
Chapter 164: Transform the planet


Yang Yi was very worried, but Jackson was shocked at this time.

Carl didn't talk nonsense, the center of the earth was indeed hollowed out, and the tunnel train hung in the middle of this huge spherical space, where it was the zero point of gravity. However, the tunnel train that can transport tens of thousands of officers and soldiers or thousands of tons of materials at a time is wrapped in a huge earth dragon. It was indeed an earth dragon, and it was the largest earth dragon Jackson had ever seen. Its spherical body was about 5,000 meters in diameter and weighed no less than one million tons. The stretched tentacles stretched out in all directions, still squirming quickly, seeming to be sucking food. If left alone, it can swallow an asteroid in a very short period of time, transforming the asteroid into a den of silicon beasts.

However, this earth dragon is very unusual.

This is a domesticated earth dragon, and the IQ is not low, at least able to understand the command issued by the master.

You must know that wild earth dragons have no IQ at all. The value of their existence is to open nests for other silicon beasts and guard the hatching beast eggs. Although the earth dragon is extremely large after it grows up, it is a low-level creature in the silicon beast. It is similar to a jellyfish. It only has basic reflex nerves. It has not evolved the brain and other thinking organs, and has no IQ at all. , Otherwise it will not be used by other silicon beasts.

An earth dragon with IQ cannot be a natural product at all.

Obviously, this is a modified earth dragon, perhaps grafted with the genes of other silicon beasts, so it can be controlled by powerful war fighters.

There is no doubt that this earth dragon is an amazingly powerful war machine.

Although on the ground battlefield, it moves slowly because of its large body, and may not have much combat power, but the characteristics of the earth dragon make it have the ability that any other silicon beast does not have, that is, it can be used to transform the planet. Completely change the basic environment of a planet. In the previous Greenwich Wars, after many planets were occupied by the Silicon Magic Alliance, they lost their usefulness because they were transformed by the Earth Dragon. After the Fifth Greenwich War, the Human Federation abandoned hundreds of colonial planets that were originally rich in resources. In a sense, the destructive power of the earth dragon after invading a planet far exceeds that of any other silicon-based life.

Now, this earth dragon is transforming the Prometheus star.

Although he had never seen such a scene before, Jackson saw it at a glance. Those extended tentacles had invaded Prometheus. The earth dragon used these tentacles to absorb the resources inside the planet, thereby attacking the planet’s internal institutions. Cause irreversible changes.

Of course, it's not that simple.

According to Carl's speculation, if the Silicon Magic Alliance wants to permanently occupy Prometheus, it must change the gravitational field of Prometheus to make it unsuitable for humans and other carbon-based life. The reason is simple. The body of carbon-based life is more fragile and cannot survive in a strong gravitational field. Silicon-based life is the opposite. The body is stronger, able to adapt to the strong gravitational field, and can survive in the strong gravitational field.

Only this way can occupy Prometheus once and for all.

To put it bluntly, if the strength of the Prometheus star's gravitational field is increased to one hundred times its current strength, even if the human legion retakes the planet, it can only be destroyed.

The problem is that changing the strength of the gravitational field is not easy.

Quite simply, the strength of the gravitational field is directly determined by the mass.

Even if the Silicon Magic Alliance is technologically advanced, it is impossible to create substances out of thin air. There are only two ways to increase the strength of the Prometheus star's gravitational field. One is to obtain material from nearby to increase the mass of the Prometheus star. The second is to use the original energy to distort the space, thereby producing the effect of enhancing the strength of the gravity field. Because the second method is reversible, only the first method can be used to completely change the strength of the Prometheus star's gravitational field.

If it's in other places, it can't be done at all.

However, in Prometheus, this is not a problem.

Don't forget, there are gas nebulae millions of kilometers thick near Prometheus. Although the density of gas in the nebula is very low, it is large enough. As long as the matter in the nebula can be attracted and attached to Prometheus, the mass of Prometheus can be increased by hundreds of times, and the surface gravitational field strength of Prometheus can be increased by hundreds of times. , And irreversible.

Carl’s speculation has been simulated by optical brain and has been proven feasible.

It's just that it's not enough to be a dragon.

Although in theory, the Prometheus star has been adsorbing the gas in the surrounding nebula and its mass has been increasing, but it is very slow, and it will take hundreds of millions of years to evolve into a star. The only way to accelerate this process is to distort the spatial structure of Prometheus. Simply put, it is to accelerate the nearby gas to converge toward Prometheus by tilting the space.

What can distort the structure of space can only be the original energy, and it is the controlled original energy.

Earth Dragon is a low-level silicon beast, no matter how large it grows, it does not have the ability to control the original energy, nor can it change the spatial structure by controlling the original energy.

This is also the reason why those warlords exist.

Near that huge earth dragon, there are a total of six warriors in six directions.

Although compared with the earth dragon, the six warlords are extremely small, but after Jackson rushed in, he first noticed them.

The six generals also found Jackson, but none of them came over to say hello, and none of them paid much attention to Jackson.

Of course, they are not that free.

The six warlords are scattered in the six directions of the earth dragon up, down, left and right, not guarding the earth dragon, but providing the original energy for the earth dragon!

This is exactly what shocked Jackson.

Although relying on its huge body, the earth dragon can withstand a small amount of original energy, but the six warlords output with all their strength, the original energy pouring into the earth dragon is really too much.

The earth dragon is not finished because of this, but is full of vitality!

Obviously, the earth dragon is only a carrier for transporting the original energy, and it does not bear the original energy. Simply put, six warlords are pouring the original energy into Prometheus through the earth dragon.

They are using this method to transform the Prometheus star!

The six fighters are very powerful, and their strength is all above Jackson. At least from the perspective of the output speed of the original energy, all they have are S-level original energy converters, and they are probably the sacred weapon of the Silicon Magic Alliance. Jackson knew that he could not output his original energy at the speed of six generals. Although he did not fight against the six generals, Jackson knew that their combat power was not under the Filo who was killed by Shen Chengwen, and even stronger.

This is why the six generals turned a blind eye to Jackson.

Although Jackson is a warrior, but in their eyes it is just a small existence like an ant.

Six top fighters in the Silicon Charm Alliance!

Jackson did not act rashly, not afraid of death, but self-knowledge. Besides, Yang Yi and the others are behind and will be there soon.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jackson carefully observed the surrounding environment.

Just looking at the surface, there is no trace of transformation.

Of course, appearance is not the truth.

Perhaps, it will take enough time for the six generals to complete the transformation of Prometheus. Obviously, this is the fundamental reason why the Silicon Charm Corps surrounded the North Star base and launched regular attacks, but did not invest all its troops, or even use the fortified troops. The enemy's purpose is only to contain the defenders of the North Star base and make them overwhelmed. After completing the transformation of the Prometheus Star, the Silicon Charm Legion can occupy the North Star base without any blood, and there is no need to use too much force before then, especially the main force. As for those humanoid rock monsters lost in battle, they are just worthless cannon fodder in the eyes of powerful warriors.

Fortunately, Jackson did not wait long before Yang Yi and the others arrived.


Looking back at Yang Yi, Jackson said nothing. Anyone can understand the current situation at a glance, and there is no need to waste words.

Justin flew to Jackson, looked at Jackson, and after confirming that Jackson was innocent, he didn't ask much.

Yang Yi did understand at a glance, and was as shocked as Jackson. Others are no exception, especially Lin Feng.

"Don't worry." Yang Yi shook his head towards Lin Feng.

If Jackson saw that the six warlords had as much strength as Ferro, then Yang Yi could see more clearly at this time.

In addition to the six generals, there is a more powerful presence here.

A war king!

To be precise, Yang Yi didn't see it, but only felt the existence of the warlord through the fluctuation of his original energy, and he was inside the earth dragon.

This time, it's tricky.

Not to mention a powerful warlord, even six warlords can easily kill Yang Yi and the others, and even only two warlords can defeat Yang Yi and the others.

Yang Yi regretted it a little bit. Knowing that, he should let Shen Chengwen bring the officers and soldiers of the strategic squadron.

What should we do now

The odds of winning are not without, but the risks are great and the price is great.

Yang Yi immediately thought that he could force the "Frost and Snow Tiger" into a full combat form, repel the six combatants, and then let Lin Feng drive the "Fire Phoenix" to bombard the earth dragon. Even if you can't kill the king of war hidden in the earth dragon, you can also kill the earth dragon and prevent the enemy from transforming Prometheus. The problem is that the "Hanbingxuehu" is seriously damaged and may not be able to fully deploy, even if it can, it will cause aggravation of damage. Besides, the state of the "Agni Phoenix" is not ideal. If this caused the two legendary fighters to be completely destroyed, the price would be too great. Don't forget, after the Earth Dragon is killed, can you escape from the center of the Earth? You have to count on two legendary fighters.

Lin Feng frowned, waiting for Yang Yi to give orders.

She and Yang Yi were connected with each other, and she immediately guessed Yang Yi's concerns. Only at this time, she didn't have much to say, for fear of affecting Yang Yi's decision.

At this time, the six battles disappeared from the vicinity of the earth dragon.

It did disappear, and disappeared in a blink of an eye, there was not even the slightest sign of existence, and even the fluctuations that could have occurred had disappeared.

how is this possible!

Yang Yi was surprised secretly and immediately realized that the trouble was big.