
Chapter 160: Defeat the enemy and win


What he saw and heard made Yang Yi firm up his previous thoughts. Passive defense is definitely a dead end. The only way is to take the initiative to disrupt the enemy's offensive deployment and buy more time. The Prometheus star has an irreplaceable strategic value. The first theater will not sit idly by, and the reinforcements that stick to the first theater will count as victory. Just how to launch a counterattack, Yang Yi hasn't thought about it yet.

Discuss with Shen Chengwen and them, maybe you can come up with a solution.

Thinking this way, Yang Yi walked out of the bunker.

Outside, Karl is arranging tasks for several officers and soldiers. Nothing matters, just keep them vigilant and don't relax.

"How is it?" Shen Chengwen came over, and Jackson followed.

Yang Yi shook his head and said, "It's terrible. The garrison can hold the line of defense. It's not because of strong combat power, but because the enemy hasn't launched a decent attack."

"That said, we have to solve the problem here first."

Yang Yi frowned and looked at Shen Chengwen.

"After clarifying the enemy's deployment, we will discuss it. If necessary, we will fight a counterattack first so that the enemy cannot launch a large-scale offensive in a short period of time." Shen Chengwen exclaimed, "No matter what, this The military base must be guarded. If the garrison cannot hold the base after we leave, even if the Antarctic Star Base does not fall, our actions on Prometheus will be meaningless."

Yang Yi nodded slightly, expressing that he understood what Shen Chengwen meant.

At this time, Karl came over.

Although only one fortress was inspected, the situation on the entire defense line was the same. There was no need to go elsewhere. Yang Yi decided to return to the command center.

At this time, the battle started.

The attack came very suddenly. After Colonel Carl issued the alarm, Yang Yi, Shen Chengwen and Jackson responded. After they got into the bunker, the shells roared and fell down. The shelling lasted for fifteen minutes, and the explosion sounded one after another, never stopped.

"Don't worry, wait a minute."

Carl stopped Yang Yi and others and asked them to stay in the bunker.

After a brief period of calm, the shelling began again, and the explosion sounded more violently, and the ground was shaking violently, as if what fell was not a cannonball, but a huge stone.

Yang Yi noticed that Carl and other garrison officers and soldiers were very calm and were inspecting weapons and equipment.

Although he was a soldier, Karl still picked up an electromagnetic gun and loaded it with armor-piercing bullets. After inspecting the electromagnetic guns, several other officers and soldiers carefully checked their protective clothing. Shen Chengwen handed an electromagnetic gun to Yang Yi, and Jackson also picked up an electromagnetic gun.

Because there were many casualties, the garrison did not lack individual weapons.

"Remember, start, aim and shoot again, try to save ammunition." Karl exhorted. In fact, this is what Yang Yi said to them. "After repelling the first wave of the enemy's offensive, retreat to the back line of defense, don't delay, there is no need to fight the enemy hard."

After a while, the enemy's second round of shelling ended.

This round of shelling lasted only about five minutes. Although the explosion was more violent, there were significantly fewer shells dropped and the shelling area was much narrower.

"Ready? Kill!"

Carl rushed out first, followed by several officers and soldiers guarding the fortress, but Yang Yi, Shen Chengwen and Jackson were behind.

When he rushed out of the bunker, Yang Yi was dumbfounded, because the situation on the battlefield was completely different from what he had previously guessed.

The enemy had already attacked, and to be precise, he had smashed. In the initial shelling, not all shells fell, but most of them were vehicles used for airdrops. When Yang Yi rushed out of the bunker, these vehicles were already opened, and hundreds of enemies filed out.

"Da da da… "

Carl took the lead in firing, and a intensive rain of bullets immediately enveloped the nearest vehicle, sifting dozens of humanoid rock demons who had not had time to rush out. It’s just that Karl’s marksmanship is extremely accurate. Although he has been shooting, every shot accurately hits the enemy's head.

Obviously, this is the power of war soldiers.

Compared with ordinary soldiers, in addition to having the original energy converter, combat soldiers have extremely strong close combat effectiveness, but also have a faster reaction speed. In theory, the reaction speed of an eight-level soldier is thousands of times that of an ordinary soldier, that is, the reaction time required to make an action is only one-thousandth of that of an ordinary soldier. More importantly, Carl has the tenth-level original body, because he uses the A-level original energy converter, so he only has the combat power of the eighth-level soldiers.

At this time, Yang Yi understood why Karl used an electromagnetic gun.

Although with the combat power of the soldiers, Karl can rush to the hand to blade those humanoid rock demons, but the use of electromagnetic guns can eliminate the enemy more quickly.

Faced with hundreds of enemies, speed is everything.

"Da da da… "

"Da da da… "

"Da da da… "

Several officers and soldiers guarding the fort followed Carl and formed a skirmish line to fire at those enemies who had not been killed by Carl.

Although the marksmanship of these officers and soldiers is not comparable to that of Karl, they are not bad, and they can kill an enemy with each burst.

At this time, Yang Yi noticed that the airdrop vehicle is actually some huge rocks, and it is also a very common landing craft in the Silicon Magic Alliance. This egg-shaped vehicle with a diameter of about 100 meters can carry a thousand humanoid rock monsters at a time, and ten vehicles can deliver a legion of humanoid rock monsters.

Of course, these vehicles are for one-time use.

"Damn, it's exciting!"

"Da da da… "

Shen Chengwen roared and joined the battle.


Jackson also got excited, and followed Shen Chengwen to kill him.

Like Karl, both used electromagnetic guns. It's not that their combat power is not enough, but it is more refreshing to shoot at the enemy with electromagnetic guns.


Yang Yi didn't stop talking, and rushed up with Shen Chengwen and Jackson.

The appearance of three soldiers made the battle unsustainable. In a blink of an eye, the humanoid Rock Demon that fell into the vehicle less than two hundred meters from the bunker was wiped out. Because the vehicle was damaged when it landed and cannot be used again, there is no need to destroy it.

However, this is just a vehicle.

Although a thousand humanoid rock demons were killed in one go, it was not worth showing off at all, because the enemy had sent ten carriers near the bunker!

When Yang Yi and the others killed the humanoid Rock Demon in this vehicle, the enemies in the other nine vehicles had formed a square formation.

"Don't try hard, fight and withdraw as you go!"

Hearing Carl's shout, Yang Yi gave up the idea of charging, Shen Chengwen and Jackson also retreated, following Carl and other officers and soldiers to retreat to the rear.

Yang Yi was a little puzzled and didn't understand why Carl was so vigilant.

In the Silicon Charm Alliance, the humanoid rock monsters are just ordinary and equally important, and their status and nature are similar to that of the human legion, and they often need to rely on numbers to win. Although the other nine thousand humanoid rock demons have formed a phalanx, Yang Yi and the others are all war soldiers, and it is not a problem to kill the nine humanoid rock demons.

"Follow me!"

Under Carl's order, the officers and soldiers guarding the fort retreated first, and Yang Yi and the other three left behind with Carl to block the humanoid rock demon who began to advance.

This is too useless.

After retreating less than two hundred meters, a weird whistling sound came from the air, and then, the dense shells fell down.

It is indeed a cannonball, and it is a cannonball filled with liquid magma. Obviously, unless directly hit, these shells will not threaten silicon-based life such as humanoid rock monsters at all. This is a cannonball designed to deal with carbon-based life. High-temperature magma can burn human soldiers to death in an instant.

The shelling was very fierce, and the shells fell like raindrops.


Carl ran first, but Yang Yi and the other three dared to hesitate, and hurriedly ran.

Carl stopped after running to the back of the defense line.

At this moment, Yang Yi looked back and suddenly understood.

At first, if you did not retreat, but attacked with the strength of the soldiers, you would be shelled. Although they will not be killed by being hit by shells, even the soldiers will be inconvenient to move in the intensive shelling, and then they will be besieged by hundreds of humanoid rock demons.

Obviously, the counterattack is meaningless, and it will still be repelled in the end.

If it is not a soldier, but an ordinary soldier, the counterattack is to die. There is no doubt that Carl and the others have suffered before, and they know the enemy's offensive tactics well.

In addition, the shelling is not just to wipe out defenders on the line of defense.

When Yang Yi and the others retreated to the second line of defense, the shelling was still going on, and the shelling area was on the forward path of the humanoid rock demon army. The shells always fell within a few hundred meters in front of the humanoid rock magic cube. Inside. In other words, the enemy is using this method to open the way for the humanoid rock magic cube array, so that the area where the humanoid rock monster is always maintains a high temperature, and will not lose the ability to move due to the low temperature.

As long as the shelling continues, the Humanoid Rock Cube will be able to advance to the second line of defense.

Then what to do

Yang Yi looked back and saw that Karl was communicating with the rear, as if he was giving orders to the troops behind.

Is there a later move

Yang Yi immediately thought that Carl and the others had repelled dozens of enemy offensives and knew all about the enemy's offensive routines. There must be a way to repel the enemy.

After more than ten minutes, the nine humanoid rock cube formations advanced to a distance of about one kilometer from the second line of defense.

At this time, the defenders' counterattack came.

Not launching an offense, but long-range artillery support.

When the shells fired by the heavy artillery fell, Yang Yi laughed and sighed in relief.

The heavy artillery is not used to kill the enemy shells, but special shells filled with liquid gas. Although the power of these shells is very limited and cannot kill the enemy at all, the liquid gas inside will leak out when they fall, causing the surrounding environment temperature to drop sharply.

"It seems that the defenders still have some solutions."

Yang Yi glanced at Shen Chengwen, nodded slightly, and was ready to fight at the same time.

On the front, dozens of garrison officers and soldiers are ready for battle. The shelling opened the prelude to the counterattack, and the next step was to completely destroy the enemy.