
Chapter 171: Mutant monsters


Although Yang Yi could kill, but his head did not faint.

Jackson is the same. As a soldier and a mercenary for hundreds of years, he can remain sober and sensible at all times. If he had forgotten everything because he was besieged by the enemy, he might have died countless times in battle.

The roar came from a flame dragon.

The twelfth-level flame dragon that was not controlled by Kutum, although its size was much smaller, probably only tenth-level, it still had extremely powerful combat power. There is no doubt that sitting on the back of this flame dragon is a warrior, maybe a warrior who is infinitely close to the warlord.

Yang Yi frowned, and Jackson looked solemn.

The appearance of the flame dragon and the warlord who will control the flame dragon is equivalent to sealing the two people's retreat.

Although both Yang Yi and Jackson were able to fly by controlling their original energy, their speed and flexibility were far inferior to the flame dragon, which was born to fly. To break through, the only way is to use the "Hanbingxuehu". The problem is that the "Hanbingxuehu" was hit hard and it was not repaired. Forcibly using the "Frost and Snow Tiger", even if it could kill the Yanlong, it would have very serious consequences.

Besides, if that warlord has the strength close to that of the King of War, even if Yang Yi uses the "Ice Tiger", he may not be able to defeat him.

Fortunately, Yanlong just hovered in the air, and didn't mean to attack Yang Yi and Jackson.

The real threat comes from the ground.

"Brother, be careful." Jackson reminded in a low voice.

Yang Yi nodded slightly, and he also noticed the vibration from the ground. Very violent and very regular, like a giant walking towards them.

It is indeed a giant!

When the giant over fifty meters tall and covered with rocks came out of the passage between the two phalanxes, both Yang Yi and Jackson's eyes widened. Not to mention Yang Yi, even the well-informed Jackson has never seen such a tall Silicon Charm warrior.

"It's a variant of iron armor fighting wildly."


"Cultivated through genetically modified technology is the secret weapon of the Silicon Magic Alliance. Although it is not a warrior, it has the strength no less than a warrior."

Yang Yi's brows jumped a few times, and he remembered a piece of information he had read.

Although Yang Yi has been running with Lin Fengdong since joining the Special Investigation Team, he will learn the basics as long as he has free time.

For officers and soldiers of the special reconnaissance brigade, all the information related to the enemy is basic knowledge.

In an article, this kind of iron-clad mad fighting was mentioned.

Strictly speaking, this guy is not an armored warrior, or even a Silicon Charm warrior.

Variant Iron Armor Crazy War is a product of the Fifth Greenwich War, and it is also a war weapon developed by the Silicon Magic Alliance against the eternal fortress built by the Galactic Alliance.

After the baptism of the four Greenwich Wars, not just the human federation, but all the civilizations of the Galactic Alliance have reached a consensus that in the short term, it is difficult for the Galactic Alliance to hold the initiative in war. If the Greenwich War breaks out again, the Galactic Alliance will still be able to defend itself. host. The key is that the Galactic Alliance is not monolithic. The seven dominant civilizations are located in the central area of the Southern Alpha Galaxy, far away from the Greenwich Meteorite Belt, and are the least threatened, while the secondary civilizations are outside the Southern Alpha Galaxy and bear the brunt of the war. The homeland of the secondary civilization has become a strategic buffer zone for the seven top civilizations to cope with the invasion of the Silicon Magic Alliance. Simply put, even if it is unfavorable at the beginning of the war, the homes of the seven top civilizations will not be affected by the war. As a result, the seven top civilizations had very ambiguous attitudes on the issue of whether to adopt an active strategy, and did not regard the survival of the secondary civilization as the top priority. Although secondary civilizations such as the Human Federation have been actively preparing for war, without the support of the seven top civilizations, it is impossible to deal with the invasion from the Silicon Magic Alliance alone, let alone actively launching a war against the Silicon Magic Alliance.

If you can't take the initiative to attack, you can only strengthen your defense.

Before the outbreak of the Fifth Greenwich War, all civilizations adjacent to the Greenwich Meteorite Belt, including the Human Federation, built extremely strong defense lines. Although in the early days of the Fifth Greenwich War, because the Lei Ling tribe and the Hidden Spirit tribe had disputes over whether to mobilize for a full-scale war, a lot of time was delayed, resulting in all civilizations adjacent to the Greenwich Meteor Belt except for the Human Federation. It was devastated, but in the battle against the Silicon Magic Alliance, the fortifications built by these civilizations, especially the immortal fortress, played a very significant role, causing the Silicon Magic Army to pay a heavy price. Xiao Wentian's ability to lead the army to guard the lighthouse star also had a lot to do with the immortal fortress built before the war broke out. It can be said that the Silicon Charm Army failed to win the Beacon Star, mainly because it did not have a suitable force to attack the fortress. Even the iron armored mad warfare would not be able to advance in front of the human army's line of defense.

Obviously, the Silicon Magic Alliance needs a heavy weapon that can destroy fortifications.

Variant Iron Armor mad war was born from this.

Fortunately, when the Silicon Charm Alliance developed a variant of Iron Armor Fighting and produced a certain amount to make it effective on the battlefield, the Galactic Alliance had already gained the initiative in the war, and the Human Legion had also crossed the Greenwich Meteorite Belt. The front was advanced to the Northern Alpha Galaxy, and the Battle of the Dawn of Peace was launched in the "Kuhn-Barion Fortress". In the case of turning to defensive operations, the variant iron armor mad warfare loses its usefulness. Only before the end of the war, that is, in several small-scale battles before the two sides signed the armistice agreement, the Silicon Magic Alliance dispatched a variant of the Iron Armor mad war, and captured several planets adjacent to the Greenwich meteorite belt.

Just like this, in the information database of the Third War Zone, there is not much information about the variant Iron Armor Mad Fight, and it has not received the attention of the Human Federation.

To put it bluntly, the variant Iron Armor Crazy War is an unnatural product in itself, but the fruit of genetically modified technology.

At that time, almost all scientists believed that this kind of existence beyond nature could not be too much, and the cost of training was too great to be worth the effect. In addition, the characteristics of silicon-based life itself make it impossible for any unnatural life form produced by genetically modified technology to achieve a long life, and it cannot develop and grow, or even survive for a long time.

If during the war, a few short-lived variants of iron armor had to fight wildly for the sake of the war, that would be understandable.

The problem is that in peacetime, there is no reason for the Silicon Magic Alliance to spend a lot of resources to cultivate variants of Iron Armored War.

Only now, the predictions of these scientists have been proven wrong, and they are still ridiculously wrong.

This big guy is fifty meters tall, and maybe his waist is fifty meters. Of course, this statement is not appropriate, because Iron Armor Kuangzhan has four legs, is similar to a cow in body shape, and does not have a waistline. There is no doubt that the weight of this variant of Iron Armor Mad Fight must be amazing.

There is not a thousand tons, but there are 800 tons.

It is equivalent to more than ten heavy tanks!

Even more frightening is that its body surface is covered with a layer of rocks several meters or even more than ten meters thick.

Even ordinary rocks are enough to block the attacks of level ten soldiers.

"Look at its feet."

Hearing Jackson's reminder, Yang Yi glanced at the four giant feet fighting wildly in the mutant iron armor, and his heart was also cold.

The four giant feet, which are like hooves magnified a hundred times, are in a semi-molten state, and the high-temperature magma is still eroding the ground, to be precise, sucking silicide from the ground. In other words, this behemoth can absorb the substances that make up the body through the ground, even if it is injured in battle, it can heal quickly in this way, and it can also expand its body without restriction in this way.

Could it be said that it has earth dragon genes in its body!

If that is the case, this guy has the vitality comparable to the earth dragon, and it is almost impossible to kill it.

what to do!

Yang Yi looked at Jackson. It was the first time that he had encountered a variant of Iron Armor, and he didn't know how to fight with it.

Jackson laughed bitterly. Although he was knowledgeable, it was the first time he faced such a perverted opponent, and he also didn't know what to do.

"Brother, you go to divert its attention, launch an attack tentatively, don't try hard."

Jackson nodded slightly, he thought so too.

Yang Yi stepped back a few steps. He was not afraid of being timid, but using brute force there was no way to kill the mutant iron armor. He had to find the monster's death hole.

As long as it is a creature, there is a dead spot.

Apart from other things, the vitality of the earth dragon is so powerful, it can also deal with it.

Yang Yi is at a loss now, not because he doesn't have enough combat power, but because he doesn't understand the variants and fights wildly. As long as he has enough knowledge about the variant Iron Armor Crazy Fight, Yang Yi can figure out a way to kill it. For this, someone needs to go up and test, and this person is Jackson.

Jackson didn't back down. He was a man-chief warrior. Even if he couldn't fight the mutant iron armor, he could barely parry.

After Yang Yi retreated, Jackson first condensed a primordial armor outside the energy barrier. Previously, when dealing with the Silicon Charm warriors, Jackson only used the energy barrier to protect the body, without the condensed primordial armor. There is no need to consume the original energy to fight with the Silicon Charm Warrior.

"Brother, be careful."

"Relax, keep your eyes on it too. This guy is too big, I may not be able to hold on for long."

With an exhortation, Jackson took the initiative to attack and rushed towards the mutant iron armor.

It's a matter of whether you can beat or not. Even if you can't, you have to fight to know.

Of course, in a tentative attack, Jackson didn't use his full strength, the sword that stabbed the mutant iron armor madly was not fast, and the cohesion was not a lot.

Jackson's idea is simple, to win with flexibility.

Regardless of whether it is silicon-based life or carbon-based life, most people with large bodies are very cumbersome, and there is no flexibility at all, and they can fight with dexterity.

Besides, Jackson did not have the confidence to fight wildly with the mutant armor.

You know, Jackson's height is more than two meters. Although he is considered burly among humans, he is a baby-like small existence in front of a variant with a height of fifty meters. Not to mention the hard work, the variant Iron Armor madly fights with weight to squash Jackson.