
Chapter 17: Leave quietly


Sitting on a warm bed, drinking a steaming gravy, accompanied by two beautiful women, Yang Yi felt that he was dreaming, a dream that never wanted to wake up. Unfortunately, this is not a dream, but a reality. The "Hope" is flying to a military base.

"Do you want more?" Seeing Yang Yi finished drinking the broth, A Ling asked concerned.

"Enough, full. It tastes good, much more delicious than the broth made by the fat sister."

A Ling smiled and took the soup bowl, got up and left. She cooked this by herself, simmered for several hours, and spent a lot of thought and effort.

When A Ling left, only Yang Yi and Amy were left in the room.

"It looks like everyone is okay. Amy, can you tell me this is a dream?" Amy kept staring at him, making Yang Yi very embarrassed.

"We are saved and will arrive at the military base in a few hours."

"Who saved us? That fiery red space fighter?"

Amy shook her head and told what happened after Yang Yi was in a coma, but only concealed some things that Yang Yi did not need to know.

"He is your brother?"

Amy nodded and said, "He is Prince Cardoso, the same father and mother as me, and my eldest brother."

"Then you are..."

"Princess Signia." Then, Amy briefly explained the meaning of these two titles.

"Kadozuo" and "Siga" are both royal titles of the Hidden Spirit Race, from the fief, Amy's fief is the Sijia star, and Barnes's fief is the Carduozu star.

"Do you own a planet?" Yang Yi looked at Amy in surprise.

"It's not a planet, but a large satellite with a suitable environment. The Enlightened Star has dozens of satellites, half of which are royal territories. According to the tradition of the royal family, members of the direct royal family will get a satellite when they reach adulthood. It is not only the place of residence, but also the source of taxes."

Yang Yi laughed, looking at Amy's eyes, like staring at a super white and rich.

"I have a chance in the future, I can take you over to see. The environment of Sijiaxing is very good, if you like it, I can build a castle for you."


Amy smiled and said, "You are my savior, you deserve it."

"This, let's talk about it later." Yang Yi is not greedy, he is just amazed at owning a planet, and can't think of how rich it is. He took out the "source of life" and handed it to Amy. "This is yours, it's time to return it to you now."

"You keep it."

"What a shame, we are safe, we are about to reach the military base, and..."

"I have one." Amy showed off the power converter hidden in her chest. "It's useless to have more things, one is enough."

Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, and stopped saying anything, and put away the "source of life".

Although I don't know much about the original energy converter, Yang Yi saw it at a glance, and Amy now has an S-class original energy converter. Amy didn't say the origin of the original converter, but it was Amy's brother who saved them, and Yang Yi took it for granted that Barnes gave it to Amy. For princesses and princes of the Hidden Spirit Race who owns a planet, it should be a common thing to give away S-class power converters.

Local tyrants are local tyrants, super local tyrants!

"You have a good rest, nothing else, I will leave."

"Amy." Yang Yi stopped Amy, and when Amy turned around, he said, "Thank you, and please thank your brother for me."

"It's you, not me, and Barnes who saved everyone. If it weren't for you to resist, we would be finished before Barnes arrived." Amy smiled faintly and said, "It should be me thank you. In After experiencing these things, I believe that we are already friends."

"We are not only friends, but also good brothers who live and die together."


Yang Yi was taken aback for a moment, scratching his scalp, and said, "Don't be surprised, it's just a general statement. We are good buddies who have fought together."

Amy smiled, said nothing, and walked out of the room.

Outside, the woman driving the "Fire Phoenix" has been waiting for a long time. Seeing her, Amy nodded and walked towards the front of the ship.

Not long after, the two came to the restaurant.

"His Royal Highness, please let me, on behalf of Marshal Zhan Ruilin, the commander of the third theater of the Human Alliance, express my sincerest greetings and sincere apology to you. Regarding what happened on Lava Star..."

"Don't be polite to me."

The woman was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Amy without understanding.

"I know who you are. Sit down." Amy waved and sat down first. "You are Lin Feng, the granddaughter of General Lin Xiaoting, the captain of the Special Investigation Team of the Third Theater, and the rank of Colonel. The fifth driver of the'Grying Phoenix' is ranked 120th in the Third Theater. Eight. Although not the strongest, you are only eighteen years old and you have been promoted to colonel. It can be said that you have a promising future."

The woman was not surprised to be revealed by Amy.

The Hidden Spirit Race is known for being good at collecting intelligence. It not only has the largest intelligence network in the Galaxy Alliance, but also has an intelligence database covering all aspects. As the princess of the Hidden Spirit Race, Amy must have the qualifications to read the information and it is not difficult to find out the identity of the woman.

"Don't worry, I have no ill intentions. You should know that the Fire Phoenix was originally a masterpiece of the Hidden Spirit Race. It was used as aid in the war a thousand years ago. It was used as an aid with the Ice Snow Tiger and Xiangyu Flying Dragon. Three fighters such as the'Xuanwu' and the'Split Xuanwu' were presented to the Human Federation together. Because of Marshal Zhan Ruilin's relationship, all four fighters are in the third theater." Amy's words turned and said, "If I That’s right, you came to Lava Star on the order of Marshal Zhan Ruilin to find a spacecraft from the Milky Way that travels in space at the speed of light for 10,000 years. Your task is to bring this spacecraft back to Zhan Rui Marshal Lin."

At this time, the woman's brows were furrowed together.

"It's called'Hope', and it happens to have the same name as this spaceship."

"His Royal Highness, you think too much, I'm here to..."

"Don't lie in front of me. For me, your Human Federation has no secrets. Obviously, it is not only me who knows the "Hope", but also the Silicon Charm Alliance." Amy said after a pause, and said: " What makes me very curious is how the Human Federation is stationed at the Greenwich Defense Line, the S-class battleships of the Silicon Magic Alliance, and how so many warfare will pass the defense line without being discovered by the Human Federation?"

The woman was silent. This was a question that she couldn't answer, nor was it easy to answer.

"Of course, I believe that such a thing will never happen again in the future."

"Please rest assured, your Highness, we will never make the same mistake. Lin Shuai has ordered the strengthening of the defense line and has sent more warships to the Greenwich Meteor Belt."

Amy smiled faintly and said, "That's fine. But you don't have to go to Lava Star."

The woman's brows jumped a few times, waiting for Amy to speak.

"The'Hope' fell into the magma sea and disappeared when I arrived. No matter what was on the spaceship, it was swallowed by magma."

"This… "

"If you don't believe me, you can contact Zhan Ruilin and ask him to send troops to search for Lava Star. I just kindly remind you so that you don’t have to do it in vain." Amy exhaled and stood up and said: "The Silicon Charm Alliance is for the hope The'number' went into war and broke the armistice treaty. This incident is likely to become the fuse for ending the millennium peace and triggering the sixth Greenwich war. If I were you, you would strengthen your military at this time and do a good job for the war as soon as possible. Preparation. The millennia of peace and prosperity has made us forget how cruel war is, and has made us accustomed to a comfortable life. The enemy has not forgotten the shame of defeat. The war is approaching."

"I will pass the advice of your Highness to Lin Shuai."

Amy nodded slightly and said, "It's the best. There is nothing else, I say goodbye to Marshal Zhan Ruilin, please convey my sincerest regards to Marshal Zhan Ruilin."

The woman nodded and agreed, she had prepared a small spaceship for Amy.

Amy has an S-class primordial energy converter, which can be said to come and go freely, without much help, and does not want to go to the military base of the Human Federation.

"Right," Amy stopped walking to the door and said to the woman back, "Yang Yi is my friend, please bear with me."

The woman was taken aback for a moment, and said quickly: "Please rest assured, your majesty, I will give him the best treatment."

Amy smiled before leaving the restaurant.

When Amy went out, the woman let out a sigh.

Although it was the first time to have a face-to-face conversation with a hidden spirit, the woman knew that the hidden spirits had distinct grievances and grievances. As long as she fulfills her promise and treats Yang Yi as she deserves, it is equivalent to making Amy owe her a favor. In the future, this favor will be extremely precious.

But why does Amy care so much about a soldier exiled to the lava star

Because I didn't hear the conversation between Amy and Barnes, and didn't know what happened between Amy and Yang Yi, the woman couldn't figure it out.

A few minutes later, Amy left the "Hope" in a small spacecraft.

The woman and Yang Yi didn't know, because they gave the "source of life" to Yang Yi, and also taught Yang Yi "immortality and immortality", Amy is no longer the Princess Xijia of the Hidden Spirit Race. At least until she regains enough strength to be recognized by the Hidden Spirit Clan Elders Group, she cannot claim herself as Princess Sija, nor can she return to the Hidden Spirit Race's home planet, because her actions will intensify the conflict between the royal family and the Elders .

Amy chose to leave, but didn't want to hurt Yang Yi.

Neither she nor Yang Yi could contend with the strength of the Hidden Spirit Clan Elders Group. Only by parting ways can Yang Yi's safety be ensured.

Amy did not feel desperate, because she believed that one day in the future, Yang Yi would be impressive.

At this time, the woman had returned to the "Fire Phoenix".

The first thing she did was not to contact Marshal Zhan Ruilin, the commander of the third theater, but to conduct a thorough investigation of Yang Yi through the military information system.