
Chapter 163: Go to the center of the earth


"It's around here, everyone is looking for it separately."

Yang Yi gave an order, except for Lin Feng, everyone else spread out in pairs to look for.

Although it is not certain that the enemy is drilling a hole here, there is a very obvious heat source in the photos taken by the "Shadow", and according to Allen's analysis, only when the earth dragon is used to drill the hole will it emit such a huge heat. The heat. If it is only to create an environment temperature suitable for the survival of the Silicon Charm warrior, an ordinary heat source is sufficient. The point is that drilling a tunnel to the center of the earth melts the rock, which generates a lot of heat.

Not long after, Jackson made a discovery.

It is indeed a tunnel, obliquely downward, with a diameter of more than ten meters. If it is a masterpiece of the earth dragon, then this earth dragon must be surprisingly big.

When Yang Yi and Lin Feng arrived, Jackson was using a portable instrument to analyze rock samples.

"How about it?"

"Yes, it's Earth Dragon." Jackson handed the instrument to Yang Yi. "A genetic sample of the earth dragon was detected, and there are more than a dozen other silicon-based lives."

"Follow the plan and be careful."

Jackson nodded, called Justin, and went ahead to clear the way.

At this time, the chaos in the canyon has been brought under control.

Dozens of generals were dispatched at the same time. Although no enemy was found to launch the attack, the situation was stabilized. Dozens of camps that were attacked were abandoned. The living Silicon Charm fighters in these camps were transferred to nearby camps, while the dead Silicon Charm fighters were ignored. Several powerful warlords joined forces to clear the falling rocks blocked in the middle of the canyon and connect the camps in the canyon into one piece.

After Yang Yi and others entered the tunnel, Buck, who was in charge of the break, got in and installed a powerful primordial mine at the entrance of the tunnel.

The attack was proposed by Yang Yi, but others also added it.

According to the arrangement, after finding the tunnel, Yang Yi and Lin Feng led the officers and soldiers of the special squadron, that is, Jackson and others into the tunnel, found and killed the earth dragon, preventing the enemy from advancing towards the center of the earth. Shen Chengwen led the officers and soldiers of the strategic squadron to follow Karl to return to the North Star base to cope with the possible attack by the enemy. According to Yang Yi's speculation, after the camp was attacked, the enemy might become angry. If the enemy's commander is a little smarter, he can still think of the garrison being reinforced and launch the general offensive ahead of schedule. Obviously, the garrison can't defend the Polaris base at all. If the base is taken by the enemy, even if Yang Yi and the others kill the Earth Dragon, it will not help.

Although Shen Chengwen feels that Yang Yi’s arrangement is not very safe, after all, no one knows what the enemy is doing underground, and the team that followed Yang Yi into the underground is not strong, at least not the strongest combination in Shen Chengwen's view, but in Yang Yi Adhering to this deployment, and with Lin Feng's support, Shen Chengwen was not good at objecting, after all, Lin Feng was the captain, and Jackson was a real warrior.

With Jackson, even if you meet a few warriors, the problem is not too big.

Of course, how to escape from the ground is not a problem at all.

Don't forget, in Yang Yi's team, the weakest are the fifth-tier soldiers. With their combat power, it is not difficult to forcibly open a passage to the ground. In addition, there are "Fire Phoenix" and "Frost Snow Tiger". As long as these two fighters are used, it is not difficult to make a hole on Prometheus, so there is no need to worry about retreating. .

Not long after, Buck caught up with the large group of troops.

After entering the tunnel, everyone didn't keep it anymore, and they all displayed the strength of the soldiers. Several of the weaker ones also used the individual aircraft they brought.

In fact, the tunnel has an inclination of about sixty degrees, and it can fall under gravity.

After a while, a low explosion sounded from the rear.

Yang Yi looked back at Buck and said nothing.

It was the primeval mine that Buck installed at the entrance of the tunnel that exploded, and it was very violent, but it was not felt because it was far away.

Primal mines are powerful enough to blow up the tunnel entrance.

Although it can't stop the strong at the general level, it can cause some trouble to the enemy and make the enemy hesitate and dare not catch up with it rashly.

Yang Yi doesn't know exactly how long this tunnel is.

After traveling for about half an hour, the tunnel suddenly turned and went straight down.

Seeing the mark left by Jackson, Yang Yi speeded up. More than ten minutes later, Yang Yi and other talents met Justin who stayed to respond.

There are more than ten passages ahead.

Jackson has entered a passage and has not returned yet.

"Search separately and return immediately after discovering the situation. If you don't find the situation, gather here in half an hour. If you encounter an enemy, don't try hard. We can't act rashly until we figure out the situation." Yang Yi was not wordy, and told others People arranged the task.

Although it is not clear how far down, Carl’s concerns have been proven.

The Silicon Magic army dispatched the Earth Dragon, trying to drill a tunnel to the center of the earth. There is no doubt that the enemy's goal is to completely control Prometheus. According to Karl, if the enemy reaches the center of the earth, it can kill all the human soldiers on Prometheus by changing the gravitational field, and even completely change the environment of Prometheus. If it fails to stop, the human legion will lose this important planet forever.

As for what will happen next, Carl didn't say, and he didn't need to say it.

If the environment of Prometheus is not suitable for human soldiers to garrison, or even for humans to survive, the only option in the first theater is to completely destroy Prometheus. It is better to let it fall into the hands of the Silicon Charm Alliance and become a Silicon Charm. The springboard for the army to invade the Southern Alpha Galaxy is much better.

If you really want to get to this point, everyone on Prometheus will not end well.

To put it bluntly, as long as Marshal Sean makes the decision to destroy Prometheus, no one will care about the defenders here, nor will they send soldiers to rescue him.

Thirty thousand soldiers are just a fraction.

In the Fifth Greenwich War, the Human Federation armed with tens of billions of officers and soldiers. In the early days of the war, when the war situation was extremely unfavorable to the Federation, it also took the initiative to abandon many colonial planets and troops stationed on these planets. For the final victory, no commander would take the lives and deaths of a few soldiers into his eyes. In fact, even Xiao Wentian gave up many of his subordinates in the offensive and defensive battle of Lighthouse Star.

After half an hour, everyone hurried back.

However, Jackson still did not come back.

Yang Yi didn't delay much, and immediately led the team into the passage that Jackson was investigating.

This time, it was Justin who opened the road ahead. Obviously, Jackson had found the right direction and was in trouble, otherwise he would have rushed back long ago.

After traveling along this straight passage for about half an hour, the temperature began to rise.

This is not a good sign.

Although the geological activities of Prometheus are very frequent, as early as a thousand years ago, the first war zone tried to transform the planet. Since then, a geocentric tunnel that runs through the north and south poles has been opened. Because it was originally planned to install an SSS-class primordial energy converter in the center of the earth, when the tunnel was opened, the engineering troops in the first theater of the earth cooled the core, and Prometheus also lost its geomagnetic field. .

Simply put, the core of Prometheus has already cooled down, and it is only the liquid mantle that causes geological activity.

Yang Yi and the others have traveled for more than an hour, and at their speed, they have already passed through the mantle. It stands to reason that the ambient temperature should stabilize rather than rise suddenly.

Only high-temperature objects can cause an increase in the ambient temperature.

Silicon beast!

A huge earth dragon!

It should be known that the earth dragon is the largest among the common silicon beasts. There is no upper limit on the weight of an adult earth dragon. As long as there is a suitable environment and nutrients to promote growth, the earth dragon can grow continuously. In the records of the Human Federation, an earth dragon with the size of an asteroid once appeared. In fact, this is not the largest earth dragon. It is rumored that in the Northern Alpha Galaxy, some earth dragons that have survived for hundreds of thousands of years can grow to the size of a giant planet and rule a star system. They are themselves a huge ecosystem and become homes for other silicon beasts. Of course, this kind of super earth dragon is also a threat to the intelligent civilization of the Silicon Magic Alliance, so it is extremely rare.

In addition, the Earth Dragon itself is a commonly used "weapon" in the Silicon Magic Alliance.

In the past few Greenwich Wars, the Silicon Magic Alliance often used earth dragons to control the planet and carried out environmental transformations on the already occupied planets.

However, the earth dragons that have been domesticated and can be controlled are not very large, at least they can't match the super earth dragons that are rumored to be.

Justin was anxious and pushed his speed to the limit in one breath.

Yang Yi and Lin Feng dared not hesitate, and immediately speeded up to catch up. Fortunately, Justin is only a tenth-level soldier, and the limit speed he can reach is not much faster than that of Lin Feng, who is also a tenth-level soldier. Yang Yi possesses the "source of life", and the limit flying speed is not below the tenth rank.

It's just that other people can't keep up.

After flying for more than ten minutes, a dazzling light shot from the front.

Seeing Justin ahead, Yang Yi and Lin Feng immediately slowed down.

At this time, Yang Yi discovered that the ambient temperature had reached thousands of degrees Celsius, and even if it was protected by an energy barrier, he could still feel the scorching temperature.

Lin Fengchao Yang Yi nodded slightly, let Yang Yi not worry. She has contacted Buck and others and asked them to stay behind.

In addition, the strength of gravity is very weak, indicating that it is already in the center of the earth.

The strong light comes from the exit of the tunnel.

If the information provided by Carl is correct, the center of the earth is hollowed out in front of it. Obviously, the crimson light is not a natural product.

The enemy has cleared the tunnel and reached the center of the earth!


Hearing the roar from the front, Yang Yi took a deep breath.

Strictly speaking, it was not a roaring sound, but a sound made by the earth dragon after devouring the rock and expelling the hot gas produced when the rock melted.

The enemy has occupied the center of the earth, can Prometheus be able to defend it