
Chapter 155: Killed in one blow


Although the opponent was a soldier, Ferro had absolute confidence.

What a human being, nothing more than a tiny ant.

Although in the war thousands of years ago, the human legion broke out with amazing combat effectiveness, in Ferro's view, the human legion relied on quantity. It can be said that on any battlefield, the only advantage of the human legion is its strength. It is by virtue of its huge military strength that the Human Legion has become the main force of the Galactic Alliance to launch a counterattack. If measured by individual combat power, human beings are very small except for very few strong ones.

What is a soldier

As early as a thousand years ago, Ferro was a warrior and one of the most powerful warriors under Kutum. In that war that lasted for hundreds of years, Filo had faced human soldiers countless times. Only the eighth-level soldiers were qualified to challenge him, and the tenth-level soldiers could barely contend with him. As for defeating him, it is absolutely impossible, and soldiers can never do it, at least they need a master of the rank of warrior.

Besides, it was a thousand years ago.

Although in the past thousand years, Ferro's combat power has not made a substantial leap, and he is still a warrior today, but he is certainly the strongest warrior under Kutum, not one of them. In other words, Filo is a warlord who is infinitely close to the warlord and possesses the strength to compete with the warlord.

How strong is this kind of war

A few months ago, Yang Yi met such a warrior on Lava Star. At that time, Lin Feng, who piloted the "Fire Phoenix", was not his opponent, until the Hidden Spirit Clan's Prince Cardoso, who was also the brother of Princess Amy, Barnes, came to kill him. Measured in terms of combat power, the strongest general is equivalent to human beings, far surpassing warriors, and even tenth-level warriors can't compete with them.

Ferro is such a powerful existence.

The opponent was just a soldier, and Ferro had no reason to be afraid.

It's just that Ferro was wrong, and it was very wrong.

The opponent is indeed a soldier, but he is also a Renkui fighter, and a Renkui fighter in peak state.

The fighting saber full of instincts stabbed head-on, without any tricks, just a bland stabbing, even a recruit who had just entered the barracks could stab such a stabbing. The speed of this thorn is very slow, at least it looks very slow, and there is not much strength, it seems weak.

It wasn't until the tip of the knife came forward that Ferro suddenly realized.

Obviously, it was too late.

At the moment when Ferro was stabbed, the primal energy deflagration attached to the saber increased a hundred times or more, and it was a completely different source of primal energy. At the same time, the speed of the saber increased by hundreds of times, as fast as lightning. Even if Filo had felt the deadly threat, his brain had given instructions to his body, but before his body could react, the saber had already submerged in his chest.

Just a bland sting!

"you… "

"I said, to kill you, this knife is enough."

The original energy attached to the saber exploded in Ferro's body, swallowing every cell of Ferro's body like a flood, and was absorbing energy.

Not to release energy, but to absorb!

Ferro is a silicon-based life, and the energy in his body is internal energy.

Losing internal energy means losing body temperature.

For silicon-based life, lowering body temperature is a dead end.

Ferro stared at the tiny human in front of him in surprise, until his thinking stopped, he didn't want to understand why this person was so powerful.

Is he just a soldier

When Filo's body became stiff, Shen Chengwen smiled coldly, drew out the combat saber, waved it smoothly, and threw off the solidifying magma stuck to the saber.

Shen Chengwen is indeed a soldier, but a soldier with an S-class power converter.

This S-level original energy converter gave him the combat power of a Renkui warrior. Of course, in normal times, Shen Chengwen would not display this power converter captured on the battlefield in a high-profile manner. He would only use it in battle, especially when encountering a strong man like Ferro. Get up, in an instant the strength of a Renkui warrior burst out. Because there is an AAA-level primordial power converter, and the control of the two primordial power converters has reached the level of proficiency, so Shen Chengwen's instantaneous burst of combat power is equivalent to the peak state of the warrior. Although this kind of combat state could not be maintained for long, it was enough to kill opponents like Ferro.

More importantly, the two original energy converters allowed Shen Chengwen to master a lot of incredible combat skills.

For example, when he killed Ferro, Shen Chengwen turned the S-class primordial energy converter to absorb the original energy released by the AAA-class primal energy converter. Because the power of the S-class primary energy converter is hundreds of times that of the AAA-class primary energy converter, it also absorbs the energy in Ferro's body, which causes Ferro's body temperature to drop rapidly and solidifies his body. It is also the most effective way to kill silicon-based life.

In a blink of an eye, Ferro's huge body collapsed.

"Not bad, it seems that this guy is indeed Ferro." Shen Chengwen smiled faintly, waved his hand, and picked up the luminous sphere that had fallen on the ground.

That is a prime energy converter, Ferro's prime energy converter.

Shen Chengwen took a closer look and put away the original energy converter.

Although it is an S-class original energy converter, the quality is not very good, and it has been used for some years, even if it can be used, it is of little value.

"Man, did you kill that guy so soon?"

Hearing the greeting, Shen Chengwen looked back, and it was Jackson who had arrived. "Your movements are not slow."

"The bomb is installed and cannot be disassembled. It will detonate in five minutes. We'd better get out of here quickly."

Shen Chengwen nodded without saying much, and followed Jackson toward the hangar.

After killing the iron tiger, Shen Chengwen asked Jackson to go to the cabin of the battleship, blow up the power system on the battleship, and crash the battleship. Their task is to destroy the enemy's flagship, so that the enemy fleet will have no leader, so as to assist Yang Yi and others to successfully land on Prometheus. Obviously, just killing the enemy's commander is not enough. That's why Shen Chengwen took Jackson and let Jackson be responsible for destroying the battleship.

However, the two ran into trouble before they arrived in the cabin.

The death of Filo does not mean that other enemies on the battleship will disarm and surrender. In fact, in the five Greenwich wars in the past five thousand years, there was no such thing as a "surrender". Whether it is the Silicon Magic Alliance or the Galaxy Alliance, soldiers on either side will fight to the end. The reason is simple. For the soldiers on both sides, surrender is not only a shame, it also means death, or a very painful death.

Hundreds of Silicon Magic warriors rushed out, desperately attacking Shen Chengwen and Jackson.

This is an SS-class battleship, not only the flagship of the Ferro fleet, but also a huge transport ship, carrying 100,000 Silicon Charm fighters.

"Kill out!"


Shen Chengwen roared and Jackson took the lead.

Obviously, no Silicon Charm fighter can stop them. The problem is that there are too many enemies, even if there is no command, like a headless fly, it takes a lot of time to kill so many enemies. Not to mention there are only two people, even if Yang Yi and others are all here, it is impossible to kill all the Silicon Charm fighters on the "Ateli" in five minutes. Obviously, Shen Chengwen and Jackson did not want to die with this warship.

You know, this is an SS-class warship, and what drives this warship is a large SS-class primitive converter.

Compared with small primary energy converters used by individual soldiers, in order to achieve long-term trouble-free operation, large primary energy converters have matching primary energy storages, so that they can continue to operate in the event of failure or routine maintenance. Provide energy for the various equipment of the battleship.

The energy released by the explosion of an SS-class primary energy converter is enough to destroy a giant planet.

Even if Shen Chengwen and Jackson are both human-queen fighters and can protect themselves with energy barriers, they may not be able to survive the explosion of the large-scale power converter.

Besides, the two were on the battleship, too close to the explosion point.

If the primal energy converter exploded and the primordial energy released quickly collapsed to form a primordial black hole, then the two would fall into the primordial black hole, and they would never be able to escape.

"Damn, there are too many enemies."

"Help me block the enemy."

Jackson did not dare to hesitate, and immediately slowed down to let Shen Chengwen lead the way, and he was responsible for dealing with the Silicon Charm fighters who tried to attack Shen Chengwen.

However, Shen Chengwen did not lead the way, but walked in a straight line.

With the appearance of the primordial armor, Shen Chengwen turned himself into a sharp knife, shooting straight forward like a cannonball made of primordial energy.

Seeing this situation, Jackson was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately followed.

Shen Chengwen's full use can be said to be unstoppable, not to mention the Silicon Charm warrior ahead, even the hard bulkhead is as fragile as tofu.

It doesn't matter whether you kill the enemy or not. The most urgent thing is to leave the warship as soon as possible, and escape as far as possible.

It’s just that this battleship is really too big, and the inside is a honeycomb structure. In front of Shen Chengwen and Jackson, there are not only thousands of Simei fighters, but also hundreds of bulkheads made of extremely hard special alloys. There is also a layer of hard rock that is tens of meters thick.

Shen Chengwen tried his best, but the speed couldn't get up.

"Man, I'll help you!"

Jackson knew that any delay would be finished. He stopped paying attention to the nearby Simei warriors, rushed up to withstand Shen Chengwen, and used all his strength to push Shen Chengwen.

The speed suddenly increased, but the explosion also occurred at this time.


Hearing the explosion, Jackson and Shen Chengwen trembled in their hearts. Immediately afterwards, a huge force was generated, as if being dragged by a rope.


Both knew that hearing the sound of the explosion meant that they were within the reach of the explosion, and it also meant that they did not leave the inevitable zone of the primordial black hole.

In theory, it only takes less than 0.1 second to collapse the primordial energy released by the explosion to form a primordial black hole.

Obviously, in such a short period of time, the two of them could not escape the scope of the explosion anyway.

Could it be that it's so finished!