcements of the first theater arrive.

Although Prometheus is no stranger to the officers and soldiers of the special reconnaissance brigade such as Lin Feng, the mission order did not mention the current combat situation or the size of the garrison. As for when the reinforcements of the first theater will arrive, it is still unknown.

In the first war zone, Prometheus can be said to be famous, on par with the planet.

This planet is located in the heart of the Greenwich Meteorite Belt, less than 100 million kilometers from the ceasefire line. Although it has the size of a planet, it is a lone star surrounded by a gaseous nebula. According to scientists' speculation, Prometheus star is a product of the star's big bang, or to be precise, a remnant. In time, about hundreds of millions of years later, Prometheus star will be able to rely on its own gravity to attract materials from nearby nebulae and evolve into a star after obtaining sufficient mass. If you are lucky, there may be several planets. It's just that it's hundreds of millions of years later, and whether Prometheus can exist stably for hundreds of millions of years is still unknown.

It is not that the area where Prometheus is located is unstable, but that its strategic location is too important.

In the Fifth Greenwich War a thousand years ago, an extremely tragic battle took place here. At that time, in order to cooperate with the third theater to march into the northern Alpha galaxy and launch the military operation of the Peace Dawn, the first theater also launched a combat operation against Prometheus. Because the third theater has advanced to the northern Alpha galaxy, the Simei Alliance has not defended Prometheus. In addition, the first theater of war successfully captured Prometheus and unplugged the last stronghold of the Silicon Magic Alliance in the southern zone of the Greenwich Meteorite Belt. It was also the reason why the Silicon Magic Alliance signed the armistice agreement and ceded half of the Greenwich meteorite belt to the Galactic Alliance. one.

It can be seen that the Prometheus star has extremely high strategic value.

The problem is that it is too close to the center line of the Greenwich Meteorite Belt, which is the ceasefire line.

Although the value of Prometheus star is mainly reflected in its position, after the war, according to the armistice agreement signed by the two sides, the area where Prometheus star is located is a military restricted zone. Not allowed.

To put it simply, if the Human Legion is stationed on Prometheus, it can use it as a springboard at any time to sweep the northern part of the Greenwich Meteorite Belt.

However, the first theater did not strictly abide by the armistice agreement, and the Prometheus star had its current appearance.

Before the end of the Fifth Greenwich War, the Command of the First Theater Command secretly formulated a plan to build Prometheus Star into a fortress-type military base, and dispatched military engineers after the formal ceasefire to calculate battle damage. Go to Prometheus for a field trip. Subsequently, the Command of the First Theater Command began to gather equipment and materials, and also specially formed an engineering unit.

It is a pity that the armistice negotiations ended before the construction plan formulated by the First Theater was implemented.

According to the armistice agreement, the first theater of war can only abandon the plan to build forward fortresses. However, the strategic value of Prometheus Star has not been reduced as a result.

In fact, the origin of the name "Prometheus" is very interesting.

Unable to build a forward military base on Prometheus, the first theater did not give up, but drilled a loophole in the armistice agreement. This means that both sides can send non-resident paramilitary forces to the demilitarized zone on the grounds of public security in order to maintain the stability of the demilitarized zone.

As a result, less than a hundred years after the end of the Fifth Greenwich War, the first batch of interstellar mercenaries and pirates appeared on Prometheus, and a temporary base was built to travel to the north of the Greenwich Meteor Belt. Provide support for expeditions in the North Alpha galaxy.

It was also during this period that the first batch of mercenaries and pirates who came here called this planet "Prometheus."

Soon thereafter, the First War Zone sent a paramilitary force of a security nature to Prometheus on the grounds of maintaining security in the demilitarized zone, and built a military base there. In the following hundreds of years, this simple military base expanded steadily and became a huge military fortress, and Prometheus became the most important forward base in the area under the jurisdiction of the First Theater.

However, the Silicon Magic Alliance did not watch the fire from the other side.

You know, Prometheus is too close to the ceasefire line, and there is no block in the direction to the northern part of the Greenwich Meteorite Belt. If it is a fleet, even without a space jump, it can cross the ceasefire line in a few hours at one-tenth the speed of light. Starting from this, marching all the way to the north, the Human Legion can successfully invade the Northern Alpha Galaxy, and the Silicon Magic Alliance has nowhere to defend.

Of course, attacking Prometheus is impossible.

In order to cope with the threat from the human legion, the Silicon Charm Alliance has adopted common methods, that is, creating a tide of beasts and allowing wild silicon beasts to attack Prometheus.

In the past thousands of years, every once in a while, as long as a hundred years, or as short as several years, there will be a wave of wild silicon beasts coming to Prometheus. Although most of the time, the scale of the beast wave is not very large, and the silicon beast is not too strong, the army stationed on Prometheus can fully cope with it. It's just that, on average, there will be a wave of large-scale beasts every 100 years, and even twelve-level wild silicon beasts will appear.

Whenever such a tide of beasts arrives, the garrison on Prometheus will almost be wiped out.

The last large-scale beast attack occurred two years ago, the year Lin Feng joined the special investigation team.

In just a few days, the garrison on Prometheus suffered most of the casualties. Although the first theater of war was partially mobilized when the tide of beasts arrived, and support troops were dispatched, the fleet transporting the support troops encountered a level 12 silicon beast before reaching Prometheus. As a result, not only did the supporting forces not reach Prometheus, they also lost most of them. Because it was impossible to gather more troops in a short time, the first theater had to ask for help from other theaters. The third war zone sent reinforcements to the special reconnaissance team. In that battle, the former captain of the special reconnaissance squadron joined forces with eight warrior-level masters from other war zones to get rid of the twelfth-level silicon beast entrenched on the Prometheus star. Unfortunately, they are still a step late. Although all the wild silicon beasts were eventually eliminated, the local garrison had all sacrificed, and even the military bases painstakingly managed by the first theater were devastated.

Because the strategic value of the Prometheus star is so important, the first theater did not give up, but began to rebuild soon after the Prometheus star was recovered. Only one year later, the military base was rebuilt in the first theater of war, and garrisons were sent to Prometheus again.

Of course, Prometheus not only has the army of the first theater, but also many mercenaries and pirates.

Although the First Theater Command has never admitted, anyone knows that these mercenaries and pirates who used Prometheus as a springboard to explore the northern part of the Greenwich Meteor Belt and the northern Alpha galaxy are actually the first theater of war. Yes, at least it has the secret support of the first theater. In addition, a small number of mercenaries and pirates themselves are secret troops in the first theater. The value of their existence is to monitor the movement of the Silicon Magic Alliance in peacetime, spy on military intelligence, and obtain the enemy's military deployment. If a war breaks out, these mercenaries and pirates will immediately be transformed into servicemen in the first theater, participating in the battle as a regular army in the first theater.

Although it was the wild silicon beast that launched the attack, the war between the Galactic Alliance and the Silicon Charm Alliance did not end here, but lasted for nearly a thousand years. If the Sixth Greenwich War did not break out, this situation would continue, perhaps for thousands of years.

Frequent beast attacks have made Prometheus a real hell on earth.

Even in a relatively peaceful period, Prometheus is full of dangers, and all those who dare to move on Prometheus are desperadoes.

In this regard, Jackson deeply felt.

Although Jackson was already well-known in the mercenary world before he met Yang Yi, and his "Warrior Corps" is not very weak, Jackson has only been to Prometheus once, and his stay is very short. In Jackson's words, he was a sixth-level soldier at the time, and on Prometheus, the sixth-level soldier was not even a fart. The mercenaries who have been active on Prometheus for a long time need at least the strength of the eighth-level combat soldiers. If they want to explore the northern part of the Greenwich meteorite belt, they need the tenth-level combat soldiers. As for going to the Northern Alpha galaxy, the tenth-level soldier is the lowest threshold. Only by reaching the level of a Renkui fighter can they hope to return alive.

Those who walk with danger are extremely harsh environments.

Prometheus is a lone star, and it is a lone star shrouded by a gaseous nebula. The environment is extremely harsh whether it is on the surface or underground.

Being able to survive on this planet and endure such an extreme environment is a miracle in itself.

If the Prometheus star in peacetime is the hell on earth, then the Prometheus star at this time may be the real purgatory.