
Chapter 156: The war arena


In an instant, time seemed to stop.

All this happened so suddenly that Shen Chengwen and Jackson's thinking did not turn around at all. As for what I think of at this time, it's all nonsense.

Suddenly, when they realized that they were still alive, Shen Chengwen and Jackson realized that the huge force that had suddenly appeared that dragged them back had disappeared. Immediately afterwards, the two people discovered that they had left the warship, to be precise, they had left the space where the warship was located.

what happened!


When the dazzling white light suddenly appeared, Shen Chengwen yelled. However, Jackson couldn't hear his shouting at all.

That is, in an instant, that little light disappeared.

When his eyesight was restored, Shen Chengwen first saw the "Ice Tiger" and the "Fire Phoenix" not far away, and then Jackson next to him.

In the distance, that huge battleship has disappeared, and the enemy fleet has collapsed.

Suddenly, Shen Chengwen understood.

They did not escape the scope of the explosion, but they were still alive, and it was Yang Yi and Lin Feng who rescued them from the original black hole. The space debris is used, that is, they are first sucked into the space debris, and then a channel connected to other places is opened, and then they are allowed to come out of the space debris. This is the only way to fight against the black hole's gravity and escape from the primordial black hole.

"Squadron Shen, are you all right?"


The "Fire Phoenix" and "Hanbingxuehu" flew over, and Lin Feng and Yang Yi greeted them respectively.

"We are fine."

Jackson also nodded towards Yang Yi, saying that he was safe and sound, but he was scared into a cold sweat.

"It's fine, we have to get out of here quickly."

Shen Chengwen and Jackson were not too wordy, and climbed one after the other on the "Ice Tiger". The "Shadow" was tens of kilometers away, and because the enemy fleet had collapsed, the danger was temporarily eliminated. However, there were three enemy fleets besieging Prometheus, and only one was defeated. This is not a place to stay for a long time, and it won't be long before the warships of the other two fleets will come over.

Back on the "Shadow", Shen Chengwen and Jackson breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course, they did not ask Yang Yi and Lin Feng.

Yang Yi and Lin Feng didn't explain much, and they couldn't explain it, because it was not them, nor the two legendary fighters, who saved Shen Chengwen and Jackson, but the small, fist-sized blue blood wolf. In fact, the "Hold Ice Snow Tiger" and the "Fire Phoenix" did not have the ability to create space debris.

When Shen Chengwen and Jackson went to the enemy's flagship, Yang Yi and Lin Feng followed the plan and drove a fighter plane to attract the enemy's attention. However, the enemy plane that went to intercept them was too weak, so after breaking through the enemy's blockade, Yang Yi and Lin Feng killed them again. The two of them weren't capable, but worried about Shen Chengwen and Jackson. After all, how powerful the enemy's commanders were, even Shen Chengwen had no idea.

What happened next, Yang Yi is not very clear.

Only one thing is certain. When the enemy's flagship exploded, it shocked the little bit who had been hiding in the space storage. Blue-blooded wolves are naturally extremely sensitive to primal energy and spatial fluctuations, and are very spiritual. By the time Yang Yi suddenly reacted, Shen Chengwen and Jackson had fallen into the space debris created by the little bit. However, Yang Yi will not tell others about the existence of Xiao Budian.

This discovery surprised Yang Yi.

The little bit can actually create space debris across tens of thousands of kilometers, and can control the space debris to leave the gravitational field of the primordial black hole.

This ability is really too powerful.

If you let other people know, not only will you end up not just a little bit, but Yang Yi also don't want to be safe.

You know, this little hand that didn't reveal it has proved that it is a born beast emperor, and it is not yet an adult, and has high plasticity.

Whether in the Silicon Charm Alliance or the Galaxy Alliance, a young born beast king is invaluable.

Of course, Yang Yi didn't need to explain to Shen Chengwen.

Both the "Hanbingxuehu" and the "Fire Phoenix" are legendary fighters, and the two fighters can work together to exert extraordinary strength. More importantly, the last time the two fighters joined forces was more than a thousand years ago. Soldiers born after the war like Shen Chengwen have no idea how amazing the two legendary fighters are. Yang Yi remained silent, and Shen Chengwen would believe that it was the space debris created by the legendary warfare mechanism that saved them.

After Lin Feng gave the order, Allen controlled the "Shadow" to fly towards the garrison base.

Although there were still two enemy fleets, the Filo fleet collapsed and the enemy had no time to look after him. For a while, he did not notice the tiny "Shadow".

In order to avoid being accidentally injured by the defenders, the speed of the "Shadow" was not fast.

Although the incident happened very suddenly and ended very quickly, that is, it happened in a blink of an eye, but Shen Chengwen knew very well in his heart that Yang Yi and Lin Feng saved him.

"Squadron Shen, what do you mean?"

"The commander of the enemy fleet is Ferro, and this is his original energy converter." Shen Chengwen handed the captured original energy converter to Lin Feng. "Although according to the rules, this is my spoils and does not need to be turned in, but without you, I have fallen into the black hole of primordial energy and there is no chance of escape. This primordial energy converter has been damaged, but it can be repaired. Play greater value."

Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment before he came to understand. "Squadron Shen, you also need such a power converter."

"Captain, don't be polite." Yang Yi stepped forward and accepted the original energy converter for Lin Feng. "Squadron Shen can't use such a defective product."

Lin Feng was stunned again, looking at Yang Yi without understanding.

Yang Yi just smiled, without further explanation, and told Shen Chengwen to walk away.

Shen Chengwen was surprised, but grateful, because Yang Yi clearly saw that he had an S-class power converter, but he didn't break it in front of Lin Feng.

Although I thought Yang Yi's behavior was a bit strange, Lin Feng didn't think much about it.

Don't forget, Lin Feng is a tenth-level soldier, and all he has is an AAA-level original energy converter. One day in the future, after obtaining the S-level Primarch, Lin Feng needs an S-level Primal Energy Converter to become a Renkui warrior. You know, the S-class primary energy converter is hard to come by. Even if the S-class primordial power converter that Shen Chengwen seized was damaged, it can be used normally after being repaired, and it is by no means inferior to the AAA-class primordial power converter currently used by Lin Feng.

In fact, Lin Feng had no intention of guessing Yang Yi's weird behavior.

Not long after the "Shadow" entered the atmosphere of Prometheus, Allen also contacted the garrison and notified the arrival of the "Shadow".

Prometheus is a lone star surrounded by gaseous nebulae. The so-called atmosphere is actually a nebula made of plasma. Only at the bottom of the atmosphere, with a thickness of about one kilometer, is the air, and it is very turbid, and it will suffocate to death with a single breath.

It's just that Prometheus is not small at all, it is similar to the Bone Star, and it is a real planet.

In contrast, the base of the garrison is very small.

Although it is a lone star, Prometheus has an autobiography. The base of the garrison is built at the North Pole, and there is a fast path that penetrates the entire planet and reaches the South Pole. There is also a base on the South Pole, and it is huge, but it is not managed by the garrison, but belongs to several interstellar mercenary groups.

"That's it."

When Lin Feng raised his hand and pointed towards the distance, Yang Yi had already seen it.

The garrison base has been surrounded by enemies, to be precise, the enemy's corpse, that is, the solidified magma after cooling. Although the battlefield was calm and the enemy hadn't launched an offensive for the time being, it could be seen that the previous battle was extremely fierce and both sides suffered huge losses.

As the "Shadow" approached, a hole appeared in the energy barrier covering the base just enough for the "Shadow" to pass through.

At this time, Yang Yi saw more clearly.

The base has a radius of about ten kilometers, and there are three lines of defense on the periphery. The enemy has already breached the first line of defense and pushed the front line beyond the second line of defense. Based on three circular defense lines, the base has a total of three energy barriers. The outermost energy barrier has disappeared, and the "Shadow" passed through the second energy barrier. Inside the third energy barrier, the officers and soldiers in the base are still building a fourth circular line of defense.

There are a lot of manpower. There are thousands of officers and soldiers involved in the construction of the defense line alone, as well as a lot of heavy engineering equipment.

However, there are not many heavy weapons. Before the "Shadow" landed, Yang Yi only saw a few heavy tanks that were deployed into heavy artillery and were firing at the enemy in the distance. There are many motor vehicles, but they are all transport vehicles and are not equipped with weapons. In addition, the weapons used by the garrison officers and soldiers are mainly electromagnetic guns.

Before the "Dark Shadow" landed, Yang Yi's eyes fell on a row of white temporary buildings.

That is a battlefield hospital, and those temporarily erected houses are wards.

Obviously, many officers and soldiers were injured.

Although he doesn't have a lot of good feelings for the first theater, Yang Yi knows that the soldiers here are very brave and are doing their best in the battle against the invasion.

They are all heroes, and they deserve respect and admiration.

In front of the Silicon Magic Alliance, whether it is white skin or yellow skin, whether it is a Chinese or a Saxon, whether it is a citizen or a resident, there is no difference. In the face of a common enemy, mankind is a whole, everyone is the same, and there is no distinction between noble enemy and inferiority.

"It seems that the situation is worse than we thought." Shen Cheng murmured after hearing it.

Lin Feng nodded slightly, without saying much.

Yang Yi sighed secretly, not knowing what to say.

Obviously, even if they successfully arrived at the garrison base, even if they were all genuine soldiers, it would be a drop in the bucket for the current situation.

At this moment, Yang Yi truly felt how small an individual is in the face of a large-scale war.

Even a super power like Xiao Wentian, when facing an enemy with a legion as a unit, he has to rely on other people and need his own legion.

War is by no means a stage for individual heroism.