
Chapter 174: Competitiveness


After giving Justin some advice, Jackson came to Yang Yi's side.

Colonel Carl has adjusted the deployment, and Shen Chengwen has also given orders to the officers and soldiers of the strategic squadron. Of course, with Lin Feng in command at the base, Yang Yi doesn't need to worry about anything.

When Yang Yi looked over, Jackson just nodded and didn't say much.

Outside, the Silicon Charm Army has been assembled.

Because of limited forces, the defenders gave up the outer line of defense. The place where Yang Yi stood is the last line of defense. If this line of defense is also broken by the enemy, the base will fall. Without the fortifications on the defensive line, the more than 10,000 officers and soldiers in the base simply cannot stop millions of enemies.

Looking back at Lin Feng, Yang Yi walked out without knowing how to do it.

Jackson talked to himself and followed Yang Yi's pace.

Shen Chengwen just shook his head with a wry smile. Although his expression is very relaxed, no one can feel relaxed in the face of millions of Silicon Charm fighters.

The appearance of the three people caused a commotion in the Simei Army.

However, without the command of the general, the Silicon Charm soldiers of the nearby legions did not act rashly.

Only when Yang Yi came to a place about a kilometer away from the Silicon Charm Corps did he stop. Jackson and Shen Chengwen also stopped, located on the left and right behind Yang Yi.

"I am Yang Yi, a soldier of the Human Legion, who dares to fight me!"

Yang Yi's voice was not loud, but under the impetus of the original energy, it reached the ears of all the nearby Simei fighters, and it also spread farther away.

With just one sentence, Yang Yi made it clear that he was a soldier.

Although the minds of the Silicon Charm fighters are very simple, they definitely know that they are definitely not Yang Yi's opponents, and only the generals can fight against Yang Yi.

Obviously, what Yang Yi is challenging is not the Silicon Charm warrior, but the warrior hiding behind the legion.

"Who dares to stand up and fight with me!"

This time, Yang Yi raised his voice and swelled out more original energy, allowing the sound to spread farther, so that enemies within a radius of tens of kilometers could hear him.

Obviously, this is not just a challenge, but a provocation.

If the warlords in the Silicon Magic Army do not rush out to stand up, that would be a shame.


From a distance, the roar of Yanlong came.

Because they have met before, Yang Yi and Jackson are very familiar with each other, knowing that it is the tenth-level Yanlong and the warrior who controls the Yanlong.

However, it seems that the person sitting on Yanlong's back may not be a warrior.

Be a war king!

Of course, it is definitely not a top warlord like Kutum.

Although in the Silicon Magic Alliance, the status of warlords and warlords is noble, but unlike the rank system of the human legion, warlords and warlords more represent personal strength. Simply put, whether you can become a warlord and warlord depends not on how many regiments you lead, but on your personal combat power. On the contrary, the command power in the Silicon Magic Army is an accessory to the combat power, that is, if there is enough combat power, there is a corresponding command power.

Obviously, this is very different from the rank system of the Human Legion.

To put it simply, in the Silicon Magic Alliance, any Silicon Magic warrior who has sufficient combat power, especially the ability to use the original energy converter, and is approved by a certain warlord, can obtain the original energy converter. Become a war fighter and gain the power to form an army at the same time. It is also true that each legion of the Silicon Magic Alliance has a warlord, and the warlord is the only commander of the legion.

The result of this is that the combat strength of the generals is uneven, even for the king.

The criterion for distinguishing a warlord from a warlord is not entirely combat power, but a power converter. Simply put, if a warlord has multiple primitive converters, or is able to manufacture primitive converters, he can obtain the title of war king, and it has no direct relationship with the combat power he possesses. Obviously, the ability to canonize the warlord, that is, the promotion of Silicon Charm fighters to Zhanjiang, is the basic ability of the warlord, and combat power is a secondary factor.

Obviously, not all warlords have strong combat power.

Although most of the warlords are very powerful, far above the warlords, some warlords are not powerful, and are even equivalent to tenth-level warriors.

Yanlong flew over, it was the tenth-level Yanlong.

At this time, both Yang Yi and Jackson were sure that the King of War sitting on Yanlong's back was just a King whose strength was far inferior to that of Kutum.

In fact, this is in line with previous speculations.

This is, for hundreds of Silicon Magic Legions to fight together, there must be a warlord as the commander-in-chief, not a warlord, because warlords have no right to command other warlords, and only warlords have this qualification. In addition, the warlords of these legions are probably all under the warlord.

On the battlefield, the smallest combat unit of the Silicon Magic Army is the Legion, and the combatant is the most basic commander. Because the warlords are all cultivated and promoted by the warlord, when fighting, the warlord often directs his subordinate legions as the commander-in-chief of combat operations.

Although this command system has many drawbacks, for example, some warlords can develop and grow through war, and some warlords will be completely destroyed because of defeat, and this leads to the division of warlords, but in the Silicon Magic Alliance, this command The system has played an extremely significant role, enabling the Silicon Magic Alliance to always maintain a strong military force and always hold the initiative in the previous Greenwich Wars.

Yanlong did not approach, but circled a few kilometers away from Yang Yi.

"Why, no one dares to fight me?"

This sentence, Yang Yi said to Yanlong, to be precise, to the King of War on Yanlong's back.

Whether it is a general or a king, the majesty in the Simei Legion comes from strength, and the best way to prove strength is to defeat powerful enemies on the battlefield.

Yang Yi has a deep understanding of this.

In the information database of the Third Theater Command, there are a lot of information related to the offensive and defensive warfare of the Lighthouse Star, and the most of them is Xiao Wentian's brilliant record. According to relevant records, Xiao Wentian defeated hundreds of warlords alone in the Beacon Star offensive and defensive battle that lasted for fifty years. As for the number of battles he killed, I am afraid no one can count. In fact, Xiao Wentian was able to lead the Human Legion to stay at the Beacon Star for fifty years, mainly because the Silicon Charm Alliance did not have a strong man who could defeat Xiao Wentian, and he has never been able to suppress Xiao Wentian. In many key battles, Xiao Wentian was able to turn the tide on his personal combat power. To be precise, he was able to win the enemy's admiral's first-level powerful strength. In order to get rid of Xiao Wentian, the Silicon Magic Alliance dispatched hundreds of warlords in the final battle and set a trap. Even so, dozens of warlords were killed in this unprecedentedly tragic battle, and all of them survived with injuries.

At this time, Yang Yi came forward to find the enemy's warrior to single out, in fact, he was emulating Xiao Wentian of the year.

In the Silicon Magic Alliance that advocates force, if you don't even have the courage to stand up and fight the enemy, whether it is Zhanjiang or the King of War, your prestige will inevitably fall.

"Are the soldiers of the Silicon Charm Corps all cowards who are greedy for life and fear of death? Who dares to come out and fight me!?"

When Yang Yi roared out loudly, Shen Chengwen couldn't help but laughed bitterly.

In fact, when Yang Yi proposed this method, Shen Chengwen understood and knew that Yang Yi would use Xiao Wentian's tactics of guarding the lighthouse star to buy time.

The question is, will it work

You must know that in the Fifth Greenwich War, the Silicon Magic Alliance suffered only two decisive defeats, namely, the Peaceful Dawn campaign around the "Kuhn-Barion Fortress" and the offensive and defensive war around the Beacon Star. Because too much time was wasted on the Beacon Star, a great opportunity to enter the central area of the Southern Alpha Galaxy was missed, and a decisive victory was also missed before the Galactic Alliance completed the war mobilization, so strictly speaking, the Beacon Star offensive and defensive battle is the real The failure is also the most painful lesson. Even if the mind of Silicon-based Life is very simple, it also knows that summing up experience and lessons will not necessarily make mistakes on the same issue again.

Absolute advantage in military strength, enough for the Silicon Charm army to level down on the North Star base, there is no need for the ability to stand up.

As long as the enemy’s generals are calmer, Yang Yi's plan will not be realized.

Of course, Shen Chengwen also knows that if Yang Yi's plan fails, they will face the most tragic battle.

Jackson didn't think much, but secretly increased his vigilance.

Regardless of whether there are warriors or not, Yang Yi's situation is not optimistic. Jackson knew very well that Yang Yi personally came forward, instead of letting him or Shen Chengwen stand up. The main reason was that Yang Yi only had the strength of an eighth-level soldier, and both Jackson and Shen Chengwen were men-queen fighters.

Obviously, if it is the Renkui warrior who comes forward to challenge, the Simei Legion may not have the courage to come forward.

The question is, can Yang Yi defeat the enemy's generals

You know, most of the generals are equivalent to the tenth-level combatants, and even the weakest generals are equivalent to the eighth-level combatants. What's more, there are 500 legions outside the base, and theoretically there are 500 generals. Even if Yang Yi's analysis is correct, there are fifty warriors in command of the five hundred legions. As long as several warriors challenge at the same time, Yang Yi can be defeated. Obviously, the warlords of the Silicon Magic Alliance may not have the chivalry spirit of human civilization.

Jackson was a little worried and prepared for the worst.

At this moment, the Yanlong flapped its wings and rose into the sky.

On the ground, several legions separated and gave way to five passages.

"Brother, they are mine, help me hold the battle!"

As soon as Jackson wanted to do it, Yang Yi yelled.

At the same time, there are five primordial energy fluctuations, and each primordial energy fluctuation is very strong, and the warrior that emits the fluctuation will have at least the strength of the tenth-level combat soldier.

Jackson's worries became reality. The enemy did not have the spirit of chivalry, and five soldiers were dispatched at a time.

In a blink of an eye, the five generals rushed out of the comrades who had surrendered from the legion.

They are indeed war fighters, their body shape is similar to ordinary Silicon Charm fighters, there is no obvious difference, but the original energy fluctuations in their bodies are extremely obvious.

"Old Shen, the same goes for you, don't fight with me. It will be your turn until the next batch."

Shen Cheng rolled his eyes after hearing it, but didn't say much. Since Yang Yi is so confident, let him go. Intervention now will make people gossip.

Besides, Shen Chengwen has not seen Yang Yi fight, and wants to know how good Yang Yi is.

Five tenth-level combatants are enough to force Yang Yi to use his true skills.