
Chapter 153: Absolutely trust


Because it is surrounded by a gaseous nebula, from a distance, Prometheus star looks like a luminous star. Although it is a bit small and the light is not too bright, the weak light in the Greenwich meteorite belt shrouded in darkness is particularly dazzling and eye-catching.

However, near the Prometheus star at this time, there are thousands of warships, large and small.

All battleships of the Silicon Magic Alliance!

"Alan, how long will it take?"

"analysing… "

"Hurry up." Lin Feng was very impatient, as were the others.

Although the magic cloak system has been activated, the "Shadow" is still less than 10 million kilometers away from Prometheus and may be spotted by enemy ships at any time.

Of course, this can't be blamed on Allen.

In order to hide its whereabouts, the "Shadow" can only use passive detection equipment to find the enemy's flagship. Because the distance is too far, the detection accuracy is not high, so Allen needs enough time to analyze and judge according to the activities of the enemy ships, especially the positions of the warships in the fleet.

"Colonel, the results came out."

"Where is the enemy's flagship?"

"There are three suspicious targets." When Allen said this, the three warships on the projection screen turned red. "They are all S-class battleships, and they are all likely to be SS-class battleships. Because the information obtained is limited, it can only be concluded that one of them is a flagship. To obtain more accurate analysis results, more information is needed, and to obtain The only way to get information is to shorten the distance. Do you need to get closer?"

"No, no need." Lin Fengchang exhaled and looked at Yang Yi.

Yang Yi did not immediately express his opinion, but cast a look at Shen Chengwen for consultation.

If it was just a few of them, Yang Yi would make a decision. Only now, on the "Shadow", there are officers and soldiers of the strategic squadron led by Shen Chengwen.

Strictly speaking, Shen Chengwen is the main force.

"These three are all flagships." Shen Chengwen exhaled and said, "From the perspective of the size of the enemy fleet, there are probably three independent fleets, and there are also three flagships. In order to capture Prometheus in one fell swoop, Silicon It is also reasonable for the Charm Alliance to dispatch three fleets."

"So, we have to be divided into three ways?"

Shen Chengwen shook his head slightly and glanced at Lin Feng.

"Squadron Shen, you have the richest experience, and we all follow your command." Lin Feng immediately stated his attitude, and did not claim to be a captain.

"If there are three fleets, then in my experience, each of the three fleets has a commander at the general level, and it is very likely that they are close to the existence of the warlord. With the inferior nature of the Silicon Magic Alliance, unless a warlord is in command , Otherwise the three commanders will definitely not buy each other. Simply put, the three fleets are fighting on their own. Look carefully, the deployment of enemy ships is somewhat regular, obviously divided into three camps."

When Shen Chengwen said so, Yang Yi and others noticed.

"This is also our opportunity."

"what chance?"

"Don't forget, we are all soldiers here." Shen Chengwen smiled faintly and said to Lin Feng, "Wait, you and Major Yang drove a fighter plane to attack the junction of the enemy's two fleets and made a kill to Prometheus. Of course, the "Shadow" has to take you to Prometheus together. What you have to do is to try your best to reach the base of the garrison safely, in addition to leading the enemy as much as possible."

"But… "

Shen Chengwen pressed his hand and said, "As long as the movement you make is big enough, you can attract a warrior. When you broke through, everyone except me and Colonel Jackson landed in Promi in lifeboats. Husseus. Of course, you have to do your best to shoot down a few enemy warships. Small warships must drop into the atmosphere immediately and disintegrate when they fall."

Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, indicating that he understood what Shen Chengwen meant.

"Brother, dare you go with me to meet the enemy's generals?" Shen Chengwen looked at Jackson.

Jackson smiled faintly and said nothing, but his attitude was clear. Before joining the special reconnaissance team, he was a mercenary who was fearless and fearless. Besides, the current Jackson is no longer the original Wu Xia Amon. Not only does he have the S-level primal energy converter and the combat power of Renkui fighters, he has also learned several kinds of Renkui fighters from the special reconnaissance team's combat skills database , Although not proficient enough, but has basically mastered it.

Perhaps Jackson's combat effectiveness is not as good as Shen Chengwen, but it will not be much worse.

Jackson has full confidence in dealing with ordinary war fighters. Even if he encounters a general who is close to the King of War, Jackson has a way to escape.

"Everyone, are there any questions?"

"How do you get to Prometheus?" Yang Yi asked.

"Of course it is to board the enemy's battleship."

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Shen Chengwen without understanding.

"Don't worry, as long as you don't hold back, we can reach Prometheus smoothly even if we can't kill the enemy's warlords."

At this time, Yang Yi was a bit speechless. According to Shen Chengwen, they all became a burden.

"If it's okay, everyone should prepare."

Yang Yi still had a few questions, but when he saw the look in Lin Feng's eyes, he didn't ask any more. Turning to think about it, Yang Yi also felt that he was unreasonably worried. Shen Chengwen is a Renkui warrior, and Jackson is also a Renkui warrior, and both of them are better than ordinary warriors. If the two fight together, even if they encounter a warlord who is close to the battle king level, it is not without a fight, at least they can get a chance to escape.

In fact, Yang Yi doesn't know how powerful Shen Chengwen is.

However, Lin Feng's absolute trust in Shen Chengwen is enough to show that Shen Chengwen is not so powerful.

"Don't worry, Shen Squadron has rich experience and is well-measured in doing things." Lin Fengcai said to Yang Yi who followed him out of the meeting room. "In the special investigation team, he is the most trustworthy squadron leader. You still don't know very well now. He will know from now on."

Yang Yi nodded slightly, without asking Shen Chengwen's past.

At this time, millions of kilometers away.

"Adili" is an SS-class battleship. In the lingua franca of the Silicon Magic Alliance, "Adili" means "bronze wall and iron wall".

This huge warship, like a large meteorite, is also the flagship of the Ferro fleet.

The commander of the Ferro fleet is the commander of Ferro.

In the Silicon Magic Alliance, at least in the area under the jurisdiction of Kutum, no one has never heard of Ferro. I am afraid that no one except Kutum is not afraid of Ferro.

Although Kutum has thousands of warriors under his command, only twelve warriors followed Kutum to participate in the Fifth Greenwich War and have survived to this day. Ferro is one of them, and the most powerful one, and it is correct to say that it is the most brutal one.

In the Fifth Greenwich War, Filo was known for his brutal methods.

Rumor has it that Filo once led a legion to capture the home planet of a civilization, and then let his subordinates wanton killing, which eventually led to the complete extinction of the civilization.

It's just that it was a thousand years ago.

Although Fero once followed Kutum on the battlefield and made great contributions, from another perspective, his existence also poses a threat to Kutum. You know, in the Silicon Magic Alliance, everything is determined by strength, and among the many factors that affect strength, time is the most critical. To put it simply, the longer you live, the stronger your strength. Even if there is no adventure, as long as they live for thousands of years, they can also become a warlord-level existence. What's more, Ferro participated in the Fifth Greenwich War and has a wealth of practical experience, and his strength is far superior to that of ordinary war fighters. Even if Kutum's strength is increasing, Ferro's existence is a threat after all.

It can be said that if it hadn't been for the threat from the Galactic Alliance that hadn't been eradicated, Ferro would have been dead long ago.

In fact, Fero's loyalty to Kutum was only because his strength was not as good as Kutum. If he didn't surrender, there would only be a dead end.

For the past thousand years, Ferro has been very frustrated.

Although Kutum gave him enough space to survive, and even allowed him to form a fleet to become a real power fighter who guards one side, Kutum also promoted a large number of new generations, and some were even insignificant. Waste, and gave many precious opportunities to those waste.

Now, the opportunity came, but it was not quite the same as Ferro had imagined.

It is undeniable that Prometheus has a vital strategist system, but does it need to send three fleets over and command the battle by three generals

In addition, among the three warriors, it is not Ferro who is in charge, but someone else.

This arrangement of Kutum made Fero realize that Kutum did not trust him and was still guarding him.

It's not that he's afraid that he won't be able to play Prometheus, but that he will be big in this war, and even that he will get the chance to be promoted to the king of war.

Ferro was aggrieved and aggrieved.

In fact, he doesn't have much ambition. His mind is very simple. He just wants to prove his worth through battle and find a sense of existence in battle.

As an iron-clad warrior, and born with a very strong fighting force, Filo felt that he was alive to fight.

Unfortunately, there is no place for him on this battlefield.

The offensive has lasted for three days, and Ferro's task is still to be responsible for perimeter security. Although he repeatedly offered to participate in combat operations against the garrison base and was willing to take all responsibilities, the squatter sent by Kutum refused to agree and insisted on letting him take the fleet out of the battlefield.

Standing by the porthole, towards the star of Prometheus in the distance, Ferro had no expression on his face, but it was not a feeling in his heart.

This is just a planetary celestial body, and the garrison has less than 10,000 officers and soldiers, and there are not enough heavy weapons, not even a few fighter planes. If a thousand years ago, he could lay down the garrison base and wipe out all the garrisons in only one day, but now three days have passed.

Peace is a poison, and it is not just the intelligent civilization of the Galactic Alliance that is poisoned.

Of course, Ferro believes that when the war breaks out again, the war will burn all the waste, and only the real strong can grow up in the war.

The war has broken out, and the future will be the era of the strong.