
Chapter 152: Shocked


The intelligence provided by the theater command is extremely limited, one sentence can be clear, and one sentence is too much.

However, this is by no means a good thing, it is not worthy of joy at all.

"There is too little intelligence, we have to prepare for the worst."

It was Shen Chengwen, the squadron leader of the strategic squadron who broke the silence, a genuine veteran, and the oldest one in the current special reconnaissance squadron.

Of course, people are as their name suggests.

After he spoke, everyone's eyes fell on him, and Yang Yi also deliberately looked at him carefully.

Although in his profile, he was only a tenth-level soldier, but that resume was more than a hundred years ago, and Yang Yi saw it at a glance. He is a real warrior, and his combat power lies far behind Jackson. Above. What makes Yang Yi even more surprised is that he has two completely different original abilities. Obviously, he has two original energy converters, one of which is AAA grade and the other is S grade.

There is no doubt that in this room, Shen Chengwen has the strongest combat power.

Not to mention Jackson, even Yang Yi is not sure to beat him. The key is that he has two original energy converters, and Yang Yi has never encountered such an opponent.

Fortunately, Shen Chengwen is not an enemy, but a comrade-in-arms, a trustworthy and dependable comrade-in-arms.

As early as more than a hundred years ago, Shen Chengwen joined the special investigation team and was promoted to colonel in less than ten years. Because the strategic squadron has only one squadron leader, Shen Chengwen has been the leader of the strategic squadron for more than a hundred years before becoming the squadron leader. Although Shen Chengwen has a high reputation in the strategic squadron by virtue of his strong combat power, he has no privileges and has to perform tasks with other officers and soldiers.

Hundreds of years of fighting gave Shen Chengwen enough practical experience.

In fact, this is also the reason Lin Feng took him to Prometheus.

Don't forget, the number one mission of the Strategic Squadron in peacetime is to perform secret missions against the Silicon Magic Alliance. The officers and soldiers of the Strategic Squadron have been active in the northern part of the Greenwich Meteor Belt for a long time, dealing with Silicon Beasts for many years. Top masters like Shen Chengwen often travel to the Northern Alpha Galaxy to perform secret missions that are not visible. Although he has never made it public, he must have dealt with the enemies of the Silicon Magic Alliance.

Obviously, the experience that Shen Chengwen has is exactly what Lin Feng, Yang Yi and others lack.

"Why, is it all strange?" Shen Chengwen glanced at the others and said, "Actually, there is no need to make a fuss. In the past hundreds of years, the military has conducted a simulated military exercise every year. Although I don't know much, But in the simulation exercises I know, Prometheus is a battleground for military strategists, and it can even be said to be the dead spot of the first theater. It is completely reasonable to be attacked now."

"Bad hole?" Yang Yi's brow jumped a few times.

Shen Chengwen nodded slightly, stared at Yang Yi for a few seconds, and then said: "According to the armistice agreement, the North and South have demarcated a demilitarized zone based on the center line of the Greenwich meteorite belt. Dispatch regular military forces in the zone. Prometheus is in the demilitarized zone, and it is the planetary object closest to the center line on our side. If war breaks out again, we can use Prometheus as a springboard to march The Northern Alpha galaxy poses a fatal threat to the right flank of the Silicon Magic Alliance’s defense line. To put it mildly, unless the Silicon Magic Alliance can build a planetary space fortress to the north, it will have to pull out this nail. The same goes for if The Silicon Magic Alliance takes the lead, throws in heavy troops to capture Prometheus at a very fast speed, and can sweep our left-wing defense line. At that time, not only the first theater will be defeated, but the fourth, fifth, and sixth theaters will be affected. Implicated, even we can't be alone. In the case of left wing instability, at least let the eighth theater extend the line of defense, which is equal to lengthening our line of defense, and it is equivalent to distracting our forces. At that time, we can only have to Passively beaten."

Yang Yi nodded thoughtfully, without saying much.

"Prometheus star is so important, the first war zone will not be unprepared, right?" Jackson asked.

After a glance at Jackson, Shen Chengwen said: "What can be prepared for the first theater? You know, according to the armistice agreement signed that year, the military base built by the first theater on Prometheus and the troops stationed there are enough to become The reason for the Silicon Magic Alliance to launch a war. Even if the enemy did not take this attack, the first theater cannot be reckless. In fact, the Silicon Magic Alliance has never relaxed its vigilance. The wave of beasts that attacked Prometheus two years ago This is what the Silicon Charm Alliance did. Every wave of beasts before the next time was a masterpiece of the Silicon Charm Alliance. To put it bluntly, the Silicon Charm Alliance has a bottom line. As long as the actions of the first theater do not cross this bottom line, the Silicon Charm Alliance I’ll treat it as if I didn’t see it."

"If the Prometheus star falls into the hands of the enemy, it will completely collapse the defense line of the first theater, and even pose a threat to other theaters. Isn't it the best choice to blow up the Prometheus star when necessary? In any case, it is much better than falling into the hands of the enemy."

"Blow up the Prometheus star?"

Shen Chengwen showed a look of surprise, but Yang Yi who had said these words fell silent.

"Brother, it's a planetary object. Do you know how many such objects are in the Greenwich Meteorite Belt, and how many such objects are next to the centerline?"

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, he really didn't know.

"Yes, blowing up the Prometheus star can indeed prevent the enemy from using it as a springboard to sweep the Greenwich meteorite belt, at least to stabilize the left wing defense line. The question is, then?" Shen Chengwen shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "Five thousand. In the past few years, the Greenwich War has been fought five times, but it has never ended. Do you know why? In fact, as early as the end of the First Greenwich War, someone proposed to create a black hole in the central area of the Greenwich Meteorological Belt, so as to transform the north and the south. The galaxy is completely divided. As long as this black hole is large enough, even with the current level of technology, it cannot be surpassed, and there is no need to worry about being invaded by the Silicon Magic Alliance."

"This is indeed a good way."

"Do you think so?" Shen Chengwen glanced at Yang Yi and said, "Without a common enemy, does the Galactic Alliance have any value? Besides, the Southern Alpha Galaxy is already overcrowded, and any intelligent civilization has the potential to expand its living space. **, we also need to obtain resources for survival. Obviously, the closest to us is the Northern Alpha Galaxy. Even if there is no threat from the Silicon Magic Alliance, what we get is not permanent peace, but for living space and resources and other civilizations. In fact, even if there is only human civilization, civil wars will erupt due to limited living space and resources. There is no permanent peace at all."

Yang Yi sighed secretly, he could not find a reason to refute.

"Our war with the Silicon Charm Alliance will definitely end, and the way it ends depends on whether we sweep the Northern Alpha Galaxy or the Silicon Charm Alliance sweeps the Southern Alpha Galaxy. If we can't enter the Northern Alpha Galaxy, even if we build a steely We will also lose this battle for the right to survive. To enter the Northern Alpha Galaxy, we need Prometheus.” Shen Chengwen paused for a while, and said, “At least with the current technology, It is almost impossible to build a planetary-star space fortress in the Greenwich Meteor Belt. Even if there is no technical problem, sufficient time and resources are needed."

"This is not something we need to care about." After Shen Chengwen finished speaking, Lin Feng brought the topic back. "Shen Squadron is right. We must prepare for the worst. However, the battle situation may not be as simple as we are guessing now. The Silicon Charm Alliance has dispatched heavy troops, and I am afraid that there are other purposes besides capturing Prometheus. The mission is very clear. We have to rush to Prometheus in time to assist the garrison to reach the reinforcements of the first theater. As for how to complete the mission, we can only figure out after reaching Prometheus. Now, we need to figure it out. Yes, how can I reach the Prometheus star in time, instead of going to the net."

At this time, everyone was silent, and even Shen Chengwen closed his mouth.

Although no relevant information has been obtained, it is conceivable that the enemy must have blocked Prometheus. The "Shadow" is only a reconnaissance ship without heavy firepower or heavy armor. It cannot break through the enemy's blockade at all. Star Michels would have been shot down before.

"Sounds against the west." Yang Yi broke the silence.

Everyone else looked at him and waited for him to speak.

"After arriving near Prometheus, Captain Lin Feng and I led the enemy away, and you took the'Shadow' to the garrison base."

"Driving a fighter plane?" Shen Chengwen asked.

Yang Yi nodded and said, "Although the Fire Phoenix and the Ice Snow Tiger are damaged, they can still be used. Although they cannot be used against the silicon beasts controlled by the warlord, there is no problem with ordinary fighters. As long as you can reach the garrison base in time, we can try to get rid of the enemy."

"and then?"

Yang Yi didn't say a word, because there was no more.

"This is a way, but you two can't do it." Shen Chengwen exhaled and said, "The Silicon Charm Alliance is definitely a must. The commander of the battle will not be the warlord, it should be the war king, at least close to the war king level Combatant. With the current state of the two fighters, you can't escape at all. In addition, you don't have enough weight to bring out the enemy's commander. You need a bigger decoy."

"You mean..."

"For us, killing a warlord is the supreme honor. For the warlords of the Silicon Magic Alliance, it is the same for killing a warrior.

Yang Yi's brows jumped a few times, and he glanced at Jackson.

"Of course, if it is two soldiers, it will be even more attractive." Shen Chengwen smiled and looked at Jackson.