
Chapter 161: Anti-customers are the mainstay


As the last humanoid rock demon was killed, the battle came to an end.

After the ambient temperature dropped, the nine thousand humanoid Rock Demons in the nine phalanx advanced less than 800 meters, and eventually all fell about two hundred meters away from the second line of defense. Obviously, this is not a close battle at all, it is almost a unilateral massacre. Although the defenders had some casualties, they were not serious. More importantly, the defenders were not defeated, and they regained the perimeter line of defense after destroying the enemy.

This kind of battle has been repeated dozens of times.

After the battle, Karl immediately issued an order to transport the enemy's corpse to the outer line of defense while the enemy's corpse hadn't completely cooled down, and used it to reinforce the outer line of defense. Subsequently, Karl also adjusted the deployment of troops on the defense line, and transferred a small team that served as the reserve team up to ensure that the officers and soldiers on the defense line had enough energy to cope with the next attack that might come at any time.

After doing this, Karl took Yang Yi and the others back to the base command center.

Although the enemy's attack was repelled, Yang Yi was very puzzled.

Obviously, an offense of this nature has no value at all except for paying extremely heavy losses. Although in the Silicon Charm Alliance, humanoid rock demons are consumable cannon fodder, it is obviously not a good idea to lose 10,000 humanoid rock demons for no reason.

What is the purpose of the enemy

Consume the strength of the defenders

If this is the case, they should directly bombard the defense line of the defending army, especially before the humanoid rock demon advances to the second line of defense, directly bombarding the second line of defense of the defending army, killing and injuring the guards who are exposed. You don't even need to dispatch so many humanoid rock demons, as long as you can force the defender to leave the solid cover and be exposed to the line of defense, you can kill and wound the defending officers and soldiers through long-range artillery, consuming the defending force's active force.

Of course, the Silicon Magic Army has always paid little attention to tactics.

In the past few Greenwich Wars, the tactics of the Silicon Magic Alliance were very simple, and most of the time they used relatively simple storm tactics.

To put it bluntly, it means throwing in an overwhelming force and taking the enemy's position in one go.

The problem is that if the enemy chooses to attack, it should invest in more powerful units, such as the iron armored mad war that is more suitable for fighting fortified battles.

Although the tactics of the Silicon Magic Alliance are very simple, the arms are very rich, and the cooperative combat capabilities of multiple arms are also very powerful. In the past few Greenwich Wars, the most commonly used attack tactics of the Silicon Charm was to let the iron armor fight wildly, and the humanoid rock monsters followed up and was responsible for cleaning the remnants on the battlefield. To contend with it, the human army has to use heavy weapons such as heavy tanks, and it also needs a solid line of defense. Even so, in many cases, the human army has to pay a very heavy price to repel the enemy.

It can be said that as long as the enemy attacks, the defense line of the defending army will be penetrated.

Obviously, Carl was right before. The enemy did not launch a formal attack at all. The previous dozens of attacks were just testing the defenders.

Of course, it was also to suppress the defenders so that they had no time for him to take care of them.

If this is the case, I am afraid the situation at the South Pole Star base is very critical.

Even if the enemy has an earth dragon, it will take enough time to make a tunnel to the center of the earth. Obviously, it is not as cost-effective as to directly capture the South Pole Star base.

With these worries, Yang Yi couldn't be happy at all.

In fact, Yang Yi also thought of a question.

After the enemy blocked Prometheus, they did not launch an attack with all their strength, indicating that they had full confidence in destroying the defenders and occupying Prometheus. In other words, the enemy is not worried about the reinforcements in the first theater, and even thinks that the first theater will not send reinforcements.

Perhaps this is the purpose of the enemy!

Fight around the spot for aid.

Back to the command center, Yang Yi expressed this concern.

"It is indeed possible." Carl did not refute, saying, "Actually, we have thought about it before then. The problem is that the entire planet is blocked by the enemy and communications have been interrupted. Even if we guessed the enemy's intentions, Can't contact the rear. Besides, Prometheus has an irreplaceable strategic value and must not be lost. Even if the enemy has set up an ambush, the theater headquarters will send reinforcements."

"It's not that simple."

Carl was taken aback for a moment and looked at Shen Chengwen.

"Perhaps, the enemy's purpose is not to consume the mobile forces in the first theater."

"You mean..."

"The importance of the Prometheus star is actually mainly for the first theater. In other words, if the Prometheus star is lost, the first theater must make adjustments to the deployment of the Greenwich defense line, and When we launch a counterattack in the future, we will first recover the Prometheus star. If we look at the entire Greenwich line and take the third and second theaters into account, the importance of Prometheus is very limited. Imagine if we start from The center of the Greenwich Line of Defense launched a counterattack and broke through the enemy’s line of defense. What is the value of the Prometheus Star?" Shen Chengwen paused for a while, and then said, "No matter how stupid the enemy commander is, he can think of playing a game of consumption here. The war, even if the mobile force in the first theater is defeated, it is not a decisive victory. If we delay too much time here, let us calmly complete the war mobilization and even prepare for the counterattack, then what happened here The battle will be the beginning of the defeat of the Silicon Charm Alliance. From the perspective of the entire war, the enemy will either not fight Prometheus's idea or win in one fell swoop."

"The issue is… "

"Unless, the attack on Prometheus is to make a noise."

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and Shen Chengwen's analysis was exactly the same as Lin Feng's previous judgment.

"Of course, no matter what, we have to stick to the arrival of reinforcements in the first theater." Shen Chengwen exhaled. "I suggest that you still act in accordance with the original plan. After clarifying the enemy's deployment, launch a counterattack first to disrupt the enemy's offensive deployment, so that the enemy cannot immediately launch a large-scale offensive and ensure that the North Star base is foolproof. As for whether to go to support NJStar base, it depends on the situation."

When Shen Chengwen said so, no one else objected.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the "Shadow" to have news.

When Yang Yi and others arrived, Lin Feng had already processed the photos sent by the "Shadow" and combined with the topographic map provided by the base command to mark the enemy’s deployment on the three-dimensional map. A basic analysis was made on the distribution of forces.

However, the "Shadow" did not fly far.

It is also understandable that Prometheus has been blocked by the Silicon Magic Alliance, and there are enemy detectors everywhere. Although the "Shadow" has advanced performance, in order to avoid being discovered by the enemy, it must control its flight speed and fly mainly in the ionosphere.

The enemy's ground forces are mainly concentrated near the Polaris base, and there are indeed a large number of legions in the canyon Carl mentioned. In addition, the enemy has deployed a strict monitoring network around the North Star base, but there are more than 1,000 outposts stationed by the enemy.

"Don't you think it's weird?"

Yang Yi frowned, and the others didn't say a word.

"I asked Allen to analyze the previous battles. From the deployment point of view, the purpose of the Silicon Magic Army is not to capture the North Star base, but to besiege and block the North Star base for a long time." Lin Feng marked several blockades on the map. . "The forces are very scattered, and the forward investment is not a lot. This is not an offensive deployment, but a defensive deployment. Simply put, it is mainly aimed at the possible counterattack of the base defenders."

"So, our previous analysis was not wrong." Yang Yi said.

Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment and looked at Yang Yi.

"We just repelled an enemy offensive. The enemy invested in humanoid rock monsters, a legion that was wiped out before advancing to the second line of defense." Yang Yi paused for a while and said, "We I feel that the enemy’s purpose is to block Prometheus and deal with the support forces in the first theater. Of course, it may also be a shock to the west. Let us focus on the west of the Greenwich Line."

"In this case, we have to get in touch with the theater command as soon as possible."

"Communications have been interrupted. Unless we let the'Shadow' leave Prometheus, we will not be able to report to the theater command." Yang Yi glanced at Lin Feng and said, "In addition, even if you immediately contact the theater command It may be too late to get in touch."

"This… "

"That's not something we should worry about." Shen Chengwen sighed and said, "What we need to consider is how to defend the Prometheus star."

"Old Shen was right." Yang Yi nodded slightly and said, "Thinking too much is not good for us. Besides, if we can hold the Prometheus star and create some trouble for the Silicon Charm Army, let If the battle situation develops in the opposite direction of the enemy's expectations, the enemy's conspiracy can be crushed."

At this time, even Karl showed a look of surprise.

"If our speculation is correct, then the enemy must feel that siege of the North Star base will be able to sit back and relax. If not?" Yang Yi smiled coldly and said, "If the defenders of the North Star base did not give up the battle, and the encirclement loopholes A hundred, and even the Simei Army stationed on Prometheus was threatened. Simply put, the base’s garrison defeated the enemy and shattered the enemy’s offensive before the reinforcements of the first theater arrived. Then, the enemy’s deployment was not. In any sense, it is impossible to achieve the purpose of siege Prometheus. If the initiative is lost, the Silicon Magic Alliance will definitely have to adjust the deployment according to the battle situation."

"Your analysis is correct, but how can you defeat the enemy?"

"Here." Yang Yi pointed towards the canyon on the map. "We start from here to let the stone heads of the Silicon Magic Alliance know how powerful human soldiers are."

Not to mention Carl, even Lin Feng, Shen Chengwen and Jackson were shocked, but they had to admit that Yang Yi's proposal was indeed feasible.