
Chapter 16: Brother and sister love each other



Suddenly, the sound of breaking through the air in the ear awakened Amy, not the wave of consciousness that entered my mind, but the sound of passing through the void and entering the ear.

In front of Amy, a miniature wormhole suddenly appeared, that is, the entrance of the jumping channel, blocking the black spear and engulfing the black spear.

It takes a lot of energy to open the jumping channel, and the deafening sound is transmitted to Amy's ears through the energy.

How is this going

In a blink of an eye, the jumping channel swallowed the entire black spear, and then disappeared.

"Who, come out for me!" Samanto's wave of consciousness came, not only was he no longer as arrogant as before, but he was obviously a little scared.

It is definitely not easy for a person who can break the "black hole" with one trick.

If there is no injury, using the "source of life", Amy has the confidence to break the "black hole", but it will take her full strength, and it will never be such an understatement.

Samanto's strength and Amy before the injury are at the same level, so he really should be afraid.

"An ant like you is not qualified to ask my identity."

Accompanied by the sound was an extremely dazzling light, and Amy also discovered that the medium that transmits the sound is indeed fluctuating energy, but it is a condensed line of energy. Only by possessing an advanced primal energy converter and being a super powerhouse of the same level of Primordial Energy, can the primordial energy converter be used to its limit, can the energy be gathered into silk, so as to transmit sound in the void of space.

There are fewer than a hundred such powerful existences even in the hidden spirit race.

Besides, this voice made Amy feel familiar.

The ray of light came from the void of space, and there was no sign before it appeared, and after it appeared, it gathered into a line, like a sharp arrow, shooting straight at the black fighter that Samanto was driving. It seemed that the speed of that light was not fast, and there was no threat at all.

The black warfare was moving, but it still retreated at full speed.

Run away!

The opponent hasn't come forward yet, and the top-level battle, which is infinitely close to the king of war, has chosen to escape. Just a speed of light, Samantuo didn't even have the courage to resist!

The light seems to be slow, but in fact it is almost at its extreme.

The black fighter had no time to turn around, so he could only retreat directly.

It is a pity that, except with the help of jumping channels, no object can move faster than the speed of light, nor can it be faster than that light.

The rays of light hit the black fighter plane, silently and unremarkably, as if nothing happened.

"You... who are you, how could it be, no... impossible..."

In the scream of Samanto, dense luminous cracks appeared on the surface of the black fighter. As a dazzling light flashed like a star exploding, the black fighter disappeared. Nothing was left, it seemed that it didn't exist at all, and it just disappeared without a trace.

At this time, the "Fire Phoenix" was approaching.

"Go away!"

Amidst the violent sound, a light curtain appeared in front of the "Agni Phoenix", and it just stopped the "Agni Phoenix" flying at one-tenth the speed of light. Just like falling into the restricted space, even if the woman urged the original energy to be converted into the "Fire Phoenix" to accelerate, it would be difficult to advance half an inch.

Thousands of kilometers away, several black fighters defeated by the "Fire Phoenix" are flying towards the S-class warship.

Those few are ordinary generals, and their strength is far inferior to that of Samanto. Seeing that Samanto was killed in one fell swoop, they lost the courage to fight.

"It's not that easy to escape!"

The light appeared again, but this time it was seven beams, exactly equal to the number of enemy planes that had escaped.

Although separated by thousands of kilometers, and the seven black fighters have accelerated, their speed is still too slow compared with the light. In the blink of an eye, the seven beams of light caught up with the seven black fighters. As at the beginning, the seven black fighters immediately disintegrated and exploded after being hit by the light. However, the seven rays of light did not disappear, but converged into an extremely strong beam, and shot toward the warship that was parked more than 10,000 kilometers away.

Hundreds of "Fire Bat" fighters flew out of the battleship, not fighting, but fleeing.

At the same time, there are a large number of escape boats, as well as dozens of warriors who are mixed in between the fighter planes and the lifeboats, intending to escape by taking advantage of the chaos.

These warlords have primary energy converters and are protected by energy barriers.

Although it is not far to escape, as long as you land on the lava star and find a place to hide, it is better than being slaughtered by that mysterious strong man.

It's just that no one can escape.

After being hit by the rays of light, a big explosion occurred inside the battleship, and a miniature black hole was immediately created. The huge gravitational force generated by the extreme distortion of space is like a big shapeless hand, grabbing everything nearby, even the light cannot escape, and it is dragged into the black hole abruptly.

"The Death of the Black Hole"

No, this trick should be called "purifying light", and it is the seventh layer of "immortal eternal life".

"Immortal Eternal Life" has nine floors in total, three and three are the first level, the first to the third are the beginners, the fourth to the sixth are the intermediate, and the seventh to the ninth are the high. Even in the imperial family of the Hidden Spirit Race, there are only a handful of people who have cultivated to a high level, and the identity of this person has already been revealed.

Although the manifestations are not the same, the attack effects of "Purification Light" and "Black Hole Death" are very similar.

There is only one difference between the two. The "purifying light" can be controlled, and the user can make the black hole annihilate, while the "black hole's death" can only wait for the black hole to die naturally.

In a blink of an eye, the S-class battleship was swallowed by the black hole, and none of the warplanes, lifeboats, and generals who escaped the battleship were spared.

In the cockpit of the "Hope", Brother Li and others were dumbfounded.

In the blink of an eye, the powerful Samantuo and the S-class battleship capable of destroying a star system are all finished.

is this real

This is true, it is true.

A person radiating white light appeared on the outside of the spaceship, right next to Amy, and his body and appearance were more Amy-like.

A hidden spirit man, a hidden spirit man a hundred times stronger than Amy.

However, he is a man, a male hermit.

With a wave of the man's right hand, an energy barrier enveloped him and Amy.

Looking at that person, instead of the joy that Amy should have after being rescued, Amy was very nervous, even shivering slightly, appearing extremely fearful.

"Amy, you disappointed me so much."

"Barnes, it's not like that, you misunderstood."

"Misunderstanding?" The man smiled coldly, flicked his right hand in the air, and the protective clothing on Amy's body turned into fragments. "You have liked to defend your mistakes since you were young. Do you think this is useful? For a few humble humans, you actually... what is going on, the'source of life'? You..."

The man looked at the "Hope", and after sweeping his eyes from the cockpit, he landed on the center of the hull where the engine room was.

"Barnes, don't..." Amy yelled, but it was too late.

As the man stretched out his hand and grabbed it, the "Hope" hull broke, and a huge force, like an invisible hand, grabbed Yang Yi in the cabin and pulled him out. Yang Yi is still unconscious, but subconsciously controls the "source of life". As soon as the hull of the spacecraft ruptured, an energy barrier wrapped Yang Yi's body and protected him, preventing him from being exposed to space and immediately dying.

"Unexpectedly, really unexpectedly."

"Barnes, what do you want, let him go."

"Don't you feel ashamed? For the sake of a few lowly humans, you gave up eternal life. Forget it, you actually gave the'source of life' to a human. Amy, I'm very disappointed in you. If so Let the father and mother know that they will be pissed off by you."

During the words, Yang Yi's body began to twist, his chest bulging high.

Obviously, that person was going to take back the "source of life" Amy gave to Yang Yi. With his strength, taking away the "source of life" is easy.

"Barnes, don't force me."

The man looked back and saw that Amy had floated to the edge of the energy barrier, and one step further out would rush out of the energy barrier and be exposed to space.

Even Hidden Spirits cannot survive in space without the protection of an energy barrier.

"To this day, you still refuse to call my brother. I know that you resent me, but the matter thousands of years ago was not my decision. It was for the entire hidden spirit race, for..."

That man turned out to be Amy's brother!

Amy is Princess Sija of the Hidden Spirit Race, and he is the prince of the Hidden Spirit Race.

"It was he who saved me, and it was he who took me away from Lava Star. I met Lei Dili and was seriously injured, unable to control the'source of life'."

"Are you going to die for him?" He looked at Amy with a complicated expression.

"He is only an H-class Primarch, but he can control and control the'source of life'. At the beginning, he took'life, death and seizure' to the extreme." Amy paused for a while, then said, "'source of life' 'For him to recognize his ancestors, he is the master of the'source of life'."

"You actually taught the'immortality and immortality' to a lowly human being!?"

"The emperor father said that no matter who it is, as long as he understands the essence of'immortal eternal life', he will be regarded as the royal family. Barnes, do you dare to violate the emperor father?"

"Father is talking about the hidden spirits, our kin."

"Father did not say that he must be a hidden spirit person."

"I'm killing him now, do you think the father will punish me for a humble human?"

"No, but you will lose your most beloved sister." With these words, Amy stretched her left hand out of the energy barrier. The limbs were frozen in a low temperature and caused unbearable pain, but Amy did not flinch or waver, just gritted her teeth and looked like she was dead.

"It seems that you are determined."

"I do resent you. You are too cold-blooded and cruel. I am your only sister. Although you can't change anything, you didn't do anything." Amy paused for a while and said, "Brother, do it right now. It’s not too late to make a decision, I'm still your sister."

His body trembled slightly, slowly letting go of Yang Yi, and then with a wave of his left hand, he threw a luminous object in front of Amy.

"Amy, you give the'source of life' to foreigners, even if your father and mother love you more, the elders will not forgive you. If I were you, I would not cause trouble to the father and behind the scenes. I can help you once, but I can't protect you for the rest of your life. You know what to do from now on, so you know."

Leaving this sentence aside, he disappeared.